use std::collections::HashMap; use winnow::prelude::*; use winnow::{ ascii::{alphanumeric1 as alphanumeric, escaped, float}, combinator::alt, combinator::cut_err, combinator::separated0, combinator::{preceded, separated_pair, terminated}, error::ParseError, token::one_of, token::{tag, take_while}, IResult, }; use std::cell::Cell; use std::str; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct JsonValue<'a, 'b> { input: &'a str, pub offset: &'b Cell, } impl<'a, 'b: 'a> JsonValue<'a, 'b> { pub fn new(input: &'a str, offset: &'b Cell) -> JsonValue<'a, 'b> { JsonValue { input, offset } } pub fn offset(&self, input: &'a str) { let offset = input.as_ptr() as usize - self.input.as_ptr() as usize; self.offset.set(offset); } pub fn data(&self) -> &'a str { &self.input[self.offset.get()..] } pub fn string(&self) -> Option<&'a str> { println!("string()"); match string( { Ok((i, s)) => { self.offset(i); println!("-> {}", s); Some(s) } _ => None, } } pub fn boolean(&self) -> Option { println!("boolean()"); match boolean( { Ok((i, o)) => { self.offset(i); println!("-> {}", o); Some(o) } _ => None, } } pub fn number(&self) -> Option { println!("number()"); match float::<_, _, ()>( { Ok((i, o)) => { self.offset(i); println!("-> {}", o); Some(o) } _ => None, } } pub fn array(&self) -> Option>> { println!("array()"); match tag::<_, _, ()>("[").parse_next( { Err(_) => None, Ok((i, _)) => { println!("["); self.offset(i); let mut first = true; let mut done = false; let mut previous = std::usize::MAX; let v = self.clone(); Some(std::iter::from_fn(move || { if done { return None; } // if we ignored one of the items, skip over the value if v.offset.get() == previous { println!("skipping value"); if let Ok((i, _)) = value( { v.offset(i); } } if let Ok((i, _)) = tag::<_, _, ()>("]").parse_next( { println!("]"); v.offset(i); done = true; return None; } if first { first = false; } else { match tag::<_, _, ()>(",").parse_next( { Ok((i, _)) => { println!(","); v.offset(i); } Err(_) => { done = true; return None; } } } println!("-> {}",; previous = v.offset.get(); Some(v.clone()) })) } } } pub fn object(&self) -> Option)>> { println!("object()"); match tag::<_, _, ()>("{").parse_next( { Err(_) => None, Ok((i, _)) => { self.offset(i); println!("{{"); let mut first = true; let mut done = false; let mut previous = std::usize::MAX; let v = self.clone(); Some(std::iter::from_fn(move || { if done { return None; } // if we ignored one of the items, skip over the value if v.offset.get() == previous { println!("skipping value"); if let Ok((i, _)) = value( { v.offset(i); } } if let Ok((i, _)) = tag::<_, _, ()>("}").parse_next( { println!("}}"); v.offset(i); done = true; return None; } if first { first = false; } else { match tag::<_, _, ()>(",").parse_next( { Ok((i, _)) => { println!(","); v.offset(i); } Err(_) => { done = true; return None; } } } match string( { Ok((i, key)) => { v.offset(i); match tag::<_, _, ()>(":").parse_next( { Err(_) => None, Ok((i, _)) => { v.offset(i); previous = v.offset.get(); println!("-> {} => {}", key,; Some((key, v.clone())) } } } _ => None, } })) } } } } fn sp<'a, E: ParseError<&'a str>>(i: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, &'a str, E> { let chars = " \t\r\n"; take_while(0.., move |c| chars.contains(c)).parse_next(i) } fn parse_str<'a, E: ParseError<&'a str>>(i: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, &'a str, E> { escaped(alphanumeric, '\\', one_of("\"n\\")).parse_next(i) } fn string(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { preceded('\"', cut_err(terminated(parse_str, '\"'))) .context("string") .parse_next(i) } fn boolean(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, bool> { alt(("false".map(|_| false), "true".map(|_| true))).parse_next(input) } fn array(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, ()> { preceded( '[', cut_err(terminated( separated0(value, preceded(sp, ',')), preceded(sp, ']'), )), ) .context("array") .parse_next(i) } fn key_value(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, (&str, ())> { separated_pair(preceded(sp, string), cut_err(preceded(sp, ':')), value).parse_next(i) } fn hash(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, ()> { preceded( '{', cut_err(terminated( separated0(key_value, preceded(sp, ',')), preceded(sp, '}'), )), ) .context("map") .parse_next(i) } fn value(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, ()> { preceded( sp, alt(( hash, array,|_| ()), float::<_, f64, _>.map(|_| ()),|_| ()), )), ) .parse_next(i) } /// object(input) -> iterator over (key, `JsonValue`) /// array(input) -> iterator over `JsonValue` /// /// JsonValue.string -> iterator over String (returns None after first successful call) /// /// object(input).filter(|(k, _)| k == "users").flatten(|(_, v)| v.object()).filter(|(k, _)| k == "city").flatten(|(_,v)| v.string()) fn main() { /*let data = "{ \"users\": { \"user1\" : { \"city\": \"Nantes\", \"country\": \"France\" }, \"user2\" : { \"city\": \"Bruxelles\", \"country\": \"Belgium\" }, \"user3\": { \"city\": \"Paris\", \"country\": \"France\", \"age\": 30 } }, \"countries\": [\"France\", \"Belgium\"] }"; */ let data = "{\"users\":{\"user1\":{\"city\":\"Nantes\",\"country\":\"France\"},\"user2\":{\"city\":\"Bruxelles\",\"country\":\"Belgium\"},\"user3\":{\"city\":\"Paris\",\"country\":\"France\",\"age\":30}},\"countries\":[\"France\",\"Belgium\"]}"; let offset = Cell::new(0); { let parser = JsonValue::new(data, &offset); if let Some(o) = parser.object() { let s: HashMap<&str, &str> = o .filter(|(k, _)| *k == "users") .filter_map(|(_, v)| v.object()) .flatten() .filter_map(|(user, v)| v.object().map(|o| (user, o))) .flat_map(|(user, o)| { o.filter(|(k, _)| *k == "city") .filter_map(move |(_, v)| v.string().map(|s| (user, s))) }) .collect(); println!("res = {:?}", s); } }; }