//! The [`PrimitiveDateTime`] struct and its associated `impl`s. use core::fmt; use core::ops::{Add, AddAssign, Sub, SubAssign}; use core::time::Duration as StdDuration; #[cfg(feature = "formatting")] use std::io; use crate::date_time::offset_kind; #[cfg(feature = "formatting")] use crate::formatting::Formattable; use crate::internal_macros::{const_try, const_try_opt}; #[cfg(feature = "parsing")] use crate::parsing::Parsable; use crate::{error, Date, DateTime, Duration, Month, OffsetDateTime, Time, UtcOffset, Weekday}; /// The actual type doing all the work. type Inner = DateTime; /// Combined date and time. #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)] pub struct PrimitiveDateTime(#[allow(clippy::missing_docs_in_private_items)] pub(crate) Inner); impl PrimitiveDateTime { /// The smallest value that can be represented by `PrimitiveDateTime`. /// /// Depending on `large-dates` feature flag, value of this constant may vary. /// /// 1. With `large-dates` disabled it is equal to `-9999-01-01 00:00:00.0` /// 2. With `large-dates` enabled it is equal to `-999999-01-01 00:00:00.0` /// /// ```rust /// # use time::PrimitiveDateTime; /// # use time_macros::datetime; #[cfg_attr( feature = "large-dates", doc = "// Assuming `large-dates` feature is enabled." )] #[cfg_attr( feature = "large-dates", doc = "assert_eq!(PrimitiveDateTime::MIN, datetime!(-999999-01-01 0:00));" )] #[cfg_attr( not(feature = "large-dates"), doc = "// Assuming `large-dates` feature is disabled." )] #[cfg_attr( not(feature = "large-dates"), doc = "assert_eq!(PrimitiveDateTime::MIN, datetime!(-9999-01-01 0:00));" )] /// ``` pub const MIN: Self = Self(Inner::MIN); /// The largest value that can be represented by `PrimitiveDateTime`. /// /// Depending on `large-dates` feature flag, value of this constant may vary. /// /// 1. With `large-dates` disabled it is equal to `9999-12-31 23:59:59.999_999_999` /// 2. With `large-dates` enabled it is equal to `999999-12-31 23:59:59.999_999_999` /// /// ```rust /// # use time::PrimitiveDateTime; /// # use time_macros::datetime; #[cfg_attr( feature = "large-dates", doc = "// Assuming `large-dates` feature is enabled." )] #[cfg_attr( feature = "large-dates", doc = "assert_eq!(PrimitiveDateTime::MAX, datetime!(+999999-12-31 23:59:59.999_999_999));" )] #[cfg_attr( not(feature = "large-dates"), doc = "// Assuming `large-dates` feature is disabled." )] #[cfg_attr( not(feature = "large-dates"), doc = "assert_eq!(PrimitiveDateTime::MAX, datetime!(+9999-12-31 23:59:59.999_999_999));" )] /// ``` pub const MAX: Self = Self(Inner::MAX); /// Create a new `PrimitiveDateTime` from the provided [`Date`] and [`Time`]. /// /// ```rust /// # use time::PrimitiveDateTime; /// # use time_macros::{date, datetime, time}; /// assert_eq!( /// PrimitiveDateTime::new(date!(2019-01-01), time!(0:00)), /// datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00), /// ); /// ``` pub const fn new(date: Date, time: Time) -> Self { Self(Inner::new(date, time)) } // region: component getters /// Get the [`Date`] component of the `PrimitiveDateTime`. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::{date, datetime}; /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00).date(), date!(2019-01-01)); /// ``` pub const fn date(self) -> Date { self.0.date() } /// Get the [`Time`] component of the `PrimitiveDateTime`. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::{datetime, time}; /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00).time(), time!(0:00)); pub const fn time(self) -> Time { self.0.time() } // endregion component getters // region: date getters /// Get the year of the date. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00).year(), 2019); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-12-31 0:00).year(), 2019); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2020-01-01 0:00).year(), 2020); /// ``` pub const fn year(self) -> i32 { self.0.year() } /// Get the month of the date. /// /// ```rust /// # use time::Month; /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00).month(), Month::January); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-12-31 0:00).month(), Month::December); /// ``` pub const fn month(self) -> Month { self.0.month() } /// Get the day of the date. /// /// The returned value will always be in the range `1..=31`. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00).day(), 1); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-12-31 0:00).day(), 31); /// ``` pub const fn day(self) -> u8 { self.0.day() } /// Get the day of the year. /// /// The returned value will always be in the range `1..=366` (`1..=365` for common years). /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00).ordinal(), 1); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-12-31 0:00).ordinal(), 365); /// ``` pub const fn ordinal(self) -> u16 { self.0.ordinal() } /// Get the ISO week number. /// /// The returned value will always be in the range `1..=53`. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00).iso_week(), 1); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-10-04 0:00).iso_week(), 40); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2020-01-01 0:00).iso_week(), 1); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2020-12-31 0:00).iso_week(), 53); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2021-01-01 0:00).iso_week(), 53); /// ``` pub const fn iso_week(self) -> u8 { self.0.iso_week() } /// Get the week number where week 1 begins on the first Sunday. /// /// The returned value will always be in the range `0..=53`. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00).sunday_based_week(), 0); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2020-01-01 0:00).sunday_based_week(), 0); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2020-12-31 0:00).sunday_based_week(), 52); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2021-01-01 0:00).sunday_based_week(), 0); /// ``` pub const fn sunday_based_week(self) -> u8 { self.0.sunday_based_week() } /// Get the week number where week 1 begins on the first Monday. /// /// The returned value will always be in the range `0..=53`. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00).monday_based_week(), 0); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2020-01-01 0:00).monday_based_week(), 0); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2020-12-31 0:00).monday_based_week(), 52); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2021-01-01 0:00).monday_based_week(), 0); /// ``` pub const fn monday_based_week(self) -> u8 { self.0.monday_based_week() } /// Get the year, month, and day. /// /// ```rust /// # use time::Month; /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00).to_calendar_date(), /// (2019, Month::January, 1) /// ); /// ``` pub const fn to_calendar_date(self) -> (i32, Month, u8) { self.0.to_calendar_date() } /// Get the year and ordinal day number. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00).to_ordinal_date(), (2019, 1)); /// ``` pub const fn to_ordinal_date(self) -> (i32, u16) { self.0.to_ordinal_date() } /// Get the ISO 8601 year, week number, and weekday. /// /// ```rust /// # use time::Weekday::*; /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00).to_iso_week_date(), /// (2019, 1, Tuesday) /// ); /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2019-10-04 0:00).to_iso_week_date(), /// (2019, 40, Friday) /// ); /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2020-01-01 0:00).to_iso_week_date(), /// (2020, 1, Wednesday) /// ); /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2020-12-31 0:00).to_iso_week_date(), /// (2020, 53, Thursday) /// ); /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2021-01-01 0:00).to_iso_week_date(), /// (2020, 53, Friday) /// ); /// ``` pub const fn to_iso_week_date(self) -> (i32, u8, Weekday) { self.0.to_iso_week_date() } /// Get the weekday. /// /// ```rust /// # use time::Weekday::*; /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00).weekday(), Tuesday); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-02-01 0:00).weekday(), Friday); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-03-01 0:00).weekday(), Friday); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-04-01 0:00).weekday(), Monday); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-05-01 0:00).weekday(), Wednesday); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-06-01 0:00).weekday(), Saturday); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-07-01 0:00).weekday(), Monday); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-08-01 0:00).weekday(), Thursday); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-09-01 0:00).weekday(), Sunday); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-10-01 0:00).weekday(), Tuesday); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-11-01 0:00).weekday(), Friday); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-12-01 0:00).weekday(), Sunday); /// ``` pub const fn weekday(self) -> Weekday { self.0.weekday() } /// Get the Julian day for the date. The time is not taken into account for this calculation. /// /// The algorithm to perform this conversion is derived from one provided by Peter Baum; it is /// freely available [here](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316558298_Date_Algorithms). /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!(datetime!(-4713-11-24 0:00).to_julian_day(), 0); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2000-01-01 0:00).to_julian_day(), 2_451_545); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00).to_julian_day(), 2_458_485); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-12-31 0:00).to_julian_day(), 2_458_849); /// ``` pub const fn to_julian_day(self) -> i32 { self.0.to_julian_day() } // endregion date getters // region: time getters /// Get the clock hour, minute, and second. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2020-01-01 0:00:00).as_hms(), (0, 0, 0)); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2020-01-01 23:59:59).as_hms(), (23, 59, 59)); /// ``` pub const fn as_hms(self) -> (u8, u8, u8) { self.0.as_hms() } /// Get the clock hour, minute, second, and millisecond. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2020-01-01 0:00:00).as_hms_milli(), (0, 0, 0, 0)); /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2020-01-01 23:59:59.999).as_hms_milli(), /// (23, 59, 59, 999) /// ); /// ``` pub const fn as_hms_milli(self) -> (u8, u8, u8, u16) { self.0.as_hms_milli() } /// Get the clock hour, minute, second, and microsecond. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2020-01-01 0:00:00).as_hms_micro(), (0, 0, 0, 0)); /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2020-01-01 23:59:59.999_999).as_hms_micro(), /// (23, 59, 59, 999_999) /// ); /// ``` pub const fn as_hms_micro(self) -> (u8, u8, u8, u32) { self.0.as_hms_micro() } /// Get the clock hour, minute, second, and nanosecond. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2020-01-01 0:00:00).as_hms_nano(), (0, 0, 0, 0)); /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2020-01-01 23:59:59.999_999_999).as_hms_nano(), /// (23, 59, 59, 999_999_999) /// ); /// ``` pub const fn as_hms_nano(self) -> (u8, u8, u8, u32) { self.0.as_hms_nano() } /// Get the clock hour. /// /// The returned value will always be in the range `0..24`. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00).hour(), 0); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-01-01 23:59:59).hour(), 23); /// ``` pub const fn hour(self) -> u8 { self.0.hour() } /// Get the minute within the hour. /// /// The returned value will always be in the range `0..60`. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00).minute(), 0); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-01-01 23:59:59).minute(), 59); /// ``` pub const fn minute(self) -> u8 { self.0.minute() } /// Get the second within the minute. /// /// The returned value will always be in the range `0..60`. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00).second(), 0); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-01-01 23:59:59).second(), 59); /// ``` pub const fn second(self) -> u8 { self.0.second() } /// Get the milliseconds within the second. /// /// The returned value will always be in the range `0..1_000`. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00).millisecond(), 0); /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-01-01 23:59:59.999).millisecond(), 999); /// ``` pub const fn millisecond(self) -> u16 { self.0.millisecond() } /// Get the microseconds within the second. /// /// The returned value will always be in the range `0..1_000_000`. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00).microsecond(), 0); /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2019-01-01 23:59:59.999_999).microsecond(), /// 999_999 /// ); /// ``` pub const fn microsecond(self) -> u32 { self.0.microsecond() } /// Get the nanoseconds within the second. /// /// The returned value will always be in the range `0..1_000_000_000`. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!(datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00).nanosecond(), 0); /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2019-01-01 23:59:59.999_999_999).nanosecond(), /// 999_999_999, /// ); /// ``` pub const fn nanosecond(self) -> u32 { self.0.nanosecond() } // endregion time getters // region: attach offset /// Assuming that the existing `PrimitiveDateTime` represents a moment in the provided /// [`UtcOffset`], return an [`OffsetDateTime`]. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::{datetime, offset}; /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00) /// .assume_offset(offset!(UTC)) /// .unix_timestamp(), /// 1_546_300_800, /// ); /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00) /// .assume_offset(offset!(-1)) /// .unix_timestamp(), /// 1_546_304_400, /// ); /// ``` pub const fn assume_offset(self, offset: UtcOffset) -> OffsetDateTime { OffsetDateTime(self.0.assume_offset(offset)) } /// Assuming that the existing `PrimitiveDateTime` represents a moment in UTC, return an /// [`OffsetDateTime`]. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2019-01-01 0:00).assume_utc().unix_timestamp(), /// 1_546_300_800, /// ); /// ``` pub const fn assume_utc(self) -> OffsetDateTime { OffsetDateTime(self.0.assume_utc()) } // endregion attach offset // region: checked arithmetic /// Computes `self + duration`, returning `None` if an overflow occurred. /// /// ``` /// # use time::{Date, ext::NumericalDuration}; /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// let datetime = Date::MIN.midnight(); /// assert_eq!(datetime.checked_add((-2).days()), None); /// /// let datetime = Date::MAX.midnight(); /// assert_eq!(datetime.checked_add(1.days()), None); /// /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2019 - 11 - 25 15:30).checked_add(27.hours()), /// Some(datetime!(2019 - 11 - 26 18:30)) /// ); /// ``` pub const fn checked_add(self, duration: Duration) -> Option { Some(Self(const_try_opt!(self.0.checked_add(duration)))) } /// Computes `self - duration`, returning `None` if an overflow occurred. /// /// ``` /// # use time::{Date, ext::NumericalDuration}; /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// let datetime = Date::MIN.midnight(); /// assert_eq!(datetime.checked_sub(2.days()), None); /// /// let datetime = Date::MAX.midnight(); /// assert_eq!(datetime.checked_sub((-1).days()), None); /// /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2019 - 11 - 25 15:30).checked_sub(27.hours()), /// Some(datetime!(2019 - 11 - 24 12:30)) /// ); /// ``` pub const fn checked_sub(self, duration: Duration) -> Option { Some(Self(const_try_opt!(self.0.checked_sub(duration)))) } // endregion: checked arithmetic // region: saturating arithmetic /// Computes `self + duration`, saturating value on overflow. /// /// ``` /// # use time::{PrimitiveDateTime, ext::NumericalDuration}; /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!( /// PrimitiveDateTime::MIN.saturating_add((-2).days()), /// PrimitiveDateTime::MIN /// ); /// /// assert_eq!( /// PrimitiveDateTime::MAX.saturating_add(2.days()), /// PrimitiveDateTime::MAX /// ); /// /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2019 - 11 - 25 15:30).saturating_add(27.hours()), /// datetime!(2019 - 11 - 26 18:30) /// ); /// ``` pub const fn saturating_add(self, duration: Duration) -> Self { Self(self.0.saturating_add(duration)) } /// Computes `self - duration`, saturating value on overflow. /// /// ``` /// # use time::{PrimitiveDateTime, ext::NumericalDuration}; /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!( /// PrimitiveDateTime::MIN.saturating_sub(2.days()), /// PrimitiveDateTime::MIN /// ); /// /// assert_eq!( /// PrimitiveDateTime::MAX.saturating_sub((-2).days()), /// PrimitiveDateTime::MAX /// ); /// /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2019 - 11 - 25 15:30).saturating_sub(27.hours()), /// datetime!(2019 - 11 - 24 12:30) /// ); /// ``` pub const fn saturating_sub(self, duration: Duration) -> Self { Self(self.0.saturating_sub(duration)) } // endregion: saturating arithmetic } // region: replacement /// Methods that replace part of the `PrimitiveDateTime`. impl PrimitiveDateTime { /// Replace the time, preserving the date. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::{datetime, time}; /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2020-01-01 17:00).replace_time(time!(5:00)), /// datetime!(2020-01-01 5:00) /// ); /// ``` #[must_use = "This method does not mutate the original `PrimitiveDateTime`."] pub const fn replace_time(self, time: Time) -> Self { Self(self.0.replace_time(time)) } /// Replace the date, preserving the time. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::{datetime, date}; /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2020-01-01 12:00).replace_date(date!(2020-01-30)), /// datetime!(2020-01-30 12:00) /// ); /// ``` #[must_use = "This method does not mutate the original `PrimitiveDateTime`."] pub const fn replace_date(self, date: Date) -> Self { Self(self.0.replace_date(date)) } /// Replace the year. The month and day will be unchanged. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 12:00).replace_year(2019), /// Ok(datetime!(2019 - 02 - 18 12:00)) /// ); /// assert!(datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 12:00).replace_year(-1_000_000_000).is_err()); // -1_000_000_000 isn't a valid year /// assert!(datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 12:00).replace_year(1_000_000_000).is_err()); // 1_000_000_000 isn't a valid year /// ``` #[must_use = "This method does not mutate the original `PrimitiveDateTime`."] pub const fn replace_year(self, year: i32) -> Result { Ok(Self(const_try!(self.0.replace_year(year)))) } /// Replace the month of the year. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// # use time::Month; /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 12:00).replace_month(Month::January), /// Ok(datetime!(2022 - 01 - 18 12:00)) /// ); /// assert!(datetime!(2022 - 01 - 30 12:00).replace_month(Month::February).is_err()); // 30 isn't a valid day in February /// ``` #[must_use = "This method does not mutate the original `PrimitiveDateTime`."] pub const fn replace_month(self, month: Month) -> Result { Ok(Self(const_try!(self.0.replace_month(month)))) } /// Replace the day of the month. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 12:00).replace_day(1), /// Ok(datetime!(2022 - 02 - 01 12:00)) /// ); /// assert!(datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 12:00).replace_day(0).is_err()); // 00 isn't a valid day /// assert!(datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 12:00).replace_day(30).is_err()); // 30 isn't a valid day in February /// ``` #[must_use = "This method does not mutate the original `PrimitiveDateTime`."] pub const fn replace_day(self, day: u8) -> Result { Ok(Self(const_try!(self.0.replace_day(day)))) } /// Replace the clock hour. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 01:02:03.004_005_006).replace_hour(7), /// Ok(datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 07:02:03.004_005_006)) /// ); /// assert!(datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 01:02:03.004_005_006).replace_hour(24).is_err()); // 24 isn't a valid hour /// ``` #[must_use = "This method does not mutate the original `PrimitiveDateTime`."] pub const fn replace_hour(self, hour: u8) -> Result { Ok(Self(const_try!(self.0.replace_hour(hour)))) } /// Replace the minutes within the hour. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 01:02:03.004_005_006).replace_minute(7), /// Ok(datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 01:07:03.004_005_006)) /// ); /// assert!(datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 01:02:03.004_005_006).replace_minute(60).is_err()); // 60 isn't a valid minute /// ``` #[must_use = "This method does not mutate the original `PrimitiveDateTime`."] pub const fn replace_minute(self, minute: u8) -> Result { Ok(Self(const_try!(self.0.replace_minute(minute)))) } /// Replace the seconds within the minute. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 01:02:03.004_005_006).replace_second(7), /// Ok(datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 01:02:07.004_005_006)) /// ); /// assert!(datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 01:02:03.004_005_006).replace_second(60).is_err()); // 60 isn't a valid second /// ``` #[must_use = "This method does not mutate the original `PrimitiveDateTime`."] pub const fn replace_second(self, second: u8) -> Result { Ok(Self(const_try!(self.0.replace_second(second)))) } /// Replace the milliseconds within the second. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 01:02:03.004_005_006).replace_millisecond(7), /// Ok(datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 01:02:03.007)) /// ); /// assert!(datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 01:02:03.004_005_006).replace_millisecond(1_000).is_err()); // 1_000 isn't a valid millisecond /// ``` #[must_use = "This method does not mutate the original `PrimitiveDateTime`."] pub const fn replace_millisecond( self, millisecond: u16, ) -> Result { Ok(Self(const_try!(self.0.replace_millisecond(millisecond)))) } /// Replace the microseconds within the second. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 01:02:03.004_005_006).replace_microsecond(7_008), /// Ok(datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 01:02:03.007_008)) /// ); /// assert!(datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 01:02:03.004_005_006).replace_microsecond(1_000_000).is_err()); // 1_000_000 isn't a valid microsecond /// ``` #[must_use = "This method does not mutate the original `PrimitiveDateTime`."] pub const fn replace_microsecond( self, microsecond: u32, ) -> Result { Ok(Self(const_try!(self.0.replace_microsecond(microsecond)))) } /// Replace the nanoseconds within the second. /// /// ```rust /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 01:02:03.004_005_006).replace_nanosecond(7_008_009), /// Ok(datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 01:02:03.007_008_009)) /// ); /// assert!(datetime!(2022 - 02 - 18 01:02:03.004_005_006).replace_nanosecond(1_000_000_000).is_err()); // 1_000_000_000 isn't a valid nanosecond /// ``` #[must_use = "This method does not mutate the original `PrimitiveDateTime`."] pub const fn replace_nanosecond(self, nanosecond: u32) -> Result { Ok(Self(const_try!(self.0.replace_nanosecond(nanosecond)))) } } // endregion replacement // region: formatting & parsing #[cfg(feature = "formatting")] impl PrimitiveDateTime { /// Format the `PrimitiveDateTime` using the provided [format /// description](crate::format_description). pub fn format_into( self, output: &mut impl io::Write, format: &(impl Formattable + ?Sized), ) -> Result { self.0.format_into(output, format) } /// Format the `PrimitiveDateTime` using the provided [format /// description](crate::format_description). /// /// ```rust /// # use time::format_description; /// # use time_macros::datetime; /// let format = format_description::parse("[year]-[month]-[day] [hour]:[minute]:[second]")?; /// assert_eq!( /// datetime!(2020-01-02 03:04:05).format(&format)?, /// "2020-01-02 03:04:05" /// ); /// # Ok::<_, time::Error>(()) /// ``` pub fn format(self, format: &(impl Formattable + ?Sized)) -> Result { self.0.format(format) } } #[cfg(feature = "parsing")] impl PrimitiveDateTime { /// Parse a `PrimitiveDateTime` from the input using the provided [format /// description](crate::format_description). /// /// ```rust /// # use time::PrimitiveDateTime; /// # use time_macros::{datetime, format_description}; /// let format = format_description!("[year]-[month]-[day] [hour]:[minute]:[second]"); /// assert_eq!( /// PrimitiveDateTime::parse("2020-01-02 03:04:05", &format)?, /// datetime!(2020-01-02 03:04:05) /// ); /// # Ok::<_, time::Error>(()) /// ``` pub fn parse( input: &str, description: &(impl Parsable + ?Sized), ) -> Result { Inner::parse(input, description).map(Self) } } impl fmt::Display for PrimitiveDateTime { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { self.0.fmt(f) } } impl fmt::Debug for PrimitiveDateTime { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Display::fmt(self, f) } } // endregion formatting & parsing // region: trait impls impl Add for PrimitiveDateTime { type Output = Self; fn add(self, duration: Duration) -> Self::Output { Self(self.0.add(duration)) } } impl Add for PrimitiveDateTime { type Output = Self; fn add(self, duration: StdDuration) -> Self::Output { Self(self.0.add(duration)) } } impl AddAssign for PrimitiveDateTime { fn add_assign(&mut self, duration: Duration) { self.0.add_assign(duration); } } impl AddAssign for PrimitiveDateTime { fn add_assign(&mut self, duration: StdDuration) { self.0.add_assign(duration); } } impl Sub for PrimitiveDateTime { type Output = Self; fn sub(self, duration: Duration) -> Self::Output { Self(self.0.sub(duration)) } } impl Sub for PrimitiveDateTime { type Output = Self; fn sub(self, duration: StdDuration) -> Self::Output { Self(self.0.sub(duration)) } } impl SubAssign for PrimitiveDateTime { fn sub_assign(&mut self, duration: Duration) { self.0.sub_assign(duration); } } impl SubAssign for PrimitiveDateTime { fn sub_assign(&mut self, duration: StdDuration) { self.0.sub_assign(duration); } } impl Sub for PrimitiveDateTime { type Output = Duration; fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output { self.0.sub(rhs.0) } } // endregion trait impls