# THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY CARGO # # When uploading crates to the registry Cargo will automatically # "normalize" Cargo.toml files for maximal compatibility # with all versions of Cargo and also rewrite `path` dependencies # to registry (e.g., crates.io) dependencies. # # If you are reading this file be aware that the original Cargo.toml # will likely look very different (and much more reasonable). # See Cargo.toml.orig for the original contents. [package] edition = "2021" name = "zerovec" version = "0.9.0" authors = ["The ICU4X Project Developers"] include = [ "src/**/*", "examples/**/*", "benches/**/*", "Cargo.toml", "LICENSE", "README.md", ] description = "Zero-copy vector backed by a byte array" readme = "README.md" keywords = [ "zerocopy", "serialization", "zero-copy", "serde", ] categories = [ "rust-patterns", "memory-management", "caching", "no-std", "data-structures", ] license = "Unicode-DFS-2016" repository = "https://github.com/unicode-org/icu4x" resolver = "2" [package.metadata.docs.rs] all-features = true [[example]] name = "zv_serde" required-features = ["serde"] [[bench]] name = "zerovec" harness = false [[bench]] name = "zerovec_serde" harness = false required-features = ["serde"] [[bench]] name = "vzv" harness = false [[bench]] name = "zerovec_iai" harness = false [[bench]] name = "zeromap" harness = false required-features = ["serde"] [dependencies.databake] version = "0.1.0" features = ["derive"] optional = true [dependencies.serde] version = "1.0" features = ["alloc"] optional = true default-features = false [dependencies.yoke] version = "0.6.0" optional = true [dependencies.zerofrom] version = "0.1.0" [dependencies.zerovec-derive] version = "0.9.0" optional = true [dev-dependencies.bincode] version = "1.3" [dev-dependencies.criterion] version = "0.3.4" [dev-dependencies.getrandom] version = "0.2" features = ["js"] [dev-dependencies.iai] version = "0.1" [dev-dependencies.icu_benchmark_macros] version = "0.7" [dev-dependencies.postcard] version = "1.0.0" features = ["use-std"] [dev-dependencies.rand] version = "0.8" [dev-dependencies.rand_distr] version = "0.4" [dev-dependencies.rand_pcg] version = "0.3" [dev-dependencies.serde] version = "1.0" features = ["derive"] [dev-dependencies.serde_json] version = "1.0" [dev-dependencies.yoke] version = "0.6.0" features = ["derive"] [dev-dependencies.zerofrom] version = "0.1.0" features = ["derive"] [features] bench = [] derive = ["zerovec-derive"] std = []