// This file is part of ICU4X. For terms of use, please see the file // called LICENSE at the top level of the ICU4X source tree // (online at: https://github.com/unicode-org/icu4x/blob/main/LICENSE ). //! Proc macros for generating `ULE`, `VarULE` impls and types for the `zerovec` crate use proc_macro::TokenStream; use syn::{parse_macro_input, AttributeArgs, DeriveInput}; mod make_ule; mod make_varule; pub(crate) mod ule; mod utils; mod varule; /// Full docs for this proc macro can be found on the [`zerovec`](docs.rs/zerovec) crate. #[proc_macro_derive(ULE)] pub fn ule_derive(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let input = parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput); TokenStream::from(ule::derive_impl(&input)) } /// Full docs for this proc macro can be found on the [`zerovec`](docs.rs/zerovec) crate. #[proc_macro_derive(VarULE)] pub fn varule_derive(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let input = parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput); TokenStream::from(varule::derive_impl(&input, None)) } /// Full docs for this proc macro can be found on the [`zerovec`](docs.rs/zerovec) crate. #[proc_macro_attribute] pub fn make_ule(attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let input = parse_macro_input!(item as DeriveInput); let attr = parse_macro_input!(attr as AttributeArgs); TokenStream::from(make_ule::make_ule_impl(attr, input)) } /// Full docs for this proc macro can be found on the [`zerovec`](docs.rs/zerovec) crate. #[proc_macro_attribute] pub fn make_varule(attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let input = parse_macro_input!(item as DeriveInput); let attr = parse_macro_input!(attr as AttributeArgs); TokenStream::from(make_varule::make_varule_impl(attr, input)) }