//! Utility macros #![allow(unused)] macro_rules! impl_unary_ { // implementation mapping 1:1 (vec | $trait_id:ident, $trait_method:ident, $vec_id:ident, $fun:ident) => { impl $trait_id for $vec_id { #[inline] fn $trait_method(self) -> Self { unsafe { use crate::mem::transmute; transmute($fun(transmute(self))) } } } }; // implementation mapping 1:1 for when `$fun` is a generic function // like some of the fp math rustc intrinsics (e.g. `fn fun(x: T) -> T`). (gen | $trait_id:ident, $trait_method:ident, $vec_id:ident, $fun:ident) => { impl $trait_id for $vec_id { #[inline] fn $trait_method(self) -> Self { unsafe { use crate::mem::transmute; transmute($fun(self.0)) } } } }; (scalar | $trait_id:ident, $trait_method:ident, $vec_id:ident, [$sid:ident; $scount:expr], $fun:ident) => { impl $trait_id for $vec_id { #[inline] fn $trait_method(self) -> Self { unsafe { union U { vec: $vec_id, scalars: [$sid; $scount], } let mut scalars = U { vec: self }.scalars; for i in &mut scalars { *i = $fun(*i); } U { scalars }.vec } } } }; // implementation calling fun twice on each of the vector halves: (halves | $trait_id:ident, $trait_method:ident, $vec_id:ident, $vech_id:ident, $fun:ident) => { impl $trait_id for $vec_id { #[inline] fn $trait_method(self) -> Self { unsafe { use crate::mem::transmute; union U { vec: $vec_id, halves: [$vech_id; 2], } let mut halves = U { vec: self }.halves; *halves.get_unchecked_mut(0) = transmute($fun(transmute(*halves.get_unchecked(0)))); *halves.get_unchecked_mut(1) = transmute($fun(transmute(*halves.get_unchecked(1)))); U { halves }.vec } } } }; // implementation calling fun four times on each of the vector quarters: (quarter | $trait_id:ident, $trait_method:ident, $vec_id:ident, $vecq_id:ident, $fun:ident) => { impl $trait_id for $vec_id { #[inline] fn $trait_method(self) -> Self { unsafe { use crate::mem::transmute; union U { vec: $vec_id, quarters: [$vecq_id; 4], } let mut quarters = U { vec: self }.quarters; *quarters.get_unchecked_mut(0) = transmute($fun(transmute(*quarters.get_unchecked(0)))); *quarters.get_unchecked_mut(1) = transmute($fun(transmute(*quarters.get_unchecked(1)))); *quarters.get_unchecked_mut(2) = transmute($fun(transmute(*quarters.get_unchecked(2)))); *quarters.get_unchecked_mut(3) = transmute($fun(transmute(*quarters.get_unchecked(3)))); U { quarters }.vec } } } }; // implementation calling fun once on a vector twice as large: (twice | $trait_id:ident, $trait_method:ident, $vec_id:ident, $vect_id:ident, $fun:ident) => { impl $trait_id for $vec_id { #[inline] fn $trait_method(self) -> Self { unsafe { use crate::mem::{transmute, uninitialized}; union U { vec: [$vec_id; 2], twice: $vect_id, } let twice = U { vec: [self, uninitialized()] }.twice; let twice = transmute($fun(transmute(twice))); *(U { twice }.vec.get_unchecked(0)) } } } }; } macro_rules! gen_unary_impl_table { ($trait_id:ident, $trait_method:ident) => { macro_rules! impl_unary { ($vid:ident: $fun:ident) => { impl_unary_!(vec | $trait_id, $trait_method, $vid, $fun); }; ($vid:ident[g]: $fun:ident) => { impl_unary_!(gen | $trait_id, $trait_method, $vid, $fun); }; ($vid:ident[$sid:ident; $sc:expr]: $fun:ident) => { impl_unary_!(scalar | $trait_id, $trait_method, $vid, [$sid; $sc], $fun); }; ($vid:ident[s]: $fun:ident) => { impl_unary_!(scalar | $trait_id, $trait_method, $vid, $fun); }; ($vid:ident[h => $vid_h:ident]: $fun:ident) => { impl_unary_!(halves | $trait_id, $trait_method, $vid, $vid_h, $fun); }; ($vid:ident[q => $vid_q:ident]: $fun:ident) => { impl_unary_!(quarter | $trait_id, $trait_method, $vid, $vid_q, $fun); }; ($vid:ident[t => $vid_t:ident]: $fun:ident) => { impl_unary_!(twice | $trait_id, $trait_method, $vid, $vid_t, $fun); }; } }; } macro_rules! impl_tertiary_ { // implementation mapping 1:1 (vec | $trait_id:ident, $trait_method:ident, $vec_id:ident, $fun:ident) => { impl $trait_id for $vec_id { #[inline] fn $trait_method(self, y: Self, z: Self) -> Self { unsafe { use crate::mem::transmute; transmute($fun(transmute(self), transmute(y), transmute(z))) } } } }; (scalar | $trait_id:ident, $trait_method:ident, $vec_id:ident, [$sid:ident; $scount:expr], $fun:ident) => { impl $trait_id for $vec_id { #[inline] fn $trait_method(self, y: Self, z: Self) -> Self { unsafe { union U { vec: $vec_id, scalars: [$sid; $scount], } let mut x = U { vec: self }.scalars; let y = U { vec: y }.scalars; let z = U { vec: z }.scalars; for (x, (y, z)) in (&mut scalars).zip(&y).zip(&z) { *i = $fun(*i, *y, *z); } U { vec: x }.vec } } } }; // implementation calling fun twice on each of the vector halves: (halves | $trait_id:ident, $trait_method:ident, $vec_id:ident, $vech_id:ident, $fun:ident) => { impl $trait_id for $vec_id { #[inline] fn $trait_method(self, y: Self, z: Self) -> Self { unsafe { use crate::mem::transmute; union U { vec: $vec_id, halves: [$vech_id; 2], } let mut x_halves = U { vec: self }.halves; let y_halves = U { vec: y }.halves; let z_halves = U { vec: z }.halves; *x_halves.get_unchecked_mut(0) = transmute($fun( transmute(*x_halves.get_unchecked(0)), transmute(*y_halves.get_unchecked(0)), transmute(*z_halves.get_unchecked(0)), )); *x_halves.get_unchecked_mut(1) = transmute($fun( transmute(*x_halves.get_unchecked(1)), transmute(*y_halves.get_unchecked(1)), transmute(*z_halves.get_unchecked(1)), )); U { halves: x_halves }.vec } } } }; // implementation calling fun four times on each of the vector quarters: (quarter | $trait_id:ident, $trait_method:ident, $vec_id:ident, $vecq_id:ident, $fun:ident) => { impl $trait_id for $vec_id { #[inline] fn $trait_method(self, y: Self, z: Self) -> Self { unsafe { use crate::mem::transmute; union U { vec: $vec_id, quarters: [$vecq_id; 4], } let mut x_quarters = U { vec: self }.quarters; let y_quarters = U { vec: y }.quarters; let z_quarters = U { vec: z }.quarters; *x_quarters.get_unchecked_mut(0) = transmute($fun( transmute(*x_quarters.get_unchecked(0)), transmute(*y_quarters.get_unchecked(0)), transmute(*z_quarters.get_unchecked(0)), )); *x_quarters.get_unchecked_mut(1) = transmute($fun( transmute(*x_quarters.get_unchecked(1)), transmute(*y_quarters.get_unchecked(1)), transmute(*z_quarters.get_unchecked(1)), )); *x_quarters.get_unchecked_mut(2) = transmute($fun( transmute(*x_quarters.get_unchecked(2)), transmute(*y_quarters.get_unchecked(2)), transmute(*z_quarters.get_unchecked(2)), )); *x_quarters.get_unchecked_mut(3) = transmute($fun( transmute(*x_quarters.get_unchecked(3)), transmute(*y_quarters.get_unchecked(3)), transmute(*z_quarters.get_unchecked(3)), )); U { quarters: x_quarters }.vec } } } }; // implementation calling fun once on a vector twice as large: (twice | $trait_id:ident, $trait_method:ident, $vec_id:ident, $vect_id:ident, $fun:ident) => { impl $trait_id for $vec_id { #[inline] fn $trait_method(self, y: Self, z: Self) -> Self { unsafe { use crate::mem::{transmute, uninitialized}; union U { vec: [$vec_id; 2], twice: $vect_id, } let x_twice = U { vec: [self, uninitialized()] }.twice; let y_twice = U { vec: [y, uninitialized()] }.twice; let z_twice = U { vec: [z, uninitialized()] }.twice; let twice: $vect_id = transmute($fun(transmute(x_twice), transmute(y_twice), transmute(z_twice))); *(U { twice }.vec.get_unchecked(0)) } } } }; } macro_rules! gen_tertiary_impl_table { ($trait_id:ident, $trait_method:ident) => { macro_rules! impl_tertiary { ($vid:ident: $fun:ident) => { impl_tertiary_!(vec | $trait_id, $trait_method, $vid, $fun); }; ($vid:ident[$sid:ident; $sc:expr]: $fun:ident) => { impl_tertiary_!(scalar | $trait_id, $trait_method, $vid, [$sid; $sc], $fun); }; ($vid:ident[s]: $fun:ident) => { impl_tertiary_!(scalar | $trait_id, $trait_method, $vid, $fun); }; ($vid:ident[h => $vid_h:ident]: $fun:ident) => { impl_tertiary_!(halves | $trait_id, $trait_method, $vid, $vid_h, $fun); }; ($vid:ident[q => $vid_q:ident]: $fun:ident) => { impl_tertiary_!(quarter | $trait_id, $trait_method, $vid, $vid_q, $fun); }; ($vid:ident[t => $vid_t:ident]: $fun:ident) => { impl_tertiary_!(twice | $trait_id, $trait_method, $vid, $vid_t, $fun); }; } }; } macro_rules! impl_binary_ { // implementation mapping 1:1 (vec | $trait_id:ident, $trait_method:ident, $vec_id:ident, $fun:ident) => { impl $trait_id for $vec_id { #[inline] fn $trait_method(self, y: Self) -> Self { unsafe { use crate::mem::transmute; transmute($fun(transmute(self), transmute(y))) } } } }; (scalar | $trait_id:ident, $trait_method:ident, $vec_id:ident, [$sid:ident; $scount:expr], $fun:ident) => { impl $trait_id for $vec_id { #[inline] fn $trait_method(self, y: Self) -> Self { unsafe { union U { vec: $vec_id, scalars: [$sid; $scount], } let mut x = U { vec: self }.scalars; let y = U { vec: y }.scalars; for (x, y) in x.iter_mut().zip(&y) { *x = $fun(*x, *y); } U { scalars: x }.vec } } } }; // implementation calling fun twice on each of the vector halves: (halves | $trait_id:ident, $trait_method:ident, $vec_id:ident, $vech_id:ident, $fun:ident) => { impl $trait_id for $vec_id { #[inline] fn $trait_method(self, y: Self) -> Self { unsafe { use crate::mem::transmute; union U { vec: $vec_id, halves: [$vech_id; 2], } let mut x_halves = U { vec: self }.halves; let y_halves = U { vec: y }.halves; *x_halves.get_unchecked_mut(0) = transmute($fun( transmute(*x_halves.get_unchecked(0)), transmute(*y_halves.get_unchecked(0)), )); *x_halves.get_unchecked_mut(1) = transmute($fun( transmute(*x_halves.get_unchecked(1)), transmute(*y_halves.get_unchecked(1)), )); U { halves: x_halves }.vec } } } }; // implementation calling fun four times on each of the vector quarters: (quarter | $trait_id:ident, $trait_method:ident, $vec_id:ident, $vecq_id:ident, $fun:ident) => { impl $trait_id for $vec_id { #[inline] fn $trait_method(self, y: Self) -> Self { unsafe { use crate::mem::transmute; union U { vec: $vec_id, quarters: [$vecq_id; 4], } let mut x_quarters = U { vec: self }.quarters; let y_quarters = U { vec: y }.quarters; *x_quarters.get_unchecked_mut(0) = transmute($fun( transmute(*x_quarters.get_unchecked(0)), transmute(*y_quarters.get_unchecked(0)), )); *x_quarters.get_unchecked_mut(1) = transmute($fun( transmute(*x_quarters.get_unchecked(1)), transmute(*y_quarters.get_unchecked(1)), )); *x_quarters.get_unchecked_mut(2) = transmute($fun( transmute(*x_quarters.get_unchecked(2)), transmute(*y_quarters.get_unchecked(2)), )); *x_quarters.get_unchecked_mut(3) = transmute($fun( transmute(*x_quarters.get_unchecked(3)), transmute(*y_quarters.get_unchecked(3)), )); U { quarters: x_quarters }.vec } } } }; // implementation calling fun once on a vector twice as large: (twice | $trait_id:ident, $trait_method:ident, $vec_id:ident, $vect_id:ident, $fun:ident) => { impl $trait_id for $vec_id { #[inline] fn $trait_method(self, y: Self) -> Self { unsafe { use crate::mem::{transmute, uninitialized}; union U { vec: [$vec_id; 2], twice: $vect_id, } let x_twice = U { vec: [self, uninitialized()] }.twice; let y_twice = U { vec: [y, uninitialized()] }.twice; let twice: $vect_id = transmute($fun(transmute(x_twice), transmute(y_twice))); *(U { twice }.vec.get_unchecked(0)) } } } }; } macro_rules! gen_binary_impl_table { ($trait_id:ident, $trait_method:ident) => { macro_rules! impl_binary { ($vid:ident: $fun:ident) => { impl_binary_!(vec | $trait_id, $trait_method, $vid, $fun); }; ($vid:ident[$sid:ident; $sc:expr]: $fun:ident) => { impl_binary_!(scalar | $trait_id, $trait_method, $vid, [$sid; $sc], $fun); }; ($vid:ident[s]: $fun:ident) => { impl_binary_!(scalar | $trait_id, $trait_method, $vid, $fun); }; ($vid:ident[h => $vid_h:ident]: $fun:ident) => { impl_binary_!(halves | $trait_id, $trait_method, $vid, $vid_h, $fun); }; ($vid:ident[q => $vid_q:ident]: $fun:ident) => { impl_binary_!(quarter | $trait_id, $trait_method, $vid, $vid_q, $fun); }; ($vid:ident[t => $vid_t:ident]: $fun:ident) => { impl_binary_!(twice | $trait_id, $trait_method, $vid, $vid_t, $fun); }; } }; }