// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file. use std::convert::TryFrom; use std::fmt; use std::str::{CharIndices, FromStr}; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Clone, Copy)] pub enum ReservedChar { Comma, OpenParenthese, CloseParenthese, OpenCurlyBrace, CloseCurlyBrace, OpenBracket, CloseBracket, Colon, SemiColon, Dot, Quote, DoubleQuote, ExclamationMark, QuestionMark, Slash, Modulo, Star, Minus, Plus, EqualSign, Backslash, Space, Tab, Backline, LessThan, SuperiorThan, Pipe, Ampersand, BackTick, } impl ReservedChar { pub fn is_white_character(&self) -> bool { *self == ReservedChar::Space || *self == ReservedChar::Tab || *self == ReservedChar::Backline } } impl fmt::Display for ReservedChar { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!( f, "{}", match *self { ReservedChar::Comma => ',', ReservedChar::OpenParenthese => '(', ReservedChar::CloseParenthese => ')', ReservedChar::OpenCurlyBrace => '{', ReservedChar::CloseCurlyBrace => '}', ReservedChar::OpenBracket => '[', ReservedChar::CloseBracket => ']', ReservedChar::Colon => ':', ReservedChar::SemiColon => ';', ReservedChar::Dot => '.', ReservedChar::Quote => '\'', ReservedChar::DoubleQuote => '"', ReservedChar::ExclamationMark => '!', ReservedChar::QuestionMark => '?', ReservedChar::Slash => '/', ReservedChar::Modulo => '%', ReservedChar::Star => '*', ReservedChar::Minus => '-', ReservedChar::Plus => '+', ReservedChar::EqualSign => '=', ReservedChar::Backslash => '\\', ReservedChar::Space => ' ', ReservedChar::Tab => '\t', ReservedChar::Backline => '\n', ReservedChar::LessThan => '<', ReservedChar::SuperiorThan => '>', ReservedChar::Pipe => '|', ReservedChar::Ampersand => '&', ReservedChar::BackTick => '`', } ) } } impl TryFrom for ReservedChar { type Error = &'static str; fn try_from(value: char) -> Result { match value { ',' => Ok(ReservedChar::Comma), '(' => Ok(ReservedChar::OpenParenthese), ')' => Ok(ReservedChar::CloseParenthese), '{' => Ok(ReservedChar::OpenCurlyBrace), '}' => Ok(ReservedChar::CloseCurlyBrace), '[' => Ok(ReservedChar::OpenBracket), ']' => Ok(ReservedChar::CloseBracket), ':' => Ok(ReservedChar::Colon), ';' => Ok(ReservedChar::SemiColon), '.' => Ok(ReservedChar::Dot), '\'' => Ok(ReservedChar::Quote), '"' => Ok(ReservedChar::DoubleQuote), '!' => Ok(ReservedChar::ExclamationMark), '?' => Ok(ReservedChar::QuestionMark), '/' => Ok(ReservedChar::Slash), '%' => Ok(ReservedChar::Modulo), '*' => Ok(ReservedChar::Star), '-' => Ok(ReservedChar::Minus), '+' => Ok(ReservedChar::Plus), '=' => Ok(ReservedChar::EqualSign), '\\' => Ok(ReservedChar::Backslash), ' ' => Ok(ReservedChar::Space), '\t' => Ok(ReservedChar::Tab), '\n' | '\r' => Ok(ReservedChar::Backline), '<' => Ok(ReservedChar::LessThan), '>' => Ok(ReservedChar::SuperiorThan), '|' => Ok(ReservedChar::Pipe), '&' => Ok(ReservedChar::Ampersand), '`' => Ok(ReservedChar::BackTick), _ => Err("Unknown reserved char"), } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, Copy, Hash)] pub enum Keyword { Break, Case, Catch, Const, Continue, Default, Do, Else, False, Finally, Function, For, If, In, InstanceOf, Let, New, Null, Private, Protected, Public, Return, Switch, This, Throw, True, Try, Typeof, Static, Var, While, } impl Keyword { fn requires_before(&self) -> bool { matches!(*self, Keyword::In | Keyword::InstanceOf) } } impl fmt::Display for Keyword { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!( f, "{}", match *self { Keyword::Break => "break", Keyword::Case => "case", Keyword::Catch => "catch", Keyword::Const => "const", Keyword::Continue => "continue", Keyword::Default => "default", Keyword::Do => "do", Keyword::Else => "else", Keyword::False => "false", Keyword::Finally => "finally", Keyword::Function => "function", Keyword::For => "for", Keyword::If => "if", Keyword::In => "in", Keyword::InstanceOf => "instanceof", Keyword::Let => "let", Keyword::New => "new", Keyword::Null => "null", Keyword::Private => "private", Keyword::Protected => "protected", Keyword::Public => "public", Keyword::Return => "return", Keyword::Switch => "switch", Keyword::This => "this", Keyword::Throw => "throw", Keyword::True => "true", Keyword::Try => "try", Keyword::Typeof => "typeof", Keyword::Static => "static", Keyword::Var => "var", Keyword::While => "while", } ) } } impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a str> for Keyword { type Error = &'static str; fn try_from(value: &str) -> Result { match value { "break" => Ok(Keyword::Break), "case" => Ok(Keyword::Case), "catch" => Ok(Keyword::Catch), "const" => Ok(Keyword::Const), "continue" => Ok(Keyword::Continue), "default" => Ok(Keyword::Default), "do" => Ok(Keyword::Do), "else" => Ok(Keyword::Else), "false" => Ok(Keyword::False), "finally" => Ok(Keyword::Finally), "function" => Ok(Keyword::Function), "for" => Ok(Keyword::For), "if" => Ok(Keyword::If), "in" => Ok(Keyword::In), "instanceof" => Ok(Keyword::InstanceOf), "let" => Ok(Keyword::Let), "new" => Ok(Keyword::New), "null" => Ok(Keyword::Null), "private" => Ok(Keyword::Private), "protected" => Ok(Keyword::Protected), "public" => Ok(Keyword::Public), "return" => Ok(Keyword::Return), "switch" => Ok(Keyword::Switch), "this" => Ok(Keyword::This), "throw" => Ok(Keyword::Throw), "true" => Ok(Keyword::True), "try" => Ok(Keyword::Try), "typeof" => Ok(Keyword::Typeof), "static" => Ok(Keyword::Static), "var" => Ok(Keyword::Var), "while" => Ok(Keyword::While), _ => Err("Unkown keyword"), } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Clone, Copy)] pub enum Condition { And, Or, DifferentThan, SuperDifferentThan, EqualTo, SuperEqualTo, SuperiorThan, SuperiorOrEqualTo, InferiorThan, InferiorOrEqualTo, } impl fmt::Display for Condition { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!( f, "{}", match *self { Condition::And => "&&", Condition::Or => "||", Condition::DifferentThan => "!=", Condition::SuperDifferentThan => "!==", Condition::EqualTo => "==", Condition::SuperEqualTo => "===", Condition::SuperiorThan => ">", Condition::SuperiorOrEqualTo => ">=", Condition::InferiorThan => "<", Condition::InferiorOrEqualTo => "<=", } ) } } impl TryFrom for Condition { type Error = &'static str; fn try_from(value: ReservedChar) -> Result { Ok(match value { ReservedChar::SuperiorThan => Condition::SuperiorThan, ReservedChar::LessThan => Condition::InferiorThan, _ => return Err("Unkown condition"), }) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Clone, Copy)] pub enum Operation { Addition, AdditionEqual, Subtract, SubtractEqual, Multiply, MultiplyEqual, Divide, DivideEqual, Modulo, ModuloEqual, Equal, } impl Operation { pub fn is_assign(&self) -> bool { matches!( *self, Operation::AdditionEqual | Operation::SubtractEqual | Operation::MultiplyEqual | Operation::DivideEqual | Operation::ModuloEqual | Operation::Equal ) } } impl fmt::Display for Operation { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!( f, "{}", match *self { Operation::Addition => "+", Operation::AdditionEqual => "+=", Operation::Subtract => "-", Operation::SubtractEqual => "-=", Operation::Multiply => "*", Operation::MultiplyEqual => "*=", Operation::Divide => "/", Operation::DivideEqual => "/=", Operation::Modulo => "%", Operation::ModuloEqual => "%=", Operation::Equal => "=", } ) } } impl TryFrom for Operation { type Error = &'static str; fn try_from(value: ReservedChar) -> Result { Ok(match value { ReservedChar::Plus => Operation::Addition, ReservedChar::Minus => Operation::Subtract, ReservedChar::Slash => Operation::Divide, ReservedChar::Star => Operation::Multiply, ReservedChar::Modulo => Operation::Modulo, ReservedChar::EqualSign => Operation::Equal, _ => return Err("Unkown operation"), }) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Hash)] pub enum Token<'a> { Keyword(Keyword), Char(ReservedChar), String(&'a str), Comment(&'a str), License(&'a str), Other(&'a str), Regex { regex: &'a str, is_global: bool, is_interactive: bool, }, Condition(Condition), Operation(Operation), CreatedVarDecl(String), CreatedVar(String), Number(usize), FloatingNumber(&'a str), } impl<'a> fmt::Display for Token<'a> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match *self { Token::Keyword(x) => write!(f, "{}", x), Token::Char(x) => write!(f, "{}", x), Token::String(x) | Token::Comment(x) | Token::Other(x) => write!(f, "{}", x), Token::License(x) => write!(f, "/*!{}*/", x), Token::Regex { regex, is_global, is_interactive, } => { let x = write!(f, "/{}/", regex); if is_global { write!(f, "g")?; } if is_interactive { write!(f, "i")?; } x } Token::Condition(x) => write!(f, "{}", x), Token::Operation(x) => write!(f, "{}", x), Token::CreatedVarDecl(ref x) => write!(f, "{}", x), Token::CreatedVar(ref x) => write!(f, "{}", x), Token::Number(x) => write!(f, "{}", x), Token::FloatingNumber(ref x) => write!(f, "{}", x), } } } impl<'a> Token<'a> { pub fn is_comment(&self) -> bool { matches!(*self, Token::Comment(_)) } pub fn is_license(&self) -> bool { matches!(*self, Token::License(_)) } pub fn is_reserved_char(&self) -> bool { matches!(*self, Token::Char(_)) } pub fn get_char(&self) -> Option { match *self { Token::Char(c) => Some(c), _ => None, } } pub fn eq_char(&self, rc: ReservedChar) -> bool { match *self { Token::Char(c) => c == rc, _ => false, } } pub fn eq_operation(&self, ope: Operation) -> bool { match *self { Token::Operation(o) => o == ope, _ => false, } } pub fn is_operation(&self) -> bool { matches!(*self, Token::Operation(_)) } pub fn eq_condition(&self, cond: Condition) -> bool { match *self { Token::Condition(c) => c == cond, _ => false, } } pub fn is_condition(&self) -> bool { matches!(*self, Token::Condition(_)) } pub fn is_other(&self) -> bool { matches!(*self, Token::Other(_)) } pub fn get_other(&self) -> Option<&str> { match *self { Token::Other(s) => Some(s), _ => None, } } pub fn is_white_character(&self) -> bool { match *self { Token::Char(c) => c.is_white_character(), _ => false, } } pub fn is_keyword(&self) -> bool { matches!(*self, Token::Keyword(_)) } pub fn get_keyword(&self) -> Option { match *self { Token::Keyword(k) => Some(k), _ => None, } } pub fn is_string(&self) -> bool { matches!(*self, Token::String(_)) } pub fn get_string(&self) -> Option<&str> { match *self { Token::String(s) => Some(s), _ => None, } } pub fn is_regex(&self) -> bool { matches!(*self, Token::Regex { .. }) } pub fn is_created_var_decl(&self) -> bool { matches!(*self, Token::CreatedVarDecl(_)) } pub fn is_created_var(&self) -> bool { matches!(*self, Token::CreatedVar(_)) } pub fn is_number(&self) -> bool { matches!(*self, Token::Number(_)) } pub fn is_floating_number(&self) -> bool { matches!(*self, Token::FloatingNumber(_)) } fn get_required(&self) -> Option { match *self { Token::Keyword(_) | Token::Other(_) | Token::CreatedVarDecl(_) | Token::Number(_) | Token::FloatingNumber(_) => Some(' '), _ => None, } } fn requires_before(&self) -> bool { match *self { Token::Keyword(k) => k.requires_before(), _ => false, } } } fn get_line_comment<'a>( source: &'a str, iterator: &mut MyPeekable<'_>, start_pos: &mut usize, ) -> Option> { *start_pos += 1; for (pos, c) in iterator { if let Ok(c) = ReservedChar::try_from(c) { if c == ReservedChar::Backline { let ret = Some(Token::Comment(&source[*start_pos..pos])); *start_pos = pos; return ret; } } } None } fn get_regex<'a>( source: &'a str, iterator: &mut MyPeekable<'_>, start_pos: &mut usize, v: &[Token<'_>], ) -> Option> { let mut back = v.len(); while back > 0 { back -= 1; if v[back].is_white_character() || v[back].is_comment() || v[back].is_license() { continue; } match &v[back] { Token::Char(ReservedChar::SemiColon) | Token::Char(ReservedChar::Colon) | Token::Char(ReservedChar::Comma) | Token::Char(ReservedChar::OpenBracket) | Token::Char(ReservedChar::OpenParenthese) | Token::Char(ReservedChar::ExclamationMark) | Token::Char(ReservedChar::OpenCurlyBrace) | Token::Char(ReservedChar::QuestionMark) | Token::Char(ReservedChar::Backline) | Token::Char(ReservedChar::Pipe) | Token::Char(ReservedChar::Ampersand) => break, t if t.is_operation() || t.is_condition() => break, _ => return None, } } iterator.start_save(); while let Some((pos, c)) = iterator.next() { if c == '\\' { // we skip next character iterator.next(); continue; } if let Ok(c) = ReservedChar::try_from(c) { if c == ReservedChar::Slash { let mut is_global = false; let mut is_interactive = false; let mut add = 0; loop { match iterator.peek() { Some((_, 'i')) => is_interactive = true, Some((_, 'g')) => is_global = true, _ => break, }; iterator.next(); add += 1; } let ret = Some(Token::Regex { regex: &source[*start_pos + 1..pos], is_interactive, is_global, }); *start_pos = pos + add; iterator.drop_save(); return ret; } else if c == ReservedChar::Backline { break; } } } iterator.stop_save(); None } fn get_comment<'a>( source: &'a str, iterator: &mut MyPeekable<'_>, start_pos: &mut usize, ) -> Token<'a> { let mut prev = ReservedChar::Quote; *start_pos += 1; let builder = if let Some((_, c)) = iterator.next() { if c == '!' { *start_pos += 1; Token::License } else { if let Ok(c) = ReservedChar::try_from(c) { prev = c; } Token::Comment } } else { Token::Comment }; let mut current_pos = *start_pos; for (pos, c) in iterator { current_pos = pos; if let Ok(c) = ReservedChar::try_from(c) { if c == ReservedChar::Slash && prev == ReservedChar::Star { current_pos -= 2; break; } prev = c; } else { prev = ReservedChar::Space; } } // Unclosed comment so returning it anyway... let ret = builder(&source[*start_pos..=current_pos]); *start_pos = current_pos + 2; ret } fn get_string<'a>( source: &'a str, iterator: &mut MyPeekable<'_>, start_pos: &mut usize, start: ReservedChar, ) -> Option> { while let Some((pos, c)) = iterator.next() { if c == '\\' { // we skip next character iterator.next(); continue; } if let Ok(c) = ReservedChar::try_from(c) { if c == start { let ret = Some(Token::String(&source[*start_pos..pos + 1])); *start_pos = pos; return ret; } } } None } fn get_backtick_string<'a>( source: &'a str, iterator: &mut MyPeekable<'_>, start_pos: &mut usize, ) -> Option> { while let Some((pos, c)) = iterator.next() { if c == '\\' { // we skip next character iterator.next(); continue; } if c == '$' && iterator.peek().map(|(_, c)| c == '{').unwrap_or(false) { let mut count = 0; loop { if let Some((mut pos, c)) = iterator.next() { if c == '\\' { // we skip next character iterator.next(); continue; } else if c == '"' || c == '\'' { // We don't care about the result get_string( source, iterator, &mut pos, ReservedChar::try_from(c) .expect("ReservedChar::try_from unexpectedly failed..."), ); } else if c == '`' { get_backtick_string(source, iterator, &mut pos); } else if c == '{' { count += 1; } else if c == '}' { count -= 1; if count == 0 { break; } } } else { return None; } } } else if c == '`' { let ret = Some(Token::String(&source[*start_pos..pos + 1])); *start_pos = pos; return ret; } } None } fn first_useful<'a>(v: &'a [Token<'a>]) -> Option<&'a Token<'a>> { for x in v.iter().rev() { if x.is_white_character() { continue; } return Some(x); } None } fn fill_other<'a>(source: &'a str, v: &mut Vec>, start: usize, pos: usize) { if start < pos { if let Ok(w) = Keyword::try_from(&source[start..pos]) { v.push(Token::Keyword(w)); } else if let Ok(n) = usize::from_str(&source[start..pos]) { v.push(Token::Number(n)) } else if f64::from_str(&source[start..pos]).is_ok() { v.push(Token::FloatingNumber(&source[start..pos])) } else { v.push(Token::Other(&source[start..pos])); } } } fn handle_equal_sign(v: &mut Vec>, c: ReservedChar) -> bool { if c != ReservedChar::EqualSign { return false; } match v.last().unwrap_or(&Token::Other("")) { Token::Operation(Operation::Equal) => { v.pop(); v.push(Token::Condition(Condition::EqualTo)); } Token::Condition(Condition::EqualTo) => { v.pop(); v.push(Token::Condition(Condition::SuperEqualTo)); } Token::Char(ReservedChar::ExclamationMark) => { v.pop(); v.push(Token::Condition(Condition::DifferentThan)); } Token::Condition(Condition::DifferentThan) => { v.pop(); v.push(Token::Condition(Condition::SuperDifferentThan)); } Token::Operation(Operation::Divide) => { v.pop(); v.push(Token::Operation(Operation::DivideEqual)); } Token::Operation(Operation::Multiply) => { v.pop(); v.push(Token::Operation(Operation::MultiplyEqual)); } Token::Operation(Operation::Addition) => { v.pop(); v.push(Token::Operation(Operation::AdditionEqual)); } Token::Operation(Operation::Subtract) => { v.pop(); v.push(Token::Operation(Operation::SubtractEqual)); } Token::Operation(Operation::Modulo) => { v.pop(); v.push(Token::Operation(Operation::ModuloEqual)); } Token::Condition(Condition::SuperiorThan) => { v.pop(); v.push(Token::Condition(Condition::SuperiorOrEqualTo)); } Token::Condition(Condition::InferiorThan) => { v.pop(); v.push(Token::Condition(Condition::InferiorOrEqualTo)); } _ => { return false; } } true } fn check_if_number<'a>( iterator: &mut MyPeekable<'_>, start: usize, pos: usize, source: &'a str, ) -> bool { if source[start..pos].find('.').is_some() { return false; } else if u64::from_str(&source[start..pos]).is_ok() { return true; } else if let Some((_, x)) = iterator.peek() { return x as u8 >= b'0' && x as u8 <= b'9'; } false } struct MyPeekable<'a> { inner: CharIndices<'a>, saved: Vec<(usize, char)>, peeked: Option<(usize, char)>, is_saving: bool, } impl<'a> MyPeekable<'a> { fn new(indices: CharIndices<'a>) -> MyPeekable<'a> { MyPeekable { inner: indices, saved: Vec::with_capacity(500), peeked: None, is_saving: false, } } fn start_save(&mut self) { self.is_saving = true; if let Some(p) = self.peeked { self.saved.push(p); } } fn drop_save(&mut self) { self.is_saving = false; self.saved.clear(); } fn stop_save(&mut self) { self.is_saving = false; if let Some(p) = self.peeked { self.saved.push(p); } self.peeked = None; } /// Returns None if saving. fn peek(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, char)> { if self.peeked.is_none() { self.peeked = self.inner.next(); if self.is_saving { if let Some(p) = self.peeked { self.saved.push(p); } } } self.peeked } } impl<'a> Iterator for MyPeekable<'a> { type Item = (usize, char); fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if self.peeked.is_some() { self.peeked.take() } else { if !self.is_saving && !self.saved.is_empty() { return Some(self.saved.remove(0)); } match self.inner.next() { Some(r) if self.is_saving => { self.saved.push(r); Some(r) } r => r, } } } } pub fn tokenize(source: &str) -> Tokens<'_> { let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(1000); let mut start = 0; let mut iterator = MyPeekable::new(source.char_indices()); loop { let (mut pos, c) = match iterator.next() { Some(x) => x, None => { fill_other(source, &mut v, start, source.len()); break; } }; if let Ok(c) = ReservedChar::try_from(c) { if c == ReservedChar::Dot && check_if_number(&mut iterator, start, pos, source) { let mut cont = true; if let Some(x) = iterator.peek() { if !"0123456789,; \t\n<>/*&|{}[]-+=~%^:!".contains(x.1) { fill_other(source, &mut v, start, pos); start = pos; cont = false; } } if cont { continue; } } fill_other(source, &mut v, start, pos); match c { ReservedChar::Quote | ReservedChar::DoubleQuote => { if let Some(s) = get_string(source, &mut iterator, &mut pos, c) { v.push(s); } } ReservedChar::BackTick => { if let Some(s) = get_backtick_string(source, &mut iterator, &mut pos) { v.push(s); } } ReservedChar::Slash if v.last() .unwrap_or(&Token::Other("")) .eq_operation(Operation::Divide) => { v.pop(); if let Some(s) = get_line_comment(source, &mut iterator, &mut pos) { v.push(s); } } ReservedChar::Slash if iterator.peek().is_some() && iterator.peek().unwrap().1 != '/' && iterator.peek().unwrap().1 != '*' && !first_useful(&v).unwrap_or(&Token::String("")).is_other() => { if let Some(r) = get_regex(source, &mut iterator, &mut pos, &v) { v.push(r); } else { v.push(Token::Operation(Operation::Divide)); } } ReservedChar::Star if v.last() .unwrap_or(&Token::Other("")) .eq_operation(Operation::Divide) => { v.pop(); v.push(get_comment(source, &mut iterator, &mut pos)); } ReservedChar::Pipe if v.last() .unwrap_or(&Token::Other("")) .eq_char(ReservedChar::Pipe) => { v.pop(); v.push(Token::Condition(Condition::Or)); } ReservedChar::Ampersand if v.last() .unwrap_or(&Token::Other("")) .eq_char(ReservedChar::Ampersand) => { v.pop(); v.push(Token::Condition(Condition::And)); } _ if handle_equal_sign(&mut v, c) => {} _ => { if let Ok(o) = Operation::try_from(c) { v.push(Token::Operation(o)); } else if let Ok(o) = Condition::try_from(c) { v.push(Token::Condition(o)); } else { v.push(Token::Char(c)); } } } start = pos + 1; } } Tokens(v) } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Tokens<'a>(pub Vec>); macro_rules! tokens_writer { ($self:ident, $w:ident) => { let tokens = &$self.0; for i in 0..tokens.len() { if i > 0 && tokens[i].requires_before() && !tokens[i - 1].is_keyword() && !tokens[i - 1].is_other() && !tokens[i - 1].is_reserved_char() && !tokens[i - 1].is_string() { write!($w, " ")?; } write!($w, "{}", tokens[i])?; if let Some(c) = match tokens[i] { Token::Keyword(_) | Token::Other(_) if i + 1 < tokens.len() => { tokens[i + 1].get_required() } _ => None, } { write!($w, "{}", c)?; } } }; } impl<'a> Tokens<'a> { pub(super) fn write(self, mut w: W) -> std::io::Result<()> { tokens_writer!(self, w); Ok(()) } } impl<'a> fmt::Display for Tokens<'a> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { tokens_writer!(self, f); Ok(()) } } impl<'a> Tokens<'a> { #[must_use] pub fn apply(self, func: F) -> Tokens<'a> where F: Fn(Tokens<'a>) -> Tokens<'a>, { func(self) } } pub struct IntoIterTokens<'a> { inner: Tokens<'a>, } impl<'a> IntoIterator for Tokens<'a> { type Item = (Token<'a>, Option<&'a Token<'a>>); type IntoIter = IntoIterTokens<'a>; fn into_iter(mut self) -> Self::IntoIter { self.0.reverse(); IntoIterTokens { inner: self } } } impl<'a> Iterator for IntoIterTokens<'a> { type Item = (Token<'a>, Option<&'a Token<'a>>); fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if self.inner.0.is_empty() { None } else { let ret = self.inner.0.pop().expect("pop() failed"); // FIXME once generic traits' types are stabilized, use a second // lifetime instead of transmute! Some((ret, unsafe { std::mem::transmute(self.inner.0.last()) })) } } } impl<'a> std::ops::Deref for Tokens<'a> { type Target = Vec>; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl<'a> From>> for Tokens<'a> { fn from(v: Vec>) -> Self { Tokens(v) } } impl<'a> From<&[Token<'a>]> for Tokens<'a> { fn from(v: &[Token<'a>]) -> Self { Tokens(v.to_vec()) } } #[test] fn check_regex() { let source = r#"var x = /"\.x/g;"#; let expected_result = r#"var x=/"\.x/g"#; assert_eq!(crate::js::minify(source).to_string(), expected_result); let v = tokenize(source).apply(crate::js::clean_tokens); assert_eq!( v.0[3], Token::Regex { regex: "\"\\.x", is_global: true, is_interactive: false, } ); let source = r#"var x = /"\.x/gigigigig;var x = "hello";"#; let expected_result = r#"var x=/"\.x/gi;var x="hello""#; assert_eq!(crate::js::minify(source).to_string(), expected_result); let v = tokenize(source).apply(crate::js::clean_tokens); assert_eq!( v.0[3], Token::Regex { regex: "\"\\.x", is_global: true, is_interactive: true, } ); } #[test] fn more_regex() { let source = r#"var x = /"\.x\/a/i;"#; let expected_result = r#"var x=/"\.x\/a/i"#; assert_eq!(crate::js::minify(source).to_string(), expected_result); let v = tokenize(source).apply(crate::js::clean_tokens); assert_eq!( v.0[3], Token::Regex { regex: "\"\\.x\\/a", is_global: false, is_interactive: true, } ); let source = r#"var x = /\\/i;"#; let expected_result = r#"var x=/\\/i"#; assert_eq!(crate::js::minify(source).to_string(), expected_result); let v = tokenize(source).apply(crate::js::clean_tokens); assert_eq!( v.0[3], Token::Regex { regex: "\\\\", is_global: false, is_interactive: true, } ); } #[test] fn even_more_regex() { let source = r#"var x = /a-z /;"#; let v = tokenize(source).apply(crate::js::clean_tokens); assert_eq!( v.0[3], Token::Regex { regex: "a-z ", is_global: false, is_interactive: false, } ); } #[test] fn not_regex_test() { let source = "( x ) / 2; x / y;x /= y"; let v = tokenize(source).apply(crate::js::clean_tokens); assert_eq!( &v.0, &[ Token::Char(ReservedChar::OpenParenthese), Token::Other("x"), Token::Char(ReservedChar::CloseParenthese), Token::Operation(Operation::Divide), Token::Number(2), Token::Char(ReservedChar::SemiColon), Token::Other("x"), Token::Operation(Operation::Divide), Token::Other("y"), Token::Char(ReservedChar::SemiColon), Token::Other("x"), Token::Operation(Operation::DivideEqual), Token::Other("y") ] ); let source = "let x = /x\ny/;"; let v = tokenize(source).apply(crate::js::clean_tokens); assert_eq!( &v.0, &[ Token::Keyword(Keyword::Let), Token::Other("x"), Token::Operation(Operation::Equal), Token::Operation(Operation::Divide), Token::Other("x"), Token::Other("y"), Token::Operation(Operation::Divide) ] ); } #[test] fn test_tokens_parsing() { let source = "true = == 2.3 === 32"; let v = tokenize(source).apply(crate::js::clean_tokens); assert_eq!( &v.0, &[ Token::Keyword(Keyword::True), Token::Operation(Operation::Equal), Token::Condition(Condition::EqualTo), Token::FloatingNumber("2.3"), Token::Condition(Condition::SuperEqualTo), Token::Number(32) ] ); } #[test] fn test_string_parsing() { let source = "var x = 'hello people!'"; let v = tokenize(source).apply(crate::js::clean_tokens); assert_eq!( &v.0, &[ Token::Keyword(Keyword::Var), Token::Other("x"), Token::Operation(Operation::Equal), Token::String("\'hello people!\'") ] ); } #[test] fn test_number_parsing() { let source = "var x = .12; let y = 4.; var z = 12; .3 4. 'a' let u = 12.2"; let v = tokenize(source).apply(crate::js::clean_tokens); assert_eq!( &v.0, &[ Token::Keyword(Keyword::Var), Token::Other("x"), Token::Operation(Operation::Equal), Token::FloatingNumber(".12"), Token::Char(ReservedChar::SemiColon), Token::Keyword(Keyword::Let), Token::Other("y"), Token::Operation(Operation::Equal), Token::FloatingNumber("4."), Token::Char(ReservedChar::SemiColon), Token::Keyword(Keyword::Var), Token::Other("z"), Token::Operation(Operation::Equal), Token::Number(12), Token::Char(ReservedChar::SemiColon), Token::FloatingNumber(".3"), Token::FloatingNumber("4."), Token::String("'a'"), Token::Keyword(Keyword::Let), Token::Other("u"), Token::Operation(Operation::Equal), Token::FloatingNumber("12.2") ] ); } #[test] fn test_number_parsing2() { let source = "var x = 12.a;"; let v = tokenize(source).apply(crate::js::clean_tokens); assert_eq!( &v.0, &[ Token::Keyword(Keyword::Var), Token::Other("x"), Token::Operation(Operation::Equal), Token::Number(12), Token::Char(ReservedChar::Dot), Token::Other("a") ] ); } #[test] fn tokens_spaces() { let source = "t in e"; let v = tokenize(source).apply(crate::js::clean_tokens); assert_eq!( &v.0, &[ Token::Other("t"), Token::Keyword(Keyword::In), Token::Other("e") ] ); } #[test] fn division_by_id() { let source = "100/abc"; let v = tokenize(source).apply(crate::js::clean_tokens); assert_eq!( &v.0, &[ Token::Number(100), Token::Operation(Operation::Divide), Token::Other("abc") ] ); } #[test] fn weird_regex() { let source = "if (!/\\/(contact|legal)\\//.test(a)) {}"; let v = tokenize(source).apply(crate::js::clean_tokens); assert_eq!( &v.0, &[ Token::Keyword(Keyword::If), Token::Char(ReservedChar::OpenParenthese), Token::Char(ReservedChar::ExclamationMark), Token::Regex { regex: "\\/(contact|legal)\\/", is_global: false, is_interactive: false }, Token::Char(ReservedChar::Dot), Token::Other("test"), Token::Char(ReservedChar::OpenParenthese), Token::Other("a"), Token::Char(ReservedChar::CloseParenthese), Token::Char(ReservedChar::CloseParenthese), Token::Char(ReservedChar::OpenCurlyBrace), Token::Char(ReservedChar::CloseCurlyBrace), ] ); } #[test] fn test_regexes() { let source = "/\\/(contact|legal)\\//.test"; let v = tokenize(source).apply(crate::js::clean_tokens); assert_eq!( &v.0, &[ Token::Regex { regex: "\\/(contact|legal)\\/", is_global: false, is_interactive: false }, Token::Char(ReservedChar::Dot), Token::Other("test"), ] ); let source = "/\\*(contact|legal)/.test"; let v = tokenize(source).apply(crate::js::clean_tokens); assert_eq!( &v.0, &[ Token::Regex { regex: "\\*(contact|legal)", is_global: false, is_interactive: false }, Token::Char(ReservedChar::Dot), Token::Other("test"), ] ); } #[test] fn test_comments() { let source = "/*(contact|legal)/.test"; let v = tokenize(source); assert_eq!(&v.0, &[Token::Comment("(contact|legal)/.test"),],); let source = "/*(contact|legal)/.test*/ a"; let v = tokenize(source); assert_eq!( &v.0, &[ Token::Comment("(contact|legal)/.test"), Token::Char(ReservedChar::Space), Token::Other("a"), ], ); }