use crate::style::{HSLColor, RGBAColor, RGBColor}; use num_traits::{Float, FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive}; /// Converts scalar values to colors. pub trait ColorMap where FloatType: Float, { /// Takes a scalar value 0.0 <= h <= 1.0 and returns the corresponding color. /// Typically color-scales are named according to which color-type they return. /// To use upper and lower bounds with ths function see [get_color_normalized](ColorMap::get_color_normalized). fn get_color(&self, h: FloatType) -> ColorType { self.get_color_normalized(h, FloatType::zero(), FloatType::one()) } /// A slight abstraction over [get_color](ColorMap::get_color) function where lower and upper bound can be specified. fn get_color_normalized(&self, h: FloatType, min: FloatType, max: FloatType) -> ColorType; } /// This struct is used to dynamically construct colormaps by giving it a slice of colors. /// It can then be used when being intantiated, but not with associated functions. /// ``` /// use plotters::prelude::{BLACK,BLUE,WHITE,DerivedColorMap,ColorMap}; /// /// let derived_colormap = DerivedColorMap::new( /// &[BLACK, /// BLUE, /// WHITE] /// ); /// /// assert_eq!(derived_colormap.get_color(0.0), BLACK); /// assert_eq!(derived_colormap.get_color(0.5), BLUE); /// assert_eq!(derived_colormap.get_color(1.0), WHITE); /// ``` pub struct DerivedColorMap { colors: Vec, } impl DerivedColorMap { /// This function lets the user define a new colormap by simply specifying colors in the correct order. /// For calculation of the color values, the colors will be spaced evenly apart. pub fn new(colors: &[ColorType]) -> Self { DerivedColorMap { colors: colors.to_vec(), } } } macro_rules! calculate_new_color_value( ($relative_difference:expr, $colors:expr, $index_upper:expr, $index_lower:expr, RGBColor) => { RGBColor( // These equations are a very complicated way of writing a simple linear extrapolation with lots of casting between numerical values // In principle every cast should be safe which is why we choose to unwrap // (1.0 - r) * color_value_1 + r * color_value_2 ((FloatType::one() - $relative_difference) * FloatType::from_u8($colors[$index_upper].0).unwrap() + $relative_difference * FloatType::from_u8($colors[$index_lower].0).unwrap()).round().to_u8().unwrap(), ((FloatType::one() - $relative_difference) * FloatType::from_u8($colors[$index_upper].1).unwrap() + $relative_difference * FloatType::from_u8($colors[$index_lower].1).unwrap()).round().to_u8().unwrap(), ((FloatType::one() - $relative_difference) * FloatType::from_u8($colors[$index_upper].2).unwrap() + $relative_difference * FloatType::from_u8($colors[$index_lower].2).unwrap()).round().to_u8().unwrap() ) }; ($relative_difference:expr, $colors:expr, $index_upper:expr, $index_lower:expr, RGBAColor) => { RGBAColor( // These equations are a very complicated way of writing a simple linear extrapolation with lots of casting between numerical values // In principle every cast should be safe which is why we choose to unwrap // (1.0 - r) * color_value_1 + r * color_value_2 ((FloatType::one() - $relative_difference) * FloatType::from_u8($colors[$index_upper].0).unwrap() + $relative_difference * FloatType::from_u8($colors[$index_lower].0).unwrap()).round().to_u8().unwrap(), ((FloatType::one() - $relative_difference) * FloatType::from_u8($colors[$index_upper].1).unwrap() + $relative_difference * FloatType::from_u8($colors[$index_lower].1).unwrap()).round().to_u8().unwrap(), ((FloatType::one() - $relative_difference) * FloatType::from_u8($colors[$index_upper].2).unwrap() + $relative_difference * FloatType::from_u8($colors[$index_lower].2).unwrap()).round().to_u8().unwrap(), ((FloatType::one() - $relative_difference) * FloatType::from_f64($colors[$index_upper].3).unwrap() + $relative_difference * FloatType::from_f64($colors[$index_lower].3).unwrap()).to_f64().unwrap() ) }; ($relative_difference:expr, $colors:expr, $index_upper:expr, $index_lower:expr, HSLColor) => { HSLColor( // These equations are a very complicated way of writing a simple linear extrapolation with lots of casting between numerical values // In principle every cast should be safe which is why we choose to unwrap // (1.0 - r) * color_value_1 + r * color_value_2 ((FloatType::one() - $relative_difference) * FloatType::from_f64($colors[$index_upper].0).unwrap() + $relative_difference * FloatType::from_f64($colors[$index_lower].0).unwrap()).to_f64().unwrap(), ((FloatType::one() - $relative_difference) * FloatType::from_f64($colors[$index_upper].1).unwrap() + $relative_difference * FloatType::from_f64($colors[$index_lower].1).unwrap()).to_f64().unwrap(), ((FloatType::one() - $relative_difference) * FloatType::from_f64($colors[$index_upper].2).unwrap() + $relative_difference * FloatType::from_f64($colors[$index_lower].2).unwrap()).to_f64().unwrap(), ) }; ); fn calculate_relative_difference_index_lower_upper< FloatType: Float + FromPrimitive + ToPrimitive, >( h: FloatType, min: FloatType, max: FloatType, n_colors: usize, ) -> (FloatType, usize, usize) { // Ensure that we do have a value in bounds let h = num_traits::clamp(h, min, max); // Next calculate a normalized value between 0.0 and 1.0 let t = (h - min) / (max - min); let approximate_index = t * (FloatType::from_usize(n_colors).unwrap() - FloatType::one()).max(FloatType::zero()); // Calculate which index are the two most nearest of the supplied value let index_lower = approximate_index.floor().to_usize().unwrap(); let index_upper = approximate_index.ceil().to_usize().unwrap(); // Calculate the relative difference, ie. is the actual value more towards the color of index_upper or index_lower? let relative_difference = approximate_index.ceil() - approximate_index; (relative_difference, index_lower, index_upper) } macro_rules! implement_color_scale_for_derived_color_map{ ($($color_type:ident),+) => { $( impl ColorMap<$color_type, FloatType> for DerivedColorMap<$color_type> { fn get_color_normalized(&self, h: FloatType, min: FloatType, max: FloatType) -> $color_type { let ( relative_difference, index_lower, index_upper ) = calculate_relative_difference_index_lower_upper( h, min, max, self.colors.len() ); // Interpolate the final color linearly calculate_new_color_value!( relative_difference, self.colors, index_upper, index_lower, $color_type ) } } )+ } } implement_color_scale_for_derived_color_map! {RGBAColor, RGBColor, HSLColor} macro_rules! count { () => (0usize); ($x:tt $($xs:tt)* ) => (1usize + count!($($xs)*)); } macro_rules! define_colors_from_list_of_values_or_directly{ ($color_type:ident, $(($($color_value:expr),+)),+) => { [$($color_type($($color_value),+)),+] }; ($($color_complete:tt),+) => { [$($color_complete),+] }; } macro_rules! implement_linear_interpolation_color_map { ($color_scale_name:ident, $color_type:ident) => { impl ColorMap<$color_type, FloatType> for $color_scale_name { fn get_color_normalized( &self, h: FloatType, min: FloatType, max: FloatType, ) -> $color_type { let ( relative_difference, index_lower, index_upper ) = calculate_relative_difference_index_lower_upper( h, min, max, Self::COLORS.len() ); // Interpolate the final color linearly calculate_new_color_value!( relative_difference, Self::COLORS, index_upper, index_lower, $color_type ) } } impl $color_scale_name { #[doc = "Get color value from `"] #[doc = stringify!($color_scale_name)] #[doc = "` by supplying a parameter 0.0 <= h <= 1.0"] pub fn get_color( h: FloatType, ) -> $color_type { let color_scale = $color_scale_name {}; color_scale.get_color(h) } #[doc = "Get color value from `"] #[doc = stringify!($color_scale_name)] #[doc = "` by supplying lower and upper bounds min, max and a parameter h where min <= h <= max"] pub fn get_color_normalized< FloatType: std::fmt::Debug + Float + FromPrimitive + ToPrimitive, >( h: FloatType, min: FloatType, max: FloatType, ) -> $color_type { let color_scale = $color_scale_name {}; color_scale.get_color_normalized(h, min, max) } } }; } #[macro_export] /// Macro to create a new colormap with evenly spaced colors at compile-time. macro_rules! define_linear_interpolation_color_map{ ($color_scale_name:ident, $color_type:ident, $doc:expr, $(($($color_value:expr),+)),*) => { #[doc = $doc] pub struct $color_scale_name {} impl $color_scale_name { // const COLORS: [$color_type; $number_colors] = [$($color_type($($color_value),+)),+]; // const COLORS: [$color_type; count!($(($($color_value:expr),+))*)] = [$($color_type($($color_value),+)),+]; const COLORS: [$color_type; count!($(($($color_value:expr),+))*)] = define_colors_from_list_of_values_or_directly!{$color_type, $(($($color_value),+)),*}; } implement_linear_interpolation_color_map!{$color_scale_name, $color_type} }; ($color_scale_name:ident, $color_type:ident, $doc:expr, $($color_complete:tt),+) => { #[doc = $doc] pub struct $color_scale_name {} impl $color_scale_name { const COLORS: [$color_type; count!($($color_complete)*)] = define_colors_from_list_of_values_or_directly!{$($color_complete),+}; } implement_linear_interpolation_color_map!{$color_scale_name, $color_type} } } define_linear_interpolation_color_map! { ViridisRGBA, RGBAColor, "A colormap optimized for visually impaired people (RGBA format). It is currently the default colormap also used by [matplotlib]( Read more in this [paper](", ( 68, 1, 84, 1.0), ( 70, 50, 127, 1.0), ( 54, 92, 141, 1.0), ( 39, 127, 143, 1.0), ( 31, 162, 136, 1.0), ( 74, 194, 110, 1.0), (160, 219, 57, 1.0), (254, 232, 37, 1.0) } define_linear_interpolation_color_map! { ViridisRGB, RGBColor, "A colormap optimized for visually impaired people (RGB Format). It is currently the default colormap also used by [matplotlib]( Read more in this [paper](", ( 68, 1, 84), ( 70, 50, 127), ( 54, 92, 141), ( 39, 127, 143), ( 31, 162, 136), ( 74, 194, 110), (160, 219, 57), (254, 232, 37) } define_linear_interpolation_color_map! { BlackWhite, RGBColor, "Simple chromatic colormap from black to white.", ( 0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255) } define_linear_interpolation_color_map! { MandelbrotHSL, HSLColor, "Colormap created to replace the one used in the mandelbrot example.", (0.0, 1.0, 0.5), (1.0, 1.0, 0.5) } define_linear_interpolation_color_map! { VulcanoHSL, HSLColor, "A vulcanic colormap that display red/orange and black colors", (2.0/3.0, 1.0, 0.7), ( 0.0, 1.0, 0.7) } use super::full_palette::*; define_linear_interpolation_color_map! { Bone, RGBColor, "Dark colormap going from black over blue to white.", BLACK, BLUE, WHITE } define_linear_interpolation_color_map! { Copper, RGBColor, "Friendly black to brown colormap.", BLACK, BROWN, ORANGE }