use crate::{get_book_dir, open}; use clap::{arg, App, Arg, ArgMatches}; use mdbook::errors::Result; use mdbook::utils; use mdbook::MDBook; use notify::Watcher; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::sync::mpsc::channel; use std::thread::sleep; use std::time::Duration; // Create clap subcommand arguments pub fn make_subcommand<'help>() -> App<'help> { App::new("watch") .about("Watches a book's files and rebuilds it on changes") .arg( Arg::new("dest-dir") .short('d') .long("dest-dir") .value_name("dest-dir") .help( "Output directory for the book{n}\ Relative paths are interpreted relative to the book's root directory.{n}\ If omitted, mdBook uses from book.toml or defaults to `./book`.", ), ) .arg(arg!([dir] "Root directory for the book{n}\ (Defaults to the Current Directory when omitted)" )) .arg(arg!(-o --open "Opens the compiled book in a web browser")) } // Watch command implementation pub fn execute(args: &ArgMatches) -> Result<()> { let book_dir = get_book_dir(args); let mut book = MDBook::load(&book_dir)?; let update_config = |book: &mut MDBook| { if let Some(dest_dir) = args.value_of("dest-dir") { = dest_dir.into(); } }; update_config(&mut book); if args.is_present("open") {; let path = book.build_dir_for("html").join("index.html"); if !path.exists() { error!("No chapter available to open"); std::process::exit(1) } open(path); } trigger_on_change(&book, |paths, book_dir| { info!("Files changed: {:?}\nBuilding book...\n", paths); let result = MDBook::load(&book_dir).and_then(|mut b| { update_config(&mut b); }); if let Err(e) = result { error!("Unable to build the book"); utils::log_backtrace(&e); } }); Ok(()) } fn remove_ignored_files(book_root: &Path, paths: &[PathBuf]) -> Vec { if paths.is_empty() { return vec![]; } match find_gitignore(book_root) { Some(gitignore_path) => { match gitignore::File::new(gitignore_path.as_path()) { Ok(exclusion_checker) => filter_ignored_files(exclusion_checker, paths), Err(_) => { // We're unable to read the .gitignore file, so we'll silently allow everything. // Please see discussion: paths.iter().map(|path| path.to_path_buf()).collect() } } } None => { // There is no .gitignore file. paths.iter().map(|path| path.to_path_buf()).collect() } } } fn find_gitignore(book_root: &Path) -> Option { book_root .ancestors() .map(|p| p.join(".gitignore")) .find(|p| p.exists()) } fn filter_ignored_files(exclusion_checker: gitignore::File, paths: &[PathBuf]) -> Vec { paths .iter() .filter(|path| match exclusion_checker.is_excluded(path) { Ok(exclude) => !exclude, Err(error) => { warn!( "Unable to determine if {:?} is excluded: {:?}. Including it.", &path, error ); true } }) .map(|path| path.to_path_buf()) .collect() } /// Calls the closure when a book source file is changed, blocking indefinitely. pub fn trigger_on_change(book: &MDBook, closure: F) where F: Fn(Vec, &Path), { use notify::DebouncedEvent::*; use notify::RecursiveMode::*; // Create a channel to receive the events. let (tx, rx) = channel(); let mut watcher = match notify::watcher(tx, Duration::from_secs(1)) { Ok(w) => w, Err(e) => { error!("Error while trying to watch the files:\n\n\t{:?}", e); std::process::exit(1) } }; // Add the source directory to the watcher if let Err(e) =, Recursive) { error!("Error while watching {:?}:\n {:?}", book.source_dir(), e); std::process::exit(1); }; let _ =, Recursive); // Add the book.toml file to the watcher if it exists let _ ="book.toml"), NonRecursive); info!("Listening for changes..."); loop { let first_event = rx.recv().unwrap(); sleep(Duration::from_millis(50)); let other_events = rx.try_iter(); let all_events = std::iter::once(first_event).chain(other_events); let paths = all_events .filter_map(|event| { debug!("Received filesystem event: {:?}", event); match event { Create(path) | Write(path) | Remove(path) | Rename(_, path) => Some(path), _ => None, } }) .collect::>(); let paths = remove_ignored_files(&book.root, &paths[..]); if !paths.is_empty() { closure(paths, &book.root); } } }