// This file is part of ICU4X. For terms of use, please see the file // called LICENSE at the top level of the ICU4X source tree // (online at: https://github.com/unicode-org/icu4x/blob/main/LICENSE ). //! Custom derives for `ZeroFrom` from the `zerofrom` crate. // https://github.com/unicode-org/icu4x/blob/main/docs/process/boilerplate.md#library-annotations #![cfg_attr( not(test), deny( clippy::indexing_slicing, clippy::unwrap_used, clippy::expect_used, clippy::panic, clippy::exhaustive_structs, clippy::exhaustive_enums, missing_debug_implementations, ) )] use proc_macro::TokenStream; use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream as TokenStream2}; use quote::quote; use syn::spanned::Spanned; use syn::{parse_macro_input, parse_quote, DeriveInput, Ident, Lifetime, Type, WherePredicate}; use synstructure::Structure; mod visitor; /// Custom derive for `zerofrom::ZeroFrom`, /// /// This implements `ZeroFrom for Ty` for types /// without a lifetime parameter, and `ZeroFrom> for Ty<'static>` /// for types with a lifetime parameter. /// /// Apply the `#[zerofrom(clone)]` attribute to a field if it doesn't implement /// Copy or ZeroFrom; this data will be cloned when the struct is zero_from'ed. #[proc_macro_derive(ZeroFrom, attributes(zerofrom))] pub fn zf_derive(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let input = parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput); TokenStream::from(zf_derive_impl(&input)) } fn has_clone_attr(attrs: &[syn::Attribute]) -> bool { attrs.iter().any(|a| { if let Ok(i) = a.parse_args::() { if i == "clone" { return true; } } false }) } fn zf_derive_impl(input: &DeriveInput) -> TokenStream2 { let tybounds = input .generics .type_params() .map(|ty| { // Strip out param defaults, we don't need them in the impl let mut ty = ty.clone(); ty.eq_token = None; ty.default = None; ty }) .collect::>(); let typarams = tybounds .iter() .map(|ty| ty.ident.clone()) .collect::>(); let lts = input.generics.lifetimes().count(); let name = &input.ident; let structure = Structure::new(input); if lts == 0 { let has_clone = structure .variants() .iter() .flat_map(|variant| variant.bindings().iter()) .any(|binding| has_clone_attr(&binding.ast().attrs)); let (clone, clone_trait) = if has_clone { (quote!(this.clone()), quote!(Clone)) } else { (quote!(*this), quote!(Copy)) }; let bounds: Vec = typarams .iter() .map(|ty| parse_quote!(#ty: #clone_trait + 'static)) .collect(); quote! { impl<'zf, #(#tybounds),*> zerofrom::ZeroFrom<'zf, #name<#(#typarams),*>> for #name<#(#typarams),*> where #(#bounds),* { fn zero_from(this: &'zf Self) -> Self { #clone } } } } else { if lts != 1 { return syn::Error::new( input.generics.span(), "derive(ZeroFrom) cannot have multiple lifetime parameters", ) .to_compile_error(); } let generics_env = typarams.iter().cloned().collect(); let mut zf_bounds: Vec = vec![]; let body = structure.each_variant(|vi| { vi.construct(|f, i| { let binding = format!("__binding_{i}"); let field = Ident::new(&binding, Span::call_site()); if has_clone_attr(&f.attrs) { quote! { #field.clone() } } else { let fty = replace_lifetime(&f.ty, custom_lt("'zf")); let lifetime_ty = replace_lifetime(&f.ty, custom_lt("'zf_inner")); let (has_ty, has_lt) = visitor::check_type_for_parameters(&f.ty, &generics_env); if has_ty { // For types without type parameters, the compiler can figure out that the field implements // ZeroFrom on its own. However, if there are type parameters, there may be complex preconditions // to `FieldTy: ZeroFrom` that need to be satisfied. We get them to be satisfied by requiring // `FieldTy<'zf>: ZeroFrom<'zf, FieldTy<'zf_inner>>` if has_lt { zf_bounds .push(parse_quote!(#fty: zerofrom::ZeroFrom<'zf, #lifetime_ty>)); } else { zf_bounds.push(parse_quote!(#fty: zerofrom::ZeroFrom<'zf, #fty>)); } } if has_ty || has_lt { // By doing this we essentially require ZF to be implemented // on all fields quote! { <#fty as zerofrom::ZeroFrom<'zf, #lifetime_ty>>::zero_from(#field) } } else { // No lifetimes, so we can just copy quote! { *#field } } } }) }); quote! { impl<'zf, 'zf_inner, #(#tybounds),*> zerofrom::ZeroFrom<'zf, #name<'zf_inner, #(#typarams),*>> for #name<'zf, #(#typarams),*> where #(#zf_bounds,)* { fn zero_from(this: &'zf #name<'zf_inner, #(#typarams),*>) -> Self { match *this { #body } } } } } } fn custom_lt(s: &str) -> Lifetime { Lifetime::new(s, Span::call_site()) } fn replace_lifetime(x: &Type, lt: Lifetime) -> Type { use syn::fold::Fold; struct ReplaceLifetime(Lifetime); impl Fold for ReplaceLifetime { fn fold_lifetime(&mut self, _: Lifetime) -> Lifetime { self.0.clone() } } ReplaceLifetime(lt).fold_type(x.clone()) }