#![cfg(feature = "full")] #![cfg(all(windows))] use std::io; use std::mem; use std::os::windows::io::AsRawHandle; use std::time::Duration; use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt; use tokio::net::windows::named_pipe::{ClientOptions, PipeMode, ServerOptions}; use tokio::time; use winapi::shared::winerror; #[tokio::test] async fn test_named_pipe_client_drop() -> io::Result<()> { const PIPE_NAME: &str = r"\\.\pipe\test-named-pipe-client-drop"; let mut server = ServerOptions::new().create(PIPE_NAME)?; assert_eq!(num_instances("test-named-pipe-client-drop")?, 1); let client = ClientOptions::new().open(PIPE_NAME)?; server.connect().await?; drop(client); // instance will be broken because client is gone match server.write_all(b"ping").await { Err(e) if e.raw_os_error() == Some(winerror::ERROR_NO_DATA as i32) => (), x => panic!("{:?}", x), } Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_named_pipe_single_client() -> io::Result<()> { use tokio::io::{AsyncBufReadExt as _, BufReader}; const PIPE_NAME: &str = r"\\.\pipe\test-named-pipe-single-client"; let server = ServerOptions::new().create(PIPE_NAME)?; let server = tokio::spawn(async move { // Note: we wait for a client to connect. server.connect().await?; let mut server = BufReader::new(server); let mut buf = String::new(); server.read_line(&mut buf).await?; server.write_all(b"pong\n").await?; Ok::<_, io::Error>(buf) }); let client = tokio::spawn(async move { let client = ClientOptions::new().open(PIPE_NAME)?; let mut client = BufReader::new(client); let mut buf = String::new(); client.write_all(b"ping\n").await?; client.read_line(&mut buf).await?; Ok::<_, io::Error>(buf) }); let (server, client) = tokio::try_join!(server, client)?; assert_eq!(server?, "ping\n"); assert_eq!(client?, "pong\n"); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_named_pipe_multi_client() -> io::Result<()> { use tokio::io::{AsyncBufReadExt as _, BufReader}; const PIPE_NAME: &str = r"\\.\pipe\test-named-pipe-multi-client"; const N: usize = 10; // The first server needs to be constructed early so that clients can // be correctly connected. Otherwise calling .wait will cause the client to // error. let mut server = ServerOptions::new().create(PIPE_NAME)?; let server = tokio::spawn(async move { for _ in 0..N { // Wait for client to connect. server.connect().await?; let mut inner = BufReader::new(server); // Construct the next server to be connected before sending the one // we already have of onto a task. This ensures that the server // isn't closed (after it's done in the task) before a new one is // available. Otherwise the client might error with // `io::ErrorKind::NotFound`. server = ServerOptions::new().create(PIPE_NAME)?; let _ = tokio::spawn(async move { let mut buf = String::new(); inner.read_line(&mut buf).await?; inner.write_all(b"pong\n").await?; inner.flush().await?; Ok::<_, io::Error>(()) }); } Ok::<_, io::Error>(()) }); let mut clients = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..N { clients.push(tokio::spawn(async move { // This showcases a generic connect loop. // // We immediately try to create a client, if it's not found or the // pipe is busy we use the specialized wait function on the client // builder. let client = loop { match ClientOptions::new().open(PIPE_NAME) { Ok(client) => break client, Err(e) if e.raw_os_error() == Some(winerror::ERROR_PIPE_BUSY as i32) => (), Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound => (), Err(e) => return Err(e), } // Wait for a named pipe to become available. time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(50)).await; }; let mut client = BufReader::new(client); let mut buf = String::new(); client.write_all(b"ping\n").await?; client.flush().await?; client.read_line(&mut buf).await?; Ok::<_, io::Error>(buf) })); } for client in clients { let result = client.await?; assert_eq!(result?, "pong\n"); } server.await??; Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_named_pipe_multi_client_ready() -> io::Result<()> { use tokio::io::Interest; const PIPE_NAME: &str = r"\\.\pipe\test-named-pipe-multi-client-ready"; const N: usize = 10; // The first server needs to be constructed early so that clients can // be correctly connected. Otherwise calling .wait will cause the client to // error. let mut server = ServerOptions::new().create(PIPE_NAME)?; let server = tokio::spawn(async move { for _ in 0..N { // Wait for client to connect. server.connect().await?; let inner_server = server; // Construct the next server to be connected before sending the one // we already have of onto a task. This ensures that the server // isn't closed (after it's done in the task) before a new one is // available. Otherwise the client might error with // `io::ErrorKind::NotFound`. server = ServerOptions::new().create(PIPE_NAME)?; let _ = tokio::spawn(async move { let server = inner_server; { let mut read_buf = [0u8; 5]; let mut read_buf_cursor = 0; loop { server.readable().await?; let buf = &mut read_buf[read_buf_cursor..]; match server.try_read(buf) { Ok(n) => { read_buf_cursor += n; if read_buf_cursor == read_buf.len() { break; } } Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => { continue; } Err(e) => { return Err(e); } } } }; { let write_buf = b"pong\n"; let mut write_buf_cursor = 0; loop { server.writable().await?; let buf = &write_buf[write_buf_cursor..]; match server.try_write(buf) { Ok(n) => { write_buf_cursor += n; if write_buf_cursor == write_buf.len() { break; } } Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => { continue; } Err(e) => { return Err(e); } } } } Ok::<_, io::Error>(()) }); } Ok::<_, io::Error>(()) }); let mut clients = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..N { clients.push(tokio::spawn(async move { // This showcases a generic connect loop. // // We immediately try to create a client, if it's not found or the // pipe is busy we use the specialized wait function on the client // builder. let client = loop { match ClientOptions::new().open(PIPE_NAME) { Ok(client) => break client, Err(e) if e.raw_os_error() == Some(winerror::ERROR_PIPE_BUSY as i32) => (), Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound => (), Err(e) => return Err(e), } // Wait for a named pipe to become available. time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(50)).await; }; let mut read_buf = [0u8; 5]; let mut read_buf_cursor = 0; let write_buf = b"ping\n"; let mut write_buf_cursor = 0; loop { let mut interest = Interest::READABLE; if write_buf_cursor < write_buf.len() { interest |= Interest::WRITABLE; } let ready = client.ready(interest).await?; if ready.is_readable() { let buf = &mut read_buf[read_buf_cursor..]; match client.try_read(buf) { Ok(n) => { read_buf_cursor += n; if read_buf_cursor == read_buf.len() { break; } } Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => { continue; } Err(e) => { return Err(e); } } } if ready.is_writable() { let buf = &write_buf[write_buf_cursor..]; if buf.is_empty() { continue; } match client.try_write(buf) { Ok(n) => { write_buf_cursor += n; } Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => { continue; } Err(e) => { return Err(e); } } } } let buf = String::from_utf8_lossy(&read_buf).into_owned(); Ok::<_, io::Error>(buf) })); } for client in clients { let result = client.await?; assert_eq!(result?, "pong\n"); } server.await??; Ok(()) } // This tests what happens when a client tries to disconnect. #[tokio::test] async fn test_named_pipe_mode_message() -> io::Result<()> { const PIPE_NAME: &str = r"\\.\pipe\test-named-pipe-mode-message"; let server = ServerOptions::new() .pipe_mode(PipeMode::Message) .create(PIPE_NAME)?; let _ = ClientOptions::new().open(PIPE_NAME)?; server.connect().await?; Ok(()) } fn num_instances(pipe_name: impl AsRef) -> io::Result { use ntapi::ntioapi; use winapi::shared::ntdef; let mut name = pipe_name.as_ref().encode_utf16().collect::>(); let mut name = ntdef::UNICODE_STRING { Length: (name.len() * mem::size_of::()) as u16, MaximumLength: (name.len() * mem::size_of::()) as u16, Buffer: name.as_mut_ptr(), }; let root = std::fs::File::open(r"\\.\Pipe\")?; let mut io_status_block = unsafe { mem::zeroed() }; let mut file_directory_information = [0_u8; 1024]; let status = unsafe { ntioapi::NtQueryDirectoryFile( root.as_raw_handle(), std::ptr::null_mut(), None, std::ptr::null_mut(), &mut io_status_block, &mut file_directory_information as *mut _ as *mut _, 1024, ntioapi::FileDirectoryInformation, 0, &mut name, 0, ) }; if status as u32 != winerror::NO_ERROR { return Err(io::Error::last_os_error()); } let info = unsafe { mem::transmute::<_, &ntioapi::FILE_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION>(&file_directory_information) }; let raw_name = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts( info.FileName.as_ptr(), info.FileNameLength as usize / mem::size_of::(), ) }; let name = String::from_utf16(raw_name).unwrap(); let num_instances = unsafe { *info.EndOfFile.QuadPart() }; assert_eq!(name, pipe_name.as_ref()); Ok(num_instances as u32) }