use super::util::*; use crate::{clear::Clear, sync::alloc, Pack, Pool}; use loom::{ sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}, Condvar, Mutex, }, thread, }; use std::sync::Arc; #[derive(Default, Debug)] struct State { is_dropped: AtomicBool, is_cleared: AtomicBool, id: usize, } impl State { fn assert_clear(&self) { assert!(!self.is_dropped.load(Ordering::SeqCst)); assert!(self.is_cleared.load(Ordering::SeqCst)); } fn assert_not_clear(&self) { assert!(!self.is_dropped.load(Ordering::SeqCst)); assert!(!self.is_cleared.load(Ordering::SeqCst)); } } impl PartialEq for State { fn eq(&self, other: &State) -> bool { } } #[derive(Default, Debug)] struct DontDropMe(Arc); impl PartialEq for DontDropMe { fn eq(&self, other: &DontDropMe) -> bool { self.0.eq(&other.0) } } impl DontDropMe { fn new(id: usize) -> (Arc, Self) { let state = Arc::new(State { is_dropped: AtomicBool::new(false), is_cleared: AtomicBool::new(false), id, }); (state.clone(), Self(state)) } } impl Drop for DontDropMe { fn drop(&mut self) { test_println!("-> DontDropMe drop: dropping data {:?}",;, Ordering::SeqCst) } } impl Clear for DontDropMe { fn clear(&mut self) { test_println!("-> DontDropMe clear: clearing data {:?}",;, Ordering::SeqCst); } } #[test] fn dont_drop() { run_model("dont_drop", || { let pool: Pool = Pool::new(); let (item1, value) = DontDropMe::new(1); test_println!("-> dont_drop: Inserting into pool {}",; let idx = pool .create_with(move |item| *item = value) .expect("create_with"); item1.assert_not_clear(); test_println!("-> dont_drop: clearing idx: {}", idx); pool.clear(idx); item1.assert_clear(); }); } #[test] fn concurrent_create_with_clear() { run_model("concurrent_create_with_clear", || { let pool: Arc> = Arc::new(Pool::new()); let pair = Arc::new((Mutex::new(None), Condvar::new())); let (item1, value) = DontDropMe::new(1); let idx1 = pool .create_with(move |item| *item = value) .expect("create_with"); let p = pool.clone(); let pair2 = pair.clone(); let test_value = item1.clone(); let t1 = thread::spawn(move || { let (lock, cvar) = &*pair2; test_println!("-> making get request"); assert_eq!(p.get(idx1).unwrap(),; let mut next = lock.lock().unwrap(); *next = Some(()); cvar.notify_one(); }); test_println!("-> making get request"); let guard = pool.get(idx1); let (lock, cvar) = &*pair; let mut next = lock.lock().unwrap(); // wait until we have a guard on the other thread. while next.is_none() { next = cvar.wait(next).unwrap(); } // the item should be marked (clear returns true)... assert!(pool.clear(idx1)); // ...but the value shouldn't be removed yet. item1.assert_not_clear(); t1.join().expect("thread 1 unable to join"); drop(guard); item1.assert_clear(); }) } #[test] fn racy_clear() { run_model("racy_clear", || { let pool = Arc::new(Pool::new()); let (item, value) = DontDropMe::new(1); let idx = pool .create_with(move |item| *item = value) .expect("create_with"); assert_eq!(pool.get(idx).unwrap(),; let p = pool.clone(); let t2 = thread::spawn(move || p.clear(idx)); let r1 = pool.clear(idx); let r2 = t2.join().expect("thread 2 should not panic"); test_println!("r1: {}, r2: {}", r1, r2); assert!( !(r1 && r2), "Both threads should not have cleared the value" ); assert!(r1 || r2, "One thread should have removed the value"); assert!(pool.get(idx).is_none()); item.assert_clear(); }) } #[test] fn clear_local_and_reuse() { run_model("take_remote_and_reuse", || { let pool = Arc::new(Pool::new_with_config::()); let idx1 = pool .create_with(|item: &mut String| { item.push_str("hello world"); }) .expect("create_with"); let idx2 = pool .create_with(|item| item.push_str("foo")) .expect("create_with"); let idx3 = pool .create_with(|item| item.push_str("bar")) .expect("create_with"); assert_eq!(pool.get(idx1).unwrap(), String::from("hello world")); assert_eq!(pool.get(idx2).unwrap(), String::from("foo")); assert_eq!(pool.get(idx3).unwrap(), String::from("bar")); let first = idx1 & (!crate::page::slot::Generation::::MASK); assert!(pool.clear(idx1)); let idx1 = pool .create_with(move |item| item.push_str("h")) .expect("create_with"); let second = idx1 & (!crate::page::slot::Generation::::MASK); assert_eq!(first, second); assert!(pool.get(idx1).unwrap().capacity() >= 11); }) } #[test] fn create_mut_guard_prevents_access() { run_model("create_mut_guard_prevents_access", || { let pool = Arc::new(Pool::::new()); let guard = pool.create().unwrap(); let key: usize = guard.key(); let pool2 = pool.clone(); thread::spawn(move || { assert!(pool2.get(key).is_none()); }) .join() .unwrap(); }); } #[test] fn create_mut_guard() { run_model("create_mut_guard", || { let pool = Arc::new(Pool::::new()); let mut guard = pool.create().unwrap(); let key: usize = guard.key(); let pool2 = pool.clone(); let t1 = thread::spawn(move || { test_dbg!(pool2.get(key)); }); guard.push_str("Hello world"); drop(guard); t1.join().unwrap(); }); } #[test] fn create_mut_guard_2() { run_model("create_mut_guard_2", || { let pool = Arc::new(Pool::::new()); let mut guard = pool.create().unwrap(); let key: usize = guard.key(); let pool2 = pool.clone(); let pool3 = pool.clone(); let t1 = thread::spawn(move || { test_dbg!(pool2.get(key)); }); guard.push_str("Hello world"); let t2 = thread::spawn(move || { test_dbg!(pool3.get(key)); }); drop(guard); t1.join().unwrap(); t2.join().unwrap(); }); } #[test] fn create_mut_guard_downgrade() { run_model("create_mut_guard_downgrade", || { let pool = Arc::new(Pool::::new()); let mut guard = pool.create().unwrap(); let key: usize = guard.key(); let pool2 = pool.clone(); let pool3 = pool.clone(); let t1 = thread::spawn(move || { test_dbg!(pool2.get(key)); }); guard.push_str("Hello world"); let guard = guard.downgrade(); let t2 = thread::spawn(move || { test_dbg!(pool3.get(key)); }); t1.join().unwrap(); t2.join().unwrap(); assert_eq!(guard, "Hello world".to_owned()); }); } #[test] fn create_mut_guard_downgrade_clear() { run_model("create_mut_guard_downgrade_clear", || { let pool = Arc::new(Pool::::new()); let mut guard = pool.create().unwrap(); let key: usize = guard.key(); let pool2 = pool.clone(); guard.push_str("Hello world"); let guard = guard.downgrade(); let pool3 = pool.clone(); let t1 = thread::spawn(move || { test_dbg!(pool2.get(key)); }); let t2 = thread::spawn(move || { test_dbg!(pool3.clear(key)); }); assert_eq!(guard, "Hello world".to_owned()); drop(guard); t1.join().unwrap(); t2.join().unwrap(); assert!(pool.get(key).is_none()); }); } #[test] fn create_mut_downgrade_during_clear() { run_model("create_mut_downgrade_during_clear", || { let pool = Arc::new(Pool::::new()); let mut guard = pool.create().unwrap(); let key: usize = guard.key(); guard.push_str("Hello world"); let pool2 = pool.clone(); let guard = guard.downgrade(); let t1 = thread::spawn(move || { test_dbg!(pool2.clear(key)); }); t1.join().unwrap(); assert_eq!(guard, "Hello world".to_owned()); drop(guard); assert!(pool.get(key).is_none()); }); } #[test] fn ownedref_send_out_of_local() { run_model("ownedref_send_out_of_local", || { let pool = Arc::new(Pool::>::new()); let key1 = pool .create_with(|item| item.get_mut().push_str("hello")) .expect("create item 1"); let key2 = pool .create_with(|item| item.get_mut().push_str("goodbye")) .expect("create item 2"); let item1 = pool.clone().get_owned(key1).expect("get key1"); let item2 = pool.clone().get_owned(key2).expect("get key2"); let pool2 = pool.clone(); test_dbg!(pool.clear(key1)); let t1 = thread::spawn(move || { assert_eq!(item1.get_ref(), &String::from("hello")); drop(item1); }); let t2 = thread::spawn(move || { assert_eq!(item2.get_ref(), &String::from("goodbye")); test_dbg!(pool2.clear(key2)); drop(item2); }); t1.join().unwrap(); t2.join().unwrap(); assert!(pool.get(key1).is_none()); assert!(pool.get(key2).is_none()); }); } #[test] fn ownedrefs_outlive_pool() { run_model("ownedrefs_outlive_pool", || { let pool = Arc::new(Pool::>::new()); let key1 = pool .create_with(|item| item.get_mut().push_str("hello")) .expect("create item 1"); let key2 = pool .create_with(|item| item.get_mut().push_str("goodbye")) .expect("create item 2"); let item1_1 = pool.clone().get_owned(key1).expect("get key1"); let item1_2 = pool.clone().get_owned(key1).expect("get key1 again"); let item2 = pool.clone().get_owned(key2).expect("get key2"); drop(pool); let t1 = thread::spawn(move || { assert_eq!(item1_1.get_ref(), &String::from("hello")); drop(item1_1); }); let t2 = thread::spawn(move || { assert_eq!(item2.get_ref(), &String::from("goodbye")); drop(item2); }); t1.join().unwrap(); t2.join().unwrap(); assert_eq!(item1_2.get_ref(), &String::from("hello")); }); } #[test] fn ownedref_ping_pong() { run_model("ownedref_ping_pong", || { let pool = Arc::new(Pool::>::new()); let key1 = pool .create_with(|item| item.get_mut().push_str("hello")) .expect("create item 1"); let key2 = pool .create_with(|item| item.get_mut().push_str("world")) .expect("create item 2"); let item1 = pool.clone().get_owned(key1).expect("get key1"); let pool2 = pool.clone(); let pool3 = pool.clone(); let t1 = thread::spawn(move || { assert_eq!(item1.get_ref(), &String::from("hello")); pool2.clear(key1); item1 }); let t2 = thread::spawn(move || { let item2 = pool3.clone().get_owned(key2).unwrap(); assert_eq!(item2.get_ref(), &String::from("world")); pool3.clear(key1); item2 }); let item1 = t1.join().unwrap(); let item2 = t2.join().unwrap(); assert_eq!(item1.get_ref(), &String::from("hello")); assert_eq!(item2.get_ref(), &String::from("world")); }); } #[test] fn ownedref_drop_from_other_threads() { run_model("ownedref_drop_from_other_threads", || { let pool = Arc::new(Pool::>::new()); let key1 = pool .create_with(|item| item.get_mut().push_str("hello")) .expect("create item 1"); let item1 = pool.clone().get_owned(key1).expect("get key1"); let pool2 = pool.clone(); let t1 = thread::spawn(move || { let pool = pool2.clone(); let key2 = pool .create_with(|item| item.get_mut().push_str("goodbye")) .expect("create item 1"); let item2 = pool.clone().get_owned(key2).expect("get key1"); let t2 = thread::spawn(move || { assert_eq!(item2.get_ref(), &String::from("goodbye")); test_dbg!(pool2.clear(key1)); drop(item2) }); assert_eq!(item1.get_ref(), &String::from("hello")); test_dbg!(pool.clear(key2)); drop(item1); (t2, key2) }); let (t2, key2) = t1.join().unwrap(); test_dbg!(pool.get(key1)); test_dbg!(pool.get(key2)); t2.join().unwrap(); assert!(pool.get(key1).is_none()); assert!(pool.get(key2).is_none()); }); } #[test] fn create_owned_mut_guard() { run_model("create_owned_mut_guard", || { let pool = Arc::new(Pool::::new()); let mut guard = pool.clone().create_owned().unwrap(); let key: usize = guard.key(); let pool2 = pool.clone(); let t1 = thread::spawn(move || { test_dbg!(pool2.get(key)); }); guard.push_str("Hello world"); drop(guard); t1.join().unwrap(); }); } #[test] fn create_owned_mut_guard_send() { run_model("create_owned_mut_guard", || { let pool = Arc::new(Pool::::new()); let mut guard = pool.clone().create_owned().unwrap(); let key: usize = guard.key(); let pool2 = pool.clone(); let t1 = thread::spawn(move || { test_dbg!(pool2.get(key)); }); let t2 = thread::spawn(move || { guard.push_str("Hello world"); drop(guard); }); t1.join().unwrap(); t2.join().unwrap(); }); } #[test] fn create_owned_mut_guard_2() { run_model("create_owned_mut_guard_2", || { let pool = Arc::new(Pool::::new()); let mut guard = pool.clone().create_owned().unwrap(); let key: usize = guard.key(); let pool2 = pool.clone(); let pool3 = pool.clone(); let t1 = thread::spawn(move || { test_dbg!(pool2.get(key)); }); guard.push_str("Hello world"); let t2 = thread::spawn(move || { test_dbg!(pool3.get(key)); }); drop(guard); t1.join().unwrap(); t2.join().unwrap(); }); } #[test] fn create_owned_mut_guard_downgrade() { run_model("create_owned_mut_guard_downgrade", || { let pool = Arc::new(Pool::::new()); let mut guard = pool.clone().create_owned().unwrap(); guard.push_str("Hello world"); let key: usize = guard.key(); let pool2 = pool.clone(); let pool3 = pool.clone(); let t1 = thread::spawn(move || { test_dbg!(pool2.get(key)); }); let guard = guard.downgrade(); let t2 = thread::spawn(move || { assert_eq!(pool3.get(key).unwrap(), "Hello world".to_owned()); }); t1.join().unwrap(); t2.join().unwrap(); assert_eq!(guard, "Hello world".to_owned()); }); } #[test] fn create_owned_mut_guard_downgrade_then_clear() { run_model("create_owned_mut_guard_downgrade_then_clear", || { let pool = Arc::new(Pool::::new()); let mut guard = pool.clone().create_owned().unwrap(); let key: usize = guard.key(); let pool2 = pool.clone(); guard.push_str("Hello world"); let guard = guard.downgrade(); let pool3 = pool.clone(); let t1 = thread::spawn(move || { test_dbg!(pool2.get(key)); }); let t2 = thread::spawn(move || { test_dbg!(pool3.clear(key)); }); assert_eq!(guard, "Hello world".to_owned()); drop(guard); t1.join().unwrap(); t2.join().unwrap(); assert!(pool.get(key).is_none()); }); } #[test] fn create_owned_mut_downgrade_during_clear() { run_model("create_owned_mut_downgrade_during_clear", || { let pool = Arc::new(Pool::::new()); let mut guard = pool.clone().create_owned().unwrap(); let key: usize = guard.key(); guard.push_str("Hello world"); let pool2 = pool.clone(); let guard = guard.downgrade(); let t1 = thread::spawn(move || { test_dbg!(pool2.clear(key)); }); t1.join().unwrap(); assert_eq!(guard, "Hello world".to_owned()); drop(guard); assert!(pool.get(key).is_none()); }); } #[test] fn create_mut_downgrade_during_clear_by_other_thead() { run_model("create_mut_downgrade_during_clear_by_other_thread", || { let pool = Arc::new(Pool::::new()); let mut guard = pool.clone().create_owned().unwrap(); let key: usize = guard.key(); guard.push_str("Hello world"); let pool2 = pool.clone(); let t1 = thread::spawn(move || { let guard = guard.downgrade(); assert_eq!(guard, "Hello world".to_owned()); drop(guard); }); let t2 = thread::spawn(move || { test_dbg!(pool2.clear(key)); }); test_dbg!(pool.get(key)); t1.join().unwrap(); t2.join().unwrap(); }); }