use hashbrown::hash_map::RawEntryMut; use rustc_hash::FxHasher; use std::hash::{BuildHasherDefault, Hash, Hasher}; use crate::{ green::GreenElementRef, GreenNode, GreenNodeData, GreenToken, GreenTokenData, NodeOrToken, SyntaxKind, }; use super::element::GreenElement; type HashMap = hashbrown::HashMap>; #[derive(Debug)] struct NoHash(T); /// Interner for GreenTokens and GreenNodes // XXX: the impl is a bit tricky. As usual when writing interners, we want to // store all values in one HashSet. // // However, hashing trees is fun: hash of the tree is recursively defined. We // maintain an invariant -- if the tree is interned, then all of its children // are interned as well. // // That means that computing the hash naively is wasteful -- we just *know* // hashes of children, and we can re-use those. // // So here we use *raw* API of hashbrown and provide the hashes manually, // instead of going via a `Hash` impl. Our manual `Hash` and the // `#[derive(Hash)]` are actually different! At some point we had a fun bug, // where we accidentally mixed the two hashes, which made the cache much less // efficient. // // To fix that, we additionally wrap the data in `NoHash` wrapper, to make sure // we don't accidentally use the wrong hash! #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct NodeCache { nodes: HashMap, ()>, tokens: HashMap, ()>, } fn token_hash(token: &GreenTokenData) -> u64 { let mut h = FxHasher::default(); token.kind().hash(&mut h); token.text().hash(&mut h); h.finish() } fn node_hash(node: &GreenNodeData) -> u64 { let mut h = FxHasher::default(); node.kind().hash(&mut h); for child in node.children() { match child { NodeOrToken::Node(it) => node_hash(it), NodeOrToken::Token(it) => token_hash(it), } .hash(&mut h) } h.finish() } fn element_id(elem: GreenElementRef<'_>) -> *const () { match elem { NodeOrToken::Node(it) => it as *const GreenNodeData as *const (), NodeOrToken::Token(it) => it as *const GreenTokenData as *const (), } } impl NodeCache { pub(crate) fn node( &mut self, kind: SyntaxKind, children: &mut Vec<(u64, GreenElement)>, first_child: usize, ) -> (u64, GreenNode) { let build_node = move |children: &mut Vec<(u64, GreenElement)>| { GreenNode::new(kind, children.drain(first_child..).map(|(_, it)| it)) }; let children_ref = &children[first_child..]; if children_ref.len() > 3 { let node = build_node(children); return (0, node); } let hash = { let mut h = FxHasher::default(); kind.hash(&mut h); for &(hash, _) in children_ref { if hash == 0 { let node = build_node(children); return (0, node); } hash.hash(&mut h); } h.finish() }; // Green nodes are fully immutable, so it's ok to deduplicate them. // This is the same optimization that Roslyn does // // // For example, all `#[inline]` in this file share the same green node! // For `libsyntax/parse/`, measurements show that deduping saves // 17% of the memory for green nodes! let entry = self.nodes.raw_entry_mut().from_hash(hash, |node| { node.0.kind() == kind && node.0.children().len() == children_ref.len() && { let lhs = node.0.children(); let rhs = children_ref.iter().map(|(_, it)| it.as_deref()); let lhs =; let rhs =; lhs.eq(rhs) } }); let node = match entry { RawEntryMut::Occupied(entry) => { drop(children.drain(first_child..)); entry.key().0.clone() } RawEntryMut::Vacant(entry) => { let node = build_node(children); entry.insert_with_hasher(hash, NoHash(node.clone()), (), |n| node_hash(&n.0)); node } }; (hash, node) } pub(crate) fn token(&mut self, kind: SyntaxKind, text: &str) -> (u64, GreenToken) { let hash = { let mut h = FxHasher::default(); kind.hash(&mut h); text.hash(&mut h); h.finish() }; let entry = self .tokens .raw_entry_mut() .from_hash(hash, |token| token.0.kind() == kind && token.0.text() == text); let token = match entry { RawEntryMut::Occupied(entry) => entry.key().0.clone(), RawEntryMut::Vacant(entry) => { let token = GreenToken::new(kind, text); entry.insert_with_hasher(hash, NoHash(token.clone()), (), |t| token_hash(&t.0)); token } }; (hash, token) } }