//! Tests for [`rustix::net`]. #![cfg(feature = "net")] #![cfg_attr(target_os = "wasi", feature(wasi_ext))] #![cfg(not(any(target_os = "redox", target_os = "wasi")))] #![cfg_attr(io_lifetimes_use_std, feature(io_safety))] #![cfg_attr(core_c_str, feature(core_c_str))] mod addr; mod connect_bind_send; mod poll; mod sockopt; #[cfg(unix)] mod unix; mod v4; mod v6; /// Windows requires us to call a setup function before using any of the /// socket APIs. #[cfg(windows)] #[ctor::ctor] fn windows_startup() { let _ = rustix::net::wsa_startup().unwrap(); } /// Windows requires us to call a cleanup function after using any of the /// socket APIs. #[cfg(windows)] #[ctor::dtor] fn windows_shutdown() { rustix::net::wsa_cleanup().unwrap(); }