// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file. // This test is used to ensure that the CPUs are not loaded by default. #[test] fn test_cpu() { use sysinfo::{CpuExt, SystemExt}; if sysinfo::System::IS_SUPPORTED { let mut s = sysinfo::System::new(); assert!(s.cpus().is_empty()); s.refresh_cpu(); assert!(!s.cpus().is_empty()); let s = sysinfo::System::new_all(); assert!(!s.cpus().is_empty()); assert!(!s.cpus()[0].brand().chars().any(|c| c == '\0')); } } #[test] fn test_physical_core_numbers() { use sysinfo::SystemExt; if sysinfo::System::IS_SUPPORTED { let s = sysinfo::System::new(); let count = s.physical_core_count(); assert_ne!(count, None); assert!(count.unwrap() > 0); } }