use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; use wasm_bindgen_test::*; use web_sys::HtmlSelectElement; #[wasm_bindgen(module = "/tests/wasm/element.js")] extern "C" { fn new_select_with_food_opts() -> HtmlSelectElement; } #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test_select_element() { // Creates a select with four options. Options are ["tomato", "potato", "orange", "apple"], where // the string is the .value and .text of each option. let select = new_select_with_food_opts(); select.set_autofocus(true); assert_eq!( select.autofocus(), true, "Select element should have a true autofocus property." ); select.set_autofocus(false); assert_eq!( select.autofocus(), false, "Select element should have a false autofocus property." ); select.set_autocomplete("country"); assert_eq!( select.autocomplete(), "country", "Select element should have a 'country' autocomplete property." ); select.set_disabled(true); assert_eq!( select.disabled(), true, "Select element should be disabled." ); select.set_disabled(false); assert_eq!( select.disabled(), false, "Select element should not be disabled." ); assert!( select.form().is_none(), "Select should not be associated with a form." ); select.set_multiple(false); assert_eq!( select.multiple(), false, "Select element should have a false multiple property." ); select.set_multiple(true); assert_eq!( select.multiple(), true, "Select element should have a true multiple property." ); select.set_name("potato"); assert_eq!(, "potato", "Select element should have a name property of 'potato'." ); select.set_required(true); assert_eq!( select.required(), true, "Select element should be required." ); select.set_required(false); assert_eq!( select.required(), false, "Select element should not be required." ); select.set_size(432); assert_eq!( select.size(), 432, "Select element should have a size property of 432." ); // Default type seems to be "select-multiple" for the browsers I tested, but there's no guarantee // on this, so let's just make sure we get back something here. assert!( select.type_().len() > 0, "Select element should have some type." ); assert!( select.options().length() == 4, "Select element should have four options." ); select.set_length(12); assert_eq!( select.length(), 12, "Select element should have a length of 12." ); // Reset the length to four, as that's how many options we actually have. select.set_length(4); assert!( select .named_item("this should definitely find nothing") .is_none(), "Shouldn't be able to find a named item with the given string." ); assert!( select.selected_options().length() == 1, "One option should be selected by default, just by way of having items." ); select.set_selected_index(2); assert_eq!( select.selected_index(), 2, "Select element should have a selected index of 2." ); // Quote from docs: The value property sets or returns the value of the selected option in a drop-down list. select.set_value("tomato"); // Select the "tomato" option assert_eq!( select.value(), "tomato", "Select element should have no selected value." ); // This might be browser dependent, potentially rendering this test useless? Worked fine in Chrome and Firefox for now. assert_eq!( select.will_validate(), true, "Select element should not validate by default." ); assert!( select.validation_message().is_ok(), "Select element should retrieve a validation message." ); assert!( select.validity().valid(), "Our basic select should be valid." ); assert!( select.check_validity(), "Our basic select should check out as valid." ); assert!( select.report_validity(), "Our basic select should report valid." ); select.set_custom_validity("Some custom validity error."); assert!( select.labels().length() == 0, "There should be no labels associated with our select element." ); assert!( select.named_item("tomato").is_some(), "Should be able to find the 'tomato' option before removing it." ); select.remove_with_index(0); assert!( select.named_item("tomato").is_none(), "Shouldn't be able to find the 'tomato' option after removing it." ); }