use super::*; pub fn writer(writer: &Writer, def: TypeDef) -> TokenStream { let type_name = writer.reader.type_def_type_name(def); let ident = to_ident(; let underlying_type = writer.reader.type_def_underlying_type(def); let underlying_type = writer.type_name(&underlying_type); // TODO: unscoped enums should be removed from metadata let is_scoped = writer.reader.type_def_flags(def).contains(TypeAttributes::WindowsRuntime) || writer.reader.has_attribute(def, "ScopedEnumAttribute"); let cfg = type_def_cfg(writer.reader, def, &[]); let doc = writer.cfg_doc(&cfg); let features = writer.cfg_features(&cfg); let fields: Vec<(TokenStream, TokenStream)> = writer .reader .type_def_fields(def) .filter_map(|field| { if writer.reader.field_flags(field).contains(FieldAttributes::Literal) { let field_name = to_ident(writer.reader.field_name(field)); let constant = writer.reader.field_constant(field).unwrap(); let value = writer.value(&writer.reader.constant_value(constant)); Some((field_name, value)) } else { None } }) .collect(); let eq = if writer.sys { quote! {} } else { quote! { // Unfortunately, Rust requires these to be derived to allow constant patterns. #[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] } }; let mut tokens = if is_scoped || !writer.sys { quote! { #doc #features #[repr(transparent)] #eq pub struct #ident(pub #underlying_type); } } else { quote! { #doc #features pub type #ident = #underlying_type; } }; if is_scoped { let fields = fields.iter().map(|(field_name, value)| { quote! { pub const #field_name: Self = Self(#value); } }); tokens.combine("e! { #features impl #ident { #(#fields)* } }); } if is_scoped || !writer.sys { tokens.combine("e! { #features impl ::core::marker::Copy for #ident {} #features impl ::core::clone::Clone for #ident { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } }); } if !writer.sys { tokens.combine("e! { #features impl ::core::default::Default for #ident { fn default() -> Self { Self(0) } } }); } if !writer.sys { let name =; tokens.combine("e! { #features impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for #ident { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } #features impl ::core::fmt::Debug for #ident { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { f.debug_tuple(#name).field(&self.0).finish() } } }); // Win32 enums use the Flags attribute. WinRT enums don't have the Flags attribute but are paritioned merely based // on whether they are signed. // TODO: Win32 metadata should just follow WinRT's example here. let type_def_is_flags = writer.reader.has_attribute(def, "FlagsAttribute") || (writer.reader.type_def_flags(def).contains(TypeAttributes::WindowsRuntime) && writer.reader.type_def_underlying_type(def) == Type::U32); if type_def_is_flags { tokens.combine("e! { #features impl #ident { pub const fn contains(&self, other: Self) -> bool { self.0 & other.0 == other.0 } } #features impl ::core::ops::BitOr for #ident { type Output = Self; fn bitor(self, other: Self) -> Self { Self(self.0 | other.0) } } #features impl ::core::ops::BitAnd for #ident { type Output = Self; fn bitand(self, other: Self) -> Self { Self(self.0 & other.0) } } #features impl ::core::ops::BitOrAssign for #ident { fn bitor_assign(&mut self, other: Self) { self.0.bitor_assign(other.0) } } #features impl ::core::ops::BitAndAssign for #ident { fn bitand_assign(&mut self, other: Self) { self.0.bitand_assign(other.0) } } #features impl ::core::ops::Not for #ident { type Output = Self; fn not(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.not()) } } }); } if writer.reader.type_def_flags(def).contains(TypeAttributes::WindowsRuntime) { let signature = Literal::byte_string(type_def_signature(writer.reader, def, &[]).as_bytes()); tokens.combine("e! { #features impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for #ident { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(#signature); } }); } } tokens }