#![allow(missing_docs)] #![allow(deprecated)] // Float use std::cmp::Ordering::{self, Equal, Greater, Less}; use std::mem; #[cfg(test)] mod tests; fn local_cmp(x: f64, y: f64) -> Ordering { // arbitrarily decide that NaNs are larger than everything. if y.is_nan() { Less } else if x.is_nan() { Greater } else if x < y { Less } else if x == y { Equal } else { Greater } } fn local_sort(v: &mut [f64]) { v.sort_by(|x: &f64, y: &f64| local_cmp(*x, *y)); } /// Trait that provides simple descriptive statistics on a univariate set of numeric samples. pub trait Stats { /// Sum of the samples. /// /// Note: this method sacrifices performance at the altar of accuracy /// Depends on IEEE-754 arithmetic guarantees. See proof of correctness at: /// ["Adaptive Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic and Fast Robust Geometric /// Predicates"][paper] /// /// [paper]: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~quake-papers/robust-arithmetic.ps fn sum(&self) -> f64; /// Minimum value of the samples. fn min(&self) -> f64; /// Maximum value of the samples. fn max(&self) -> f64; /// Arithmetic mean (average) of the samples: sum divided by sample-count. /// /// See: fn mean(&self) -> f64; /// Median of the samples: value separating the lower half of the samples from the higher half. /// Equal to `self.percentile(50.0)`. /// /// See: fn median(&self) -> f64; /// Variance of the samples: bias-corrected mean of the squares of the differences of each /// sample from the sample mean. Note that this calculates the _sample variance_ rather than the /// population variance, which is assumed to be unknown. It therefore corrects the `(n-1)/n` /// bias that would appear if we calculated a population variance, by dividing by `(n-1)` rather /// than `n`. /// /// See: fn var(&self) -> f64; /// Standard deviation: the square root of the sample variance. /// /// Note: this is not a robust statistic for non-normal distributions. Prefer the /// `median_abs_dev` for unknown distributions. /// /// See: fn std_dev(&self) -> f64; /// Standard deviation as a percent of the mean value. See `std_dev` and `mean`. /// /// Note: this is not a robust statistic for non-normal distributions. Prefer the /// `median_abs_dev_pct` for unknown distributions. fn std_dev_pct(&self) -> f64; /// Scaled median of the absolute deviations of each sample from the sample median. This is a /// robust (distribution-agnostic) estimator of sample variability. Use this in preference to /// `std_dev` if you cannot assume your sample is normally distributed. Note that this is scaled /// by the constant `1.4826` to allow its use as a consistent estimator for the standard /// deviation. /// /// See: fn median_abs_dev(&self) -> f64; /// Median absolute deviation as a percent of the median. See `median_abs_dev` and `median`. fn median_abs_dev_pct(&self) -> f64; /// Percentile: the value below which `pct` percent of the values in `self` fall. For example, /// percentile(95.0) will return the value `v` such that 95% of the samples `s` in `self` /// satisfy `s <= v`. /// /// Calculated by linear interpolation between closest ranks. /// /// See: fn percentile(&self, pct: f64) -> f64; /// Quartiles of the sample: three values that divide the sample into four equal groups, each /// with 1/4 of the data. The middle value is the median. See `median` and `percentile`. This /// function may calculate the 3 quartiles more efficiently than 3 calls to `percentile`, but /// is otherwise equivalent. /// /// See also: fn quartiles(&self) -> (f64, f64, f64); /// Inter-quartile range: the difference between the 25th percentile (1st quartile) and the 75th /// percentile (3rd quartile). See `quartiles`. /// /// See also: fn iqr(&self) -> f64; } /// Extracted collection of all the summary statistics of a sample set. #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Copy)] #[allow(missing_docs)] pub struct Summary { pub sum: f64, pub min: f64, pub max: f64, pub mean: f64, pub median: f64, pub var: f64, pub std_dev: f64, pub std_dev_pct: f64, pub median_abs_dev: f64, pub median_abs_dev_pct: f64, pub quartiles: (f64, f64, f64), pub iqr: f64, } impl Summary { /// Construct a new summary of a sample set. pub fn new(samples: &[f64]) -> Summary { Summary { sum: samples.sum(), min: samples.min(), max: samples.max(), mean: samples.mean(), median: samples.median(), var: samples.var(), std_dev: samples.std_dev(), std_dev_pct: samples.std_dev_pct(), median_abs_dev: samples.median_abs_dev(), median_abs_dev_pct: samples.median_abs_dev_pct(), quartiles: samples.quartiles(), iqr: samples.iqr(), } } } impl Stats for [f64] { // FIXME #11059 handle NaN, inf and overflow fn sum(&self) -> f64 { let mut partials = vec![]; for &x in self { let mut x = x; let mut j = 0; // This inner loop applies `hi`/`lo` summation to each // partial so that the list of partial sums remains exact. for i in 0..partials.len() { let mut y: f64 = partials[i]; if x.abs() < y.abs() { mem::swap(&mut x, &mut y); } // Rounded `x+y` is stored in `hi` with round-off stored in // `lo`. Together `hi+lo` are exactly equal to `x+y`. let hi = x + y; let lo = y - (hi - x); if lo != 0.0 { partials[j] = lo; j += 1; } x = hi; } if j >= partials.len() { partials.push(x); } else { partials[j] = x; partials.truncate(j + 1); } } let zero: f64 = 0.0; partials.iter().fold(zero, |p, q| p + *q) } fn min(&self) -> f64 { assert!(!self.is_empty()); self.iter().fold(self[0], |p, q| p.min(*q)) } fn max(&self) -> f64 { assert!(!self.is_empty()); self.iter().fold(self[0], |p, q| p.max(*q)) } fn mean(&self) -> f64 { assert!(!self.is_empty()); self.sum() / (self.len() as f64) } fn median(&self) -> f64 { self.percentile(50_f64) } fn var(&self) -> f64 { if self.len() < 2 { 0.0 } else { let mean = self.mean(); let mut v: f64 = 0.0; for s in self { let x = *s - mean; v += x * x; } // N.B., this is _supposed to be_ len-1, not len. If you // change it back to len, you will be calculating a // population variance, not a sample variance. let denom = (self.len() - 1) as f64; v / denom } } fn std_dev(&self) -> f64 { self.var().sqrt() } fn std_dev_pct(&self) -> f64 { let hundred = 100_f64; (self.std_dev() / self.mean()) * hundred } fn median_abs_dev(&self) -> f64 { let med = self.median(); let abs_devs: Vec = self.iter().map(|&v| (med - v).abs()).collect(); // This constant is derived by smarter statistics brains than me, but it is // consistent with how R and other packages treat the MAD. let number = 1.4826; abs_devs.median() * number } fn median_abs_dev_pct(&self) -> f64 { let hundred = 100_f64; (self.median_abs_dev() / self.median()) * hundred } fn percentile(&self, pct: f64) -> f64 { let mut tmp = self.to_vec(); local_sort(&mut tmp); percentile_of_sorted(&tmp, pct) } fn quartiles(&self) -> (f64, f64, f64) { let mut tmp = self.to_vec(); local_sort(&mut tmp); let first = 25_f64; let a = percentile_of_sorted(&tmp, first); let second = 50_f64; let b = percentile_of_sorted(&tmp, second); let third = 75_f64; let c = percentile_of_sorted(&tmp, third); (a, b, c) } fn iqr(&self) -> f64 { let (a, _, c) = self.quartiles(); c - a } } // Helper function: extract a value representing the `pct` percentile of a sorted sample-set, using // linear interpolation. If samples are not sorted, return nonsensical value. fn percentile_of_sorted(sorted_samples: &[f64], pct: f64) -> f64 { assert!(!sorted_samples.is_empty()); if sorted_samples.len() == 1 { return sorted_samples[0]; } let zero: f64 = 0.0; assert!(zero <= pct); let hundred = 100_f64; assert!(pct <= hundred); if pct == hundred { return sorted_samples[sorted_samples.len() - 1]; } let length = (sorted_samples.len() - 1) as f64; let rank = (pct / hundred) * length; let lrank = rank.floor(); let d = rank - lrank; let n = lrank as usize; let lo = sorted_samples[n]; let hi = sorted_samples[n + 1]; lo + (hi - lo) * d } /// Winsorize a set of samples, replacing values above the `100-pct` percentile /// and below the `pct` percentile with those percentiles themselves. This is a /// way of minimizing the effect of outliers, at the cost of biasing the sample. /// It differs from trimming in that it does not change the number of samples, /// just changes the values of those that are outliers. /// /// See: pub fn winsorize(samples: &mut [f64], pct: f64) { let mut tmp = samples.to_vec(); local_sort(&mut tmp); let lo = percentile_of_sorted(&tmp, pct); let hundred = 100_f64; let hi = percentile_of_sorted(&tmp, hundred - pct); for samp in samples { if *samp > hi { *samp = hi } else if *samp < lo { *samp = lo } } }