path: root/source4/dsdb/tests/python/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'source4/dsdb/tests/python/')
1 files changed, 296 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source4/dsdb/tests/python/ b/source4/dsdb/tests/python/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aabcc22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source4/dsdb/tests/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import optparse
+import sys
+sys.path.insert(0, 'bin/python')
+import os
+import samba
+import samba.getopt as options
+import random
+import time
+import itertools
+# We try to use the test infrastructure of Samba 4.3+, but if it
+# doesn't work, we are probably in a back-ported patch and trying to
+# run on 4.1 or something.
+# Don't copy this horror into ordinary tests -- it is special for
+# performance tests that want to apply to old versions.
+ from samba.tests.subunitrun import SubunitOptions, TestProgram
+except ImportError:
+ samba.ensure_external_module("testtools", "testtools")
+ samba.ensure_external_module("subunit", "subunit/python")
+ from import SubunitTestRunner
+ import unittest
+from samba.samdb import SamDB
+from samba.auth import system_session
+from ldb import Message, MessageElement, Dn, LdbError
+from ldb import FLAG_MOD_ADD
+from ldb import SCOPE_SUBTREE
+parser = optparse.OptionParser(" [options] <host>")
+sambaopts = options.SambaOptions(parser)
+ subunitopts = SubunitOptions(parser)
+ parser.add_option_group(subunitopts)
+# use command line creds if available
+credopts = options.CredentialsOptions(parser)
+opts, args = parser.parse_args()
+if len(args) < 1:
+ parser.print_usage()
+ sys.exit(1)
+host = args[0]
+lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm()
+creds = credopts.get_credentials(lp)
+class PerfTestException(Exception):
+ pass
+BATCH_SIZE = 1000
+class GlobalState(object):
+ next_user_id = 0
+ n_groups = 0
+ next_linked_user = 0
+ next_relinked_user = 0
+ next_linked_user_3 = 0
+ next_removed_link_0 = 0
+class UserTests(samba.tests.TestCase):
+ def add_if_possible(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """In these tests sometimes things are left in the database
+ deliberately, so we don't worry if we fail to add them a second
+ time."""
+ try:
+ self.ldb.add(*args, **kwargs)
+ except LdbError:
+ pass
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(UserTests, self).setUp()
+ self.state = GlobalState # the class itself, not an instance
+ self.lp = lp
+ self.ldb = SamDB(host, credentials=creds,
+ session_info=system_session(lp), lp=lp)
+ self.base_dn = self.ldb.domain_dn()
+ self.ou = "OU=pid%s,%s" % (os.getpid(), self.base_dn)
+ self.ou_users = "OU=users,%s" % self.ou
+ self.ou_groups = "OU=groups,%s" % self.ou
+ self.ou_computers = "OU=computers,%s" % self.ou
+ for dn in (self.ou, self.ou_users, self.ou_groups,
+ self.ou_computers):
+ self.add_if_possible({
+ "dn": dn,
+ "objectclass": "organizationalUnit"})
+ def tearDown(self):
+ super(UserTests, self).tearDown()
+ def test_00_00_do_nothing(self):
+ # this gives us an idea of the overhead
+ pass
+ def _prepare_n_groups(self, n):
+ self.state.n_groups = n
+ for i in range(n):
+ self.add_if_possible({
+ "dn": "cn=g%d,%s" % (i, self.ou_groups),
+ "objectclass": "group"})
+ def _add_users(self, start, end):
+ for i in range(start, end):
+ self.ldb.add({
+ "dn": "cn=u%d,%s" % (i, self.ou_users),
+ "objectclass": "user"})
+ def _add_users_ldif(self, start, end):
+ lines = []
+ for i in range(start, end):
+ lines.append("dn: cn=u%d,%s" % (i, self.ou_users))
+ lines.append("objectclass: user")
+ lines.append("")
+ self.ldb.add_ldif('\n'.join(lines))
+ def _test_unindexed_search(self):
+ expressions = [
+ ('(&(objectclass=user)(description='
+ 'Built-in account for adminstering the computer/domain))'),
+ '(description=Built-in account for adminstering the computer/domain)',
+ '(objectCategory=*)',
+ '(samaccountname=Administrator*)'
+ ]
+ for expression in expressions:
+ t = time.time()
+ for i in range(50):
+ expression=expression,
+ attrs=['cn'])
+ print('%d %s took %s' % (i, expression,
+ time.time() - t),
+ file=sys.stderr)
+ def _test_indexed_search(self):
+ expressions = ['(objectclass=group)',
+ '(samaccountname=Administrator)'
+ ]
+ for expression in expressions:
+ t = time.time()
+ for i in range(10000):
+ expression=expression,
+ attrs=['cn'])
+ print('%d runs %s took %s' % (i, expression,
+ time.time() - t),
+ file=sys.stderr)
+ def _test_complex_search(self):
+ classes = ['samaccountname', 'objectCategory', 'dn', 'member']
+ values = ['*', '*t*', 'g*', 'user']
+ comparators = ['=', '<=', '>='] # '~=' causes error
+ maybe_not = ['!(', '']
+ joiners = ['&', '|']
+ # The number of permutations is 18432, which is not huge but
+ # would take hours to search. So we take a sample.
+ all_permutations = list(itertools.product(joiners,
+ classes, classes,
+ values, values,
+ comparators, comparators,
+ maybe_not, maybe_not))
+ random.seed(1)
+ for (j, c1, c2, v1, v2,
+ o1, o2, n1, n2) in random.sample(all_permutations, 100):
+ expression = ''.join(['(', j,
+ '(', n1, c1, o1, v1,
+ '))' if n1 else ')',
+ '(', n2, c2, o2, v2,
+ '))' if n2 else ')',
+ ')'])
+ print(expression)
+ expression=expression,
+ attrs=['cn'])
+ def _test_member_search(self, rounds=10):
+ expressions = []
+ for d in range(50):
+ expressions.append('(member=cn=u%d,%s)' % (d + 500, self.ou_users))
+ expressions.append('(member=u%d*)' % (d + 700,))
+ for i in range(N_GROUPS):
+ expressions.append('(memberOf=cn=g%d,%s)' % (i, self.ou_groups))
+ expressions.append('(memberOf=cn=g%d*)' % (i,))
+ expressions.append('(memberOf=cn=*%s*)' % self.ou_groups)
+ for expression in expressions:
+ t = time.time()
+ for i in range(rounds):
+ expression=expression,
+ attrs=['cn'])
+ print('%d runs %s took %s' % (i, expression,
+ time.time() - t),
+ file=sys.stderr)
+ def _test_add_many_users(self, n=BATCH_SIZE):
+ s = self.state.next_user_id
+ e = s + n
+ self._add_users(s, e)
+ self.state.next_user_id = e
+ def _test_add_many_users_ldif(self, n=BATCH_SIZE):
+ s = self.state.next_user_id
+ e = s + n
+ self._add_users_ldif(s, e)
+ self.state.next_user_id = e
+ def _link_user_and_group(self, u, g):
+ m = Message()
+ m.dn = Dn(self.ldb, "CN=g%d,%s" % (g, self.ou_groups))
+ m["member"] = MessageElement("cn=u%d,%s" % (u, self.ou_users),
+ FLAG_MOD_ADD, "member")
+ self.ldb.modify(m)
+ def _test_link_many_users(self, n=BATCH_SIZE):
+ self._prepare_n_groups(N_GROUPS)
+ s = self.state.next_linked_user
+ e = s + n
+ for i in range(s, e):
+ # put everyone in group 0, and one other group
+ g = i % (N_GROUPS - 1) + 1
+ self._link_user_and_group(i, g)
+ self._link_user_and_group(i, 0)
+ self.state.next_linked_user = e
+ test_00_01_adding_users_1000 = _test_add_many_users
+ test_00_10_complex_search_1k_users = _test_complex_search
+ test_00_11_unindexed_search_1k_users = _test_unindexed_search
+ test_00_12_indexed_search_1k_users = _test_indexed_search
+ test_00_13_member_search_1k_users = _test_member_search
+ test_01_02_adding_users_2000_ldif = _test_add_many_users_ldif
+ test_01_03_adding_users_3000 = _test_add_many_users
+ test_01_10_complex_search_3k_users = _test_complex_search
+ test_01_11_unindexed_search_3k_users = _test_unindexed_search
+ test_01_12_indexed_search_3k_users = _test_indexed_search
+ def test_01_13_member_search_3k_users(self):
+ self._test_member_search(rounds=5)
+ test_02_01_link_users_1000 = _test_link_many_users
+ test_02_02_link_users_2000 = _test_link_many_users
+ test_02_03_link_users_3000 = _test_link_many_users
+ test_03_10_complex_search_linked_users = _test_complex_search
+ test_03_11_unindexed_search_linked_users = _test_unindexed_search
+ test_03_12_indexed_search_linked_users = _test_indexed_search
+ def test_03_13_member_search_linked_users(self):
+ self._test_member_search(rounds=2)
+if "://" not in host:
+ if os.path.isfile(host):
+ host = "tdb://%s" % host
+ else:
+ host = "ldap://%s" % host
+ runner = SubunitTestRunner()
+ if not
+ UserTests)).wasSuccessful():
+ sys.exit(1)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ TestProgram(module=__name__, opts=subunitopts)