/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * The origin of this IDL file is * https://www.w3.org/TR/webtransport/ * * © Copyright 2004-2011 Apple Computer, Inc., Mozilla Foundation, and Opera Software ASA. * You are granted a license to use, reproduce and create derivative works of this document. */ [Exposed=(Window,Worker), SecureContext] interface WebTransportDatagramDuplexStream { readonly attribute ReadableStream readable; readonly attribute WritableStream writable; readonly attribute unsigned long maxDatagramSize; attribute unrestricted double incomingMaxAge; attribute unrestricted double outgoingMaxAge; attribute unrestricted double incomingHighWaterMark; attribute unrestricted double outgoingHighWaterMark; }; [Exposed=(Window,Worker), SecureContext] interface WebTransport { constructor(USVString url, optional WebTransportOptions options = {}); Promise getStats(); readonly attribute Promise ready; readonly attribute WebTransportReliabilityMode reliability; readonly attribute WebTransportCongestionControl congestionControl; readonly attribute Promise closed; readonly attribute Promise draining; undefined close(optional WebTransportCloseInfo closeInfo = {}); readonly attribute WebTransportDatagramDuplexStream datagrams; Promise createBidirectionalStream( optional WebTransportSendStreamOptions options = {}); /* a ReadableStream of WebTransportBidirectionalStream objects */ readonly attribute ReadableStream incomingBidirectionalStreams; Promise createUnidirectionalStream( optional WebTransportSendStreamOptions options = {}); /* a ReadableStream of WebTransportReceiveStream objects */ readonly attribute ReadableStream incomingUnidirectionalStreams; }; enum WebTransportReliabilityMode { "pending", "reliable-only", "supports-unreliable", }; dictionary WebTransportHash { DOMString algorithm; BufferSource value; }; dictionary WebTransportOptions { boolean allowPooling = false; boolean requireUnreliable = false; sequence serverCertificateHashes; WebTransportCongestionControl congestionControl = "default"; }; enum WebTransportCongestionControl { "default", "throughput", "low-latency", }; dictionary WebTransportCloseInfo { unsigned long closeCode = 0; USVString reason = ""; }; dictionary WebTransportSendStreamOptions { long long? sendOrder = null; }; dictionary WebTransportStats { DOMHighResTimeStamp timestamp; unsigned long long bytesSent; unsigned long long packetsSent; unsigned long long packetsLost; unsigned long numOutgoingStreamsCreated; unsigned long numIncomingStreamsCreated; unsigned long long bytesReceived; unsigned long long packetsReceived; DOMHighResTimeStamp smoothedRtt; DOMHighResTimeStamp rttVariation; DOMHighResTimeStamp minRtt; WebTransportDatagramStats datagrams; }; dictionary WebTransportDatagramStats { DOMHighResTimeStamp timestamp; unsigned long long expiredOutgoing; unsigned long long droppedIncoming; unsigned long long lostOutgoing; }; [Exposed=(Window,Worker), SecureContext, Transferable] interface WebTransportSendStream : WritableStream { Promise getStats(); }; dictionary WebTransportSendStreamStats { DOMHighResTimeStamp timestamp; unsigned long long bytesWritten; unsigned long long bytesSent; unsigned long long bytesAcknowledged; }; [Exposed=(Window,Worker), SecureContext, Transferable] interface WebTransportReceiveStream : ReadableStream { Promise getStats(); }; dictionary WebTransportReceiveStreamStats { DOMHighResTimeStamp timestamp; unsigned long long bytesReceived; unsigned long long bytesRead; }; [Exposed=(Window,Worker), SecureContext] interface WebTransportBidirectionalStream { readonly attribute WebTransportReceiveStream readable; readonly attribute WebTransportSendStream writable; }; [Exposed=(Window,Worker), Serializable, SecureContext] interface WebTransportError : DOMException { constructor(optional DOMString message = "", optional WebTransportErrorOptions options = {}); readonly attribute WebTransportErrorSource source; readonly attribute octet? streamErrorCode; }; dictionary WebTransportErrorOptions { WebTransportErrorSource source = "stream"; [Clamp] octet? streamErrorCode = null; }; enum WebTransportErrorSource { "stream", "session", };