#![warn(rust_2018_idioms)] #![cfg(feature = "full")] use tokio::time::{self, Duration, Instant, MissedTickBehavior}; use tokio_test::{assert_pending, assert_ready_eq, task}; use std::task::Poll; // Takes the `Interval` task, `start` variable, and optional time deltas // For each time delta, it polls the `Interval` and asserts that the result is // equal to `start` + the specific time delta. Then it asserts that the // `Interval` is pending. macro_rules! check_interval_poll { ($i:ident, $start:ident, $($delta:expr),*$(,)?) => { $( assert_ready_eq!(poll_next(&mut $i), $start + ms($delta)); )* assert_pending!(poll_next(&mut $i)); }; ($i:ident, $start:ident) => { check_interval_poll!($i, $start,); }; } #[tokio::test] #[should_panic] async fn interval_zero_duration() { let _ = time::interval_at(Instant::now(), ms(0)); } // Expected ticks: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | // Actual ticks: | work -----| delay | work | work | work -| work -----| // Poll behavior: | | | | | | | | // | | | | | | | | // Ready(s) | | Ready(s + 2p) | | | | // Pending | Ready(s + 3p) | | | // Ready(s + p) Ready(s + 4p) | | // Ready(s + 5p) | // Ready(s + 6p) #[tokio::test(start_paused = true)] async fn burst() { let start = Instant::now(); // This is necessary because the timer is only so granular, and in order for // all our ticks to resolve, the time needs to be 1ms ahead of what we // expect, so that the runtime will see that it is time to resolve the timer time::advance(ms(1)).await; let mut i = task::spawn(time::interval_at(start, ms(300))); check_interval_poll!(i, start, 0); time::advance(ms(100)).await; check_interval_poll!(i, start); time::advance(ms(200)).await; check_interval_poll!(i, start, 300); time::advance(ms(650)).await; check_interval_poll!(i, start, 600, 900); time::advance(ms(200)).await; check_interval_poll!(i, start); time::advance(ms(100)).await; check_interval_poll!(i, start, 1200); time::advance(ms(250)).await; check_interval_poll!(i, start, 1500); time::advance(ms(300)).await; check_interval_poll!(i, start, 1800); } // Expected ticks: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | // Actual ticks: | work -----| delay | work -----| work -----| work -----| // Poll behavior: | | | | | | | | // | | | | | | | | // Ready(s) | | Ready(s + 2p) | | | | // Pending | Pending | | | // Ready(s + p) Ready(s + 2p + d) | | // Ready(s + 3p + d) | // Ready(s + 4p + d) #[tokio::test(start_paused = true)] async fn delay() { let start = Instant::now(); // This is necessary because the timer is only so granular, and in order for // all our ticks to resolve, the time needs to be 1ms ahead of what we // expect, so that the runtime will see that it is time to resolve the timer time::advance(ms(1)).await; let mut i = task::spawn(time::interval_at(start, ms(300))); i.set_missed_tick_behavior(MissedTickBehavior::Delay); check_interval_poll!(i, start, 0); time::advance(ms(100)).await; check_interval_poll!(i, start); time::advance(ms(200)).await; check_interval_poll!(i, start, 300); time::advance(ms(650)).await; check_interval_poll!(i, start, 600); time::advance(ms(100)).await; check_interval_poll!(i, start); // We have to add one here for the same reason as is above. // Because `Interval` has reset its timer according to `Instant::now()`, // we have to go forward 1 more millisecond than is expected so that the // runtime realizes that it's time to resolve the timer. time::advance(ms(201)).await; // We add one because when using the `Delay` behavior, `Interval` // adds the `period` from `Instant::now()`, which will always be off by one // because we have to advance time by 1 (see above). check_interval_poll!(i, start, 1251); time::advance(ms(300)).await; // Again, we add one. check_interval_poll!(i, start, 1551); time::advance(ms(300)).await; check_interval_poll!(i, start, 1851); } // Expected ticks: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | // Actual ticks: | work -----| delay | work ---| work -----| work -----| // Poll behavior: | | | | | | | // | | | | | | | // Ready(s) | | Ready(s + 2p) | | | // Pending | Ready(s + 4p) | | // Ready(s + p) Ready(s + 5p) | // Ready(s + 6p) #[tokio::test(start_paused = true)] async fn skip() { let start = Instant::now(); // This is necessary because the timer is only so granular, and in order for // all our ticks to resolve, the time needs to be 1ms ahead of what we // expect, so that the runtime will see that it is time to resolve the timer time::advance(ms(1)).await; let mut i = task::spawn(time::interval_at(start, ms(300))); i.set_missed_tick_behavior(MissedTickBehavior::Skip); check_interval_poll!(i, start, 0); time::advance(ms(100)).await; check_interval_poll!(i, start); time::advance(ms(200)).await; check_interval_poll!(i, start, 300); time::advance(ms(650)).await; check_interval_poll!(i, start, 600); time::advance(ms(250)).await; check_interval_poll!(i, start, 1200); time::advance(ms(300)).await; check_interval_poll!(i, start, 1500); time::advance(ms(300)).await; check_interval_poll!(i, start, 1800); } fn poll_next(interval: &mut task::Spawn) -> Poll { interval.enter(|cx, mut interval| interval.poll_tick(cx)) } fn ms(n: u64) -> Duration { Duration::from_millis(n) }