use crate::runtime::scheduler::multi_thread::{queue, Stats}; use crate::runtime::tests::NoopSchedule; use loom::thread; use std::cell::RefCell; fn new_stats() -> Stats { Stats::new(&crate::runtime::WorkerMetrics::new()) } #[test] fn basic() { loom::model(|| { let (steal, mut local) = queue::local(); let inject = RefCell::new(vec![]); let mut stats = new_stats(); let th = thread::spawn(move || { let mut stats = new_stats(); let (_, mut local) = queue::local(); let mut n = 0; for _ in 0..3 { if steal.steal_into(&mut local, &mut stats).is_some() { n += 1; } while local.pop().is_some() { n += 1; } } n }); let mut n = 0; for _ in 0..2 { for _ in 0..2 { let (task, _) = super::unowned(async {}); local.push_back_or_overflow(task, &inject, &mut stats); } if local.pop().is_some() { n += 1; } // Push another task let (task, _) = super::unowned(async {}); local.push_back_or_overflow(task, &inject, &mut stats); while local.pop().is_some() { n += 1; } } n += inject.borrow_mut().drain(..).count(); n += th.join().unwrap(); assert_eq!(6, n); }); } #[test] fn steal_overflow() { loom::model(|| { let (steal, mut local) = queue::local(); let inject = RefCell::new(vec![]); let mut stats = new_stats(); let th = thread::spawn(move || { let mut stats = new_stats(); let (_, mut local) = queue::local(); let mut n = 0; if steal.steal_into(&mut local, &mut stats).is_some() { n += 1; } while local.pop().is_some() { n += 1; } n }); let mut n = 0; // push a task, pop a task let (task, _) = super::unowned(async {}); local.push_back_or_overflow(task, &inject, &mut stats); if local.pop().is_some() { n += 1; } for _ in 0..6 { let (task, _) = super::unowned(async {}); local.push_back_or_overflow(task, &inject, &mut stats); } n += th.join().unwrap(); while local.pop().is_some() { n += 1; } n += inject.borrow_mut().drain(..).count(); assert_eq!(7, n); }); } #[test] fn multi_stealer() { const NUM_TASKS: usize = 5; fn steal_tasks(steal: queue::Steal) -> usize { let mut stats = new_stats(); let (_, mut local) = queue::local(); if steal.steal_into(&mut local, &mut stats).is_none() { return 0; } let mut n = 1; while local.pop().is_some() { n += 1; } n } loom::model(|| { let (steal, mut local) = queue::local(); let inject = RefCell::new(vec![]); let mut stats = new_stats(); // Push work for _ in 0..NUM_TASKS { let (task, _) = super::unowned(async {}); local.push_back_or_overflow(task, &inject, &mut stats); } let th1 = { let steal = steal.clone(); thread::spawn(move || steal_tasks(steal)) }; let th2 = thread::spawn(move || steal_tasks(steal)); let mut n = 0; while local.pop().is_some() { n += 1; } n += inject.borrow_mut().drain(..).count(); n += th1.join().unwrap(); n += th2.join().unwrap(); assert_eq!(n, NUM_TASKS); }); } #[test] fn chained_steal() { loom::model(|| { let mut stats = new_stats(); let (s1, mut l1) = queue::local(); let (s2, mut l2) = queue::local(); let inject = RefCell::new(vec![]); // Load up some tasks for _ in 0..4 { let (task, _) = super::unowned(async {}); l1.push_back_or_overflow(task, &inject, &mut stats); let (task, _) = super::unowned(async {}); l2.push_back_or_overflow(task, &inject, &mut stats); } // Spawn a task to steal from **our** queue let th = thread::spawn(move || { let mut stats = new_stats(); let (_, mut local) = queue::local(); s1.steal_into(&mut local, &mut stats); while local.pop().is_some() {} }); // Drain our tasks, then attempt to steal while l1.pop().is_some() {} s2.steal_into(&mut l1, &mut stats); th.join().unwrap(); while l1.pop().is_some() {} while l2.pop().is_some() {} }); }