Test data was taken from the Go distribution, which was in turn taken from the testregex test suite: http://www2.research.att.com/~astopen/testregex/testregex.html Unfortunately, the above link is now dead, but the test data lives on. The LICENSE in this directory corresponds to the LICENSE that the data was originally released under. The tests themselves were modified for RE2/Go. A couple were modified further by me (Andrew Gallant) (only in repetition.dat) so that RE2/Go would pass them. (Yes, it seems like RE2/Go includes failing test cases.) This may or may not have been a bad idea, but I think being consistent with an established Regex library is worth something. After some number of years, these tests were transformed into a JSON format using the fowler-to-json script in this directory, e.g., ./fowler-to-json basic.dat > basic.json which brings them into a sensible structured format in which other tests can be written.