use std::ops::RangeInclusive; use winnow::combinator::alt; use winnow::combinator::cut_err; use winnow::combinator::opt; use winnow::combinator::peek; use winnow::combinator::preceded; use winnow::combinator::repeat; use winnow::combinator::rest; use winnow::token::one_of; use winnow::token::tag; use winnow::token::take; use winnow::trace::trace; use crate::parser::prelude::*; use crate::parser::trivia::from_utf8_unchecked; // ;; Boolean // boolean = true / false #[allow(dead_code)] // directly define in `fn value` pub(crate) fn boolean(input: &mut Input<'_>) -> PResult { trace("boolean", alt((true_, false_))).parse_next(input) } pub(crate) fn true_(input: &mut Input<'_>) -> PResult { (peek(TRUE[0]), cut_err(TRUE)).value(true).parse_next(input) } const TRUE: &[u8] = b"true"; pub(crate) fn false_(input: &mut Input<'_>) -> PResult { (peek(FALSE[0]), cut_err(FALSE)) .value(false) .parse_next(input) } const FALSE: &[u8] = b"false"; // ;; Integer // integer = dec-int / hex-int / oct-int / bin-int pub(crate) fn integer(input: &mut Input<'_>) -> PResult { trace("integer", dispatch! {peek(opt::<_, &[u8], _, _>(take(2usize))); Some(b"0x") => cut_err(hex_int.try_map(|s| i64::from_str_radix(&s.replace('_', ""), 16))), Some(b"0o") => cut_err(oct_int.try_map(|s| i64::from_str_radix(&s.replace('_', ""), 8))), Some(b"0b") => cut_err(bin_int.try_map(|s| i64::from_str_radix(&s.replace('_', ""), 2))), _ => dec_int.and_then(cut_err(rest .try_map(|s: &str| s.replace('_', "").parse()))) }) .parse_next(input) } // dec-int = [ minus / plus ] unsigned-dec-int // unsigned-dec-int = DIGIT / digit1-9 1*( DIGIT / underscore DIGIT ) pub(crate) fn dec_int<'i>(input: &mut Input<'i>) -> PResult<&'i str> { trace( "dec-int", ( opt(one_of((b'+', b'-'))), alt(( ( one_of(DIGIT1_9), repeat( 0.., alt(( digit.value(()), ( one_of(b'_'), cut_err(digit).context(StrContext::Expected( StrContextValue::Description("digit"), )), ) .value(()), )), ) .map(|()| ()), ) .value(()), digit.value(()), )), ) .recognize() .map(|b: &[u8]| unsafe { from_utf8_unchecked(b, "`digit` and `_` filter out non-ASCII") }) .context(StrContext::Label("integer")), ) .parse_next(input) } const DIGIT1_9: RangeInclusive = b'1'..=b'9'; // hex-prefix = %x30.78 ; 0x // hex-int = hex-prefix HEXDIG *( HEXDIG / underscore HEXDIG ) pub(crate) fn hex_int<'i>(input: &mut Input<'i>) -> PResult<&'i str> { trace( "hex-int", preceded( HEX_PREFIX, cut_err(( hexdig, repeat( 0.., alt(( hexdig.value(()), ( one_of(b'_'), cut_err(hexdig).context(StrContext::Expected( StrContextValue::Description("digit"), )), ) .value(()), )), ) .map(|()| ()), )) .recognize(), ) .map(|b| unsafe { from_utf8_unchecked(b, "`hexdig` and `_` filter out non-ASCII") }) .context(StrContext::Label("hexadecimal integer")), ) .parse_next(input) } const HEX_PREFIX: &[u8] = b"0x"; // oct-prefix = %x30.6F ; 0o // oct-int = oct-prefix digit0-7 *( digit0-7 / underscore digit0-7 ) pub(crate) fn oct_int<'i>(input: &mut Input<'i>) -> PResult<&'i str> { trace( "oct-int", preceded( OCT_PREFIX, cut_err(( one_of(DIGIT0_7), repeat( 0.., alt(( one_of(DIGIT0_7).value(()), ( one_of(b'_'), cut_err(one_of(DIGIT0_7)).context(StrContext::Expected( StrContextValue::Description("digit"), )), ) .value(()), )), ) .map(|()| ()), )) .recognize(), ) .map(|b| unsafe { from_utf8_unchecked(b, "`DIGIT0_7` and `_` filter out non-ASCII") }) .context(StrContext::Label("octal integer")), ) .parse_next(input) } const OCT_PREFIX: &[u8] = b"0o"; const DIGIT0_7: RangeInclusive = b'0'..=b'7'; // bin-prefix = %x30.62 ; 0b // bin-int = bin-prefix digit0-1 *( digit0-1 / underscore digit0-1 ) pub(crate) fn bin_int<'i>(input: &mut Input<'i>) -> PResult<&'i str> { trace( "bin-int", preceded( BIN_PREFIX, cut_err(( one_of(DIGIT0_1), repeat( 0.., alt(( one_of(DIGIT0_1).value(()), ( one_of(b'_'), cut_err(one_of(DIGIT0_1)).context(StrContext::Expected( StrContextValue::Description("digit"), )), ) .value(()), )), ) .map(|()| ()), )) .recognize(), ) .map(|b| unsafe { from_utf8_unchecked(b, "`DIGIT0_1` and `_` filter out non-ASCII") }) .context(StrContext::Label("binary integer")), ) .parse_next(input) } const BIN_PREFIX: &[u8] = b"0b"; const DIGIT0_1: RangeInclusive = b'0'..=b'1'; // ;; Float // float = float-int-part ( exp / frac [ exp ] ) // float =/ special-float // float-int-part = dec-int pub(crate) fn float(input: &mut Input<'_>) -> PResult { trace( "float", alt(( float_.and_then(cut_err( rest.try_map(|s: &str| s.replace('_', "").parse()) .verify(|f: &f64| *f != f64::INFINITY), )), special_float, )) .context(StrContext::Label("floating-point number")), ) .parse_next(input) } pub(crate) fn float_<'i>(input: &mut Input<'i>) -> PResult<&'i str> { ( dec_int, alt((exp.void(), (frac.void(), opt(exp.void())).void())), ) .recognize() .map(|b: &[u8]| unsafe { from_utf8_unchecked( b, "`dec_int`, `one_of`, `exp`, and `frac` filter out non-ASCII", ) }) .parse_next(input) } // frac = decimal-point zero-prefixable-int // decimal-point = %x2E ; . pub(crate) fn frac<'i>(input: &mut Input<'i>) -> PResult<&'i str> { ( b'.', cut_err(zero_prefixable_int) .context(StrContext::Expected(StrContextValue::Description("digit"))), ) .recognize() .map(|b: &[u8]| unsafe { from_utf8_unchecked( b, "`.` and `parse_zero_prefixable_int` filter out non-ASCII", ) }) .parse_next(input) } // zero-prefixable-int = DIGIT *( DIGIT / underscore DIGIT ) pub(crate) fn zero_prefixable_int<'i>(input: &mut Input<'i>) -> PResult<&'i str> { ( digit, repeat( 0.., alt(( digit.value(()), ( one_of(b'_'), cut_err(digit) .context(StrContext::Expected(StrContextValue::Description("digit"))), ) .value(()), )), ) .map(|()| ()), ) .recognize() .map(|b: &[u8]| unsafe { from_utf8_unchecked(b, "`digit` and `_` filter out non-ASCII") }) .parse_next(input) } // exp = "e" float-exp-part // float-exp-part = [ minus / plus ] zero-prefixable-int pub(crate) fn exp<'i>(input: &mut Input<'i>) -> PResult<&'i str> { ( one_of((b'e', b'E')), opt(one_of([b'+', b'-'])), cut_err(zero_prefixable_int), ) .recognize() .map(|b: &[u8]| unsafe { from_utf8_unchecked( b, "`one_of` and `parse_zero_prefixable_int` filter out non-ASCII", ) }) .parse_next(input) } // special-float = [ minus / plus ] ( inf / nan ) pub(crate) fn special_float(input: &mut Input<'_>) -> PResult { (opt(one_of((b'+', b'-'))), alt((inf, nan))) .map(|(s, f)| match s { Some(b'+') | None => f, Some(b'-') => -f, _ => unreachable!("one_of should prevent this"), }) .parse_next(input) } // inf = %x69.6e.66 ; inf pub(crate) fn inf(input: &mut Input<'_>) -> PResult { tag(INF).value(f64::INFINITY).parse_next(input) } const INF: &[u8] = b"inf"; // nan = %x6e.61.6e ; nan pub(crate) fn nan(input: &mut Input<'_>) -> PResult { tag(NAN).value(f64::NAN).parse_next(input) } const NAN: &[u8] = b"nan"; // DIGIT = %x30-39 ; 0-9 pub(crate) fn digit(input: &mut Input<'_>) -> PResult { one_of(DIGIT).parse_next(input) } const DIGIT: RangeInclusive = b'0'..=b'9'; // HEXDIG = DIGIT / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F" pub(crate) fn hexdig(input: &mut Input<'_>) -> PResult { one_of(HEXDIG).parse_next(input) } pub(crate) const HEXDIG: (RangeInclusive, RangeInclusive, RangeInclusive) = (DIGIT, b'A'..=b'F', b'a'..=b'f'); #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; #[test] fn integers() { let cases = [ ("+99", 99), ("42", 42), ("0", 0), ("-17", -17), ("1_000", 1_000), ("5_349_221", 5_349_221), ("1_2_3_4_5", 1_2_3_4_5), ("0xF", 15), ("0o0_755", 493), ("0b1_0_1", 5), (&std::i64::MIN.to_string()[..], std::i64::MIN), (&std::i64::MAX.to_string()[..], std::i64::MAX), ]; for &(input, expected) in &cases { dbg!(input); let parsed = integer.parse(new_input(input)); assert_eq!(parsed, Ok(expected), "Parsing {input:?}"); } let overflow = "1000000000000000000000000000000000"; let parsed = integer.parse(new_input(overflow)); assert!(parsed.is_err()); } #[track_caller] fn assert_float_eq(actual: f64, expected: f64) { if expected.is_nan() { assert!(actual.is_nan()); } else if expected.is_infinite() { assert!(actual.is_infinite()); assert_eq!(expected.is_sign_positive(), actual.is_sign_positive()); } else { dbg!(expected); dbg!(actual); assert!((expected - actual).abs() < std::f64::EPSILON); } } #[test] fn floats() { let cases = [ ("+1.0", 1.0), ("3.1419", 3.1419), ("-0.01", -0.01), ("5e+22", 5e+22), ("1e6", 1e6), ("-2E-2", -2E-2), ("6.626e-34", 6.626e-34), ("9_224_617.445_991_228_313", 9_224_617.445_991_227), ("-1.7976931348623157e+308", std::f64::MIN), ("1.7976931348623157e+308", std::f64::MAX), ("nan", f64::NAN), ("+nan", f64::NAN), ("-nan", f64::NAN), ("inf", f64::INFINITY), ("+inf", f64::INFINITY), ("-inf", f64::NEG_INFINITY), // ("1e+400", std::f64::INFINITY), ]; for &(input, expected) in &cases { dbg!(input); let parsed = float.parse(new_input(input)).unwrap(); assert_float_eq(parsed, expected); let overflow = "9e99999"; let parsed = float.parse(new_input(overflow)); assert!(parsed.is_err(), "{:?}", parsed); } } }