extern crate psm; psm::psm_stack_manipulation! { yes { use std::alloc; const STACK_SIZE: usize = 4096 * 64; const STACK_ALIGN: usize = 4096; fn main() { println!("current stack pointer is {:p}", psm::stack_pointer()); unsafe { let new_stack = alloc::alloc(alloc::Layout::from_size_align(STACK_SIZE, STACK_ALIGN).unwrap()); println!("new stack is between {:p} and {:p}", new_stack, new_stack.offset(STACK_SIZE as isize)); psm::replace_stack(new_stack, STACK_SIZE, || { println!("after replacement stack pointer is {:p}", psm::stack_pointer()); ::std::process::exit(0); }); } } } no { fn main() { eprintln!("Stack manipulation not supported by this target"); } } } #[test] fn run_example() { // NOTE: intentionally out-of-processes, as the example exits with `process::exit(0)`. main() }