use std::io; use std::sync::Once; use crate::signal::registry::{globals, EventId, EventInfo, Init, Storage}; use crate::signal::RxFuture; use windows_sys::Win32::Foundation::BOOL; use windows_sys::Win32::System::Console as console; pub(super) fn ctrl_break() -> io::Result<RxFuture> { new(console::CTRL_BREAK_EVENT) } pub(super) fn ctrl_close() -> io::Result<RxFuture> { new(console::CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT) } pub(super) fn ctrl_c() -> io::Result<RxFuture> { new(console::CTRL_C_EVENT) } pub(super) fn ctrl_logoff() -> io::Result<RxFuture> { new(console::CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT) } pub(super) fn ctrl_shutdown() -> io::Result<RxFuture> { new(console::CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT) } fn new(signum: u32) -> io::Result<RxFuture> { global_init()?; let rx = globals().register_listener(signum as EventId); Ok(RxFuture::new(rx)) } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct OsStorage { ctrl_break: EventInfo, ctrl_close: EventInfo, ctrl_c: EventInfo, ctrl_logoff: EventInfo, ctrl_shutdown: EventInfo, } impl Init for OsStorage { fn init() -> Self { Self { ctrl_break: Default::default(), ctrl_close: Default::default(), ctrl_c: Default::default(), ctrl_logoff: Default::default(), ctrl_shutdown: Default::default(), } } } impl Storage for OsStorage { fn event_info(&self, id: EventId) -> Option<&EventInfo> { match u32::try_from(id) { Ok(console::CTRL_BREAK_EVENT) => Some(&self.ctrl_break), Ok(console::CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT) => Some(&self.ctrl_close), Ok(console::CTRL_C_EVENT) => Some(&self.ctrl_c), Ok(console::CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT) => Some(&self.ctrl_logoff), Ok(console::CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT) => Some(&self.ctrl_shutdown), _ => None, } } fn for_each<'a, F>(&'a self, mut f: F) where F: FnMut(&'a EventInfo), { f(&self.ctrl_break); f(&self.ctrl_close); f(&self.ctrl_c); f(&self.ctrl_logoff); f(&self.ctrl_shutdown); } } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct OsExtraData {} impl Init for OsExtraData { fn init() -> Self { Self {} } } fn global_init() -> io::Result<()> { static INIT: Once = Once::new(); let mut init = None; INIT.call_once(|| unsafe { let rc = console::SetConsoleCtrlHandler(Some(handler), 1); let ret = if rc == 0 { Err(io::Error::last_os_error()) } else { Ok(()) }; init = Some(ret); }); init.unwrap_or_else(|| Ok(())) } unsafe extern "system" fn handler(ty: u32) -> BOOL { let globals = globals(); globals.record_event(ty as EventId); // According to // the handler routine is always invoked in a new thread, thus we don't // have the same restrictions as in Unix signal handlers, meaning we can // go ahead and perform the broadcast here. if globals.broadcast() { 1 } else { // No one is listening for this notification any more // let the OS fire the next (possibly the default) handler. 0 } } #[cfg(all(test, not(loom)))] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::runtime::Runtime; use tokio_test::{assert_ok, assert_pending, assert_ready_ok, task}; #[test] fn ctrl_c() { let rt = rt(); let _enter = rt.enter(); let mut ctrl_c = task::spawn(crate::signal::ctrl_c()); assert_pending!(ctrl_c.poll()); // Windows doesn't have a good programmatic way of sending events // like sending signals on Unix, so we'll stub out the actual OS // integration and test that our handling works. unsafe { super::handler(console::CTRL_C_EVENT); } assert_ready_ok!(ctrl_c.poll()); } #[test] fn ctrl_break() { let rt = rt(); rt.block_on(async { let mut ctrl_break = assert_ok!(crate::signal::windows::ctrl_break()); // Windows doesn't have a good programmatic way of sending events // like sending signals on Unix, so we'll stub out the actual OS // integration and test that our handling works. unsafe { super::handler(console::CTRL_BREAK_EVENT); } ctrl_break.recv().await.unwrap(); }); } #[test] fn ctrl_close() { let rt = rt(); rt.block_on(async { let mut ctrl_close = assert_ok!(crate::signal::windows::ctrl_close()); // Windows doesn't have a good programmatic way of sending events // like sending signals on Unix, so we'll stub out the actual OS // integration and test that our handling works. unsafe { super::handler(console::CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT); } ctrl_close.recv().await.unwrap(); }); } #[test] fn ctrl_shutdown() { let rt = rt(); rt.block_on(async { let mut ctrl_shutdown = assert_ok!(crate::signal::windows::ctrl_shutdown()); // Windows doesn't have a good programmatic way of sending events // like sending signals on Unix, so we'll stub out the actual OS // integration and test that our handling works. unsafe { super::handler(console::CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT); } ctrl_shutdown.recv().await.unwrap(); }); } #[test] fn ctrl_logoff() { let rt = rt(); rt.block_on(async { let mut ctrl_logoff = assert_ok!(crate::signal::windows::ctrl_logoff()); // Windows doesn't have a good programmatic way of sending events // like sending signals on Unix, so we'll stub out the actual OS // integration and test that our handling works. unsafe { super::handler(console::CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT); } ctrl_logoff.recv().await.unwrap(); }); } fn rt() -> Runtime { crate::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread() .build() .unwrap() } }