/// Declares a [`Part`]. /// /// Defines an empty struct type and derives all necessary instances to use it as a marker type for /// parts. /// /// This macro can define [`AbstractPart`]s using `part!(PartName);` or `part!(pub PartName);` and /// [`Field`] parts using `part!(PartName: FieldType);` or `part!(pub PartName: FieldType);`. #[macro_export] macro_rules! part { ($part:ident) => { part!(@template $part () () ($crate::AbstractPart)); }; (pub $part:ident) => { part!(@template $part () (pub) ($crate::AbstractPart)); }; ($part:ident<> : $field:ty) => { part!($part : $field); }; (pub $part:ident<> : $field:ty) => { part!(pub $part : $field); }; ($part:ident<$($lt:lifetime),*> : $field:ty) => { part!(@template $part ($($lt),*) () ($crate::Field<$field>) ($field)); }; (pub $part:ident<$($lt:lifetime),*> : $field:ty) => { part!(@template $part ($($lt),*) (pub) ($crate::Field<$field>) ($field)); }; ($part:ident : $field:ty) => { part!(@template $part () () ($crate::Field<$field>)); }; (pub $part:ident : $field:ty) => { part!(@template $part () (pub) ($crate::Field<$field>)); }; (@template $part:ident () ($($vis:tt)*) ($($part_type:tt)*)) => { #[derive(Default)] $($vis)* struct $part; impl $crate::Part for $part { type PartType = $($part_type)*; } impl $crate::PartSpec<$part> for $part {} // TODO maybe constrain InnerPart impl ::std::ops::BitOr for $part { type Output = $crate::Nested<$part, InnerPart>; fn bitor(self, _rhs: InnerPart) -> Self::Output { std::default::Default::default() } } }; (@template $part:ident ($($lt:lifetime),*) ($($vis:tt)*) ($($part_type:tt)*) ($field:ty)) => { #[derive(Default)] $($vis)* struct $part<$($lt),*> { phantom: ::std::marker::PhantomData<$field>, } #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)] $($vis)* const $part: $part = $part { phantom: ::std::marker::PhantomData }; impl<$($lt),*> $crate::Part for $part<$($lt),*> { type PartType = $($part_type)*; } part!(@spec_template $part ($($lt),*)); // TODO maybe constrain InnerPart impl<$($lt),*, InnerPart: $crate::Part> ::std::ops::BitOr for $part<$($lt),*> { type Output = $crate::Nested<$part<$($lt),*>, InnerPart>; fn bitor(self, _rhs: InnerPart) -> Self::Output { std::default::Default::default() } } }; (@spec_template $part:ident ($l:lifetime)) => { impl<'a, 'b> $crate::PartSpec<$part<'a>> for $part<'b> {} }; (@spec_template $part:ident ($l1:lifetime, $l2:lifetime)) => { impl<'a1, 'a2, 'b1, 'b2> $crate::PartSpec<$part<'a1, 'a2>> for $part<'b1, 'b2> {} }; (@spec_template $part:ident ($l1:lifetime, $l2:lifetime, $l3:lifetime)) => { impl<'a1, 'a2, 'a3, 'b1, 'b2, 'b3> $crate::PartSpec<$part<'a1, 'a2, 'a3>> for $part<'b1, 'b2, 'b3> {} }; (@spec_template $part:ident ($($tt:tt)*)) => { // TODO avoid this limitation compile_error!("parts with more than 3 lifetimes are not supported yet"); }; } /// Concise syntax for partial reference types. /// /// The first parameter is the reference target type, optionally preceded by a lifetime. The /// following parameters are the referenced parts, each optionally preceded by the keyword `mut` to /// indicate a mutable reference to that part. Nested parts can be specified using the pipe syntax /// of [`nested_part`]. /// /// Examples: /// * `partial!(Ty, PartA)` is `Const>` /// * `partial!('a Ty, mut PartA)` is `Mut>` /// * `partial!(Ty, PartA, PartB, mut PartC)` is /// `Const>` /// * `partial!('a Ty, mut PartA | PartB)` is `Mut, Ref<'a, Ty>>` #[macro_export] macro_rules! partial { ($target_lt:lifetime $target:ty) => { $crate::Ref<$target_lt, $target> }; ($target_lt:lifetime $target:ty, $($parts:tt)*) => { partial!(@extend $crate::Ref<$target_lt, $target>, $($parts)*) }; ($target:ty) => { $crate::Ref<$target> }; ($target:ty, $($parts:tt)* ) => { partial!(@extend $crate::Ref<$target>, $($parts)*) }; (@extend $target:ty) => {$target}; (@extend $target:ty, ) => {$target}; (@extend $target:ty, mut $($part:ty)|* , $($rest:tt)*) => { partial!(@extend $crate::Mut<$crate::nested_part!($($part)|*), $target>, $($rest)*) }; (@extend $target:ty, mut $($part:ty)|*) => { partial!(@extend $target, mut $($part)|*, ) }; (@extend $target:ty, $($part:ty)|* , $($rest:tt)*) => { partial!(@extend $crate::Const<$crate::nested_part!($($part)|*), $target>, $($rest)*) }; (@extend $target:ty, $($part:ty)|*) => { partial!(@extend $target, $($part)|*, ) }; } /// Expands `A | B | ... | Z` to `Nested<...Nested, ..., Z>` /// /// This mirrors the syntax for the expressions that can be passed to [`PartialRef`]'s part /// functions. #[macro_export] macro_rules! nested_part { ($target:ty) => { $target }; ($target:ty | $part:ty) => { $crate::Nested<$target , $part> }; ($target:ty | $part:ty | $($subparts:ty)|*) => { nested_part!($crate::Nested<$target , $part> | $($subparts)|*) }; } /// Helper macro for splitting a partial reference. /// /// The statement `split_borrow!(target, rest = &(...) expr)` where `...` is a list of parts (same /// syntax as used for [`partial`]) splits the partial reference returned by expr and binds the listed /// parts to the identifier `target` and the remaining parts to the identifier `rest`. This is done /// using [`PartialRef`]'s split_borrow method. /// /// As shorter version is available as `split_borrow!(target = &(...) ident)` which is identical to /// `split_borrow!(target, ident = &(...) ident)`. This shadows the existing partial reference with /// a new binding. #[macro_export] macro_rules! split_borrow { ($target:ident = &($($parts:tt)*) $from:ident) => { split_borrow!($target, $from = &($($parts)*) $from) }; ($target:ident, $rest:ident = &($($parts:tt)*) $from:expr) => { #[allow(unused_variables, unused_mut)] let (mut $target, mut $rest) = ($from).split_borrow::(); }; }