// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT // Refs: // - https://five-embeddev.com/riscv-isa-manual/latest/machine.html#machine-status-registers-mstatus-and-mstatush // - https://five-embeddev.com/riscv-isa-manual/latest/supervisor.html#sstatus // // Generated asm: // - riscv64gc https://godbolt.org/z/osbzsT679 #[cfg(not(portable_atomic_no_asm))] use core::arch::asm; pub(super) use super::super::riscv as atomic; // Status register #[cfg(not(portable_atomic_s_mode))] macro_rules! status { () => { "mstatus" }; } #[cfg(portable_atomic_s_mode)] macro_rules! status { () => { "sstatus" }; } // MIE (Machine Interrupt Enable) bit (1 << 3) #[cfg(not(portable_atomic_s_mode))] const MASK: State = 0x8; #[cfg(not(portable_atomic_s_mode))] macro_rules! mask { () => { "0x8" }; } // SIE (Supervisor Interrupt Enable) bit (1 << 1) #[cfg(portable_atomic_s_mode)] const MASK: State = 0x2; #[cfg(portable_atomic_s_mode)] macro_rules! mask { () => { "0x2" }; } #[cfg(target_arch = "riscv32")] pub(super) type State = u32; #[cfg(target_arch = "riscv64")] pub(super) type State = u64; /// Disables interrupts and returns the previous interrupt state. #[inline] pub(super) fn disable() -> State { let r: State; // SAFETY: reading mstatus and disabling interrupts is safe. // (see module-level comments of interrupt/mod.rs on the safety of using privileged instructions) unsafe { // Do not use `nomem` and `readonly` because prevent subsequent memory accesses from being reordered before interrupts are disabled. asm!(concat!("csrrci {0}, ", status!(), ", ", mask!()), out(reg) r, options(nostack, preserves_flags)); } r } /// Restores the previous interrupt state. /// /// # Safety /// /// The state must be the one retrieved by the previous `disable`. #[inline] pub(super) unsafe fn restore(r: State) { if r & MASK != 0 { // SAFETY: the caller must guarantee that the state was retrieved by the previous `disable`, // and we've checked that interrupts were enabled before disabling interrupts. unsafe { // Do not use `nomem` and `readonly` because prevent preceding memory accesses from being reordered after interrupts are enabled. asm!(concat!("csrsi ", status!(), ", ", mask!()), options(nostack, preserves_flags)); } } }