[[tests]] name = "invalid-utf8-literal1" regex = '\xFF' input = '\xFF' matches = [[0, 1]] unicode = false utf8 = false unescape = true [[tests]] name = "mixed" regex = '(.+)(?-u)(.+)' input = '\xCE\x93\xCE\x94\xFF' matches = [[0, 5]] utf8 = false unescape = true [[tests]] name = "case1" regex = "a" input = "A" matches = [[0, 1]] case_insensitive = true unicode = false [[tests]] name = "case2" regex = "[a-z]+" input = "AaAaA" matches = [[0, 5]] case_insensitive = true unicode = false [[tests]] name = "case3" regex = "[a-z]+" input = "aA\u212AaA" matches = [[0, 7]] case_insensitive = true [[tests]] name = "case4" regex = "[a-z]+" input = "aA\u212AaA" matches = [[0, 2], [5, 7]] case_insensitive = true unicode = false [[tests]] name = "negate1" regex = "[^a]" input = "δ" matches = [[0, 2]] [[tests]] name = "negate2" regex = "[^a]" input = "δ" matches = [[0, 1], [1, 2]] unicode = false utf8 = false [[tests]] name = "dotstar-prefix1" regex = "a" input = '\xFFa' matches = [[1, 2]] unicode = false utf8 = false unescape = true [[tests]] name = "dotstar-prefix2" regex = "a" input = '\xFFa' matches = [[1, 2]] utf8 = false unescape = true [[tests]] name = "null-bytes1" regex = '[^\x00]+\x00' input = 'foo\x00' matches = [[0, 4]] unicode = false utf8 = false unescape = true [[tests]] name = "word-ascii" regex = '\w+' input = "aδ" matches = [[0, 1]] unicode = false [[tests]] name = "word-unicode" regex = '\w+' input = "aδ" matches = [[0, 3]] [[tests]] name = "decimal-ascii" regex = '\d+' input = "1२३9" matches = [[0, 1], [7, 8]] unicode = false [[tests]] name = "decimal-unicode" regex = '\d+' input = "1२३9" matches = [[0, 8]] [[tests]] name = "space-ascii" regex = '\s+' input = " \u1680" matches = [[0, 1]] unicode = false [[tests]] name = "space-unicode" regex = '\s+' input = " \u1680" matches = [[0, 4]] [[tests]] # See: https://github.com/rust-lang/regex/issues/484 name = "iter1-bytes" regex = '' input = "☃" matches = [[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]] utf8 = false [[tests]] # See: https://github.com/rust-lang/regex/issues/484 name = "iter1-utf8" regex = '' input = "☃" matches = [[0, 0], [3, 3]] [[tests]] # See: https://github.com/rust-lang/regex/issues/484 # Note that iter2-utf8 doesn't make sense here, since the input isn't UTF-8. name = "iter2-bytes" regex = '' input = 'b\xFFr' matches = [[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]] unescape = true utf8 = false