use crate::fd::{AsFd, BorrowedFd, OwnedFd}; use crate::ffi::{CStr, CString}; use crate::fs::{ fcntl_getfl, fstat, fstatfs, fstatvfs, openat, FileType, Mode, OFlags, Stat, StatFs, StatVfs, }; use crate::io; use crate::process::fchdir; use crate::utils::as_ptr; use alloc::borrow::ToOwned; use alloc::vec::Vec; use core::fmt; use core::mem::size_of; use linux_raw_sys::general::{linux_dirent64, SEEK_SET}; /// `DIR*` pub struct Dir { /// The `OwnedFd` that we read directory entries from. fd: OwnedFd, buf: Vec, pos: usize, next: Option, } impl Dir { /// Construct a `Dir` that reads entries from the given directory /// file descriptor. #[inline] pub fn read_from(fd: Fd) -> io::Result { Self::_read_from(fd.as_fd()) } #[inline] fn _read_from(fd: BorrowedFd<'_>) -> io::Result { let flags = fcntl_getfl(fd)?; let fd_for_dir = openat(fd, cstr!("."), flags | OFlags::CLOEXEC, Mode::empty())?; Ok(Self { fd: fd_for_dir, buf: Vec::new(), pos: 0, next: None, }) } /// `rewinddir(self)` #[inline] pub fn rewind(&mut self) { self.pos = self.buf.len(); = Some(0); } /// `readdir(self)`, where `None` means the end of the directory. pub fn read(&mut self) -> Option> { if let Some(next) = { match crate::backend::fs::syscalls::_seek(self.fd.as_fd(), next as i64, SEEK_SET) { Ok(_) => (), Err(err) => return Some(Err(err)), } } // Compute linux_dirent64 field offsets. let z = linux_dirent64 { d_ino: 0_u64, d_off: 0_i64, d_type: 0_u8, d_reclen: 0_u16, d_name: Default::default(), }; let base = as_ptr(&z) as usize; let offsetof_d_reclen = (as_ptr(&z.d_reclen) as usize) - base; let offsetof_d_name = (as_ptr(&z.d_name) as usize) - base; let offsetof_d_ino = (as_ptr(&z.d_ino) as usize) - base; let offsetof_d_type = (as_ptr(&z.d_type) as usize) - base; // Test if we need more entries, and if so, read more. if self.buf.len() - self.pos < size_of::() { match self.read_more()? { Ok(()) => (), Err(e) => return Some(Err(e)), } } // We successfully read an entry. Extract the fields. let pos = self.pos; // Do an unaligned u16 load. let d_reclen = u16::from_ne_bytes([ self.buf[pos + offsetof_d_reclen], self.buf[pos + offsetof_d_reclen + 1], ]); assert!(self.buf.len() - pos >= d_reclen as usize); self.pos += d_reclen as usize; // Read the NUL-terminated name from the `d_name` field. Without // `unsafe`, we need to scan for the NUL twice: once to obtain a size // for the slice, and then once within `CStr::from_bytes_with_nul`. let name_start = pos + offsetof_d_name; let name_len = self.buf[name_start..] .iter() .position(|x| *x == b'\0') .unwrap(); let name = CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(&self.buf[name_start..name_start + name_len + 1]).unwrap(); let name = name.to_owned(); assert!(name.as_bytes().len() <= self.buf.len() - name_start); // Do an unaligned u64 load. let d_ino = u64::from_ne_bytes([ self.buf[pos + offsetof_d_ino], self.buf[pos + offsetof_d_ino + 1], self.buf[pos + offsetof_d_ino + 2], self.buf[pos + offsetof_d_ino + 3], self.buf[pos + offsetof_d_ino + 4], self.buf[pos + offsetof_d_ino + 5], self.buf[pos + offsetof_d_ino + 6], self.buf[pos + offsetof_d_ino + 7], ]); let d_type = self.buf[pos + offsetof_d_type]; // Check that our types correspond to the `linux_dirent64` types. let _ = linux_dirent64 { d_ino, d_off: 0, d_type, d_reclen, d_name: Default::default(), }; Some(Ok(DirEntry { d_ino, d_type, name, })) } fn read_more(&mut self) -> Option> { let og_len = self.buf.len(); // Capacity increment currently chosen by wild guess. self.buf .resize(self.buf.capacity() + 32 * size_of::(), 0); let nread = match crate::backend::fs::syscalls::getdents(self.fd.as_fd(), &mut self.buf) { Ok(nread) => nread, Err(err) => { self.buf.resize(og_len, 0); return Some(Err(err)); } }; self.buf.resize(nread, 0); self.pos = 0; if nread == 0 { None } else { Some(Ok(())) } } /// `fstat(self)` #[inline] pub fn stat(&self) -> io::Result { fstat(&self.fd) } /// `fstatfs(self)` #[inline] pub fn statfs(&self) -> io::Result { fstatfs(&self.fd) } /// `fstatvfs(self)` #[inline] pub fn statvfs(&self) -> io::Result { fstatvfs(&self.fd) } /// `fchdir(self)` #[inline] pub fn chdir(&self) -> io::Result<()> { fchdir(&self.fd) } } impl Iterator for Dir { type Item = io::Result; #[inline] fn next(&mut self) -> Option { Self::read(self) } } impl fmt::Debug for Dir { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("Dir").field("fd", &self.fd).finish() } } /// `struct dirent` #[derive(Debug)] pub struct DirEntry { d_ino: u64, d_type: u8, name: CString, } impl DirEntry { /// Returns the file name of this directory entry. #[inline] pub fn file_name(&self) -> &CStr { & } /// Returns the type of this directory entry. #[inline] pub fn file_type(&self) -> FileType { FileType::from_dirent_d_type(self.d_type) } /// Return the inode number of this directory entry. #[inline] pub fn ino(&self) -> u64 { self.d_ino } }