#![cfg(all(feature = "env-filter", feature = "fmt"))] mod support; use tracing::{self, subscriber::with_default, Span}; use tracing_subscriber::{filter::EnvFilter, FmtSubscriber}; #[test] fn duplicate_spans() { let subscriber = FmtSubscriber::builder() .with_env_filter(EnvFilter::new("[root]=debug")) .finish(); with_default(subscriber, || { let root = tracing::debug_span!("root"); root.in_scope(|| { // root: assert_eq!(root, Span::current(), "Current span must be 'root'"); let leaf = tracing::debug_span!("leaf"); leaf.in_scope(|| { // root:leaf: assert_eq!(leaf, Span::current(), "Current span must be 'leaf'"); root.in_scope(|| { // root:leaf: assert_eq!( leaf, Span::current(), "Current span must be 'leaf' after entering twice the 'root' span" ); }) }); // root: assert_eq!( root, Span::current(), "Current span must be root ('leaf' exited, nested 'root' exited)" ); root.in_scope(|| { assert_eq!(root, Span::current(), "Current span must be root"); }); // root: assert_eq!( root, Span::current(), "Current span must still be root after exiting nested 'root'" ); }); }); }