// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // or the MIT license // , at your option. // All files in the project carrying such notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. use shared::bthdef::{ BTH_ADDR, MAX_L2CAP_INFO_DATA_LENGTH, MAX_L2CAP_PING_DATA_LENGTH, MAX_UUIDS_IN_QUERY, }; use shared::bthsdpdef::{SdpAttributeRange, SdpQueryUuid}; use shared::guiddef::GUID; use shared::minwindef::{DWORD, PULONG, UCHAR, ULONG, USHORT}; use shared::ws2def::IOC_VENDOR; use um::winnt::HANDLE; pub const BT_PORT_ANY: ULONG = -1i32 as ULONG; pub const BT_PORT_MIN: ULONG = 0x1; pub const BT_PORT_MAX: ULONG = 0xffff; pub const BT_PORT_DYN_FIRST: ULONG = 0x1001; pub const AF_BTH: USHORT = 32; pub const PH_BTH: USHORT = AF_BTH; pub const NS_BTH: USHORT = 16; STRUCT!{#[repr(packed)] struct SOCKADDR_BTH { addressFamily: USHORT, btAddr: BTH_ADDR, serviceClassId: GUID, port: ULONG, }} pub type PSOCKADDR_BTH = *mut SOCKADDR_BTH; DEFINE_GUID!{SVCID_BTH_PROVIDER, 0x6aa63e0, 0x7d60, 0x41ff, 0xaf, 0xb2, 0x3e, 0xe6, 0xd2, 0xd9, 0x39, 0x2d} pub const BTH_ADDR_STRING_SIZE: DWORD = 12; pub const BTHPROTO_RFCOMM: USHORT = 0x0003; pub const BTHPROTO_L2CAP: USHORT = 0x0100; pub const SOL_RFCOMM: USHORT = BTHPROTO_RFCOMM; pub const SOL_L2CAP: USHORT = BTHPROTO_L2CAP; pub const SOL_SDP: USHORT = 0x0101; pub const SO_BTH_AUTHENTICATE: ULONG = 0x80000001; pub const SO_BTH_ENCRYPT: ULONG = 0x00000002; pub const SO_BTH_MTU: ULONG = 0x80000007; pub const SO_BTH_MTU_MAX: ULONG = 0x80000008; pub const SO_BTH_MTU_MIN: ULONG = 0x8000000a; pub const RFCOMM_MAX_MTU: ULONG = 0x000003F3; pub const RFCOMM_MIN_MTU: ULONG = 0x00000017; pub const BTH_SDP_VERSION: ULONG = 1; STRUCT!{#[repr(packed)] struct BTH_SET_SERVICE { pSdpVersion: PULONG, pRecordHandle: HANDLE, fCodService: ULONG, Reserved: [ULONG; 5], ulRecordLength: ULONG, pRecord: [UCHAR; 1], }} pub type PBTH_SET_SERVICE = *mut BTH_SET_SERVICE; pub const SDP_DEFAULT_INQUIRY_SECONDS: UCHAR = 6; pub const SDP_MAX_INQUIRY_SECONDS: UCHAR = 60; pub const SDP_DEFAULT_INQUIRY_MAX_RESPONSES: UCHAR = 255; pub const SDP_SERVICE_SEARCH_REQUEST: ULONG = 1; pub const SDP_SERVICE_ATTRIBUTE_REQUEST: ULONG = 2; pub const SDP_SERVICE_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTE_REQUEST: ULONG = 3; STRUCT!{#[repr(packed)] struct BTH_QUERY_DEVICE { LAP: ULONG, length: UCHAR, }} pub type PBTH_QUERY_DEVICE = *mut BTH_QUERY_DEVICE; STRUCT!{#[repr(packed)] struct BTH_QUERY_SERVICE { type_: ULONG, serviceHandle: ULONG, uuids: [SdpQueryUuid; MAX_UUIDS_IN_QUERY], numRange: ULONG, pRange: [SdpAttributeRange; 1], }} pub type PBTH_QUERY_SERVICE = *mut BTH_QUERY_SERVICE; pub const BTHNS_RESULT_DEVICE_CONNECTED: DWORD = 0x00010000; pub const BTHNS_RESULT_DEVICE_REMEMBERED: DWORD = 0x00020000; pub const BTHNS_RESULT_DEVICE_AUTHENTICATED: DWORD = 0x00040000; pub const SIO_RFCOMM_SEND_COMMAND: DWORD = _WSAIORW!(IOC_VENDOR, 101); pub const SIO_RFCOMM_WAIT_COMMAND: DWORD = _WSAIORW!(IOC_VENDOR, 102); pub const SIO_BTH_PING: DWORD = _WSAIORW!(IOC_VENDOR, 8); pub const SIO_BTH_INFO: DWORD = _WSAIORW!(IOC_VENDOR, 9); pub const SIO_RFCOMM_SESSION_FLOW_OFF: DWORD = _WSAIORW!(IOC_VENDOR, 103); pub const SIO_RFCOMM_TEST: DWORD = _WSAIORW!(IOC_VENDOR, 104); pub const SIO_RFCOMM_USECFC: DWORD = _WSAIORW!(IOC_VENDOR, 105); macro_rules! BIT { ($b:expr) => { 1 << $b }; } STRUCT!{#[repr(packed)] struct RFCOMM_MSC_DATA { Signals: UCHAR, Break: UCHAR, }} pub type PRFCOMM_MSC_DATA = *mut RFCOMM_MSC_DATA; pub const MSC_EA_BIT: UCHAR = BIT!(0); pub const MSC_FC_BIT: UCHAR = BIT!(1); pub const MSC_RTC_BIT: UCHAR = BIT!(2); pub const MSC_RTR_BIT: UCHAR = BIT!(3); pub const MSC_RESERVED: UCHAR = BIT!(4) | BIT!(5); pub const MSC_IC_BIT: UCHAR = BIT!(6); pub const MSC_DV_BIT: UCHAR = BIT!(7); pub const MSC_BREAK_BIT: UCHAR = BIT!(1); macro_rules! MSC_SET_BREAK_LENGTH { ($b: expr, $l: expr) => { ($b & 0x3) | (($l & 0xf) << 4) }; } STRUCT!{#[repr(packed)] struct RFCOMM_RLS_DATA { LineStatus: UCHAR, }} pub type PRFCOMM_RLS_DATA = *mut RFCOMM_RLS_DATA; pub const RLS_ERROR: UCHAR = 0x01; pub const RLS_OVERRUN: UCHAR = 0x02; pub const RLS_PARITY: UCHAR = 0x04; pub const RLS_FRAMING: UCHAR = 0x08; STRUCT!{#[repr(packed)] struct RFCOMM_RPN_DATA { Baud: UCHAR, Data: UCHAR, FlowControl: UCHAR, XonChar: UCHAR, XoffChar: UCHAR, ParameterMask1: UCHAR, ParameterMask2: UCHAR, }} pub type PRFCOMM_RPN_DATA = *mut RFCOMM_RPN_DATA; pub const RPN_BAUD_2400: UCHAR = 0; pub const RPN_BAUD_4800: UCHAR = 1; pub const RPN_BAUD_7200: UCHAR = 2; pub const RPN_BAUD_9600: UCHAR = 3; pub const RPN_BAUD_19200: UCHAR = 4; pub const RPN_BAUD_38400: UCHAR = 5; pub const RPN_BAUD_57600: UCHAR = 6; pub const RPN_BAUD_115200: UCHAR = 7; pub const RPN_BAUD_230400: UCHAR = 8; pub const RPN_DATA_5: UCHAR = 0x0; pub const RPN_DATA_6: UCHAR = 0x1; pub const RPN_DATA_7: UCHAR = 0x2; pub const RPN_DATA_8: UCHAR = 0x3; pub const RPN_STOP_1: UCHAR = 0x0; pub const RPN_STOP_1_5: UCHAR = 0x4; pub const RPN_PARITY_NONE: UCHAR = 0x00; pub const RPN_PARITY_ODD: UCHAR = 0x08; pub const RPN_PARITY_EVEN: UCHAR = 0x18; pub const RPN_PARITY_MARK: UCHAR = 0x28; pub const RPN_PARITY_SPACE: UCHAR = 0x38; pub const RPN_FLOW_X_IN: UCHAR = 0x01; pub const RPN_FLOW_X_OUT: UCHAR = 0x02; pub const RPN_FLOW_RTR_IN: UCHAR = 0x04; pub const RPN_FLOW_RTR_OUT: UCHAR = 0x08; pub const RPN_FLOW_RTC_IN: UCHAR = 0x10; pub const RPN_FLOW_RTC_OUT: UCHAR = 0x20; pub const RPN_PARAM_BAUD: UCHAR = 0x01; pub const RPN_PARAM_DATA: UCHAR = 0x02; pub const RPN_PARAM_STOP: UCHAR = 0x04; pub const RPN_PARAM_PARITY: UCHAR = 0x08; pub const RPN_PARAM_P_TYPE: UCHAR = 0x10; pub const RPN_PARAM_XON: UCHAR = 0x20; pub const RPN_PARAM_XOFF: UCHAR = 0x40; pub const RPN_PARAM_X_IN: UCHAR = 0x01; pub const RPN_PARAM_X_OUT: UCHAR = 0x02; pub const RPN_PARAM_RTR_IN: UCHAR = 0x04; pub const RPN_PARAM_RTR_OUT: UCHAR = 0x08; pub const RPN_PARAM_RTC_IN: UCHAR = 0x10; pub const RPN_PARAM_RTC_OUT: UCHAR = 0x20; pub const RFCOMM_CMD_NONE: UCHAR = 0; pub const RFCOMM_CMD_MSC: UCHAR = 1; pub const RFCOMM_CMD_RLS: UCHAR = 2; pub const RFCOMM_CMD_RPN: UCHAR = 3; pub const RFCOMM_CMD_RPN_REQUEST: UCHAR = 4; pub const RFCOMM_CMD_RPN_RESPONSE: UCHAR = 5; UNION!{#[repr(packed)] union RFCOMM_COMMAND_Data { [u8; 7], MSC MSC_mut: RFCOMM_MSC_DATA, RLS RLS_mut: RFCOMM_RLS_DATA, RPN RPN_mut: RFCOMM_RPN_DATA, }} STRUCT!{#[repr(packed)] struct RFCOMM_COMMAND { CmdType: ULONG, Data: RFCOMM_COMMAND_Data, }} pub type PRFCOMM_COMMAND = *mut RFCOMM_COMMAND; STRUCT!{#[repr(packed)] struct BTH_PING_REQ { btAddr: BTH_ADDR, dataLen: UCHAR, data: [UCHAR; MAX_L2CAP_PING_DATA_LENGTH], }} pub type PBTH_PING_REQ = *mut BTH_PING_REQ; STRUCT!{#[repr(packed)] struct BTH_PING_RSP { dataLen: UCHAR, data: [UCHAR; MAX_L2CAP_PING_DATA_LENGTH], }} pub type PBTH_PING_RSP = *mut BTH_PING_RSP; STRUCT!{#[repr(packed)] struct BTH_INFO_REQ { btAddr: BTH_ADDR, infoType: USHORT, }} pub type PBTH_INFO_REQ = *mut BTH_INFO_REQ; UNION!{#[repr(packed)] union BTH_INFO_RSP_u { [u8; MAX_L2CAP_INFO_DATA_LENGTH], connectionlessMTU connectionlessMTU_mut: USHORT, data data_mut: [UCHAR; MAX_L2CAP_INFO_DATA_LENGTH], }} STRUCT!{#[repr(packed)] struct BTH_INFO_RSP { result: USHORT, dataLen: UCHAR, u: BTH_INFO_RSP_u, }} pub type PBTH_INFO_RSP = *mut BTH_INFO_RSP; pub type BTHNS_SETBLOB = BTH_SET_SERVICE; pub type PBTHNS_SETBLOB = PBTH_SET_SERVICE; pub type BTHNS_INQUIRYBLOB = BTH_QUERY_DEVICE; pub type PBTHNS_INQUIRYBLOB = PBTH_QUERY_DEVICE; pub type BTHNS_RESTRICTIONBLOB = BTH_QUERY_SERVICE; pub type PBTHNS_RESTRICTIONBLOB = PBTH_QUERY_SERVICE;