//! Implementation of the cursors -- API for convenient access to syntax trees. //! //! Functional programmers will recognize that this module implements a zipper //! for a purely functional (green) tree. //! //! A cursor node (`SyntaxNode`) points to a `GreenNode` and a parent //! `SyntaxNode`. This allows cursor to provide iteration over both ancestors //! and descendants, as well as a cheep access to absolute offset of the node in //! file. //! //! By default `SyntaxNode`s are immutable, but you can get a mutable copy of //! the tree by calling `clone_for_update`. Mutation is based on interior //! mutability and doesn't need `&mut`. You can have two `SyntaxNode`s pointing //! at different parts of the same tree; mutations via the first node will be //! reflected in the other. // Implementation notes: // // The implementation is utterly and horribly unsafe. This whole module is an // unsafety boundary. It is believed that the API here is, in principle, sound, // but the implementation might have bugs. // // The core type is `NodeData` -- a heap-allocated reference counted object, // which points to a green node or a green token, and to the parent `NodeData`. // Publicly-exposed `SyntaxNode` and `SyntaxToken` own a reference to // `NodeData`. // // `NodeData`s are transient, and are created and destroyed during tree // traversals. In general, only currently referenced nodes and their ancestors // are alive at any given moment. // // More specifically, `NodeData`'s ref count is equal to the number of // outstanding `SyntaxNode` and `SyntaxToken` plus the number of children with // non-zero ref counts. For example, if the user has only a single `SyntaxNode` // pointing somewhere in the middle of the tree, then all `NodeData` on the path // from that point towards the root have ref count equal to one. // // `NodeData` which doesn't have a parent (is a root) owns the corresponding // green node or token, and is responsible for freeing it. // // That's mostly it for the immutable subset of the API. Mutation is fun though, // you'll like it! // // Mutability is a run-time property of a tree of `NodeData`. The whole tree is // either mutable or immutable. `clone_for_update` clones the whole tree of // `NodeData`s, making it mutable (note that the green tree is re-used). // // If the tree is mutable, then all live `NodeData` are additionally liked to // each other via intrusive liked lists. Specifically, there are two pointers to // siblings, as well as a pointer to the first child. Note that only live nodes // are considered. If the user only has `SyntaxNode`s for the first and last // children of some particular node, then their `NodeData` will point at each // other. // // The links are used to propagate mutations across the tree. Specifically, each // `NodeData` remembers it's index in parent. When the node is detached from or // attached to the tree, we need to adjust the indices of all subsequent // siblings. That's what makes the `for c in node.children() { c.detach() }` // pattern work despite the apparent iterator invalidation. // // This code is encapsulated into the sorted linked list (`sll`) module. // // The actual mutation consist of functionally "mutating" (creating a // structurally shared copy) the green node, and then re-spinning the tree. This // is a delicate process: `NodeData` point directly to the green nodes, so we // must make sure that those nodes don't move. Additionally, during mutation a // node might become or might stop being a root, so we must take care to not // double free / leak its green node. // // Because we can change green nodes using only shared references, handing out // references into green nodes in the public API would be unsound. We don't do // that, but we do use such references internally a lot. Additionally, for // tokens the underlying green token actually is immutable, so we can, and do // return `&str`. // // Invariants [must not leak outside of the module]: // - Mutability is the property of the whole tree. Intermixing elements that // differ in mutability is not allowed. // - Mutability property is persistent. // - References to the green elements' data are not exposed into public API // when the tree is mutable. // - TBD use std::{ borrow::Cow, cell::Cell, fmt, hash::{Hash, Hasher}, iter, mem::{self, ManuallyDrop}, ops::Range, ptr, slice, }; use countme::Count; use crate::{ green::{GreenChild, GreenElementRef, GreenNodeData, GreenTokenData, SyntaxKind}, sll, utility_types::Delta, Direction, GreenNode, GreenToken, NodeOrToken, SyntaxText, TextRange, TextSize, TokenAtOffset, WalkEvent, }; enum Green { Node { ptr: Cell> }, Token { ptr: ptr::NonNull }, } struct _SyntaxElement; struct NodeData { _c: Count<_SyntaxElement>, rc: Cell, parent: Cell>>, index: Cell, green: Green, /// Invariant: never changes after NodeData is created. mutable: bool, /// Absolute offset for immutable nodes, unused for mutable nodes. offset: TextSize, // The following links only have meaning when `mutable` is true. first: Cell<*const NodeData>, /// Invariant: never null if mutable. next: Cell<*const NodeData>, /// Invariant: never null if mutable. prev: Cell<*const NodeData>, } unsafe impl sll::Elem for NodeData { fn prev(&self) -> &Cell<*const Self> { &self.prev } fn next(&self) -> &Cell<*const Self> { &self.next } fn key(&self) -> &Cell { &self.index } } pub type SyntaxElement = NodeOrToken; pub struct SyntaxNode { ptr: ptr::NonNull, } impl Clone for SyntaxNode { #[inline] fn clone(&self) -> Self { self.data().inc_rc(); SyntaxNode { ptr: self.ptr } } } impl Drop for SyntaxNode { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { if self.data().dec_rc() { unsafe { free(self.ptr) } } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct SyntaxToken { ptr: ptr::NonNull, } impl Clone for SyntaxToken { #[inline] fn clone(&self) -> Self { self.data().inc_rc(); SyntaxToken { ptr: self.ptr } } } impl Drop for SyntaxToken { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { if self.data().dec_rc() { unsafe { free(self.ptr) } } } } #[inline(never)] unsafe fn free(mut data: ptr::NonNull) { loop { debug_assert_eq!(data.as_ref().rc.get(), 0); debug_assert!(data.as_ref().first.get().is_null()); let node = Box::from_raw(data.as_ptr()); match node.parent.take() { Some(parent) => { debug_assert!(parent.as_ref().rc.get() > 0); if node.mutable { sll::unlink(&parent.as_ref().first, &*node) } if parent.as_ref().dec_rc() { data = parent; } else { break; } } None => { match &node.green { Green::Node { ptr } => { let _ = GreenNode::from_raw(ptr.get()); } Green::Token { ptr } => { let _ = GreenToken::from_raw(*ptr); } } break; } } } } impl NodeData { #[inline] fn new( parent: Option, index: u32, offset: TextSize, green: Green, mutable: bool, ) -> ptr::NonNull { let parent = ManuallyDrop::new(parent); let res = NodeData { _c: Count::new(), rc: Cell::new(1), parent: Cell::new(parent.as_ref().map(|it| it.ptr)), index: Cell::new(index), green, mutable, offset, first: Cell::new(ptr::null()), next: Cell::new(ptr::null()), prev: Cell::new(ptr::null()), }; unsafe { if mutable { let res_ptr: *const NodeData = &res; match sll::init((*res_ptr).parent().map(|it| &it.first), res_ptr.as_ref().unwrap()) { sll::AddToSllResult::AlreadyInSll(node) => { if cfg!(debug_assertions) { assert_eq!((*node).index(), (*res_ptr).index()); match ((*node).green(), (*res_ptr).green()) { (NodeOrToken::Node(lhs), NodeOrToken::Node(rhs)) => { assert!(ptr::eq(lhs, rhs)) } (NodeOrToken::Token(lhs), NodeOrToken::Token(rhs)) => { assert!(ptr::eq(lhs, rhs)) } it => { panic!("node/token confusion: {:?}", it) } } } ManuallyDrop::into_inner(parent); let res = node as *mut NodeData; (*res).inc_rc(); return ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(res); } it => { let res = Box::into_raw(Box::new(res)); it.add_to_sll(res); return ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(res); } } } ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(Box::into_raw(Box::new(res))) } } #[inline] fn inc_rc(&self) { let rc = match self.rc.get().checked_add(1) { Some(it) => it, None => std::process::abort(), }; self.rc.set(rc) } #[inline] fn dec_rc(&self) -> bool { let rc = self.rc.get() - 1; self.rc.set(rc); rc == 0 } #[inline] fn key(&self) -> (ptr::NonNull<()>, TextSize) { let ptr = match &self.green { Green::Node { ptr } => ptr.get().cast(), Green::Token { ptr } => ptr.cast(), }; (ptr, self.offset()) } #[inline] fn parent_node(&self) -> Option { let parent = self.parent()?; debug_assert!(matches!(parent.green, Green::Node { .. })); parent.inc_rc(); Some(SyntaxNode { ptr: ptr::NonNull::from(parent) }) } #[inline] fn parent(&self) -> Option<&NodeData> { self.parent.get().map(|it| unsafe { &*it.as_ptr() }) } #[inline] fn green(&self) -> GreenElementRef<'_> { match &self.green { Green::Node { ptr } => GreenElementRef::Node(unsafe { &*ptr.get().as_ptr() }), Green::Token { ptr } => GreenElementRef::Token(unsafe { &*ptr.as_ref() }), } } #[inline] fn green_siblings(&self) -> slice::Iter { match &self.parent().map(|it| &it.green) { Some(Green::Node { ptr }) => unsafe { &*ptr.get().as_ptr() }.children().raw, Some(Green::Token { .. }) => { debug_assert!(false); [].iter() } None => [].iter(), } } #[inline] fn index(&self) -> u32 { self.index.get() } #[inline] fn offset(&self) -> TextSize { if self.mutable { self.offset_mut() } else { self.offset } } #[cold] fn offset_mut(&self) -> TextSize { let mut res = TextSize::from(0); let mut node = self; while let Some(parent) = node.parent() { let green = parent.green().into_node().unwrap(); res += green.children().raw.nth(node.index() as usize).unwrap().rel_offset(); node = parent; } res } #[inline] fn text_range(&self) -> TextRange { let offset = self.offset(); let len = self.green().text_len(); TextRange::at(offset, len) } #[inline] fn kind(&self) -> SyntaxKind { self.green().kind() } fn next_sibling(&self) -> Option { let mut siblings = self.green_siblings().enumerate(); let index = self.index() as usize; siblings.nth(index); siblings.find_map(|(index, child)| { child.as_ref().into_node().and_then(|green| { let parent = self.parent_node()?; let offset = parent.offset() + child.rel_offset(); Some(SyntaxNode::new_child(green, parent, index as u32, offset)) }) }) } fn prev_sibling(&self) -> Option { let mut rev_siblings = self.green_siblings().enumerate().rev(); let index = rev_siblings.len() - (self.index() as usize); rev_siblings.nth(index); rev_siblings.find_map(|(index, child)| { child.as_ref().into_node().and_then(|green| { let parent = self.parent_node()?; let offset = parent.offset() + child.rel_offset(); Some(SyntaxNode::new_child(green, parent, index as u32, offset)) }) }) } fn next_sibling_or_token(&self) -> Option { let mut siblings = self.green_siblings().enumerate(); let index = self.index() as usize + 1; siblings.nth(index).and_then(|(index, child)| { let parent = self.parent_node()?; let offset = parent.offset() + child.rel_offset(); Some(SyntaxElement::new(child.as_ref(), parent, index as u32, offset)) }) } fn prev_sibling_or_token(&self) -> Option { let mut siblings = self.green_siblings().enumerate(); let index = self.index().checked_sub(1)? as usize; siblings.nth(index).and_then(|(index, child)| { let parent = self.parent_node()?; let offset = parent.offset() + child.rel_offset(); Some(SyntaxElement::new(child.as_ref(), parent, index as u32, offset)) }) } fn detach(&self) { assert!(self.mutable); assert!(self.rc.get() > 0); let parent_ptr = match self.parent.take() { Some(parent) => parent, None => return, }; unsafe { sll::adjust(self, self.index() + 1, Delta::Sub(1)); let parent = parent_ptr.as_ref(); sll::unlink(&parent.first, self); // Add strong ref to green match self.green().to_owned() { NodeOrToken::Node(it) => { GreenNode::into_raw(it); } NodeOrToken::Token(it) => { GreenToken::into_raw(it); } } match parent.green() { NodeOrToken::Node(green) => { let green = green.remove_child(self.index() as usize); parent.respine(green) } NodeOrToken::Token(_) => unreachable!(), } if parent.dec_rc() { free(parent_ptr) } } } fn attach_child(&self, index: usize, child: &NodeData) { assert!(self.mutable && child.mutable && child.parent().is_none()); assert!(self.rc.get() > 0 && child.rc.get() > 0); unsafe { child.index.set(index as u32); child.parent.set(Some(self.into())); self.inc_rc(); if !self.first.get().is_null() { sll::adjust(&*self.first.get(), index as u32, Delta::Add(1)); } match sll::link(&self.first, child) { sll::AddToSllResult::AlreadyInSll(_) => { panic!("Child already in sorted linked list") } it => it.add_to_sll(child), } match self.green() { NodeOrToken::Node(green) => { // Child is root, so it ownes the green node. Steal it! let child_green = match &child.green { Green::Node { ptr } => GreenNode::from_raw(ptr.get()).into(), Green::Token { ptr } => GreenToken::from_raw(*ptr).into(), }; let green = green.insert_child(index, child_green); self.respine(green); } NodeOrToken::Token(_) => unreachable!(), } } } unsafe fn respine(&self, mut new_green: GreenNode) { let mut node = self; loop { let old_green = match &node.green { Green::Node { ptr } => ptr.replace(ptr::NonNull::from(&*new_green)), Green::Token { .. } => unreachable!(), }; match node.parent() { Some(parent) => match parent.green() { NodeOrToken::Node(parent_green) => { new_green = parent_green.replace_child(node.index() as usize, new_green.into()); node = parent; } _ => unreachable!(), }, None => { mem::forget(new_green); let _ = GreenNode::from_raw(old_green); break; } } } } } impl SyntaxNode { pub fn new_root(green: GreenNode) -> SyntaxNode { let green = GreenNode::into_raw(green); let green = Green::Node { ptr: Cell::new(green) }; SyntaxNode { ptr: NodeData::new(None, 0, 0.into(), green, false) } } pub fn new_root_mut(green: GreenNode) -> SyntaxNode { let green = GreenNode::into_raw(green); let green = Green::Node { ptr: Cell::new(green) }; SyntaxNode { ptr: NodeData::new(None, 0, 0.into(), green, true) } } fn new_child( green: &GreenNodeData, parent: SyntaxNode, index: u32, offset: TextSize, ) -> SyntaxNode { let mutable = parent.data().mutable; let green = Green::Node { ptr: Cell::new(green.into()) }; SyntaxNode { ptr: NodeData::new(Some(parent), index, offset, green, mutable) } } pub fn clone_for_update(&self) -> SyntaxNode { assert!(!self.data().mutable); match self.parent() { Some(parent) => { let parent = parent.clone_for_update(); SyntaxNode::new_child(self.green_ref(), parent, self.data().index(), self.offset()) } None => SyntaxNode::new_root_mut(self.green_ref().to_owned()), } } pub fn clone_subtree(&self) -> SyntaxNode { SyntaxNode::new_root(self.green().into()) } #[inline] fn data(&self) -> &NodeData { unsafe { self.ptr.as_ref() } } pub fn replace_with(&self, replacement: GreenNode) -> GreenNode { assert_eq!(self.kind(), replacement.kind()); match &self.parent() { None => replacement, Some(parent) => { let new_parent = parent .green_ref() .replace_child(self.data().index() as usize, replacement.into()); parent.replace_with(new_parent) } } } #[inline] pub fn kind(&self) -> SyntaxKind { self.data().kind() } #[inline] fn offset(&self) -> TextSize { self.data().offset() } #[inline] pub fn text_range(&self) -> TextRange { self.data().text_range() } #[inline] pub fn index(&self) -> usize { self.data().index() as usize } #[inline] pub fn text(&self) -> SyntaxText { SyntaxText::new(self.clone()) } #[inline] pub fn green(&self) -> Cow<'_, GreenNodeData> { let green_ref = self.green_ref(); match self.data().mutable { false => Cow::Borrowed(green_ref), true => Cow::Owned(green_ref.to_owned()), } } #[inline] fn green_ref(&self) -> &GreenNodeData { self.data().green().into_node().unwrap() } #[inline] pub fn parent(&self) -> Option { self.data().parent_node() } #[inline] pub fn ancestors(&self) -> impl Iterator { iter::successors(Some(self.clone()), SyntaxNode::parent) } #[inline] pub fn children(&self) -> SyntaxNodeChildren { SyntaxNodeChildren::new(self.clone()) } #[inline] pub fn children_with_tokens(&self) -> SyntaxElementChildren { SyntaxElementChildren::new(self.clone()) } pub fn first_child(&self) -> Option { self.green_ref().children().raw.enumerate().find_map(|(index, child)| { child.as_ref().into_node().map(|green| { SyntaxNode::new_child( green, self.clone(), index as u32, self.offset() + child.rel_offset(), ) }) }) } pub fn last_child(&self) -> Option { self.green_ref().children().raw.enumerate().rev().find_map(|(index, child)| { child.as_ref().into_node().map(|green| { SyntaxNode::new_child( green, self.clone(), index as u32, self.offset() + child.rel_offset(), ) }) }) } pub fn first_child_or_token(&self) -> Option { self.green_ref().children().raw.next().map(|child| { SyntaxElement::new(child.as_ref(), self.clone(), 0, self.offset() + child.rel_offset()) }) } pub fn last_child_or_token(&self) -> Option { self.green_ref().children().raw.enumerate().next_back().map(|(index, child)| { SyntaxElement::new( child.as_ref(), self.clone(), index as u32, self.offset() + child.rel_offset(), ) }) } pub fn next_sibling(&self) -> Option { self.data().next_sibling() } pub fn prev_sibling(&self) -> Option { self.data().prev_sibling() } pub fn next_sibling_or_token(&self) -> Option { self.data().next_sibling_or_token() } pub fn prev_sibling_or_token(&self) -> Option { self.data().prev_sibling_or_token() } pub fn first_token(&self) -> Option { self.first_child_or_token()?.first_token() } pub fn last_token(&self) -> Option { self.last_child_or_token()?.last_token() } #[inline] pub fn siblings(&self, direction: Direction) -> impl Iterator { iter::successors(Some(self.clone()), move |node| match direction { Direction::Next => node.next_sibling(), Direction::Prev => node.prev_sibling(), }) } #[inline] pub fn siblings_with_tokens( &self, direction: Direction, ) -> impl Iterator { let me: SyntaxElement = self.clone().into(); iter::successors(Some(me), move |el| match direction { Direction::Next => el.next_sibling_or_token(), Direction::Prev => el.prev_sibling_or_token(), }) } #[inline] pub fn descendants(&self) -> impl Iterator { self.preorder().filter_map(|event| match event { WalkEvent::Enter(node) => Some(node), WalkEvent::Leave(_) => None, }) } #[inline] pub fn descendants_with_tokens(&self) -> impl Iterator { self.preorder_with_tokens().filter_map(|event| match event { WalkEvent::Enter(it) => Some(it), WalkEvent::Leave(_) => None, }) } #[inline] pub fn preorder(&self) -> Preorder { Preorder::new(self.clone()) } #[inline] pub fn preorder_with_tokens(&self) -> PreorderWithTokens { PreorderWithTokens::new(self.clone()) } pub fn token_at_offset(&self, offset: TextSize) -> TokenAtOffset { // TODO: this could be faster if we first drill-down to node, and only // then switch to token search. We should also replace explicit // recursion with a loop. let range = self.text_range(); assert!( range.start() <= offset && offset <= range.end(), "Bad offset: range {:?} offset {:?}", range, offset ); if range.is_empty() { return TokenAtOffset::None; } let mut children = self.children_with_tokens().filter(|child| { let child_range = child.text_range(); !child_range.is_empty() && (child_range.start() <= offset && offset <= child_range.end()) }); let left = children.next().unwrap(); let right = children.next(); assert!(children.next().is_none()); if let Some(right) = right { match (left.token_at_offset(offset), right.token_at_offset(offset)) { (TokenAtOffset::Single(left), TokenAtOffset::Single(right)) => { TokenAtOffset::Between(left, right) } _ => unreachable!(), } } else { left.token_at_offset(offset) } } pub fn covering_element(&self, range: TextRange) -> SyntaxElement { let mut res: SyntaxElement = self.clone().into(); loop { assert!( res.text_range().contains_range(range), "Bad range: node range {:?}, range {:?}", res.text_range(), range, ); res = match &res { NodeOrToken::Token(_) => return res, NodeOrToken::Node(node) => match node.child_or_token_at_range(range) { Some(it) => it, None => return res, }, }; } } pub fn child_or_token_at_range(&self, range: TextRange) -> Option { let rel_range = range - self.offset(); self.green_ref().child_at_range(rel_range).map(|(index, rel_offset, green)| { SyntaxElement::new(green, self.clone(), index as u32, self.offset() + rel_offset) }) } pub fn splice_children(&self, to_delete: Range, to_insert: Vec) { assert!(self.data().mutable, "immutable tree: {}", self); for (i, child) in self.children_with_tokens().enumerate() { if to_delete.contains(&i) { child.detach(); } } let mut index = to_delete.start; for child in to_insert { self.attach_child(index, child); index += 1; } } pub fn detach(&self) { assert!(self.data().mutable, "immutable tree: {}", self); self.data().detach() } fn attach_child(&self, index: usize, child: SyntaxElement) { assert!(self.data().mutable, "immutable tree: {}", self); child.detach(); let data = match &child { NodeOrToken::Node(it) => it.data(), NodeOrToken::Token(it) => it.data(), }; self.data().attach_child(index, data) } } impl SyntaxToken { fn new( green: &GreenTokenData, parent: SyntaxNode, index: u32, offset: TextSize, ) -> SyntaxToken { let mutable = parent.data().mutable; let green = Green::Token { ptr: green.into() }; SyntaxToken { ptr: NodeData::new(Some(parent), index, offset, green, mutable) } } #[inline] fn data(&self) -> &NodeData { unsafe { self.ptr.as_ref() } } pub fn replace_with(&self, replacement: GreenToken) -> GreenNode { assert_eq!(self.kind(), replacement.kind()); let parent = self.parent().unwrap(); let me: u32 = self.data().index(); let new_parent = parent.green_ref().replace_child(me as usize, replacement.into()); parent.replace_with(new_parent) } #[inline] pub fn kind(&self) -> SyntaxKind { self.data().kind() } #[inline] pub fn text_range(&self) -> TextRange { self.data().text_range() } #[inline] pub fn index(&self) -> usize { self.data().index() as usize } #[inline] pub fn text(&self) -> &str { match self.data().green().as_token() { Some(it) => it.text(), None => { debug_assert!( false, "corrupted tree: a node thinks it is a token: {:?}", self.data().green().as_node().unwrap().to_string() ); "" } } } #[inline] pub fn green(&self) -> &GreenTokenData { self.data().green().into_token().unwrap() } #[inline] pub fn parent(&self) -> Option { self.data().parent_node() } #[inline] pub fn ancestors(&self) -> impl Iterator { std::iter::successors(self.parent(), SyntaxNode::parent) } pub fn next_sibling_or_token(&self) -> Option { self.data().next_sibling_or_token() } pub fn prev_sibling_or_token(&self) -> Option { self.data().prev_sibling_or_token() } #[inline] pub fn siblings_with_tokens( &self, direction: Direction, ) -> impl Iterator { let me: SyntaxElement = self.clone().into(); iter::successors(Some(me), move |el| match direction { Direction::Next => el.next_sibling_or_token(), Direction::Prev => el.prev_sibling_or_token(), }) } pub fn next_token(&self) -> Option { match self.next_sibling_or_token() { Some(element) => element.first_token(), None => self .ancestors() .find_map(|it| it.next_sibling_or_token()) .and_then(|element| element.first_token()), } } pub fn prev_token(&self) -> Option { match self.prev_sibling_or_token() { Some(element) => element.last_token(), None => self .ancestors() .find_map(|it| it.prev_sibling_or_token()) .and_then(|element| element.last_token()), } } pub fn detach(&self) { assert!(self.data().mutable, "immutable tree: {}", self); self.data().detach() } } impl SyntaxElement { fn new( element: GreenElementRef<'_>, parent: SyntaxNode, index: u32, offset: TextSize, ) -> SyntaxElement { match element { NodeOrToken::Node(node) => { SyntaxNode::new_child(node, parent, index as u32, offset).into() } NodeOrToken::Token(token) => { SyntaxToken::new(token, parent, index as u32, offset).into() } } } #[inline] pub fn text_range(&self) -> TextRange { match self { NodeOrToken::Node(it) => it.text_range(), NodeOrToken::Token(it) => it.text_range(), } } #[inline] pub fn index(&self) -> usize { match self { NodeOrToken::Node(it) => it.index(), NodeOrToken::Token(it) => it.index(), } } #[inline] pub fn kind(&self) -> SyntaxKind { match self { NodeOrToken::Node(it) => it.kind(), NodeOrToken::Token(it) => it.kind(), } } #[inline] pub fn parent(&self) -> Option { match self { NodeOrToken::Node(it) => it.parent(), NodeOrToken::Token(it) => it.parent(), } } #[inline] pub fn ancestors(&self) -> impl Iterator { let first = match self { NodeOrToken::Node(it) => Some(it.clone()), NodeOrToken::Token(it) => it.parent(), }; iter::successors(first, SyntaxNode::parent) } pub fn first_token(&self) -> Option { match self { NodeOrToken::Node(it) => it.first_token(), NodeOrToken::Token(it) => Some(it.clone()), } } pub fn last_token(&self) -> Option { match self { NodeOrToken::Node(it) => it.last_token(), NodeOrToken::Token(it) => Some(it.clone()), } } pub fn next_sibling_or_token(&self) -> Option { match self { NodeOrToken::Node(it) => it.next_sibling_or_token(), NodeOrToken::Token(it) => it.next_sibling_or_token(), } } pub fn prev_sibling_or_token(&self) -> Option { match self { NodeOrToken::Node(it) => it.prev_sibling_or_token(), NodeOrToken::Token(it) => it.prev_sibling_or_token(), } } fn token_at_offset(&self, offset: TextSize) -> TokenAtOffset { assert!(self.text_range().start() <= offset && offset <= self.text_range().end()); match self { NodeOrToken::Token(token) => TokenAtOffset::Single(token.clone()), NodeOrToken::Node(node) => node.token_at_offset(offset), } } pub fn detach(&self) { match self { NodeOrToken::Node(it) => it.detach(), NodeOrToken::Token(it) => it.detach(), } } } // region: impls // Identity semantics for hash & eq impl PartialEq for SyntaxNode { #[inline] fn eq(&self, other: &SyntaxNode) -> bool { self.data().key() == other.data().key() } } impl Eq for SyntaxNode {} impl Hash for SyntaxNode { #[inline] fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.data().key().hash(state); } } impl fmt::Debug for SyntaxNode { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("SyntaxNode") .field("kind", &self.kind()) .field("text_range", &self.text_range()) .finish() } } impl fmt::Display for SyntaxNode { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { self.preorder_with_tokens() .filter_map(|event| match event { WalkEvent::Enter(NodeOrToken::Token(token)) => Some(token), _ => None, }) .try_for_each(|it| fmt::Display::fmt(&it, f)) } } // Identity semantics for hash & eq impl PartialEq for SyntaxToken { #[inline] fn eq(&self, other: &SyntaxToken) -> bool { self.data().key() == other.data().key() } } impl Eq for SyntaxToken {} impl Hash for SyntaxToken { #[inline] fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.data().key().hash(state); } } impl fmt::Display for SyntaxToken { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Display::fmt(self.text(), f) } } impl From for SyntaxElement { #[inline] fn from(node: SyntaxNode) -> SyntaxElement { NodeOrToken::Node(node) } } impl From for SyntaxElement { #[inline] fn from(token: SyntaxToken) -> SyntaxElement { NodeOrToken::Token(token) } } // endregion // region: iterators #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct SyntaxNodeChildren { next: Option, } impl SyntaxNodeChildren { fn new(parent: SyntaxNode) -> SyntaxNodeChildren { SyntaxNodeChildren { next: parent.first_child() } } } impl Iterator for SyntaxNodeChildren { type Item = SyntaxNode; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { self.next.take().map(|next| { self.next = next.next_sibling(); next }) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct SyntaxElementChildren { next: Option, } impl SyntaxElementChildren { fn new(parent: SyntaxNode) -> SyntaxElementChildren { SyntaxElementChildren { next: parent.first_child_or_token() } } } impl Iterator for SyntaxElementChildren { type Item = SyntaxElement; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { self.next.take().map(|next| { self.next = next.next_sibling_or_token(); next }) } } pub struct Preorder { start: SyntaxNode, next: Option>, skip_subtree: bool, } impl Preorder { fn new(start: SyntaxNode) -> Preorder { let next = Some(WalkEvent::Enter(start.clone())); Preorder { start, next, skip_subtree: false } } pub fn skip_subtree(&mut self) { self.skip_subtree = true; } #[cold] fn do_skip(&mut self) { self.next = self.next.take().map(|next| match next { WalkEvent::Enter(first_child) => WalkEvent::Leave(first_child.parent().unwrap()), WalkEvent::Leave(parent) => WalkEvent::Leave(parent), }) } } impl Iterator for Preorder { type Item = WalkEvent; fn next(&mut self) -> Option> { if self.skip_subtree { self.do_skip(); self.skip_subtree = false; } let next = self.next.take(); self.next = next.as_ref().and_then(|next| { Some(match next { WalkEvent::Enter(node) => match node.first_child() { Some(child) => WalkEvent::Enter(child), None => WalkEvent::Leave(node.clone()), }, WalkEvent::Leave(node) => { if node == &self.start { return None; } match node.next_sibling() { Some(sibling) => WalkEvent::Enter(sibling), None => WalkEvent::Leave(node.parent()?), } } }) }); next } } pub struct PreorderWithTokens { start: SyntaxElement, next: Option>, skip_subtree: bool, } impl PreorderWithTokens { fn new(start: SyntaxNode) -> PreorderWithTokens { let next = Some(WalkEvent::Enter(start.clone().into())); PreorderWithTokens { start: start.into(), next, skip_subtree: false } } pub fn skip_subtree(&mut self) { self.skip_subtree = true; } #[cold] fn do_skip(&mut self) { self.next = self.next.take().map(|next| match next { WalkEvent::Enter(first_child) => WalkEvent::Leave(first_child.parent().unwrap().into()), WalkEvent::Leave(parent) => WalkEvent::Leave(parent), }) } } impl Iterator for PreorderWithTokens { type Item = WalkEvent; fn next(&mut self) -> Option> { if self.skip_subtree { self.do_skip(); self.skip_subtree = false; } let next = self.next.take(); self.next = next.as_ref().and_then(|next| { Some(match next { WalkEvent::Enter(el) => match el { NodeOrToken::Node(node) => match node.first_child_or_token() { Some(child) => WalkEvent::Enter(child), None => WalkEvent::Leave(node.clone().into()), }, NodeOrToken::Token(token) => WalkEvent::Leave(token.clone().into()), }, WalkEvent::Leave(el) if el == &self.start => return None, WalkEvent::Leave(el) => match el.next_sibling_or_token() { Some(sibling) => WalkEvent::Enter(sibling), None => WalkEvent::Leave(el.parent()?.into()), }, }) }); next } } // endregion