use crate::ast; use crate::encode; use crate::util::ShortHash; use crate::Diagnostic; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use proc_macro2::{Ident, Literal, Span, TokenStream}; use quote::{quote, ToTokens}; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::sync::Mutex; use wasm_bindgen_shared as shared; /// A trait for converting AST structs into Tokens and adding them to a TokenStream, /// or providing a diagnostic if conversion fails. pub trait TryToTokens { /// Attempt to convert a `Self` into tokens and add it to the `TokenStream` fn try_to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Diagnostic>; /// Attempt to convert a `Self` into a new `TokenStream` fn try_to_token_stream(&self) -> Result { let mut tokens = TokenStream::new(); self.try_to_tokens(&mut tokens)?; Ok(tokens) } } impl TryToTokens for ast::Program { // Generate wrappers for all the items that we've found fn try_to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Diagnostic> { let mut errors = Vec::new(); for export in self.exports.iter() { if let Err(e) = export.try_to_tokens(tokens) { errors.push(e); } } for s in self.structs.iter() { s.to_tokens(tokens); } let mut types = HashMap::new(); for i in self.imports.iter() { if let ast::ImportKind::Type(t) = &i.kind { types.insert(t.rust_name.to_string(), t.rust_name.clone()); } } for i in self.imports.iter() { DescribeImport { kind: &i.kind }.to_tokens(tokens); // If there is a js namespace, check that name isn't a type. If it is, // this import might be a method on that type. if let Some(nss) = &i.js_namespace { // When the namespace is `A.B`, the type name should be `B`. if let Some(ns) = nss.last().and_then(|t| types.get(t)) { if i.kind.fits_on_impl() { let kind = match i.kind.try_to_token_stream() { Ok(kind) => kind, Err(e) => { errors.push(e); continue; } }; (quote! { #[automatically_derived] impl #ns { #kind } }) .to_tokens(tokens); continue; } } } if let Err(e) = i.kind.try_to_tokens(tokens) { errors.push(e); } } for e in self.enums.iter() { e.to_tokens(tokens); } Diagnostic::from_vec(errors)?; // Generate a static which will eventually be what lives in a custom section // of the wasm executable. For now it's just a plain old static, but we'll // eventually have it actually in its own section. // See comments in `crates/cli-support/src/` about what this // `schema_version` is. let prefix_json = format!( r#"{{"schema_version":"{}","version":"{}"}}"#, shared::SCHEMA_VERSION, shared::version() ); let encoded = encode::encode(self)?; let len = prefix_json.len() as u32; let bytes = [ &len.to_le_bytes()[..], prefix_json.as_bytes(), &encoded.custom_section, ] .concat(); let generated_static_length = bytes.len(); let generated_static_value = syn::LitByteStr::new(&bytes, Span::call_site()); // We already consumed the contents of included files when generating // the custom section, but we want to make sure that updates to the // generated files will cause this macro to rerun incrementally. To do // that we use `include_str!` to force rustc to think it has a // dependency on these files. That way when the file changes Cargo will // automatically rerun rustc which will rerun this macro. Other than // this we don't actually need the results of the `include_str!`, so // it's just shoved into an anonymous static. let file_dependencies = encoded.included_files.iter().map(|file| { let file = file.to_str().unwrap(); quote! { include_str!(#file) } }); (quote! { #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] #[automatically_derived] const _: () = { static _INCLUDED_FILES: &[&str] = &[#(#file_dependencies),*]; #[link_section = "__wasm_bindgen_unstable"] pub static _GENERATED: [u8; #generated_static_length] = *#generated_static_value; }; }) .to_tokens(tokens); Ok(()) } } impl ToTokens for ast::Struct { fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) { let name = &self.rust_name; let name_str = self.js_name.to_string(); let name_len = name_str.len() as u32; let name_chars = name_str.chars().map(|c| c as u32); let new_fn = Ident::new(&shared::new_function(&name_str), Span::call_site()); let free_fn = Ident::new(&shared::free_function(&name_str), Span::call_site()); let free_fn_const = Ident::new(&format!("{}__const", free_fn), free_fn.span()); (quote! { #[automatically_derived] impl wasm_bindgen::describe::WasmDescribe for #name { fn describe() { use wasm_bindgen::__wbindgen_if_not_std; __wbindgen_if_not_std! { compile_error! { "exporting a class to JS requires the `std` feature to \ be enabled in the `wasm-bindgen` crate" } } use wasm_bindgen::describe::*; inform(RUST_STRUCT); inform(#name_len); #(inform(#name_chars);)* } } #[automatically_derived] impl wasm_bindgen::convert::IntoWasmAbi for #name { type Abi = u32; fn into_abi(self) -> u32 { use wasm_bindgen::__rt::std::boxed::Box; use wasm_bindgen::__rt::WasmRefCell; Box::into_raw(Box::new(WasmRefCell::new(self))) as u32 } } #[automatically_derived] impl wasm_bindgen::convert::FromWasmAbi for #name { type Abi = u32; unsafe fn from_abi(js: u32) -> Self { use wasm_bindgen::__rt::std::boxed::Box; use wasm_bindgen::__rt::{assert_not_null, WasmRefCell}; let ptr = js as *mut WasmRefCell<#name>; assert_not_null(ptr); let js = Box::from_raw(ptr); (*js).borrow_mut(); // make sure no one's borrowing js.into_inner() } } #[automatically_derived] impl wasm_bindgen::__rt::core::convert::From<#name> for wasm_bindgen::JsValue { fn from(value: #name) -> Self { let ptr = wasm_bindgen::convert::IntoWasmAbi::into_abi(value); #[link(wasm_import_module = "__wbindgen_placeholder__")] #[cfg(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten")))] extern "C" { fn #new_fn(ptr: u32) -> u32; } #[cfg(not(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten"))))] unsafe fn #new_fn(_: u32) -> u32 { panic!("cannot convert to JsValue outside of the wasm target") } unsafe { ::from_abi(#new_fn(ptr)) } } } #[cfg(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten")))] #[automatically_derived] const #free_fn_const: () = { #[no_mangle] #[doc(hidden)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn #free_fn(ptr: u32) { drop(<#name as wasm_bindgen::convert::FromWasmAbi>::from_abi(ptr)); } }; #[automatically_derived] impl wasm_bindgen::convert::RefFromWasmAbi for #name { type Abi = u32; type Anchor = wasm_bindgen::__rt::Ref<'static, #name>; unsafe fn ref_from_abi(js: Self::Abi) -> Self::Anchor { let js = js as *mut wasm_bindgen::__rt::WasmRefCell<#name>; wasm_bindgen::__rt::assert_not_null(js); (*js).borrow() } } #[automatically_derived] impl wasm_bindgen::convert::RefMutFromWasmAbi for #name { type Abi = u32; type Anchor = wasm_bindgen::__rt::RefMut<'static, #name>; unsafe fn ref_mut_from_abi(js: Self::Abi) -> Self::Anchor { let js = js as *mut wasm_bindgen::__rt::WasmRefCell<#name>; wasm_bindgen::__rt::assert_not_null(js); (*js).borrow_mut() } } #[automatically_derived] impl wasm_bindgen::convert::OptionIntoWasmAbi for #name { #[inline] fn none() -> Self::Abi { 0 } } #[automatically_derived] impl wasm_bindgen::convert::OptionFromWasmAbi for #name { #[inline] fn is_none(abi: &Self::Abi) -> bool { *abi == 0 } } }) .to_tokens(tokens); for field in self.fields.iter() { field.to_tokens(tokens); } } } impl ToTokens for ast::StructField { fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) { let rust_name = &self.rust_name; let struct_name = &self.struct_name; let ty = &self.ty; let getter = &self.getter; let setter = &self.setter; let maybe_assert_copy = if self.getter_with_clone { quote! {} } else { quote! { assert_copy::<#ty>() } }; let maybe_assert_copy = respan(maybe_assert_copy, ty); let maybe_clone = if self.getter_with_clone { quote! { .clone() } } else { quote! {} }; let getter_const = Ident::new(&format!("{}__const", getter), getter.span()); (quote! { #[automatically_derived] const #getter_const: () = { #[cfg_attr(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten")), no_mangle)] #[doc(hidden)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn #getter(js: u32) -> <#ty as wasm_bindgen::convert::IntoWasmAbi>::Abi { use wasm_bindgen::__rt::{WasmRefCell, assert_not_null}; use wasm_bindgen::convert::IntoWasmAbi; fn assert_copy(){} #maybe_assert_copy; let js = js as *mut WasmRefCell<#struct_name>; assert_not_null(js); let val = (*js).borrow().#rust_name#maybe_clone; <#ty as IntoWasmAbi>::into_abi(val) } }; }) .to_tokens(tokens); Descriptor { ident: &getter, inner: quote! { <#ty as WasmDescribe>::describe(); }, attrs: vec![], } .to_tokens(tokens); if self.readonly { return; } let setter_const = Ident::new(&format!("{}__const", setter), setter.span()); (quote! { #[cfg(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten")))] #[automatically_derived] const #setter_const: () = { #[no_mangle] #[doc(hidden)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn #setter( js: u32, val: <#ty as wasm_bindgen::convert::FromWasmAbi>::Abi, ) { use wasm_bindgen::__rt::{WasmRefCell, assert_not_null}; use wasm_bindgen::convert::FromWasmAbi; let js = js as *mut WasmRefCell<#struct_name>; assert_not_null(js); let val = <#ty as FromWasmAbi>::from_abi(val); (*js).borrow_mut().#rust_name = val; } }; }) .to_tokens(tokens); } } impl TryToTokens for ast::Export { fn try_to_tokens(self: &ast::Export, into: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Diagnostic> { let generated_name = self.rust_symbol(); let export_name = self.export_name(); let mut args = vec![]; let mut arg_conversions = vec![]; let mut converted_arguments = vec![]; let ret = Ident::new("_ret", Span::call_site()); let offset = if self.method_self.is_some() { args.push(quote! { me: u32 }); 1 } else { 0 }; let name = &self.rust_name; let receiver = match self.method_self { Some(ast::MethodSelf::ByValue) => { let class = self.rust_class.as_ref().unwrap(); arg_conversions.push(quote! { let me = unsafe { <#class as wasm_bindgen::convert::FromWasmAbi>::from_abi(me) }; }); quote! { me.#name } } Some(ast::MethodSelf::RefMutable) => { let class = self.rust_class.as_ref().unwrap(); arg_conversions.push(quote! { let mut me = unsafe { <#class as wasm_bindgen::convert::RefMutFromWasmAbi> ::ref_mut_from_abi(me) }; let me = &mut *me; }); quote! { me.#name } } Some(ast::MethodSelf::RefShared) => { let class = self.rust_class.as_ref().unwrap(); arg_conversions.push(quote! { let me = unsafe { <#class as wasm_bindgen::convert::RefFromWasmAbi> ::ref_from_abi(me) }; let me = &*me; }); quote! { me.#name } } None => match &self.rust_class { Some(class) => quote! { #class::#name }, None => quote! { #name }, }, }; let mut argtys = Vec::new(); for (i, arg) in self.function.arguments.iter().enumerate() { argtys.push(&arg.ty); let i = i + offset; let ident = Ident::new(&format!("arg{}", i), Span::call_site()); let ty = &arg.ty; match &*arg.ty { syn::Type::Reference(syn::TypeReference { mutability: Some(_), elem, .. }) => { args.push(quote! { #ident: <#elem as wasm_bindgen::convert::RefMutFromWasmAbi>::Abi }); arg_conversions.push(quote! { let mut #ident = unsafe { <#elem as wasm_bindgen::convert::RefMutFromWasmAbi> ::ref_mut_from_abi(#ident) }; let #ident = &mut *#ident; }); } syn::Type::Reference(syn::TypeReference { elem, .. }) => { args.push(quote! { #ident: <#elem as wasm_bindgen::convert::RefFromWasmAbi>::Abi }); arg_conversions.push(quote! { let #ident = unsafe { <#elem as wasm_bindgen::convert::RefFromWasmAbi> ::ref_from_abi(#ident) }; let #ident = &*#ident; }); } _ => { args.push(quote! { #ident: <#ty as wasm_bindgen::convert::FromWasmAbi>::Abi }); arg_conversions.push(quote! { let #ident = unsafe { <#ty as wasm_bindgen::convert::FromWasmAbi> ::from_abi(#ident) }; }); } } converted_arguments.push(quote! { #ident }); } let syn_unit = syn::Type::Tuple(syn::TypeTuple { elems: Default::default(), paren_token: Default::default(), }); let syn_ret = self.function.ret.as_ref().unwrap_or(&syn_unit); if let syn::Type::Reference(_) = syn_ret { bail_span!(syn_ret, "cannot return a borrowed ref with #[wasm_bindgen]",) } // For an `async` function we always run it through `future_to_promise` // since we're returning a promise to JS, and this will implicitly // require that the function returns a `Future>` let (ret_ty, inner_ret_ty, ret_expr) = if self.function.r#async { if self.start { ( quote! { () }, quote! { () }, quote! { <#syn_ret as wasm_bindgen::__rt::Start>::start(#ret.await) }, ) } else { ( quote! { wasm_bindgen::JsValue }, quote! { #syn_ret }, quote! { <#syn_ret as wasm_bindgen::__rt::IntoJsResult>::into_js_result(#ret.await) }, ) } } else if self.start { ( quote! { () }, quote! { () }, quote! { <#syn_ret as wasm_bindgen::__rt::Start>::start(#ret) }, ) } else { (quote! { #syn_ret }, quote! { #syn_ret }, quote! { #ret }) }; let mut call = quote! { { #(#arg_conversions)* let #ret = #receiver(#(#converted_arguments),*); #ret_expr } }; if self.function.r#async { if self.start { call = quote! { wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local(async move { #call }) } } else { call = quote! { wasm_bindgen_futures::future_to_promise(async move { #call }).into() } } } let projection = quote! { <#ret_ty as wasm_bindgen::convert::ReturnWasmAbi> }; let convert_ret = quote! { #projection::return_abi(#ret) }; let describe_ret = quote! { <#ret_ty as WasmDescribe>::describe(); <#inner_ret_ty as WasmDescribe>::describe(); }; let nargs = self.function.arguments.len() as u32; let attrs = &self.function.rust_attrs; let start_check = if self.start { quote! { const _ASSERT: fn() = || -> #projection::Abi { loop {} }; } } else { quote! {} }; let generated_name_const = Ident::new(&format!("{}__const", generated_name), generated_name.span()); (quote! { #[automatically_derived] const #generated_name_const: () = { #(#attrs)* #[cfg_attr( all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten")), export_name = #export_name, )] pub unsafe extern "C" fn #generated_name(#(#args),*) -> #projection::Abi { #start_check let #ret = #call; #convert_ret } }; }) .to_tokens(into); // In addition to generating the shim function above which is what // our generated JS will invoke, we *also* generate a "descriptor" // shim. This descriptor shim uses the `WasmDescribe` trait to // programmatically describe the type signature of the generated // shim above. This in turn is then used to inform the // `wasm-bindgen` CLI tool exactly what types and such it should be // using in JS. // // Note that this descriptor function is a purely an internal detail // of `#[wasm_bindgen]` and isn't intended to be exported to anyone // or actually part of the final was binary. Additionally, this is // literally executed when the `wasm-bindgen` tool executes. // // In any case, there's complications in `wasm-bindgen` to handle // this, but the tl;dr; is that this is stripped from the final wasm // binary along with anything it references. let export = Ident::new(&export_name, Span::call_site()); Descriptor { ident: &export, inner: quote! { inform(FUNCTION); inform(0); inform(#nargs); #(<#argtys as WasmDescribe>::describe();)* #describe_ret }, attrs: attrs.clone(), } .to_tokens(into); Ok(()) } } impl TryToTokens for ast::ImportKind { fn try_to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Diagnostic> { match *self { ast::ImportKind::Function(ref f) => f.try_to_tokens(tokens)?, ast::ImportKind::Static(ref s) => s.to_tokens(tokens), ast::ImportKind::Type(ref t) => t.to_tokens(tokens), ast::ImportKind::Enum(ref e) => e.to_tokens(tokens), } Ok(()) } } impl ToTokens for ast::ImportType { fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) { let vis = &self.vis; let rust_name = &self.rust_name; let attrs = &self.attrs; let doc_comment = match &self.doc_comment { None => "", Some(comment) => comment, }; let const_name = format!("__wbg_generated_const_{}", rust_name); let const_name = Ident::new(&const_name, Span::call_site()); let instanceof_shim = Ident::new(&self.instanceof_shim, Span::call_site()); let internal_obj = match self.extends.first() { Some(target) => { quote! { #target } } None => { quote! { wasm_bindgen::JsValue } } }; let description = if let Some(typescript_type) = &self.typescript_type { let typescript_type_len = typescript_type.len() as u32; let typescript_type_chars = typescript_type.chars().map(|c| c as u32); quote! { use wasm_bindgen::describe::*; inform(NAMED_EXTERNREF); inform(#typescript_type_len); #(inform(#typescript_type_chars);)* } } else { quote! { JsValue::describe() } }; let is_type_of = self.is_type_of.as_ref().map(|is_type_of| { quote! { #[inline] fn is_type_of(val: &JsValue) -> bool { let is_type_of: fn(&JsValue) -> bool = #is_type_of; is_type_of(val) } } }); let no_deref = self.no_deref; (quote! { #[automatically_derived] #(#attrs)* #[doc = #doc_comment] #[repr(transparent)] #vis struct #rust_name { obj: #internal_obj } #[automatically_derived] const #const_name: () = { use wasm_bindgen::convert::{IntoWasmAbi, FromWasmAbi}; use wasm_bindgen::convert::{OptionIntoWasmAbi, OptionFromWasmAbi}; use wasm_bindgen::convert::RefFromWasmAbi; use wasm_bindgen::describe::WasmDescribe; use wasm_bindgen::{JsValue, JsCast, JsObject}; use wasm_bindgen::__rt::core; impl WasmDescribe for #rust_name { fn describe() { #description } } impl IntoWasmAbi for #rust_name { type Abi = ::Abi; #[inline] fn into_abi(self) -> Self::Abi { self.obj.into_abi() } } impl OptionIntoWasmAbi for #rust_name { #[inline] fn none() -> Self::Abi { 0 } } impl<'a> OptionIntoWasmAbi for &'a #rust_name { #[inline] fn none() -> Self::Abi { 0 } } impl FromWasmAbi for #rust_name { type Abi = ::Abi; #[inline] unsafe fn from_abi(js: Self::Abi) -> Self { #rust_name { obj: JsValue::from_abi(js).into(), } } } impl OptionFromWasmAbi for #rust_name { #[inline] fn is_none(abi: &Self::Abi) -> bool { *abi == 0 } } impl<'a> IntoWasmAbi for &'a #rust_name { type Abi = <&'a JsValue as IntoWasmAbi>::Abi; #[inline] fn into_abi(self) -> Self::Abi { (&self.obj).into_abi() } } impl RefFromWasmAbi for #rust_name { type Abi = ::Abi; type Anchor = core::mem::ManuallyDrop<#rust_name>; #[inline] unsafe fn ref_from_abi(js: Self::Abi) -> Self::Anchor { let tmp = ::ref_from_abi(js); core::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(#rust_name { obj: core::mem::ManuallyDrop::into_inner(tmp).into(), }) } } // TODO: remove this on the next major version impl From for #rust_name { #[inline] fn from(obj: JsValue) -> #rust_name { #rust_name { obj: obj.into() } } } impl AsRef for #rust_name { #[inline] fn as_ref(&self) -> &JsValue { self.obj.as_ref() } } impl AsRef<#rust_name> for #rust_name { #[inline] fn as_ref(&self) -> &#rust_name { self } } impl From<#rust_name> for JsValue { #[inline] fn from(obj: #rust_name) -> JsValue { obj.obj.into() } } impl JsCast for #rust_name { fn instanceof(val: &JsValue) -> bool { #[link(wasm_import_module = "__wbindgen_placeholder__")] #[cfg(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten")))] extern "C" { fn #instanceof_shim(val: u32) -> u32; } #[cfg(not(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten"))))] unsafe fn #instanceof_shim(_: u32) -> u32 { panic!("cannot check instanceof on non-wasm targets"); } unsafe { let idx = val.into_abi(); #instanceof_shim(idx) != 0 } } #is_type_of #[inline] fn unchecked_from_js(val: JsValue) -> Self { #rust_name { obj: val.into() } } #[inline] fn unchecked_from_js_ref(val: &JsValue) -> &Self { // Should be safe because `#rust_name` is a transparent // wrapper around `val` unsafe { &*(val as *const JsValue as *const #rust_name) } } } impl JsObject for #rust_name {} }; }) .to_tokens(tokens); if !no_deref { (quote! { #[automatically_derived] impl core::ops::Deref for #rust_name { type Target = #internal_obj; #[inline] fn deref(&self) -> &#internal_obj { &self.obj } } }) .to_tokens(tokens); } for superclass in self.extends.iter() { (quote! { #[automatically_derived] impl From<#rust_name> for #superclass { #[inline] fn from(obj: #rust_name) -> #superclass { use wasm_bindgen::JsCast; #superclass::unchecked_from_js(obj.into()) } } #[automatically_derived] impl AsRef<#superclass> for #rust_name { #[inline] fn as_ref(&self) -> &#superclass { use wasm_bindgen::JsCast; #superclass::unchecked_from_js_ref(self.as_ref()) } } }) .to_tokens(tokens); } } } impl ToTokens for ast::ImportEnum { fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) { let vis = &self.vis; let name = &; let expect_string = format!("attempted to convert invalid {} into JSValue", name); let variants = &self.variants; let variant_strings = &self.variant_values; let attrs = &self.rust_attrs; let mut current_idx: usize = 0; let variant_indexes: Vec = variants .iter() .map(|_| { let this_index = current_idx; current_idx += 1; Literal::usize_unsuffixed(this_index) }) .collect(); // Borrow variant_indexes because we need to use it multiple times inside the quote! macro let variant_indexes_ref = &variant_indexes; // A vector of EnumName::VariantName tokens for this enum let variant_paths: Vec = self .variants .iter() .map(|v| quote!(#name::#v).into_token_stream()) .collect(); // Borrow variant_paths because we need to use it multiple times inside the quote! macro let variant_paths_ref = &variant_paths; (quote! { #(#attrs)* #vis enum #name { #(#variants = #variant_indexes_ref,)* #[automatically_derived] #[doc(hidden)] __Nonexhaustive, } #[automatically_derived] impl #name { fn from_str(s: &str) -> Option<#name> { match s { #(#variant_strings => Some(#variant_paths_ref),)* _ => None, } } fn to_str(&self) -> &'static str { match self { #(#variant_paths_ref => #variant_strings,)* #name::__Nonexhaustive => panic!(#expect_string), } } #vis fn from_js_value(obj: &wasm_bindgen::JsValue) -> Option<#name> { obj.as_string().and_then(|obj_str| Self::from_str(obj_str.as_str())) } } // It should really be using &str for all of these, but that requires some major changes to cli-support #[automatically_derived] impl wasm_bindgen::describe::WasmDescribe for #name { fn describe() { ::describe() } } #[automatically_derived] impl wasm_bindgen::convert::IntoWasmAbi for #name { type Abi = ::Abi; #[inline] fn into_abi(self) -> Self::Abi { ::into_abi(self.into()) } } #[automatically_derived] impl wasm_bindgen::convert::FromWasmAbi for #name { type Abi = ::Abi; unsafe fn from_abi(js: Self::Abi) -> Self { let s = ::from_abi(js); #name::from_js_value(&s).unwrap_or(#name::__Nonexhaustive) } } #[automatically_derived] impl wasm_bindgen::convert::OptionIntoWasmAbi for #name { #[inline] fn none() -> Self::Abi { <::js_sys::Object as wasm_bindgen::convert::OptionIntoWasmAbi>::none() } } #[automatically_derived] impl wasm_bindgen::convert::OptionFromWasmAbi for #name { #[inline] fn is_none(abi: &Self::Abi) -> bool { <::js_sys::Object as wasm_bindgen::convert::OptionFromWasmAbi>::is_none(abi) } } #[automatically_derived] impl From<#name> for wasm_bindgen::JsValue { fn from(obj: #name) -> wasm_bindgen::JsValue { wasm_bindgen::JsValue::from(obj.to_str()) } } }).to_tokens(tokens); } } impl TryToTokens for ast::ImportFunction { fn try_to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) -> Result<(), Diagnostic> { let mut class_ty = None; let mut is_method = false; match self.kind { ast::ImportFunctionKind::Method { ref ty, ref kind, .. } => { if let ast::MethodKind::Operation(ast::Operation { is_static: false, .. }) = kind { is_method = true; } class_ty = Some(ty); } ast::ImportFunctionKind::Normal => {} } let vis = &self.function.rust_vis; let ret = match &self.function.ret { Some(ty) => quote! { -> #ty }, None => quote!(), }; let mut abi_argument_names = Vec::new(); let mut abi_arguments = Vec::new(); let mut arg_conversions = Vec::new(); let mut arguments = Vec::new(); let ret_ident = Ident::new("_ret", Span::call_site()); for (i, arg) in self.function.arguments.iter().enumerate() { let ty = &arg.ty; let name = match &*arg.pat { syn::Pat::Ident(syn::PatIdent { by_ref: None, ident, subpat: None, .. }) => ident.clone(), syn::Pat::Wild(_) => syn::Ident::new(&format!("__genarg_{}", i), Span::call_site()), _ => bail_span!( arg.pat, "unsupported pattern in #[wasm_bindgen] imported function", ), }; abi_argument_names.push(name.clone()); abi_arguments.push(quote! { #name: <#ty as wasm_bindgen::convert::IntoWasmAbi>::Abi }); let var = if i == 0 && is_method { quote! { self } } else { arguments.push(quote! { #name: #ty }); quote! { #name } }; arg_conversions.push(quote! { let #name = <#ty as wasm_bindgen::convert::IntoWasmAbi> ::into_abi(#var); }); } let abi_ret; let mut convert_ret; match &self.js_ret { Some(syn::Type::Reference(_)) => { bail_span!( self.js_ret, "cannot return references in #[wasm_bindgen] imports yet" ); } Some(ref ty) => { if self.function.r#async { abi_ret = quote! { ::Abi }; let future = quote! { wasm_bindgen_futures::JsFuture::from( ::from_abi(#ret_ident) ).await }; convert_ret = if self.catch { quote! { Ok(#future?) } } else { quote! { #future.expect("unexpected exception") } }; } else { abi_ret = quote! { <#ty as wasm_bindgen::convert::FromWasmAbi>::Abi }; convert_ret = quote! { <#ty as wasm_bindgen::convert::FromWasmAbi> ::from_abi(#ret_ident) }; } } None => { if self.function.r#async { abi_ret = quote! { ::Abi }; let future = quote! { wasm_bindgen_futures::JsFuture::from( ::from_abi(#ret_ident) ).await }; convert_ret = if self.catch { quote! { #future?; Ok(()) } } else { quote! { #future.expect("uncaught exception"); } }; } else { abi_ret = quote! { () }; convert_ret = quote! { () }; } } } let mut exceptional_ret = quote!(); if self.catch && !self.function.r#async { convert_ret = quote! { Ok(#convert_ret) }; exceptional_ret = quote! { wasm_bindgen::__rt::take_last_exception()?; }; } let rust_name = &self.rust_name; let import_name = &self.shim; let attrs = &self.function.rust_attrs; let arguments = &arguments; let abi_arguments = &abi_arguments; let abi_argument_names = &abi_argument_names; let doc_comment = &self.doc_comment; let me = if is_method { quote! { &self, } } else { quote!() }; // Route any errors pointing to this imported function to the identifier // of the function we're imported from so we at least know what function // is causing issues. // // Note that this is where type errors like "doesn't implement // FromWasmAbi" or "doesn't implement IntoWasmAbi" currently get routed. // I suspect that's because they show up in the signature via trait // projections as types of arguments, and all that needs to typecheck // before the body can be typechecked. Due to rust-lang/rust#60980 (and // probably related issues) we can't really get a precise span. // // Ideally what we want is to point errors for particular types back to // the specific argument/type that generated the error, but it looks // like rustc itself doesn't do great in that regard so let's just do // the best we can in the meantime. let extern_fn = respan( quote! { #[cfg(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten")))] #(#attrs)* #[link(wasm_import_module = "__wbindgen_placeholder__")] extern "C" { fn #import_name(#(#abi_arguments),*) -> #abi_ret; } #[cfg(not(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten"))))] unsafe fn #import_name(#(#abi_arguments),*) -> #abi_ret { #( drop(#abi_argument_names); )* panic!("cannot call wasm-bindgen imported functions on \ non-wasm targets"); } }, &self.rust_name, ); let maybe_async = if self.function.r#async { Some(quote! {async}) } else { None }; let invocation = quote! { // This is due to `#[automatically_derived]` attribute cannot be // placed onto bare functions. #[allow(nonstandard_style)] #[allow(clippy::all, clippy::nursery, clippy::pedantic, clippy::restriction)] #(#attrs)* #[doc = #doc_comment] #vis #maybe_async fn #rust_name(#me #(#arguments),*) #ret { #extern_fn unsafe { let #ret_ident = { #(#arg_conversions)* #import_name(#(#abi_argument_names),*) }; #exceptional_ret #convert_ret } } }; if let Some(class) = class_ty { (quote! { #[automatically_derived] impl #class { #invocation } }) .to_tokens(tokens); } else { invocation.to_tokens(tokens); } Ok(()) } } // See comment above in ast::Export for what's going on here. struct DescribeImport<'a> { kind: &'a ast::ImportKind, } impl<'a> ToTokens for DescribeImport<'a> { fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) { let f = match *self.kind { ast::ImportKind::Function(ref f) => f, ast::ImportKind::Static(_) => return, ast::ImportKind::Type(_) => return, ast::ImportKind::Enum(_) => return, }; let argtys = f.function.arguments.iter().map(|arg| &arg.ty); let nargs = f.function.arguments.len() as u32; let inform_ret = match &f.js_ret { Some(ref t) => quote! { <#t as WasmDescribe>::describe(); }, // async functions always return a JsValue, even if they say to return () None if f.function.r#async => quote! { ::describe(); }, None => quote! { <() as WasmDescribe>::describe(); }, }; Descriptor { ident: &f.shim, inner: quote! { inform(FUNCTION); inform(0); inform(#nargs); #(<#argtys as WasmDescribe>::describe();)* #inform_ret #inform_ret }, attrs: f.function.rust_attrs.clone(), } .to_tokens(tokens); } } impl ToTokens for ast::Enum { fn to_tokens(&self, into: &mut TokenStream) { let enum_name = &self.rust_name; let hole = &self.hole; let cast_clauses = self.variants.iter().map(|variant| { let variant_name = &; quote! { if js == #enum_name::#variant_name as u32 { #enum_name::#variant_name } } }); (quote! { #[automatically_derived] impl wasm_bindgen::convert::IntoWasmAbi for #enum_name { type Abi = u32; #[inline] fn into_abi(self) -> u32 { self as u32 } } #[automatically_derived] impl wasm_bindgen::convert::FromWasmAbi for #enum_name { type Abi = u32; #[inline] unsafe fn from_abi(js: u32) -> Self { #(#cast_clauses else)* { wasm_bindgen::throw_str("invalid enum value passed") } } } #[automatically_derived] impl wasm_bindgen::convert::OptionFromWasmAbi for #enum_name { #[inline] fn is_none(val: &u32) -> bool { *val == #hole } } #[automatically_derived] impl wasm_bindgen::convert::OptionIntoWasmAbi for #enum_name { #[inline] fn none() -> Self::Abi { #hole } } #[automatically_derived] impl wasm_bindgen::describe::WasmDescribe for #enum_name { fn describe() { use wasm_bindgen::describe::*; inform(ENUM); inform(#hole); } } }) .to_tokens(into); } } impl ToTokens for ast::ImportStatic { fn to_tokens(&self, into: &mut TokenStream) { let name = &self.rust_name; let ty = &self.ty; let shim_name = &self.shim; let vis = &self.vis; (quote! { #[automatically_derived] #vis static #name: wasm_bindgen::JsStatic<#ty> = { fn init() -> #ty { #[link(wasm_import_module = "__wbindgen_placeholder__")] #[cfg(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten")))] extern "C" { fn #shim_name() -> <#ty as wasm_bindgen::convert::FromWasmAbi>::Abi; } #[cfg(not(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten"))))] unsafe fn #shim_name() -> <#ty as wasm_bindgen::convert::FromWasmAbi>::Abi { panic!("cannot access imported statics on non-wasm targets") } unsafe { <#ty as wasm_bindgen::convert::FromWasmAbi>::from_abi(#shim_name()) } } thread_local!(static _VAL: #ty = init();); wasm_bindgen::JsStatic { __inner: &_VAL, } }; }) .to_tokens(into); Descriptor { ident: &shim_name, inner: quote! { <#ty as WasmDescribe>::describe(); }, attrs: vec![], } .to_tokens(into); } } /// Emits the necessary glue tokens for "descriptor", generating an appropriate /// symbol name as well as attributes around the descriptor function itself. struct Descriptor<'a, T> { ident: &'a Ident, inner: T, attrs: Vec, } impl<'a, T: ToTokens> ToTokens for Descriptor<'a, T> { fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) { // It's possible for the same descriptor to be emitted in two different // modules (aka a value imported twice in a crate, each in a separate // module). In this case no need to emit duplicate descriptors (which // leads to duplicate symbol errors), instead just emit one. // // It's up to the descriptors themselves to ensure they have unique // names for unique items imported, currently done via `ShortHash` and // hashing appropriate data into the symbol name. static DESCRIPTORS_EMITTED: Lazy>> = Lazy::new(Default::default); let ident = self.ident; if !DESCRIPTORS_EMITTED .lock() .unwrap() .insert(ident.to_string()) { return; } let name = Ident::new(&format!("__wbindgen_describe_{}", ident), ident.span()); let const_name = Ident::new( &format!("__wbindgen_const_describe_{}", ident), ident.span(), ); let inner = &self.inner; let attrs = &self.attrs; (quote! { #[cfg(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten")))] #[automatically_derived] const #const_name: () = { #(#attrs)* #[no_mangle] #[doc(hidden)] pub extern "C" fn #name() { use wasm_bindgen::describe::*; // See definition of `link_mem_intrinsics` for what this is doing wasm_bindgen::__rt::link_mem_intrinsics(); #inner } }; }) .to_tokens(tokens); } } /// Converts `span` into a stream of tokens, and attempts to ensure that `input` /// has all the appropriate span information so errors in it point to `span`. fn respan(input: TokenStream, span: &dyn ToTokens) -> TokenStream { let mut first_span = Span::call_site(); let mut last_span = Span::call_site(); let mut spans = TokenStream::new(); span.to_tokens(&mut spans); for (i, token) in spans.into_iter().enumerate() { if i == 0 { first_span = token.span(); } last_span = token.span(); } let mut new_tokens = Vec::new(); for (i, mut token) in input.into_iter().enumerate() { if i == 0 { token.set_span(first_span); } else { token.set_span(last_span); } new_tokens.push(token); } new_tokens.into_iter().collect() }