/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* Copyright © WHATWG (Apple, Google, Mozilla, Microsoft). This work is licensed under a Creative * Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To the extent portions of it are incorporated into * source code, such portions in the source code are licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License * instead. * * The origin of this IDL file is * https://streams.spec.whatwg.org/#idl-index * `[Throws]` attribute for each method was determined by manually checking if the method can throw * an exception according to the spec. * To avoid API breakage, `[Throws]` attributes are omitted from `ReadableStream` methods. */ [Exposed=*, Transferable] interface ReadableStream { constructor(optional object underlyingSource, optional QueuingStrategy strategy = {}); readonly attribute boolean locked; Promise cancel(optional any reason); ReadableStreamReader getReader(optional ReadableStreamGetReaderOptions options = {}); ReadableStream pipeThrough(ReadableWritablePair transform, optional StreamPipeOptions options = {}); Promise pipeTo(WritableStream destination, optional StreamPipeOptions options = {}); sequence tee(); async iterable(optional ReadableStreamIteratorOptions options = {}); }; typedef (ReadableStreamDefaultReader or ReadableStreamBYOBReader) ReadableStreamReader; enum ReadableStreamReaderMode { "byob" }; dictionary ReadableStreamGetReaderOptions { ReadableStreamReaderMode mode; }; dictionary ReadableStreamIteratorOptions { boolean preventCancel = false; }; dictionary ReadableWritablePair { required ReadableStream readable; required WritableStream writable; }; dictionary StreamPipeOptions { boolean preventClose = false; boolean preventAbort = false; boolean preventCancel = false; AbortSignal signal; }; dictionary UnderlyingSource { UnderlyingSourceStartCallback start; UnderlyingSourcePullCallback pull; UnderlyingSourceCancelCallback cancel; ReadableStreamType type; [EnforceRange] unsigned long long autoAllocateChunkSize; }; typedef (ReadableStreamDefaultController or ReadableByteStreamController) ReadableStreamController; callback UnderlyingSourceStartCallback = any (ReadableStreamController controller); callback UnderlyingSourcePullCallback = Promise (ReadableStreamController controller); callback UnderlyingSourceCancelCallback = Promise (optional any reason); enum ReadableStreamType { "bytes" }; interface mixin ReadableStreamGenericReader { readonly attribute Promise closed; Promise cancel(optional any reason); }; [Exposed=*] interface ReadableStreamDefaultReader { [Throws] constructor(ReadableStream stream); Promise read(); undefined releaseLock(); }; ReadableStreamDefaultReader includes ReadableStreamGenericReader; dictionary ReadableStreamReadResult { any value; boolean done; }; [Exposed=*] interface ReadableStreamBYOBReader { [Throws] constructor(ReadableStream stream); [RustNotWasmMemory] Promise read(ArrayBufferView view); undefined releaseLock(); }; ReadableStreamBYOBReader includes ReadableStreamGenericReader; [Exposed=*] interface ReadableStreamDefaultController { readonly attribute unrestricted double? desiredSize; [Throws] undefined close(); [Throws] undefined enqueue(optional any chunk); undefined error(optional any e); }; [Exposed=*] interface ReadableByteStreamController { readonly attribute ReadableStreamBYOBRequest? byobRequest; readonly attribute unrestricted double? desiredSize; [Throws] undefined close(); [Throws] undefined enqueue(ArrayBufferView chunk); undefined error(optional any e); }; [Exposed=*] interface ReadableStreamBYOBRequest { readonly attribute ArrayBufferView? view; [Throws] undefined respond([EnforceRange] unsigned long long bytesWritten); [Throws] undefined respondWithNewView(ArrayBufferView view); }; [Exposed=*, Transferable] interface WritableStream { [Throws] constructor(optional object underlyingSink, optional QueuingStrategy strategy = {}); readonly attribute boolean locked; Promise abort(optional any reason); Promise close(); [Throws] WritableStreamDefaultWriter getWriter(); }; dictionary UnderlyingSink { UnderlyingSinkStartCallback start; UnderlyingSinkWriteCallback write; UnderlyingSinkCloseCallback close; UnderlyingSinkAbortCallback abort; any type; }; callback UnderlyingSinkStartCallback = any (WritableStreamDefaultController controller); callback UnderlyingSinkWriteCallback = Promise (any chunk, WritableStreamDefaultController controller); callback UnderlyingSinkCloseCallback = Promise (); callback UnderlyingSinkAbortCallback = Promise (optional any reason); [Exposed=*] interface WritableStreamDefaultWriter { [Throws] constructor(WritableStream stream); readonly attribute Promise closed; [Throws] readonly attribute unrestricted double? desiredSize; readonly attribute Promise ready; Promise abort(optional any reason); Promise close(); undefined releaseLock(); Promise write(optional any chunk); }; [Exposed=*] interface WritableStreamDefaultController { readonly attribute AbortSignal signal; undefined error(optional any e); }; [Exposed=*, Transferable] interface TransformStream { [Throws] constructor(optional object transformer, optional QueuingStrategy writableStrategy = {}, optional QueuingStrategy readableStrategy = {}); readonly attribute ReadableStream readable; readonly attribute WritableStream writable; }; dictionary Transformer { TransformerStartCallback start; TransformerTransformCallback transform; TransformerFlushCallback flush; any readableType; any writableType; }; callback TransformerStartCallback = any (TransformStreamDefaultController controller); callback TransformerFlushCallback = Promise (TransformStreamDefaultController controller); callback TransformerTransformCallback = Promise (any chunk, TransformStreamDefaultController controller); [Exposed=*] interface TransformStreamDefaultController { readonly attribute unrestricted double? desiredSize; [Throws] undefined enqueue(optional any chunk); undefined error(optional any reason); undefined terminate(); }; dictionary QueuingStrategy { unrestricted double highWaterMark; QueuingStrategySize size; }; callback QueuingStrategySize = unrestricted double (any chunk); dictionary QueuingStrategyInit { required unrestricted double highWaterMark; }; [Exposed=*] interface ByteLengthQueuingStrategy { constructor(QueuingStrategyInit init); readonly attribute unrestricted double highWaterMark; readonly attribute Function size; }; [Exposed=*] interface CountQueuingStrategy { constructor(QueuingStrategyInit init); readonly attribute unrestricted double highWaterMark; readonly attribute Function size; }; interface mixin GenericTransformStream { readonly attribute ReadableStream readable; readonly attribute WritableStream writable; };