// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. 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Scanners for fragments of CommonMark syntax use std::convert::TryInto; use std::{char, convert::TryFrom}; use crate::parse::HtmlScanGuard; pub(crate) use crate::puncttable::{is_ascii_punctuation, is_punctuation}; use crate::strings::CowStr; use crate::{entities, HeadingLevel}; use crate::{Alignment, LinkType}; use memchr::memchr; // sorted for binary search const HTML_TAGS: [&str; 62] = [ "address", "article", "aside", "base", "basefont", "blockquote", "body", "caption", "center", "col", "colgroup", "dd", "details", "dialog", "dir", "div", "dl", "dt", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "footer", "form", "frame", "frameset", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "head", "header", "hr", "html", "iframe", "legend", "li", "link", "main", "menu", "menuitem", "nav", "noframes", "ol", "optgroup", "option", "p", "param", "section", "source", "summary", "table", "tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "title", "tr", "track", "ul", ]; /// Analysis of the beginning of a line, including indentation and container /// markers. #[derive(Clone)] pub(crate) struct LineStart<'a> { bytes: &'a [u8], tab_start: usize, ix: usize, spaces_remaining: usize, // no thematic breaks can occur before this offset. // this prevents scanning over and over up to a certain point min_hrule_offset: usize, } impl<'a> LineStart<'a> { pub(crate) fn new(bytes: &[u8]) -> LineStart { LineStart { bytes, tab_start: 0, ix: 0, spaces_remaining: 0, min_hrule_offset: 0, } } /// Try to scan a number of spaces. /// /// Returns true if all spaces were consumed. /// /// Note: consumes some spaces even if not successful. pub(crate) fn scan_space(&mut self, n_space: usize) -> bool { self.scan_space_inner(n_space) == 0 } /// Scan a number of spaces up to a maximum. /// /// Returns number of spaces scanned. pub(crate) fn scan_space_upto(&mut self, n_space: usize) -> usize { n_space - self.scan_space_inner(n_space) } /// Returns unused remainder of spaces. fn scan_space_inner(&mut self, mut n_space: usize) -> usize { let n_from_remaining = self.spaces_remaining.min(n_space); self.spaces_remaining -= n_from_remaining; n_space -= n_from_remaining; while n_space > 0 && self.ix < self.bytes.len() { match self.bytes[self.ix] { b' ' => { self.ix += 1; n_space -= 1; } b'\t' => { let spaces = 4 - (self.ix - self.tab_start) % 4; self.ix += 1; self.tab_start = self.ix; let n = spaces.min(n_space); n_space -= n; self.spaces_remaining = spaces - n; } _ => break, } } n_space } /// Scan all available ASCII whitespace (not including eol). pub(crate) fn scan_all_space(&mut self) { self.spaces_remaining = 0; self.ix += self.bytes[self.ix..] .iter() .take_while(|&&b| b == b' ' || b == b'\t') .count(); } /// Determine whether we're at end of line (includes end of file). pub(crate) fn is_at_eol(&self) -> bool { self.bytes .get(self.ix) .map(|&c| c == b'\r' || c == b'\n') .unwrap_or(true) } fn scan_ch(&mut self, c: u8) -> bool { if self.ix < self.bytes.len() && self.bytes[self.ix] == c { self.ix += 1; true } else { false } } pub(crate) fn scan_blockquote_marker(&mut self) -> bool { let save = self.clone(); let _ = self.scan_space(3); if self.scan_ch(b'>') { let _ = self.scan_space(1); true } else { *self = save; false } } /// Scan a list marker. /// /// Return value is the character, the start index, and the indent in spaces. /// For ordered list markers, the character will be one of b'.' or b')'. For /// bullet list markers, it will be one of b'-', b'+', or b'*'. pub(crate) fn scan_list_marker(&mut self) -> Option<(u8, u64, usize)> { let save = self.clone(); let indent = self.scan_space_upto(4); if indent < 4 && self.ix < self.bytes.len() { let c = self.bytes[self.ix]; if c == b'-' || c == b'+' || c == b'*' { if self.ix >= self.min_hrule_offset { // there could be an hrule here if let Err(min_offset) = scan_hrule(&self.bytes[self.ix..]) { self.min_hrule_offset = min_offset; } else { *self = save; return None; } } self.ix += 1; if self.scan_space(1) || self.is_at_eol() { return self.finish_list_marker(c, 0, indent + 2); } } else if c >= b'0' && c <= b'9' { let start_ix = self.ix; let mut ix = self.ix + 1; let mut val = u64::from(c - b'0'); while ix < self.bytes.len() && ix - start_ix < 10 { let c = self.bytes[ix]; ix += 1; if c >= b'0' && c <= b'9' { val = val * 10 + u64::from(c - b'0'); } else if c == b')' || c == b'.' { self.ix = ix; if self.scan_space(1) || self.is_at_eol() { return self.finish_list_marker(c, val, indent + self.ix - start_ix); } else { break; } } else { break; } } } } *self = save; None } fn finish_list_marker( &mut self, c: u8, start: u64, mut indent: usize, ) -> Option<(u8, u64, usize)> { let save = self.clone(); // skip the rest of the line if it's blank if scan_blank_line(&self.bytes[self.ix..]).is_some() { return Some((c, start, indent)); } let post_indent = self.scan_space_upto(4); if post_indent < 4 { indent += post_indent; } else { *self = save; } Some((c, start, indent)) } /// Returns Some(is_checked) when a task list marker was found. Resets itself /// to original state otherwise. pub(crate) fn scan_task_list_marker(&mut self) -> Option { let save = self.clone(); self.scan_space_upto(3); if !self.scan_ch(b'[') { *self = save; return None; } let is_checked = match self.bytes.get(self.ix) { Some(&c) if is_ascii_whitespace_no_nl(c) => { self.ix += 1; false } Some(b'x') | Some(b'X') => { self.ix += 1; true } _ => { *self = save; return None; } }; if !self.scan_ch(b']') { *self = save; return None; } if !self .bytes .get(self.ix) .map(|&b| is_ascii_whitespace_no_nl(b)) .unwrap_or(false) { *self = save; return None; } Some(is_checked) } pub(crate) fn bytes_scanned(&self) -> usize { self.ix } pub(crate) fn remaining_space(&self) -> usize { self.spaces_remaining } } pub(crate) fn is_ascii_whitespace(c: u8) -> bool { (c >= 0x09 && c <= 0x0d) || c == b' ' } pub(crate) fn is_ascii_whitespace_no_nl(c: u8) -> bool { c == b'\t' || c == 0x0b || c == 0x0c || c == b' ' } fn is_ascii_alpha(c: u8) -> bool { matches!(c, b'a'..=b'z' | b'A'..=b'Z') } fn is_ascii_alphanumeric(c: u8) -> bool { matches!(c, b'0'..=b'9' | b'a'..=b'z' | b'A'..=b'Z') } fn is_ascii_letterdigitdash(c: u8) -> bool { c == b'-' || is_ascii_alphanumeric(c) } fn is_digit(c: u8) -> bool { b'0' <= c && c <= b'9' } fn is_valid_unquoted_attr_value_char(c: u8) -> bool { !matches!( c, b'\'' | b'"' | b' ' | b'=' | b'>' | b'<' | b'`' | b'\n' | b'\r' ) } // scan a single character pub(crate) fn scan_ch(data: &[u8], c: u8) -> usize { if !data.is_empty() && data[0] == c { 1 } else { 0 } } pub(crate) fn scan_while(data: &[u8], mut f: F) -> usize where F: FnMut(u8) -> bool, { data.iter().take_while(|&&c| f(c)).count() } pub(crate) fn scan_rev_while(data: &[u8], mut f: F) -> usize where F: FnMut(u8) -> bool, { data.iter().rev().take_while(|&&c| f(c)).count() } pub(crate) fn scan_ch_repeat(data: &[u8], c: u8) -> usize { scan_while(data, |x| x == c) } // Note: this scans ASCII whitespace only, for Unicode whitespace use // a different function. pub(crate) fn scan_whitespace_no_nl(data: &[u8]) -> usize { scan_while(data, is_ascii_whitespace_no_nl) } fn scan_attr_value_chars(data: &[u8]) -> usize { scan_while(data, is_valid_unquoted_attr_value_char) } pub(crate) fn scan_eol(bytes: &[u8]) -> Option { if bytes.is_empty() { return Some(0); } match bytes[0] { b'\n' => Some(1), b'\r' => Some(if bytes.get(1) == Some(&b'\n') { 2 } else { 1 }), _ => None, } } pub(crate) fn scan_blank_line(bytes: &[u8]) -> Option { let i = scan_whitespace_no_nl(bytes); scan_eol(&bytes[i..]).map(|n| i + n) } pub(crate) fn scan_nextline(bytes: &[u8]) -> usize { memchr(b'\n', bytes).map_or(bytes.len(), |x| x + 1) } // return: end byte for closing code fence, or None // if the line is not a closing code fence pub(crate) fn scan_closing_code_fence( bytes: &[u8], fence_char: u8, n_fence_char: usize, ) -> Option { if bytes.is_empty() { return Some(0); } let mut i = 0; let num_fence_chars_found = scan_ch_repeat(&bytes[i..], fence_char); if num_fence_chars_found < n_fence_char { return None; } i += num_fence_chars_found; let num_trailing_spaces = scan_ch_repeat(&bytes[i..], b' '); i += num_trailing_spaces; scan_eol(&bytes[i..]).map(|_| i) } // returned pair is (number of bytes, number of spaces) fn calc_indent(text: &[u8], max: usize) -> (usize, usize) { let mut spaces = 0; let mut offset = 0; for (i, &b) in text.iter().enumerate() { match b { b' ' => { spaces += 1; if spaces == max { break; } } b'\t' => { let new_spaces = spaces + 4 - (spaces & 3); if new_spaces > max { break; } spaces = new_spaces; } _ => break, } offset = i; } (offset, spaces) } /// Scan hrule opening sequence. /// /// Returns Ok(x) when it finds an hrule, where x is the /// size of line containing the hrule, including the trailing newline. /// /// Returns Err(x) when it does not find an hrule and x is /// the offset in data before no hrule can appear. pub(crate) fn scan_hrule(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result { if bytes.len() < 3 { return Err(0); } let c = bytes[0]; if !(c == b'*' || c == b'-' || c == b'_') { return Err(0); } let mut n = 0; let mut i = 0; while i < bytes.len() { match bytes[i] { b'\n' | b'\r' => { i += scan_eol(&bytes[i..]).unwrap_or(0); break; } c2 if c2 == c => { n += 1; } b' ' | b'\t' => (), _ => return Err(i), } i += 1; } if n >= 3 { Ok(i) } else { Err(i) } } /// Scan an ATX heading opening sequence. /// /// Returns number of bytes in prefix and level. pub(crate) fn scan_atx_heading(data: &[u8]) -> Option { let level = scan_ch_repeat(data, b'#'); if data.get(level).copied().map_or(true, is_ascii_whitespace) { HeadingLevel::try_from(level).ok() } else { None } } /// Scan a setext heading underline. /// /// Returns number of bytes in line (including trailing newline) and level. pub(crate) fn scan_setext_heading(data: &[u8]) -> Option<(usize, HeadingLevel)> { let c = *data.get(0)?; let level = if c == b'=' { HeadingLevel::H1 } else if c == b'-' { HeadingLevel::H2 } else { return None; }; let mut i = 1 + scan_ch_repeat(&data[1..], c); i += scan_blank_line(&data[i..])?; Some((i, level)) } // returns number of bytes in line (including trailing // newline) and column alignments pub(crate) fn scan_table_head(data: &[u8]) -> (usize, Vec) { let (mut i, spaces) = calc_indent(data, 4); if spaces > 3 || i == data.len() { return (0, vec![]); } let mut cols = vec![]; let mut active_col = Alignment::None; let mut start_col = true; if data[i] == b'|' { i += 1; } for c in &data[i..] { if let Some(n) = scan_eol(&data[i..]) { i += n; break; } match *c { b' ' => (), b':' => { active_col = match (start_col, active_col) { (true, Alignment::None) => Alignment::Left, (false, Alignment::Left) => Alignment::Center, (false, Alignment::None) => Alignment::Right, _ => active_col, }; start_col = false; } b'-' => { start_col = false; } b'|' => { start_col = true; cols.push(active_col); active_col = Alignment::None; } _ => { cols = vec![]; start_col = true; break; } } i += 1; } if !start_col { cols.push(active_col); } (i, cols) } /// Scan code fence. /// /// Returns number of bytes scanned and the char that is repeated to make the code fence. pub(crate) fn scan_code_fence(data: &[u8]) -> Option<(usize, u8)> { let c = *data.get(0)?; if !(c == b'`' || c == b'~') { return None; } let i = 1 + scan_ch_repeat(&data[1..], c); if i >= 3 { if c == b'`' { let suffix = &data[i..]; let next_line = i + scan_nextline(suffix); // FIXME: make sure this is correct if suffix[..(next_line - i)].iter().any(|&b| b == b'`') { return None; } } Some((i, c)) } else { None } } pub(crate) fn scan_blockquote_start(data: &[u8]) -> Option { if data.starts_with(b"> ") { Some(2) } else { None } } /// This already assumes the list item has been scanned. pub(crate) fn scan_empty_list(data: &[u8]) -> bool { let mut ix = 0; for _ in 0..2 { if let Some(bytes) = scan_blank_line(&data[ix..]) { ix += bytes; } else { return false; } } true } // return number of bytes scanned, delimiter, start index, and indent pub(crate) fn scan_listitem(bytes: &[u8]) -> Option<(usize, u8, usize, usize)> { let mut c = *bytes.get(0)?; let (w, start) = match c { b'-' | b'+' | b'*' => (1, 0), b'0'..=b'9' => { let (length, start) = parse_decimal(bytes); c = *bytes.get(length)?; if !(c == b'.' || c == b')') { return None; } (length + 1, start) } _ => { return None; } }; // TODO: replace calc_indent with scan_leading_whitespace, for tab correctness let (mut postn, mut postindent) = calc_indent(&bytes[w..], 5); if postindent == 0 { scan_eol(&bytes[w..])?; postindent += 1; } else if postindent > 4 { postn = 1; postindent = 1; } if scan_blank_line(&bytes[w..]).is_some() { postn = 0; postindent = 1; } Some((w + postn, c, start, w + postindent)) } // returns (number of bytes, parsed decimal) fn parse_decimal(bytes: &[u8]) -> (usize, usize) { match bytes .iter() .take_while(|&&b| is_digit(b)) .try_fold((0, 0usize), |(count, acc), c| { let digit = usize::from(c - b'0'); match acc .checked_mul(10) .and_then(|ten_acc| ten_acc.checked_add(digit)) { Some(number) => Ok((count + 1, number)), // stop early on overflow None => Err((count, acc)), } }) { Ok(p) | Err(p) => p, } } // returns (number of bytes, parsed hex) fn parse_hex(bytes: &[u8]) -> (usize, usize) { match bytes.iter().try_fold((0, 0usize), |(count, acc), c| { let mut c = *c; let digit = if c >= b'0' && c <= b'9' { usize::from(c - b'0') } else { // make lower case c |= 0x20; if c >= b'a' && c <= b'f' { usize::from(c - b'a' + 10) } else { return Err((count, acc)); } }; match acc .checked_mul(16) .and_then(|sixteen_acc| sixteen_acc.checked_add(digit)) { Some(number) => Ok((count + 1, number)), // stop early on overflow None => Err((count, acc)), } }) { Ok(p) | Err(p) => p, } } fn char_from_codepoint(input: usize) -> Option { let mut codepoint = input.try_into().ok()?; if codepoint == 0 { codepoint = 0xFFFD; } char::from_u32(codepoint) } // doesn't bother to check data[0] == '&' pub(crate) fn scan_entity(bytes: &[u8]) -> (usize, Option>) { let mut end = 1; if scan_ch(&bytes[end..], b'#') == 1 { end += 1; let (bytecount, codepoint) = if end < bytes.len() && bytes[end] | 0x20 == b'x' { end += 1; parse_hex(&bytes[end..]) } else { parse_decimal(&bytes[end..]) }; end += bytecount; return if bytecount == 0 || scan_ch(&bytes[end..], b';') == 0 { (0, None) } else if let Some(c) = char_from_codepoint(codepoint) { (end + 1, Some(c.into())) } else { (0, None) }; } end += scan_while(&bytes[end..], is_ascii_alphanumeric); if scan_ch(&bytes[end..], b';') == 1 { if let Some(value) = entities::get_entity(&bytes[1..end]) { return (end + 1, Some(value.into())); } } (0, None) } // FIXME: we can most likely re-use other scanners // returns (bytelength, title_str) pub(crate) fn scan_refdef_title(text: &str) -> Option<(usize, &str)> { let mut chars = text.chars().peekable(); let closing_delim = match chars.next()? { '\'' => '\'', '"' => '"', '(' => ')', _ => return None, }; let mut bytecount = 1; while let Some(c) = chars.next() { match c { '\n' => { bytecount += 1; let mut next = *chars.peek()?; while is_ascii_whitespace_no_nl(next as u8) { bytecount += chars.next()?.len_utf8(); next = *chars.peek()?; } if *chars.peek()? == '\n' { // blank line - not allowed return None; } } '\\' => { let next_char = chars.next()?; bytecount += 1 + next_char.len_utf8(); } c if c == closing_delim => { return Some((bytecount + 1, &text[1..bytecount])); } c => { bytecount += c.len_utf8(); } } } None } // note: dest returned is raw, still needs to be unescaped // TODO: check that nested parens are really not allowed for refdefs // TODO(performance): this func should probably its own unescaping pub(crate) fn scan_link_dest( data: &str, start_ix: usize, max_next: usize, ) -> Option<(usize, &str)> { let bytes = &data.as_bytes()[start_ix..]; let mut i = scan_ch(bytes, b'<'); if i != 0 { // pointy links while i < bytes.len() { match bytes[i] { b'\n' | b'\r' | b'<' => return None, b'>' => return Some((i + 1, &data[(start_ix + 1)..(start_ix + i)])), b'\\' if i + 1 < bytes.len() && is_ascii_punctuation(bytes[i + 1]) => { i += 1; } _ => {} } i += 1; } None } else { // non-pointy links let mut nest = 0; while i < bytes.len() { match bytes[i] { 0x0..=0x20 => { break; } b'(' => { if nest > max_next { return None; } nest += 1; } b')' => { if nest == 0 { break; } nest -= 1; } b'\\' if i + 1 < bytes.len() && is_ascii_punctuation(bytes[i + 1]) => { i += 1; } _ => {} } i += 1; } Some((i, &data[start_ix..(start_ix + i)])) } } /// Returns bytes scanned fn scan_attribute_name(data: &[u8]) -> Option { let (&c, tail) = data.split_first()?; if is_ascii_alpha(c) || c == b'_' || c == b':' { Some( 1 + scan_while(tail, |c| { is_ascii_alphanumeric(c) || c == b'_' || c == b'.' || c == b':' || c == b'-' }), ) } else { None } } /// Returns the index immediately following the attribute on success. /// The argument `buffer_ix` refers to the index into `data` from which we /// should copy into `buffer` when we find bytes to skip. fn scan_attribute( data: &[u8], mut ix: usize, newline_handler: Option<&dyn Fn(&[u8]) -> usize>, buffer: &mut Vec, buffer_ix: &mut usize, ) -> Option { ix += scan_attribute_name(&data[ix..])?; let n_whitespace = scan_whitespace_with_newline_handler(data, ix, newline_handler, buffer, buffer_ix)? - ix; ix += n_whitespace; if scan_ch(&data[ix..], b'=') == 1 { ix += 1; ix = scan_whitespace_with_newline_handler(data, ix, newline_handler, buffer, buffer_ix)?; ix = scan_attribute_value(data, ix, newline_handler, buffer, buffer_ix)?; } else if n_whitespace > 0 { // Leave whitespace for next attribute. ix -= 1; } Some(ix) } /// Scans whitespace and possibly newlines according to the /// behavior defined by the newline handler. When bytes are skipped, /// all preceding non-skipped bytes are pushed to the buffer. fn scan_whitespace_with_newline_handler( data: &[u8], mut i: usize, newline_handler: Option<&dyn Fn(&[u8]) -> usize>, buffer: &mut Vec, buffer_ix: &mut usize, ) -> Option { while i < data.len() { if !is_ascii_whitespace(data[i]) { return Some(i); } if let Some(eol_bytes) = scan_eol(&data[i..]) { let handler = newline_handler?; i += eol_bytes; let skipped_bytes = handler(&data[i..]); if skipped_bytes > 0 { buffer.extend(&data[*buffer_ix..i]); *buffer_ix = i + skipped_bytes; } i += skipped_bytes; } else { i += 1; } } Some(i) } /// Returns the index immediately following the attribute value on success. fn scan_attribute_value( data: &[u8], mut i: usize, newline_handler: Option<&dyn Fn(&[u8]) -> usize>, buffer: &mut Vec, buffer_ix: &mut usize, ) -> Option { match *data.get(i)? { b @ b'"' | b @ b'\'' => { i += 1; while i < data.len() { if data[i] == b { return Some(i + 1); } if let Some(eol_bytes) = scan_eol(&data[i..]) { let handler = newline_handler?; i += eol_bytes; let skipped_bytes = handler(&data[i..]); if skipped_bytes > 0 { buffer.extend(&data[*buffer_ix..i]); *buffer_ix = i + skipped_bytes; } i += skipped_bytes; } else { i += 1; } } return None; } b' ' | b'=' | b'>' | b'<' | b'`' | b'\n' | b'\r' => { return None; } _ => { // unquoted attribute value i += scan_attr_value_chars(&data[i..]); } } Some(i) } // Remove backslash escapes and resolve entities pub(crate) fn unescape(input: &str) -> CowStr<'_> { let mut result = String::new(); let mut mark = 0; let mut i = 0; let bytes = input.as_bytes(); while i < bytes.len() { match bytes[i] { b'\\' if i + 1 < bytes.len() && is_ascii_punctuation(bytes[i + 1]) => { result.push_str(&input[mark..i]); mark = i + 1; i += 2; } b'&' => match scan_entity(&bytes[i..]) { (n, Some(value)) => { result.push_str(&input[mark..i]); result.push_str(&value); i += n; mark = i; } _ => i += 1, }, b'\r' => { result.push_str(&input[mark..i]); i += 1; mark = i; } _ => i += 1, } } if mark == 0 { input.into() } else { result.push_str(&input[mark..]); result.into() } } /// Assumes `data` is preceded by `<`. pub(crate) fn starts_html_block_type_6(data: &[u8]) -> bool { let i = scan_ch(data, b'/'); let tail = &data[i..]; let n = scan_while(tail, is_ascii_alphanumeric); if !is_html_tag(&tail[..n]) { return false; } // Starting condition says the next byte must be either a space, a tab, // the end of the line, the string >, or the string /> let tail = &tail[n..]; tail.is_empty() || tail[0] == b' ' || tail[0] == b'\t' || tail[0] == b'\r' || tail[0] == b'\n' || tail[0] == b'>' || tail.len() >= 2 && &tail[..2] == b"/>" } fn is_html_tag(tag: &[u8]) -> bool { HTML_TAGS .binary_search_by(|probe| { let probe_bytes_iter = probe.as_bytes().iter(); let tag_bytes_iter = tag.iter(); probe_bytes_iter .zip(tag_bytes_iter) .find_map(|(&a, &b)| { // We can compare case insensitively because the probes are // all lower case alpha strings. match a.cmp(&(b | 0x20)) { std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => None, inequality => Some(inequality), } }) .unwrap_or_else(|| probe.len().cmp(&tag.len())) }) .is_ok() } /// Assumes that `data` starts with `<`. /// Returns the index into data directly after the html tag on success. pub(crate) fn scan_html_type_7(data: &[u8]) -> Option { // Block type html does not allow for newlines, so we // do not pass a newline handler. let (_span, i) = scan_html_block_inner(data, None)?; scan_blank_line(&data[i..])?; Some(i) } /// Assumes that `data` starts with `<`. /// Returns the number of bytes scanned and the html in case of /// success. /// When some bytes were skipped, because the html was split over /// multiple leafs (e.g. over multiple lines in a blockquote), /// the html is returned as a vector of bytes. /// If no bytes were skipped, the buffer will be empty. pub(crate) fn scan_html_block_inner( data: &[u8], newline_handler: Option<&dyn Fn(&[u8]) -> usize>, ) -> Option<(Vec, usize)> { let mut buffer = Vec::new(); let mut last_buf_index = 0; let close_tag_bytes = scan_ch(&data[1..], b'/'); let l = scan_while(&data[(1 + close_tag_bytes)..], is_ascii_alpha); if l == 0 { return None; } let mut i = 1 + close_tag_bytes + l; i += scan_while(&data[i..], is_ascii_letterdigitdash); if close_tag_bytes == 0 { loop { let old_i = i; loop { i += scan_whitespace_no_nl(&data[i..]); if let Some(eol_bytes) = scan_eol(&data[i..]) { if eol_bytes == 0 { return None; } let handler = newline_handler?; i += eol_bytes; let skipped_bytes = handler(&data[i..]); let data_len = data.len() - i; debug_assert!( skipped_bytes <= data_len, "Handler tried to skip too many bytes, fed {}, skipped {}", data_len, skipped_bytes ); if skipped_bytes > 0 { buffer.extend(&data[last_buf_index..i]); i += skipped_bytes; last_buf_index = i; } } else { break; } } if let Some(b'/') | Some(b'>') = data.get(i) { break; } if old_i == i { // No whitespace, which is mandatory. return None; } i = scan_attribute(data, i, newline_handler, &mut buffer, &mut last_buf_index)?; } } i += scan_whitespace_no_nl(&data[i..]); if close_tag_bytes == 0 { i += scan_ch(&data[i..], b'/'); } if scan_ch(&data[i..], b'>') == 0 { None } else { i += 1; if !buffer.is_empty() { buffer.extend(&data[last_buf_index..i]); } Some((buffer, i)) } } /// Returns (next_byte_offset, uri, type) pub(crate) fn scan_autolink(text: &str, start_ix: usize) -> Option<(usize, CowStr<'_>, LinkType)> { scan_uri(text, start_ix) .map(|(bytes, uri)| (bytes, uri, LinkType::Autolink)) .or_else(|| scan_email(text, start_ix).map(|(bytes, uri)| (bytes, uri, LinkType::Email))) } /// Returns (next_byte_offset, uri) fn scan_uri(text: &str, start_ix: usize) -> Option<(usize, CowStr<'_>)> { let bytes = &text.as_bytes()[start_ix..]; // scheme's first byte must be an ascii letter if bytes.is_empty() || !is_ascii_alpha(bytes[0]) { return None; } let mut i = 1; while i < bytes.len() { let c = bytes[i]; i += 1; match c { c if is_ascii_alphanumeric(c) => (), b'.' | b'-' | b'+' => (), b':' => break, _ => return None, } } // scheme length must be between 2 and 32 characters long. scheme // must be followed by colon if i < 3 || i > 33 { return None; } while i < bytes.len() { match bytes[i] { b'>' => return Some((start_ix + i + 1, text[start_ix..(start_ix + i)].into())), b'\0'..=b' ' | b'<' => return None, _ => (), } i += 1; } None } /// Returns (next_byte_offset, email) fn scan_email(text: &str, start_ix: usize) -> Option<(usize, CowStr<'_>)> { // using a regex library would be convenient, but doing it by hand is not too bad let bytes = &text.as_bytes()[start_ix..]; let mut i = 0; while i < bytes.len() { let c = bytes[i]; i += 1; match c { c if is_ascii_alphanumeric(c) => (), b'.' | b'!' | b'#' | b'$' | b'%' | b'&' | b'\'' | b'*' | b'+' | b'/' | b'=' | b'?' | b'^' | b'_' | b'`' | b'{' | b'|' | b'}' | b'~' | b'-' => (), b'@' => break, _ => return None, } } loop { let label_start_ix = i; let mut fresh_label = true; while i < bytes.len() { match bytes[i] { c if is_ascii_alphanumeric(c) => (), b'-' if fresh_label => { return None; } b'-' => (), _ => break, } fresh_label = false; i += 1; } if i == label_start_ix || i - label_start_ix > 63 || bytes[i - 1] == b'-' { return None; } if scan_ch(&bytes[i..], b'.') == 0 { break; } i += 1; } if scan_ch(&bytes[i..], b'>') == 0 { return None; } Some((start_ix + i + 1, text[start_ix..(start_ix + i)].into())) } /// Scan comment, declaration, or CDATA section, with initial " Option { let c = *bytes.get(ix)?; ix += 1; match c { b'-' => { let dashes = scan_ch_repeat(&bytes[ix..], b'-'); if dashes < 1 { return None; } // Saw "