> {
/// let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new();
/// let resp = client.delete("http://httpbin.org/delete")
/// .basic_auth("admin", Some("good password"))
/// .send()?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn basic_auth(self, username: U, password: Option) -> RequestBuilder
U: fmt::Display,
P: fmt::Display,
let header_value = crate::util::basic_auth(username, password);
self.header_sensitive(crate::header::AUTHORIZATION, header_value, true)
/// Enable HTTP bearer authentication.
/// ```rust
/// # fn run() -> Result<(), Box> {
/// let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new();
/// let resp = client.delete("http://httpbin.org/delete")
/// .bearer_auth("token")
/// .send()?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn bearer_auth(self, token: T) -> RequestBuilder
T: fmt::Display,
let header_value = format!("Bearer {}", token);
self.header_sensitive(crate::header::AUTHORIZATION, &*header_value, true)
/// Set the request body.
/// # Examples
/// Using a string:
/// ```rust
/// # fn run() -> Result<(), Box> {
/// let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new();
/// let res = client.post("http://httpbin.org/post")
/// .body("from a &str!")
/// .send()?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// Using a `File`:
/// ```rust
/// # fn run() -> Result<(), Box> {
/// let file = std::fs::File::open("from_a_file.txt")?;
/// let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new();
/// let res = client.post("http://httpbin.org/post")
/// .body(file)
/// .send()?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// Using arbitrary bytes:
/// ```rust
/// # use std::fs;
/// # fn run() -> Result<(), Box> {
/// // from bytes!
/// let bytes: Vec = vec![1, 10, 100];
/// let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new();
/// let res = client.post("http://httpbin.org/post")
/// .body(bytes)
/// .send()?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn body>(mut self, body: T) -> RequestBuilder {
if let Ok(ref mut req) = self.request {
*req.body_mut() = Some(body.into());
/// Enables a request timeout.
/// The timeout is applied from when the request starts connecting until the
/// response body has finished. It affects only this request and overrides
/// the timeout configured using `ClientBuilder::timeout()`.
pub fn timeout(mut self, timeout: Duration) -> RequestBuilder {
if let Ok(ref mut req) = self.request {
*req.timeout_mut() = Some(timeout);
/// Modify the query string of the URL.
/// Modifies the URL of this request, adding the parameters provided.
/// This method appends and does not overwrite. This means that it can
/// be called multiple times and that existing query parameters are not
/// overwritten if the same key is used. The key will simply show up
/// twice in the query string.
/// Calling `.query(&[("foo", "a"), ("foo", "b")])` gives `"foo=a&foo=b"`.
/// ```rust
/// # use reqwest::Error;
/// #
/// # fn run() -> Result<(), Error> {
/// let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new();
/// let res = client.get("http://httpbin.org")
/// .query(&[("lang", "rust")])
/// .send()?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// # Note
/// This method does not support serializing a single key-value
/// pair. Instead of using `.query(("key", "val"))`, use a sequence, such
/// as `.query(&[("key", "val")])`. It's also possible to serialize structs
/// and maps into a key-value pair.
/// # Errors
/// This method will fail if the object you provide cannot be serialized
/// into a query string.
pub fn query(mut self, query: &T) -> RequestBuilder {
let mut error = None;
if let Ok(ref mut req) = self.request {
let url = req.url_mut();
let mut pairs = url.query_pairs_mut();
let serializer = serde_urlencoded::Serializer::new(&mut pairs);
if let Err(err) = query.serialize(serializer) {
error = Some(crate::error::builder(err));
if let Ok(ref mut req) = self.request {
if let Some("") = req.url().query() {
if let Some(err) = error {
self.request = Err(err);
/// Set HTTP version
pub fn version(mut self, version: Version) -> RequestBuilder {
if let Ok(ref mut req) = self.request {
*req.version_mut() = version;
/// Send a form body.
/// Sets the body to the url encoded serialization of the passed value,
/// and also sets the `Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded`
/// header.
/// ```rust
/// # use reqwest::Error;
/// # use std::collections::HashMap;
/// #
/// # fn run() -> Result<(), Error> {
/// let mut params = HashMap::new();
/// params.insert("lang", "rust");
/// let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new();
/// let res = client.post("http://httpbin.org")
/// .form(¶ms)
/// .send()?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// # Errors
/// This method fails if the passed value cannot be serialized into
/// url encoded format
pub fn form(mut self, form: &T) -> RequestBuilder {
let mut error = None;
if let Ok(ref mut req) = self.request {
match serde_urlencoded::to_string(form) {
Ok(body) => {
*req.body_mut() = Some(body.into());
Err(err) => error = Some(crate::error::builder(err)),
if let Some(err) = error {
self.request = Err(err);
/// Send a JSON body.
/// Sets the body to the JSON serialization of the passed value, and
/// also sets the `Content-Type: application/json` header.
/// # Optional
/// This requires the optional `json` feature enabled.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// # use reqwest::Error;
/// # use std::collections::HashMap;
/// #
/// # fn run() -> Result<(), Error> {
/// let mut map = HashMap::new();
/// map.insert("lang", "rust");
/// let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new();
/// let res = client.post("http://httpbin.org")
/// .json(&map)
/// .send()?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// # Errors
/// Serialization can fail if `T`'s implementation of `Serialize` decides to
/// fail, or if `T` contains a map with non-string keys.
#[cfg(feature = "json")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "json")))]
pub fn json(mut self, json: &T) -> RequestBuilder {
let mut error = None;
if let Ok(ref mut req) = self.request {
match serde_json::to_vec(json) {
Ok(body) => {
if !req.headers().contains_key(CONTENT_TYPE) {
.insert(CONTENT_TYPE, HeaderValue::from_static("application/json"));
*req.body_mut() = Some(body.into());
Err(err) => error = Some(crate::error::builder(err)),
if let Some(err) = error {
self.request = Err(err);
/// Sends a multipart/form-data body.
/// ```
/// # use reqwest::Error;
/// # fn run() -> Result<(), Box> {
/// let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new();
/// let form = reqwest::blocking::multipart::Form::new()
/// .text("key3", "value3")
/// .file("file", "/path/to/field")?;
/// let response = client.post("your url")
/// .multipart(form)
/// .send()?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// See [`multipart`](multipart/) for more examples.
#[cfg(feature = "multipart")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "multipart")))]
pub fn multipart(self, mut multipart: multipart::Form) -> RequestBuilder {
let mut builder = self.header(
format!("multipart/form-data; boundary={}", multipart.boundary()).as_str(),
if let Ok(ref mut req) = builder.request {
*req.body_mut() = Some(match multipart.compute_length() {
Some(length) => Body::sized(multipart.reader(), length),
None => Body::new(multipart.reader()),
/// Build a `Request`, which can be inspected, modified and executed with
/// `Client::execute()`.
pub fn build(self) -> crate::Result {
/// Constructs the Request and sends it the target URL, returning a Response.
/// # Errors
/// This method fails if there was an error while sending request,
/// redirect loop was detected or redirect limit was exhausted.
pub fn send(self) -> crate::Result {
/// Attempts to clone the `RequestBuilder`.
/// None is returned if a body is which can not be cloned. This can be because the body is a
/// stream.
/// # Examples
/// With a static body
/// ```rust
/// # fn run() -> Result<(), Box> {
/// let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new();
/// let builder = client.post("http://httpbin.org/post")
/// .body("from a &str!");
/// let clone = builder.try_clone();
/// assert!(clone.is_some());
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// Without a body
/// ```rust
/// # fn run() -> Result<(), Box> {
/// let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new();
/// let builder = client.get("http://httpbin.org/get");
/// let clone = builder.try_clone();
/// assert!(clone.is_some());
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// With a non-clonable body
/// ```rust
/// # fn run() -> Result<(), Box> {
/// let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new();
/// let builder = client.get("http://httpbin.org/get")
/// .body(reqwest::blocking::Body::new(std::io::empty()));
/// let clone = builder.try_clone();
/// assert!(clone.is_none());
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn try_clone(&self) -> Option {
.and_then(|req| req.try_clone())
.map(|req| RequestBuilder {
client: self.client.clone(),
request: Ok(req),
impl TryFrom> for Request
T: Into,
type Error = crate::Error;
fn try_from(req: HttpRequest) -> crate::Result {
let (parts, body) = req.into_parts();
let Parts {
} = parts;
let url = Url::parse(&uri.to_string()).map_err(crate::error::builder)?;
let mut inner = async_impl::Request::new(method, url);
crate::util::replace_headers(inner.headers_mut(), headers);
Ok(Request {
body: Some(body.into()),
impl fmt::Debug for Request {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fmt_request_fields(&mut f.debug_struct("Request"), self).finish()
fn fmt_request_fields<'a, 'b>(
f: &'a mut fmt::DebugStruct<'a, 'b>,
req: &Request,
) -> &'a mut fmt::DebugStruct<'a, 'b> {
f.field("method", req.method())
.field("url", req.url())
.field("headers", req.headers())
mod tests {
use super::super::{body, Client};
use super::{HttpRequest, Request, Version};
use crate::header::{HeaderMap, HeaderValue, ACCEPT, CONTENT_TYPE, HOST};
use crate::Method;
use serde::Serialize;
#[cfg(feature = "json")]
use serde_json;
use serde_urlencoded;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
use std::convert::TryFrom;
fn basic_get_request() {
let client = Client::new();
let some_url = "https://google.com/";
let r = client.get(some_url).build().unwrap();
assert_eq!(r.method(), &Method::GET);
assert_eq!(r.url().as_str(), some_url);
fn basic_head_request() {
let client = Client::new();
let some_url = "https://google.com/";
let r = client.head(some_url).build().unwrap();
assert_eq!(r.method(), &Method::HEAD);
assert_eq!(r.url().as_str(), some_url);
fn basic_post_request() {
let client = Client::new();
let some_url = "https://google.com/";
let r = client.post(some_url).build().unwrap();
assert_eq!(r.method(), &Method::POST);
assert_eq!(r.url().as_str(), some_url);
fn basic_put_request() {
let client = Client::new();
let some_url = "https://google.com/";
let r = client.put(some_url).build().unwrap();
assert_eq!(r.method(), &Method::PUT);
assert_eq!(r.url().as_str(), some_url);
fn basic_patch_request() {
let client = Client::new();
let some_url = "https://google.com/";
let r = client.patch(some_url).build().unwrap();
assert_eq!(r.method(), &Method::PATCH);
assert_eq!(r.url().as_str(), some_url);
fn basic_delete_request() {
let client = Client::new();
let some_url = "https://google.com/";
let r = client.delete(some_url).build().unwrap();
assert_eq!(r.method(), &Method::DELETE);
assert_eq!(r.url().as_str(), some_url);
fn add_header() {
let client = Client::new();
let some_url = "https://google.com/";
let r = client.post(some_url);
let header = HeaderValue::from_static("google.com");
// Add a copy of the header to the request builder
let r = r.header(HOST, header.clone()).build().unwrap();
// then check it was actually added
assert_eq!(r.headers().get(HOST), Some(&header));
fn add_headers() {
let client = Client::new();
let some_url = "https://google.com/";
let r = client.post(some_url);
let header = HeaderValue::from_static("google.com");
let mut headers = HeaderMap::new();
headers.insert(HOST, header);
// Add a copy of the headers to the request builder
let r = r.headers(headers.clone()).build().unwrap();
// then make sure they were added correctly
assert_eq!(r.headers(), &headers);
fn add_headers_multi() {
let client = Client::new();
let some_url = "https://google.com/";
let r = client.post(some_url);
let header_json = HeaderValue::from_static("application/json");
let header_xml = HeaderValue::from_static("application/xml");
let mut headers = HeaderMap::new();
headers.append(ACCEPT, header_json);
headers.append(ACCEPT, header_xml);
// Add a copy of the headers to the request builder
let r = r.headers(headers.clone()).build().unwrap();
// then make sure they were added correctly
assert_eq!(r.headers(), &headers);
let mut all_values = r.headers().get_all(ACCEPT).iter();
assert_eq!(all_values.next().unwrap(), &"application/json");
assert_eq!(all_values.next().unwrap(), &"application/xml");
assert_eq!(all_values.next(), None);
fn add_body() {
let client = Client::new();
let some_url = "https://google.com/";
let r = client.post(some_url);
let body = "Some interesting content";
let mut r = r.body(body).build().unwrap();
let buf = body::read_to_string(r.body_mut().take().unwrap()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(buf, body);
fn add_query_append() {
let client = Client::new();
let some_url = "https://google.com/";
let mut r = client.get(some_url);
r = r.query(&[("foo", "bar")]);
r = r.query(&[("qux", 3)]);
let req = r.build().expect("request is valid");
assert_eq!(req.url().query(), Some("foo=bar&qux=3"));
fn add_query_append_same() {
let client = Client::new();
let some_url = "https://google.com/";
let mut r = client.get(some_url);
r = r.query(&[("foo", "a"), ("foo", "b")]);
let req = r.build().expect("request is valid");
assert_eq!(req.url().query(), Some("foo=a&foo=b"));
fn add_query_struct() {
struct Params {
foo: String,
qux: i32,
let client = Client::new();
let some_url = "https://google.com/";
let mut r = client.get(some_url);
let params = Params {
foo: "bar".into(),
qux: 3,
r = r.query(¶ms);
let req = r.build().expect("request is valid");
assert_eq!(req.url().query(), Some("foo=bar&qux=3"));
fn add_query_map() {
let mut params = BTreeMap::new();
params.insert("foo", "bar");
params.insert("qux", "three");
let client = Client::new();
let some_url = "https://google.com/";
let mut r = client.get(some_url);
r = r.query(¶ms);
let req = r.build().expect("request is valid");
assert_eq!(req.url().query(), Some("foo=bar&qux=three"));
fn add_form() {
let client = Client::new();
let some_url = "https://google.com/";
let r = client.post(some_url);
let mut form_data = HashMap::new();
form_data.insert("foo", "bar");
let mut r = r.form(&form_data).build().unwrap();
// Make sure the content type was set
let buf = body::read_to_string(r.body_mut().take().unwrap()).unwrap();
let body_should_be = serde_urlencoded::to_string(&form_data).unwrap();
assert_eq!(buf, body_should_be);
#[cfg(feature = "json")]
fn add_json() {
let client = Client::new();
let some_url = "https://google.com/";
let r = client.post(some_url);
let mut json_data = HashMap::new();
json_data.insert("foo", "bar");
let mut r = r.json(&json_data).build().unwrap();
// Make sure the content type was set
assert_eq!(r.headers().get(CONTENT_TYPE).unwrap(), &"application/json");
let buf = body::read_to_string(r.body_mut().take().unwrap()).unwrap();
let body_should_be = serde_json::to_string(&json_data).unwrap();
assert_eq!(buf, body_should_be);
#[cfg(feature = "json")]
fn add_json_fail() {
use serde::ser::Error as _;
use serde::{Serialize, Serializer};
use std::error::Error as _;
struct MyStruct;
impl Serialize for MyStruct {
fn serialize(&self, _serializer: S) -> Result
S: Serializer,
let client = Client::new();
let some_url = "https://google.com/";
let r = client.post(some_url);
let json_data = MyStruct;
let err = r.json(&json_data).build().unwrap_err();
assert!(err.is_builder()); // well, duh ;)
fn test_replace_headers() {
use http::HeaderMap;
let mut headers = HeaderMap::new();
headers.insert("foo", "bar".parse().unwrap());
headers.append("foo", "baz".parse().unwrap());
let client = Client::new();
let req = client
.header("im-a", "keeper")
.header("foo", "pop me")
.expect("request build");
assert_eq!(req.headers()["im-a"], "keeper");
let foo = req.headers().get_all("foo").iter().collect::>();
assert_eq!(foo.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(foo[0], "bar");
assert_eq!(foo[1], "baz");
fn normalize_empty_query() {
let client = Client::new();
let some_url = "https://google.com/";
let empty_query: &[(&str, &str)] = &[];
let req = client
.expect("request build");
assert_eq!(req.url().query(), None);
assert_eq!(req.url().as_str(), "https://google.com/");
fn convert_url_authority_into_basic_auth() {
let client = Client::new();
let some_url = "https://Aladdin:open sesame@localhost/";
let req = client.get(some_url).build().expect("request build");
assert_eq!(req.url().as_str(), "https://localhost/");
"Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ=="
fn convert_from_http_request() {
let http_request = HttpRequest::builder()
.header("User-Agent", "my-awesome-agent/1.0")
.body("test test test")
let req: Request = Request::try_from(http_request).unwrap();
assert_eq!(req.body().is_none(), false);
let test_data = b"test test test";
assert_eq!(req.body().unwrap().as_bytes(), Some(&test_data[..]));
let headers = req.headers();
assert_eq!(headers.get("User-Agent").unwrap(), "my-awesome-agent/1.0");
assert_eq!(req.method(), Method::GET);
assert_eq!(req.url().as_str(), "http://localhost/");
fn set_http_request_version() {
let http_request = HttpRequest::builder()
.header("User-Agent", "my-awesome-agent/1.0")
.body("test test test")
let req: Request = Request::try_from(http_request).unwrap();
assert_eq!(req.body().is_none(), false);
let test_data = b"test test test";
assert_eq!(req.body().unwrap().as_bytes(), Some(&test_data[..]));
let headers = req.headers();
assert_eq!(headers.get("User-Agent").unwrap(), "my-awesome-agent/1.0");
assert_eq!(req.method(), Method::GET);
assert_eq!(req.url().as_str(), "http://localhost/");
assert_eq!(req.version(), Version::HTTP_11);
fn test_basic_auth_sensitive_header() {
let client = Client::new();
let some_url = "https://localhost/";
let req = client
.basic_auth("Aladdin", Some("open sesame"))
.expect("request build");
assert_eq!(req.url().as_str(), "https://localhost/");
"Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ=="
assert_eq!(req.headers()["authorization"].is_sensitive(), true);
fn test_bearer_auth_sensitive_header() {
let client = Client::new();
let some_url = "https://localhost/";
let req = client
.bearer_auth("Hold my bear")
.expect("request build");
assert_eq!(req.url().as_str(), "https://localhost/");
assert_eq!(req.headers()["authorization"], "Bearer Hold my bear");
assert_eq!(req.headers()["authorization"].is_sensitive(), true);