// Copyright 2018 Developers of the Rand project. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. /// Initialize a RNG from a `u64` seed using `SplitMix64`. macro_rules! from_splitmix { ($seed:expr) => { { let mut rng = crate::SplitMix64::seed_from_u64($seed); Self::from_rng(&mut rng).unwrap() } } } /// Apply the ** scrambler used by some RNGs from the xoshiro family. macro_rules! starstar_u64 { ($x:expr) => { $x.wrapping_mul(5).rotate_left(7).wrapping_mul(9) } } /// Apply the ** scrambler used by some RNGs from the xoshiro family. macro_rules! starstar_u32 { ($x:expr) => { $x.wrapping_mul(0x9E3779BB).rotate_left(5).wrapping_mul(5) } } /// Apply the ++ scrambler used by some RNGs from the xoshiro family. macro_rules! plusplus_u64 { ($x:expr, $y:expr, $rot:expr) => { $x.wrapping_add($y).rotate_left($rot).wrapping_add($x) } } /// Apply the ++ scrambler used by some RNGs from the xoshiro family. macro_rules! plusplus_u32 { ($x:expr, $y:expr) => { $x.wrapping_add($y).rotate_left(7).wrapping_add($x) } } /// Implement a jump function for an RNG from the xoshiro family. macro_rules! impl_jump { (u32, $self:expr, [$j0:expr, $j1:expr]) => { const JUMP: [u32; 2] = [$j0, $j1]; let mut s0 = 0; let mut s1 = 0; for j in &JUMP { for b in 0..32 { if (j & 1 << b) != 0 { s0 ^= $self.s0; s1 ^= $self.s1; } $self.next_u32(); } } $self.s0 = s0; $self.s1 = s1; }; (u64, $self:expr, [$j0:expr, $j1:expr]) => { const JUMP: [u64; 2] = [$j0, $j1]; let mut s0 = 0; let mut s1 = 0; for j in &JUMP { for b in 0..64 { if (j & 1 << b) != 0 { s0 ^= $self.s0; s1 ^= $self.s1; } $self.next_u64(); } } $self.s0 = s0; $self.s1 = s1; }; (u32, $self:expr, [$j0:expr, $j1:expr, $j2:expr, $j3:expr]) => { const JUMP: [u32; 4] = [$j0, $j1, $j2, $j3]; let mut s0 = 0; let mut s1 = 0; let mut s2 = 0; let mut s3 = 0; for j in &JUMP { for b in 0..32 { if (j & 1 << b) != 0 { s0 ^= $self.s[0]; s1 ^= $self.s[1]; s2 ^= $self.s[2]; s3 ^= $self.s[3]; } $self.next_u32(); } } $self.s[0] = s0; $self.s[1] = s1; $self.s[2] = s2; $self.s[3] = s3; }; (u64, $self:expr, [$j0:expr, $j1:expr, $j2:expr, $j3:expr]) => { const JUMP: [u64; 4] = [$j0, $j1, $j2, $j3]; let mut s0 = 0; let mut s1 = 0; let mut s2 = 0; let mut s3 = 0; for j in &JUMP { for b in 0..64 { if (j & 1 << b) != 0 { s0 ^= $self.s[0]; s1 ^= $self.s[1]; s2 ^= $self.s[2]; s3 ^= $self.s[3]; } $self.next_u64(); } } $self.s[0] = s0; $self.s[1] = s1; $self.s[2] = s2; $self.s[3] = s3; }; (u64, $self:expr, [$j0:expr, $j1:expr, $j2:expr, $j3:expr, $j4:expr, $j5:expr, $j6:expr, $j7:expr]) => { const JUMP: [u64; 8] = [$j0, $j1, $j2, $j3, $j4, $j5, $j6, $j7]; let mut s = [0; 8]; for j in &JUMP { for b in 0..64 { if (j & 1 << b) != 0 { s[0] ^= $self.s[0]; s[1] ^= $self.s[1]; s[2] ^= $self.s[2]; s[3] ^= $self.s[3]; s[4] ^= $self.s[4]; s[5] ^= $self.s[5]; s[6] ^= $self.s[6]; s[7] ^= $self.s[7]; } $self.next_u64(); } } $self.s = s; }; } /// Implement the xoroshiro iteration. macro_rules! impl_xoroshiro_u32 { ($self:expr) => { $self.s1 ^= $self.s0; $self.s0 = $self.s0.rotate_left(26) ^ $self.s1 ^ ($self.s1 << 9); $self.s1 = $self.s1.rotate_left(13); } } /// Implement the xoroshiro iteration. macro_rules! impl_xoroshiro_u64 { ($self:expr) => { $self.s1 ^= $self.s0; $self.s0 = $self.s0.rotate_left(24) ^ $self.s1 ^ ($self.s1 << 16); $self.s1 = $self.s1.rotate_left(37); } } /// Implement the xoroshiro iteration for the ++ scrambler. macro_rules! impl_xoroshiro_u64_plusplus { ($self:expr) => { $self.s1 ^= $self.s0; $self.s0 = $self.s0.rotate_left(49) ^ $self.s1 ^ ($self.s1 << 21); $self.s1 = $self.s1.rotate_left(28); } } /// Implement the xoshiro iteration for `u32` output. macro_rules! impl_xoshiro_u32 { ($self:expr) => { let t = $self.s[1] << 9; $self.s[2] ^= $self.s[0]; $self.s[3] ^= $self.s[1]; $self.s[1] ^= $self.s[2]; $self.s[0] ^= $self.s[3]; $self.s[2] ^= t; $self.s[3] = $self.s[3].rotate_left(11); } } /// Implement the xoshiro iteration for `u64` output. macro_rules! impl_xoshiro_u64 { ($self:expr) => { let t = $self.s[1] << 17; $self.s[2] ^= $self.s[0]; $self.s[3] ^= $self.s[1]; $self.s[1] ^= $self.s[2]; $self.s[0] ^= $self.s[3]; $self.s[2] ^= t; $self.s[3] = $self.s[3].rotate_left(45); } } /// Implement the large-state xoshiro iteration. macro_rules! impl_xoshiro_large { ($self:expr) => { let t = $self.s[1] << 11; $self.s[2] ^= $self.s[0]; $self.s[5] ^= $self.s[1]; $self.s[1] ^= $self.s[2]; $self.s[7] ^= $self.s[3]; $self.s[3] ^= $self.s[4]; $self.s[4] ^= $self.s[5]; $self.s[0] ^= $self.s[6]; $self.s[6] ^= $self.s[7]; $self.s[6] ^= t; $self.s[7] = $self.s[7].rotate_left(21); } } /// Map an all-zero seed to a different one. macro_rules! deal_with_zero_seed { ($seed:expr, $Self:ident) => { if $seed.iter().all(|&x| x == 0) { return $Self::seed_from_u64(0); } } } /// 512-bit seed for a generator. /// /// This wrapper is necessary, because some traits required for a seed are not /// implemented on large arrays. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Seed512(pub [u8; 64]); impl Seed512 { /// Return an iterator over the seed. pub fn iter(&self) -> core::slice::Iter { self.0.iter() } } impl core::fmt::Debug for Seed512 { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result { self.0[..].fmt(f) } } impl Default for Seed512 { fn default() -> Seed512 { Seed512([0; 64]) } } impl AsMut<[u8]> for Seed512 { fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] { &mut self.0 } }