// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file. use libc::{self, c_char, if_msghdr2, CTL_NET, NET_RT_IFLIST2, PF_ROUTE, RTM_IFINFO2}; use std::collections::{hash_map, HashMap}; use std::ptr::null_mut; use crate::common::MacAddr; use crate::network::refresh_networks_addresses; use crate::{NetworkExt, NetworksExt, NetworksIter}; macro_rules! old_and_new { ($ty_:expr, $name:ident, $old:ident, $new_val:expr) => {{ $ty_.$old = $ty_.$name; $ty_.$name = $new_val; }}; } #[doc = include_str!("../../md_doc/networks.md")] pub struct Networks { interfaces: HashMap, } impl Networks { pub(crate) fn new() -> Self { Networks { interfaces: HashMap::new(), } } #[allow(unknown_lints)] #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] #[allow(clippy::uninit_vec)] fn update_networks(&mut self) { let mib = &mut [CTL_NET, PF_ROUTE, 0, 0, NET_RT_IFLIST2, 0]; let mut len = 0; unsafe { if libc::sysctl( mib.as_mut_ptr(), mib.len() as _, null_mut(), &mut len, null_mut(), 0, ) < 0 { // TODO: might be nice to put an error in here... return; } let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(len); buf.set_len(len); if libc::sysctl( mib.as_mut_ptr(), mib.len() as _, buf.as_mut_ptr(), &mut len, null_mut(), 0, ) < 0 { // TODO: might be nice to put an error in here... return; } let buf = buf.as_ptr() as *const c_char; let lim = buf.add(len); let mut next = buf; while next < lim { let ifm = next as *const libc::if_msghdr; next = next.offset((*ifm).ifm_msglen as isize); if (*ifm).ifm_type == RTM_IFINFO2 as u8 { // The interface (line description) name stored at ifname will be returned in // the default coded character set identifier (CCSID) currently in effect for // the job. If this is not a single byte CCSID, then storage greater than // IFNAMSIZ (16) bytes may be needed. 22 bytes is large enough for all CCSIDs. let mut name = vec![0u8; libc::IFNAMSIZ + 6]; let if2m: *const if_msghdr2 = ifm as *const if_msghdr2; let pname = libc::if_indextoname((*if2m).ifm_index as _, name.as_mut_ptr() as _); if pname.is_null() { continue; } name.set_len(libc::strlen(pname)); let name = String::from_utf8_unchecked(name); match self.interfaces.entry(name) { hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut e) => { let interface = e.get_mut(); old_and_new!( interface, current_out, old_out, (*if2m).ifm_data.ifi_obytes ); old_and_new!( interface, current_in, old_in, (*if2m).ifm_data.ifi_ibytes ); old_and_new!( interface, packets_in, old_packets_in, (*if2m).ifm_data.ifi_ipackets ); old_and_new!( interface, packets_out, old_packets_out, (*if2m).ifm_data.ifi_opackets ); old_and_new!( interface, errors_in, old_errors_in, (*if2m).ifm_data.ifi_ierrors ); old_and_new!( interface, errors_out, old_errors_out, (*if2m).ifm_data.ifi_oerrors ); interface.updated = true; } hash_map::Entry::Vacant(e) => { let current_in = (*if2m).ifm_data.ifi_ibytes; let current_out = (*if2m).ifm_data.ifi_obytes; let packets_in = (*if2m).ifm_data.ifi_ipackets; let packets_out = (*if2m).ifm_data.ifi_opackets; let errors_in = (*if2m).ifm_data.ifi_ierrors; let errors_out = (*if2m).ifm_data.ifi_oerrors; e.insert(NetworkData { current_in, old_in: current_in, current_out, old_out: current_out, packets_in, old_packets_in: packets_in, packets_out, old_packets_out: packets_out, errors_in, old_errors_in: errors_in, errors_out, old_errors_out: errors_out, updated: true, mac_addr: MacAddr::UNSPECIFIED, }); } } } } } } } impl NetworksExt for Networks { #[allow(clippy::needless_lifetimes)] fn iter<'a>(&'a self) -> NetworksIter<'a> { NetworksIter::new(self.interfaces.iter()) } fn refresh_networks_list(&mut self) { for (_, data) in self.interfaces.iter_mut() { data.updated = false; } self.update_networks(); self.interfaces.retain(|_, data| data.updated); refresh_networks_addresses(&mut self.interfaces); } fn refresh(&mut self) { self.update_networks(); } } #[doc = include_str!("../../md_doc/network_data.md")] #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct NetworkData { current_in: u64, old_in: u64, current_out: u64, old_out: u64, packets_in: u64, old_packets_in: u64, packets_out: u64, old_packets_out: u64, errors_in: u64, old_errors_in: u64, errors_out: u64, old_errors_out: u64, updated: bool, /// MAC address pub(crate) mac_addr: MacAddr, } impl NetworkExt for NetworkData { fn received(&self) -> u64 { self.current_in.saturating_sub(self.old_in) } fn total_received(&self) -> u64 { self.current_in } fn transmitted(&self) -> u64 { self.current_out.saturating_sub(self.old_out) } fn total_transmitted(&self) -> u64 { self.current_out } fn packets_received(&self) -> u64 { self.packets_in.saturating_sub(self.old_packets_in) } fn total_packets_received(&self) -> u64 { self.packets_in } fn packets_transmitted(&self) -> u64 { self.packets_out.saturating_sub(self.old_packets_out) } fn total_packets_transmitted(&self) -> u64 { self.packets_out } fn errors_on_received(&self) -> u64 { self.errors_in.saturating_sub(self.old_errors_in) } fn total_errors_on_received(&self) -> u64 { self.errors_in } fn errors_on_transmitted(&self) -> u64 { self.errors_out.saturating_sub(self.old_errors_out) } fn total_errors_on_transmitted(&self) -> u64 { self.errors_out } fn mac_address(&self) -> MacAddr { self.mac_addr } }