use tracing_core::{metadata::Metadata, span, Dispatch, Event, Interest, LevelFilter, Subscriber}; use crate::{ filter, layer::{Context, Layer}, registry::LookupSpan, }; #[cfg(all(feature = "registry", feature = "std"))] use crate::{filter::FilterId, registry::Registry}; use core::{ any::{Any, TypeId}, cmp, fmt, marker::PhantomData, }; /// A [`Subscriber`] composed of a `Subscriber` wrapped by one or more /// [`Layer`]s. /// /// [`Layer`]: crate::Layer /// [`Subscriber`]: tracing_core::Subscriber #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Layered { /// The layer. layer: L, /// The inner value that `self.layer` was layered onto. /// /// If this is also a `Layer`, then this `Layered` will implement `Layer`. /// If this is a `Subscriber`, then this `Layered` will implement /// `Subscriber` instead. inner: I, // These booleans are used to determine how to combine `Interest`s and max // level hints when per-layer filters are in use. /// Is `self.inner` a `Registry`? /// /// If so, when combining `Interest`s, we want to "bubble up" its /// `Interest`. inner_is_registry: bool, /// Does `self.layer` have per-layer filters? /// /// This will be true if: /// - `self.inner` is a `Filtered`. /// - `self.inner` is a tree of `Layered`s where _all_ arms of those /// `Layered`s have per-layer filters. /// /// Otherwise, if it's a `Layered` with one per-layer filter in one branch, /// but a non-per-layer-filtered layer in the other branch, this will be /// _false_, because the `Layered` is already handling the combining of /// per-layer filter `Interest`s and max level hints with its non-filtered /// `Layer`. has_layer_filter: bool, /// Does `self.inner` have per-layer filters? /// /// This is determined according to the same rules as /// `has_layer_filter` above. inner_has_layer_filter: bool, _s: PhantomData, } // === impl Layered === impl Layered where L: Layer, S: Subscriber, { /// Returns `true` if this [`Subscriber`] is the same type as `T`. pub fn is(&self) -> bool { self.downcast_ref::().is_some() } /// Returns some reference to this [`Subscriber`] value if it is of type `T`, /// or `None` if it isn't. pub fn downcast_ref(&self) -> Option<&T> { unsafe { let raw = self.downcast_raw(TypeId::of::())?; if raw.is_null() { None } else { Some(&*(raw as *const T)) } } } } impl Subscriber for Layered where L: Layer, S: Subscriber, { fn register_callsite(&self, metadata: &'static Metadata<'static>) -> Interest { self.pick_interest(self.layer.register_callsite(metadata), || { self.inner.register_callsite(metadata) }) } fn enabled(&self, metadata: &Metadata<'_>) -> bool { if self.layer.enabled(metadata, self.ctx()) { // if the outer layer enables the callsite metadata, ask the subscriber. self.inner.enabled(metadata) } else { // otherwise, the callsite is disabled by the layer // If per-layer filters are in use, and we are short-circuiting // (rather than calling into the inner type), clear the current // per-layer filter `enabled` state. #[cfg(feature = "registry")] filter::FilterState::clear_enabled(); false } } fn max_level_hint(&self) -> Option { self.pick_level_hint( self.layer.max_level_hint(), self.inner.max_level_hint(), super::subscriber_is_none(&self.inner), ) } fn new_span(&self, span: &span::Attributes<'_>) -> span::Id { let id = self.inner.new_span(span); self.layer.on_new_span(span, &id, self.ctx()); id } fn record(&self, span: &span::Id, values: &span::Record<'_>) { self.inner.record(span, values); self.layer.on_record(span, values, self.ctx()); } fn record_follows_from(&self, span: &span::Id, follows: &span::Id) { self.inner.record_follows_from(span, follows); self.layer.on_follows_from(span, follows, self.ctx()); } fn event_enabled(&self, event: &Event<'_>) -> bool { if self.layer.event_enabled(event, self.ctx()) { // if the outer layer enables the event, ask the inner subscriber. self.inner.event_enabled(event) } else { // otherwise, the event is disabled by this layer false } } fn event(&self, event: &Event<'_>) { self.inner.event(event); self.layer.on_event(event, self.ctx()); } fn enter(&self, span: &span::Id) { self.inner.enter(span); self.layer.on_enter(span, self.ctx()); } fn exit(&self, span: &span::Id) { self.inner.exit(span); self.layer.on_exit(span, self.ctx()); } fn clone_span(&self, old: &span::Id) -> span::Id { let new = self.inner.clone_span(old); if &new != old { self.layer.on_id_change(old, &new, self.ctx()) }; new } #[inline] fn drop_span(&self, id: span::Id) { self.try_close(id); } fn try_close(&self, id: span::Id) -> bool { #[cfg(all(feature = "registry", feature = "std"))] let subscriber = &self.inner as &dyn Subscriber; #[cfg(all(feature = "registry", feature = "std"))] let mut guard = subscriber .downcast_ref::() .map(|registry| registry.start_close(id.clone())); if self.inner.try_close(id.clone()) { // If we have a registry's close guard, indicate that the span is // closing. #[cfg(all(feature = "registry", feature = "std"))] { if let Some(g) = guard.as_mut() { g.set_closing() }; } self.layer.on_close(id, self.ctx()); true } else { false } } #[inline] fn current_span(&self) -> span::Current { self.inner.current_span() } #[doc(hidden)] unsafe fn downcast_raw(&self, id: TypeId) -> Option<*const ()> { // Unlike the implementation of `Layer` for `Layered`, we don't have to // handle the "magic PLF downcast marker" here. If a `Layered` // implements `Subscriber`, we already know that the `inner` branch is // going to contain something that doesn't have per-layer filters (the // actual root `Subscriber`). Thus, a `Layered` that implements // `Subscriber` will always be propagating the root subscriber's // `Interest`/level hint, even if it includes a `Layer` that has // per-layer filters, because it will only ever contain layers where // _one_ child has per-layer filters. // // The complex per-layer filter detection logic is only relevant to // *trees* of layers, which involve the `Layer` implementation for // `Layered`, not *lists* of layers, where every `Layered` implements // `Subscriber`. Of course, a linked list can be thought of as a // degenerate tree...but luckily, we are able to make a type-level // distinction between individual `Layered`s that are definitely // list-shaped (their inner child implements `Subscriber`), and // `Layered`s that might be tree-shaped (the inner child is also a // `Layer`). // If downcasting to `Self`, return a pointer to `self`. if id == TypeId::of::() { return Some(self as *const _ as *const ()); } self.layer .downcast_raw(id) .or_else(|| self.inner.downcast_raw(id)) } } impl Layer for Layered where A: Layer, B: Layer, S: Subscriber, { fn on_register_dispatch(&self, subscriber: &Dispatch) { self.layer.on_register_dispatch(subscriber); self.inner.on_register_dispatch(subscriber); } fn on_layer(&mut self, subscriber: &mut S) { self.layer.on_layer(subscriber); self.inner.on_layer(subscriber); } fn register_callsite(&self, metadata: &'static Metadata<'static>) -> Interest { self.pick_interest(self.layer.register_callsite(metadata), || { self.inner.register_callsite(metadata) }) } fn enabled(&self, metadata: &Metadata<'_>, ctx: Context<'_, S>) -> bool { if self.layer.enabled(metadata, ctx.clone()) { // if the outer subscriber enables the callsite metadata, ask the inner layer. self.inner.enabled(metadata, ctx) } else { // otherwise, the callsite is disabled by this layer false } } fn max_level_hint(&self) -> Option { self.pick_level_hint( self.layer.max_level_hint(), self.inner.max_level_hint(), super::layer_is_none(&self.inner), ) } #[inline] fn on_new_span(&self, attrs: &span::Attributes<'_>, id: &span::Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) { self.inner.on_new_span(attrs, id, ctx.clone()); self.layer.on_new_span(attrs, id, ctx); } #[inline] fn on_record(&self, span: &span::Id, values: &span::Record<'_>, ctx: Context<'_, S>) { self.inner.on_record(span, values, ctx.clone()); self.layer.on_record(span, values, ctx); } #[inline] fn on_follows_from(&self, span: &span::Id, follows: &span::Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) { self.inner.on_follows_from(span, follows, ctx.clone()); self.layer.on_follows_from(span, follows, ctx); } #[inline] fn event_enabled(&self, event: &Event<'_>, ctx: Context<'_, S>) -> bool { if self.layer.event_enabled(event, ctx.clone()) { // if the outer layer enables the event, ask the inner subscriber. self.inner.event_enabled(event, ctx) } else { // otherwise, the event is disabled by this layer false } } #[inline] fn on_event(&self, event: &Event<'_>, ctx: Context<'_, S>) { self.inner.on_event(event, ctx.clone()); self.layer.on_event(event, ctx); } #[inline] fn on_enter(&self, id: &span::Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) { self.inner.on_enter(id, ctx.clone()); self.layer.on_enter(id, ctx); } #[inline] fn on_exit(&self, id: &span::Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) { self.inner.on_exit(id, ctx.clone()); self.layer.on_exit(id, ctx); } #[inline] fn on_close(&self, id: span::Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) { self.inner.on_close(id.clone(), ctx.clone()); self.layer.on_close(id, ctx); } #[inline] fn on_id_change(&self, old: &span::Id, new: &span::Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) { self.inner.on_id_change(old, new, ctx.clone()); self.layer.on_id_change(old, new, ctx); } #[doc(hidden)] unsafe fn downcast_raw(&self, id: TypeId) -> Option<*const ()> { match id { // If downcasting to `Self`, return a pointer to `self`. id if id == TypeId::of::() => Some(self as *const _ as *const ()), // Oh, we're looking for per-layer filters! // // This should only happen if we are inside of another `Layered`, // and it's trying to determine how it should combine `Interest`s // and max level hints. // // In that case, this `Layered` should be considered to be // "per-layer filtered" if *both* the outer layer and the inner // layer/subscriber have per-layer filters. Otherwise, this `Layered // should *not* be considered per-layer filtered (even if one or the // other has per layer filters). If only one `Layer` is per-layer // filtered, *this* `Layered` will handle aggregating the `Interest` // and level hints on behalf of its children, returning the // aggregate (which is the value from the &non-per-layer-filtered* // child). // // Yes, this rule *is* slightly counter-intuitive, but it's // necessary due to a weird edge case that can occur when two // `Layered`s where one side is per-layer filtered and the other // isn't are `Layered` together to form a tree. If we didn't have // this rule, we would actually end up *ignoring* `Interest`s from // the non-per-layer-filtered layers, since both branches would // claim to have PLF. // // If you don't understand this...that's fine, just don't mess with // it. :) id if filter::is_plf_downcast_marker(id) => { self.layer.downcast_raw(id).and(self.inner.downcast_raw(id)) } // Otherwise, try to downcast both branches normally... _ => self .layer .downcast_raw(id) .or_else(|| self.inner.downcast_raw(id)), } } } impl<'a, L, S> LookupSpan<'a> for Layered where S: Subscriber + LookupSpan<'a>, { type Data = S::Data; fn span_data(&'a self, id: &span::Id) -> Option { self.inner.span_data(id) } #[cfg(all(feature = "registry", feature = "std"))] fn register_filter(&mut self) -> FilterId { self.inner.register_filter() } } impl Layered where S: Subscriber, { fn ctx(&self) -> Context<'_, S> { Context::new(&self.inner) } } impl Layered where A: Layer, S: Subscriber, { pub(super) fn new(layer: A, inner: B, inner_has_layer_filter: bool) -> Self { #[cfg(all(feature = "registry", feature = "std"))] let inner_is_registry = TypeId::of::() == TypeId::of::(); #[cfg(not(all(feature = "registry", feature = "std")))] let inner_is_registry = false; let inner_has_layer_filter = inner_has_layer_filter || inner_is_registry; let has_layer_filter = filter::layer_has_plf(&layer); Self { layer, inner, has_layer_filter, inner_has_layer_filter, inner_is_registry, _s: PhantomData, } } fn pick_interest(&self, outer: Interest, inner: impl FnOnce() -> Interest) -> Interest { if self.has_layer_filter { return inner(); } // If the outer layer has disabled the callsite, return now so that // the inner layer/subscriber doesn't get its hopes up. if outer.is_never() { // If per-layer filters are in use, and we are short-circuiting // (rather than calling into the inner type), clear the current // per-layer filter interest state. #[cfg(feature = "registry")] filter::FilterState::take_interest(); return outer; } // The `inner` closure will call `inner.register_callsite()`. We do this // before the `if` statement to ensure that the inner subscriber is // informed that the callsite exists regardless of the outer layer's // filtering decision. let inner = inner(); if outer.is_sometimes() { // if this interest is "sometimes", return "sometimes" to ensure that // filters are reevaluated. return outer; } // If there is a per-layer filter in the `inner` stack, and it returns // `never`, change the interest to `sometimes`, because the `outer` // layer didn't return `never`. This means that _some_ layer still wants // to see that callsite, even though the inner stack's per-layer filter // didn't want it. Therefore, returning `sometimes` will ensure // `enabled` is called so that the per-layer filter can skip that // span/event, while the `outer` layer still gets to see it. if inner.is_never() && self.inner_has_layer_filter { return Interest::sometimes(); } // otherwise, allow the inner subscriber or subscriber to weigh in. inner } fn pick_level_hint( &self, outer_hint: Option, inner_hint: Option, inner_is_none: bool, ) -> Option { if self.inner_is_registry { return outer_hint; } if self.has_layer_filter && self.inner_has_layer_filter { return Some(cmp::max(outer_hint?, inner_hint?)); } if self.has_layer_filter && inner_hint.is_none() { return None; } if self.inner_has_layer_filter && outer_hint.is_none() { return None; } // If the layer is `Option::None`, then we // want to short-circuit the layer underneath, if it // returns `None`, to override the `None` layer returning // `Some(OFF)`, which should ONLY apply when there are // no other layers that return `None`. Note this // `None` does not == `Some(TRACE)`, it means // something more like: "whatever all the other // layers agree on, default to `TRACE` if none // have an opinion". We also choose do this AFTER // we check for per-layer filters, which // have their own logic. // // Also note that this does come at some perf cost, but // this function is only called on initialization and // subscriber reloading. if super::layer_is_none(&self.layer) { return cmp::max(outer_hint, Some(inner_hint?)); } // Similarly, if the layer on the inside is `None` and it returned an // `Off` hint, we want to override that with the outer hint. if inner_is_none && inner_hint == Some(LevelFilter::OFF) { return outer_hint; } cmp::max(outer_hint, inner_hint) } } impl fmt::Debug for Layered where A: fmt::Debug, B: fmt::Debug, { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { #[cfg(all(feature = "registry", feature = "std"))] let alt = f.alternate(); let mut s = f.debug_struct("Layered"); // These additional fields are more verbose and usually only necessary // for internal debugging purposes, so only print them if alternate mode // is enabled. #[cfg(all(feature = "registry", feature = "std"))] { if alt { s.field("inner_is_registry", &self.inner_is_registry) .field("has_layer_filter", &self.has_layer_filter) .field("inner_has_layer_filter", &self.inner_has_layer_filter); } } s.field("layer", &self.layer) .field("inner", &self.inner) .finish() } }