// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // or the MIT license // , at your option. // All files in the project carrying such notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. //! Component object model defintions use shared::minwindef::LPVOID; use um::combaseapi::COINITBASE_MULTITHREADED; use um::winnt::HRESULT; ENUM!{enum COINIT { COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED = 0x2, COINIT_MULTITHREADED = COINITBASE_MULTITHREADED, COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE = 0x4, COINIT_SPEED_OVER_MEMORY = 0x8, }} // pub fn CoBuildVersion(); extern "system" { pub fn CoInitialize( pvReserved: LPVOID, ) -> HRESULT; } // pub fn CoRegisterMallocSpy(); // pub fn CoRevokeMallocSpy(); // pub fn CoRegisterInitializeSpy(); // pub fn CoRevokeInitializeSpy(); // pub fn CoGetSystemSecurityPermissions(); // pub fn CoLoadLibrary(); // pub fn CoFreeLibrary(); // pub fn CoFreeAllLibraries(); // pub fn CoGetInstanceFromFile(); // pub fn CoGetInstanceFromIStorage(); // pub fn CoAllowSetForegroundWindow(); // pub fn DcomChannelSetHResult(); // pub fn CoIsOle1Class(); // pub fn CLSIDFromProgIDEx(); // pub fn CoFileTimeToDosDateTime(); // pub fn CoDosDateTimeToFileTime(); // pub fn CoFileTimeNow(); // pub fn CoRegisterMessageFilter(); // pub fn CoRegisterChannelHook(); // pub fn CoTreatAsClass(); // pub fn CreateDataAdviseHolder(); // pub fn CreateDataCache(); // pub fn StgOpenAsyncDocfileOnIFillLockBytes(); // pub fn StgGetIFillLockBytesOnILockBytes(); // pub fn StgGetIFillLockBytesOnFile(); // pub fn StgOpenLayoutDocfile(); // pub fn CoInstall(); // pub fn BindMoniker(); // pub fn CoGetObject(); // pub fn MkParseDisplayName(); // pub fn MonikerRelativePathTo(); // pub fn MonikerCommonPrefixWith(); // pub fn CreateBindCtx(); // pub fn CreateGenericComposite(); // pub fn GetClassFile(); // pub fn CreateClassMoniker(); // pub fn CreateFileMoniker(); // pub fn CreateItemMoniker(); // pub fn CreateAntiMoniker(); // pub fn CreatePointerMoniker(); // pub fn CreateObjrefMoniker(); // pub fn GetRunningObjectTable(); // pub fn CreateStdProgressIndicator();