// This file is auto-generated by the build script
// Please, do not modify it manually
use super::test_markdown_html;
fn heading_attrs_test_1() {
let original = r##"with the ID {#myh1}
with a class {.myclass}
multiple! {.myclass1 #myh3 .myclass2}
let expected = r##"
with the ID
with a class
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_2() {
let original = r##"# with the ID {#myh1}
## with a class {.myclass}
### multiple! {.myclass1 #myh3 .myclass2}
let expected = r##"with the ID
with a class
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_3() {
let original = r##"# H1 # {#id1}
## H2 ## with ## multiple ## hashes ## {#id2}
### with trailing hash # ### {#id3}
#### non-attribute-block {#id4} ####
let expected = r##"H1
H2 ## with ## multiple ## hashes
with trailing hash #
non-attribute-block {#id4}
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_4() {
let original = r##"# spaces {#myid1}
## tabs {#myid2}
let expected = r##"spaces
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_5() {
let original = r##"# H1 \
let expected = r##"H1 \
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_6() {
let original = r##"# H1 \
## H2 \
nextline {.class}
### H3 [link
](https://example.com/) {#myid3}
let expected = r##"H1 \
H2 \
nextline {.class}
H3 [link
](https://example.com/) {#myid3}
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_7() {
let original = r##"H1
let expected = r##"H1
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_8() {
let original = r##"H1
let expected = r##"H1
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_9() {
let original = r##"# without space, not recommended{#id1}
## recommended style with spaces {#id2}
let expected = r##"without space, not recommended
recommended style with spaces
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_10() {
let original = r##"# H1 { #id1 }
## H2 {.myclass #id2 }
### H3 { .myclass}
let expected = r##"H1
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_11() {
let original = r##"# H1 {#id1.class1.class2 .class3}
## H2 {.class1#id2.class2}
let expected = r##"H1
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_12() {
let original = r##"# H1 { #id1
## H2 {#id2
let expected = r##"H1 { #id1
H2 {#id2
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_13() {
let original = r##"# H1 #id1 }
## H2 #id2}
let expected = r##"H1 #id1 }
H2 #id2}
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_14() {
let original = r##"# H1 { #id1 } foo
## H2 {#id2}
let expected = r##"H1 { #id1 } foo
H2 {#id2}
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_15() {
let original = r##"# *H1* { #id1 }
## **H2** {#id2}
### _H3_ {#id3}
#### ~~H4~~ {#id4}
##### [text](uri) {#id5}
let expected = r##"H1
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_16() {
let original = r##"# H1 {#first #second #last}
let expected = r##"H1
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_17() {
let original = r##"# H1 {.z .a .zz}
let expected = r##"H1
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_18() {
let original = r##"# H1 {.a .a .a}
let expected = r##"H1
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_19() {
let original = r##"# H1 {.myclass #myid}
## H2 {.z #m .a}
let expected = r##"H1
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_20() {
let original = r##"# H1 {foo}
## H2 {#myid unknown this#is.ignored attr=value .myclass}
let expected = r##"H1
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_21() {
let original = r##"# H1 {.foo{unknown}
## H2 {.foo{.bar}
let expected = r##"H1 {.foo
H2 {.foo
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_22() {
let original = r##"# H1 {.foo}bar}
let expected = r##"H1 {.foo}bar}
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_23() {
let original = r##"# H1 {foo}
let expected = r##"H1 {foo}
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_24() {
let original = r##"# H1 {.foo\}
let expected = r##"H1 {.foo}
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_25() {
let original = r##"H1 {.foo
let expected = r##"H1 {.foo
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_26() {
let original = r##"H1 {} {}
## H2 {} {}
let expected = r##"H1 {}
H2 {}
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_27() {
let original = r##"## H2 {} ##
let expected = r##"H2 {}
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_28() {
let original = r##"# H1 {\}
## this is also ok \{\}
newline can be used for setext heading {
let expected = r##"H1 {}
this is also ok {}
newline can be used for setext heading {
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_29() {
let original = r##"# H1 \{.foo}
## H2 \\{.bar}
### stray backslash at the end is preserved \
let expected = r##"H1 \
H2 \
stray backslash at the end is preserved \
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_30() {
let original = r##"H1 \{.foo}
H2 \\{.bar}
stray backslash at the end is preserved \
let expected = r##"H1 \
H2 \
stray backslash at the end is preserved \
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_31() {
let original = r##"# H1 {#`code`}
## H2 {#foo__bar__baz}
### H3 {#foo**bar**baz}
let expected = r##"H1
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_32() {
let original = r##"H1 {#`code`}
H2-1 {#foo__bar__baz}
H2-2 {#foo**bar**baz}
let expected = r##"H1
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_33() {
let original = r##"# H1 {.foo#bar}
## H2 {#foo.bar}
### H3 {.a"b'c&d}
let expected = r##"H1
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_34() {
let original = r##"# H1 {#}
## H2 {.}
let expected = r##"H1
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_35() {
let original = r##"# H1 {#foo #}
# H1 {.foo . . .bar}
let expected = r##"H1
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_36() {
let original = r##"# {}
## {}
### {\}
#### {} {}
let expected = r##"
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_37() {
let original = r##"{}
let expected = r##"
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_38() {
let original = r##"# horizontal tab
# horizontal tab {#ht}
## form feed
## form feed{#ff}
### vertical tab
### vertical tab{#vt}
let expected = r##"horizontal tab
horizontal tab
form feed
form feed
vertical tab
vertical tab
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_39() {
let original = r##"# horizontal tab (U+000A) {#ht .myclass}
## form feed (U+000C) {#ff.myclass}
# vertical tab (U+000B) {#vt.myclass}
let expected = r##"horizontal tab (U+000A)
form feed (U+000C)
vertical tab (U+000B)
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);
fn heading_attrs_test_40() {
let original = r##"# EN SPACE (U+2002) {#en-space .myclass}
## IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE (U+3000) {#ideographic-space .myclass}
let expected = r##"EN SPACE (U+2002)
test_markdown_html(original, expected, false);