path: root/source4/dsdb/tests/python/
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Diffstat (limited to 'source4/dsdb/tests/python/')
1 files changed, 785 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source4/dsdb/tests/python/ b/source4/dsdb/tests/python/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77529b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source4/dsdb/tests/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,785 @@
+from samba.credentials import Credentials, DONT_USE_KERBEROS, MUST_USE_KERBEROS
+from ldb import SCOPE_BASE, LdbError
+from ldb import SUCCESS as LDB_SUCCESS
+from ldb import Message, MessageElement, Dn
+from ldb import FLAG_MOD_REPLACE
+from samba import gensec, dsdb
+from samba.samdb import SamDB
+from samba.tests import delete_force
+from samba.dcerpc import security, samr
+from samba.ndr import ndr_unpack
+from samba.tests.password_test import PasswordTestCase
+import time
+class BasePasswordTestCase(PasswordTestCase):
+ if False:
+ debug = print
+ else:
+ def debug(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def _open_samr_user(self, res):
+ self.assertIn("objectSid", res[0])
+ (domain_sid, rid) = ndr_unpack(security.dom_sid, res[0]["objectSid"][0]).split()
+ self.assertEqual(self.domain_sid, domain_sid)
+ return self.samr.OpenUser(self.samr_domain, security.SEC_FLAG_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, rid)
+ def _check_attribute(self, res, name, value):
+ if value is None:
+ self.assertNotIn(name, res[0],
+ msg="attr[%s]=%r on dn[%s]" %
+ (name, res[0], res[0].dn))
+ return
+ if isinstance(value, tuple):
+ (mode, value) = value
+ else:
+ mode = "equal"
+ if mode == "ignore":
+ return
+ if mode == "absent":
+ self.assertNotIn(name, res[0],
+ msg="attr[%s] not missing on dn[%s]" %
+ (name, res[0].dn))
+ return
+ self.assertIn(name, res[0],
+ msg="attr[%s] missing on dn[%s]" %
+ (name, res[0].dn))
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(res[0][name]),
+ msg="attr[%s]=%r on dn[%s]" %
+ (name, res[0][name], res[0].dn))
+ self.debug("%s = '%s'" % (name, res[0][name][0]))
+ if mode == "present":
+ return
+ if mode == "equal":
+ v = int(res[0][name][0])
+ value = int(value)
+ msg = ("attr[%s]=[%s] != [%s] on dn[%s]\n"
+ "(diff %d; actual value is %s than expected)" %
+ (name, v, value, res[0].dn, v - value,
+ ('less' if v < value else 'greater')))
+ self.assertEqual(v, value, msg)
+ return
+ if mode == "greater":
+ v = int(res[0][name][0])
+ self.assertGreater(v, int(value),
+ msg="attr[%s]=[%s] <= [%s] on dn[%s] (diff %d)" %
+ (name, v, int(value), res[0].dn, v - int(value)))
+ return
+ if mode == "less":
+ v = int(res[0][name][0])
+ self.assertLess(v, int(value),
+ msg="attr[%s]=[%s] >= [%s] on dn[%s] (diff %d)" %
+ (name, v, int(value), res[0].dn, v - int(value)))
+ return
+"Invalid Mode[%s]" % mode)
+ def _check_account_initial(self, userdn):
+ self._check_account(userdn,
+ badPwdCount=0,
+ badPasswordTime=0,
+ logonCount=0,
+ lastLogon=0,
+ lastLogonTimestamp=("absent", None),
+ userAccountControl=dsdb.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT,
+ msDSUserAccountControlComputed=0)
+ def _check_account(self, dn,
+ badPwdCount=None,
+ badPasswordTime=None,
+ logonCount=None,
+ lastLogon=None,
+ lastLogonTimestamp=None,
+ lockoutTime=None,
+ userAccountControl=None,
+ msDSUserAccountControlComputed=None,
+ effective_bad_password_count=None,
+ msg=None,
+ badPwdCountOnly=False):
+ self.debug('-=' * 36)
+ if msg is not None:
+ self.debug("\033[01;32m %s \033[00m\n" % msg)
+ attrs = [
+ "objectSid",
+ "sAMAccountName",
+ "badPwdCount",
+ "badPasswordTime",
+ "lastLogon",
+ "lastLogonTimestamp",
+ "logonCount",
+ "lockoutTime",
+ "userAccountControl",
+ "msDS-User-Account-Control-Computed"
+ ]
+ # in order to prevent some time resolution problems we sleep for
+ # 10 micro second
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ res =, scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=attrs)
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(res))
+ self._check_attribute(res, "badPwdCount", badPwdCount)
+ self._check_attribute(res, "lockoutTime", lockoutTime)
+ self._check_attribute(res, "badPasswordTime", badPasswordTime)
+ if not badPwdCountOnly:
+ self._check_attribute(res, "logonCount", logonCount)
+ self._check_attribute(res, "lastLogon", lastLogon)
+ self._check_attribute(res, "lastLogonTimestamp", lastLogonTimestamp)
+ self._check_attribute(res, "userAccountControl", userAccountControl)
+ self._check_attribute(res, "msDS-User-Account-Control-Computed",
+ msDSUserAccountControlComputed)
+ lastLogon = int(res[0]["lastLogon"][0])
+ logonCount = int(res[0]["logonCount"][0])
+ samr_user = self._open_samr_user(res)
+ uinfo3 = self.samr.QueryUserInfo(samr_user, 3)
+ uinfo5 = self.samr.QueryUserInfo(samr_user, 5)
+ uinfo16 = self.samr.QueryUserInfo(samr_user, 16)
+ uinfo21 = self.samr.QueryUserInfo(samr_user, 21)
+ self.samr.Close(samr_user)
+ expected_acb_info = 0
+ if not badPwdCountOnly:
+ if userAccountControl & dsdb.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT:
+ expected_acb_info |= samr.ACB_NORMAL
+ if userAccountControl & dsdb.UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE:
+ expected_acb_info |= samr.ACB_DISABLED
+ if userAccountControl & dsdb.UF_PASSWD_NOTREQD:
+ expected_acb_info |= samr.ACB_PWNOTREQ
+ if msDSUserAccountControlComputed & dsdb.UF_LOCKOUT:
+ expected_acb_info |= samr.ACB_AUTOLOCK
+ if msDSUserAccountControlComputed & dsdb.UF_PASSWORD_EXPIRED:
+ expected_acb_info |= samr.ACB_PW_EXPIRED
+ self.assertEqual(uinfo3.acct_flags, expected_acb_info)
+ self.assertEqual(uinfo3.last_logon, lastLogon)
+ self.assertEqual(uinfo3.logon_count, logonCount)
+ expected_bad_password_count = 0
+ if badPwdCount is not None:
+ expected_bad_password_count = badPwdCount
+ if effective_bad_password_count is None:
+ effective_bad_password_count = expected_bad_password_count
+ self.assertEqual(uinfo3.bad_password_count, expected_bad_password_count)
+ if not badPwdCountOnly:
+ self.assertEqual(uinfo5.acct_flags, expected_acb_info)
+ self.assertEqual(uinfo5.bad_password_count, effective_bad_password_count)
+ self.assertEqual(uinfo5.last_logon, lastLogon)
+ self.assertEqual(uinfo5.logon_count, logonCount)
+ self.assertEqual(uinfo16.acct_flags, expected_acb_info)
+ self.assertEqual(uinfo21.acct_flags, expected_acb_info)
+ self.assertEqual(uinfo21.bad_password_count, effective_bad_password_count)
+ self.assertEqual(uinfo21.last_logon, lastLogon)
+ self.assertEqual(uinfo21.logon_count, logonCount)
+ # check LDAP again and make sure the samr.QueryUserInfo
+ # doesn't have any impact.
+ res2 =, scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=attrs)
+ self.assertEqual(res[0], res2[0])
+ # in order to prevent some time resolution problems we sleep for
+ # 10 micro second
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ return res
+ def update_lockout_settings(self, threshold, duration, observation_window):
+ """Updates the global user lockout settings"""
+ m = Message()
+ m.dn = Dn(self.ldb, self.base_dn)
+ account_lockout_duration_ticks = -int(duration * (1e7))
+ m["lockoutDuration"] = MessageElement(str(account_lockout_duration_ticks),
+ FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, "lockoutDuration")
+ m["lockoutThreshold"] = MessageElement(str(threshold),
+ FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, "lockoutThreshold")
+ lockout_observation_window_ticks = -int(observation_window * (1e7))
+ m["lockOutObservationWindow"] = MessageElement(str(lockout_observation_window_ticks),
+ FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, "lockOutObservationWindow")
+ self.ldb.modify(m)
+ def _readd_user(self, creds, lockOutObservationWindow=0, simple=False):
+ username = creds.get_username()
+ userpass = creds.get_password()
+ userdn = "cn=%s,cn=users,%s" % (username, self.base_dn)
+ if simple:
+ creds.set_bind_dn(userdn)
+ ldap_url = self.host_url_ldaps
+ else:
+ ldap_url = self.host_url
+ delete_force(self.ldb, userdn)
+ self.ldb.add({
+ "dn": userdn,
+ "objectclass": "user",
+ "sAMAccountName": username})
+ self.addCleanup(delete_force, self.ldb, userdn)
+ # Sets the initial user password with a "special" password change
+ # I think that this internally is a password set operation and it can
+ # only be performed by someone which has password set privileges on the
+ # account (at least in s4 we do handle it like that).
+ self.ldb.modify_ldif("""
+dn: """ + userdn + """
+changetype: modify
+delete: userPassword
+add: userPassword
+userPassword: """ + userpass + """
+ # Enables the user account
+ self.ldb.enable_account("(sAMAccountName=%s)" % username)
+ use_kerberos = creds.get_kerberos_state()
+ fail_creds = self.insta_creds(self.template_creds,
+ username=username,
+ userpass=userpass + "X",
+ kerberos_state=use_kerberos)
+ if simple:
+ fail_creds.set_bind_dn(userdn)
+ self._check_account_initial(userdn)
+ # Fail once to get a badPasswordTime
+ self.assertLoginFailure(ldap_url, fail_creds, self.lp)
+ # Always reset with Simple bind or Kerberos, allows testing without NTLM
+ if simple or use_kerberos == MUST_USE_KERBEROS:
+ success_creds = creds
+ else:
+ success_creds = self.insta_creds(self.template_creds,
+ username=username,
+ userpass=userpass)
+ success_creds.set_bind_dn(userdn)
+ ldap_url = self.host_url_ldaps
+ # Succeed to reset everything to 0
+ self.assertLoginSuccess(ldap_url, success_creds, self.lp)
+ def assertLoginFailure(self, url, creds, lp, errno=ERR_INVALID_CREDENTIALS):
+ try:
+ SamDB(url=url, credentials=creds, lp=lp)
+"Login unexpectedly succeeded")
+ except LdbError as e1:
+ (num, msg) = e1.args
+ if errno is not None:
+ self.assertEqual(num, errno, ("Login failed in the wrong way"
+ "(got err %d, expected %d)" %
+ (num, errno)))
+ def assertLoginSuccess(self, url, creds, lp):
+ try:
+ ldb = SamDB(url=url, credentials=creds, lp=lp)
+ return ldb
+ except LdbError as e1:
+ (num, msg) = e1.args
+ self.assertEqual(num, LDB_SUCCESS,
+ ("Login failed - %d - %s" % (
+ num, msg)))
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(BasePasswordTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self.global_creds.set_gensec_features(self.global_creds.get_gensec_features() |
+ gensec.FEATURE_SEAL)
+ self.template_creds = Credentials()
+ self.template_creds.set_username("testuser")
+ self.template_creds.set_password("thatsAcomplPASS1")
+ self.template_creds.set_domain(self.global_creds.get_domain())
+ self.template_creds.set_realm(self.global_creds.get_realm())
+ self.template_creds.set_workstation(self.global_creds.get_workstation())
+ self.template_creds.set_gensec_features(self.global_creds.get_gensec_features())
+ self.template_creds.set_kerberos_state(self.global_creds.get_kerberos_state())
+ # Gets back the basedn
+ base_dn = self.ldb.domain_dn()
+ res =,
+ scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["lockoutDuration", "lockOutObservationWindow", "lockoutThreshold"])
+ if "lockoutDuration" in res[0]:
+ lockoutDuration = res[0]["lockoutDuration"][0]
+ else:
+ lockoutDuration = 0
+ if "lockoutObservationWindow" in res[0]:
+ lockoutObservationWindow = res[0]["lockoutObservationWindow"][0]
+ else:
+ lockoutObservationWindow = 0
+ if "lockoutThreshold" in res[0]:
+ lockoutThreshold = res[0]["lockoutThreshold"][0]
+ else:
+ lockoutThreshold = 0
+ self.addCleanup(self.ldb.modify_ldif, """
+dn: """ + base_dn + """
+changetype: modify
+replace: lockoutDuration
+lockoutDuration: """ + str(lockoutDuration) + """
+replace: lockoutObservationWindow
+lockoutObservationWindow: """ + str(lockoutObservationWindow) + """
+replace: lockoutThreshold
+lockoutThreshold: """ + str(lockoutThreshold) + """
+ self.base_dn = self.ldb.domain_dn()
+ #
+ # Some test cases sleep() for self.account_lockout_duration
+ # so allow it to be controlled via the subclass
+ #
+ if not hasattr(self, 'account_lockout_duration'):
+ self.account_lockout_duration = 3
+ if not hasattr(self, 'lockout_observation_window'):
+ self.lockout_observation_window = 3
+ self.update_lockout_settings(threshold=3,
+ duration=self.account_lockout_duration,
+ observation_window=self.lockout_observation_window)
+ # update DC to allow password changes for the duration of this test
+ self.allow_password_changes()
+ self.domain_sid = security.dom_sid(self.ldb.get_domain_sid())
+ self.samr = samr.samr("ncacn_ip_tcp:%s[seal]" %, self.lp, self.global_creds)
+ self.samr_handle = self.samr.Connect2(None, security.SEC_FLAG_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED)
+ self.samr_domain = self.samr.OpenDomain(self.samr_handle, security.SEC_FLAG_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, self.domain_sid)
+ self.addCleanup(self.delete_ldb_connections)
+ # (Re)adds the test user accounts
+ self.lockout1krb5_creds = self.insta_creds(self.template_creds,
+ username="lockout1krb5",
+ userpass="thatsAcomplPASS0",
+ kerberos_state=MUST_USE_KERBEROS)
+ self._readd_user(self.lockout1krb5_creds)
+ self.lockout1ntlm_creds = self.insta_creds(self.template_creds,
+ username="lockout1ntlm",
+ userpass="thatsAcomplPASS0",
+ kerberos_state=DONT_USE_KERBEROS)
+ self._readd_user(self.lockout1ntlm_creds)
+ self.lockout1simple_creds = self.insta_creds(self.template_creds,
+ username="lockout1simple",
+ userpass="thatsAcomplPASS0",
+ kerberos_state=DONT_USE_KERBEROS)
+ self._readd_user(self.lockout1simple_creds,
+ simple=True)
+ def delete_ldb_connections(self):
+ del self.ldb
+ def tearDown(self):
+ super(BasePasswordTestCase, self).tearDown()
+ def _test_login_lockout(self, creds, wait_lockout_duration=True):
+ username = creds.get_username()
+ userpass = creds.get_password()
+ userdn = "cn=%s,cn=users,%s" % (username, self.base_dn)
+ use_kerberos = creds.get_kerberos_state()
+ # This unlocks by waiting for account_lockout_duration
+ if use_kerberos == MUST_USE_KERBEROS:
+ logoncount_relation = 'greater'
+ lastlogon_relation = 'greater'
+ self.debug("Performs a lockout attempt against LDAP using Kerberos")
+ else:
+ logoncount_relation = 'equal'
+ lastlogon_relation = 'equal'
+ self.debug("Performs a lockout attempt against LDAP using NTLM")
+ # Change password on a connection as another user
+ res = self._check_account(userdn,
+ badPwdCount=0,
+ badPasswordTime=("greater", 0),
+ logonCount=(logoncount_relation, 0),
+ lastLogon=("greater", 0),
+ lastLogonTimestamp=("greater", 0),
+ userAccountControl=dsdb.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT,
+ msDSUserAccountControlComputed=0)
+ badPasswordTime = int(res[0]["badPasswordTime"][0])
+ logonCount = int(res[0]["logonCount"][0])
+ lastLogon = int(res[0]["lastLogon"][0])
+ firstLogon = lastLogon
+ lastLogonTimestamp = int(res[0]["lastLogonTimestamp"][0])
+ self.debug(firstLogon)
+ self.debug(lastLogonTimestamp)
+ self.assertGreater(lastLogon, badPasswordTime)
+ self.assertGreaterEqual(lastLogon, lastLogonTimestamp)
+ # Open a second LDB connection with the user credentials. Use the
+ # command line credentials for information like the domain, the realm
+ # and the workstation.
+ creds_lockout = self.insta_creds(creds)
+ # The wrong password
+ creds_lockout.set_password("thatsAcomplPASS1x")
+ self.assertLoginFailure(self.host_url, creds_lockout, self.lp)
+ res = self._check_account(userdn,
+ badPwdCount=1,
+ badPasswordTime=("greater", badPasswordTime),
+ logonCount=logonCount,
+ lastLogon=lastLogon,
+ lastLogonTimestamp=lastLogonTimestamp,
+ userAccountControl=dsdb.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT,
+ msDSUserAccountControlComputed=0,
+ msg='lastlogontimestamp with wrong password')
+ badPasswordTime = int(res[0]["badPasswordTime"][0])
+ # Correct old password
+ creds_lockout.set_password(userpass)
+ SamDB(url=self.host_url, credentials=creds_lockout, lp=self.lp)
+ # lastLogonTimestamp should not change
+ # lastLogon increases if badPwdCount is non-zero (!)
+ res = self._check_account(userdn,
+ badPwdCount=0,
+ badPasswordTime=badPasswordTime,
+ logonCount=(logoncount_relation, logonCount),
+ lastLogon=('greater', lastLogon),
+ lastLogonTimestamp=lastLogonTimestamp,
+ userAccountControl=dsdb.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT,
+ msDSUserAccountControlComputed=0,
+ msg='LLTimestamp is updated to lastlogon')
+ logonCount = int(res[0]["logonCount"][0])
+ lastLogon = int(res[0]["lastLogon"][0])
+ self.assertGreater(lastLogon, badPasswordTime)
+ self.assertGreaterEqual(lastLogon, lastLogonTimestamp)
+ # The wrong password
+ creds_lockout.set_password("thatsAcomplPASS1x")
+ self.assertLoginFailure(self.host_url, creds_lockout, self.lp)
+ res = self._check_account(userdn,
+ badPwdCount=1,
+ badPasswordTime=("greater", badPasswordTime),
+ logonCount=logonCount,
+ lastLogon=lastLogon,
+ lastLogonTimestamp=lastLogonTimestamp,
+ userAccountControl=dsdb.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT,
+ msDSUserAccountControlComputed=0)
+ badPasswordTime = int(res[0]["badPasswordTime"][0])
+ # The wrong password
+ creds_lockout.set_password("thatsAcomplPASS1x")
+ try:
+ SamDB(url=self.host_url, credentials=creds_lockout, lp=self.lp)
+ except LdbError as e2:
+ (num, msg) = e2.args
+ self.assertEqual(num, ERR_INVALID_CREDENTIALS)
+ res = self._check_account(userdn,
+ badPwdCount=2,
+ badPasswordTime=("greater", badPasswordTime),
+ logonCount=logonCount,
+ lastLogon=lastLogon,
+ lastLogonTimestamp=lastLogonTimestamp,
+ userAccountControl=dsdb.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT,
+ msDSUserAccountControlComputed=0)
+ badPasswordTime = int(res[0]["badPasswordTime"][0])
+ self.debug("two failed password change")
+ # The wrong password
+ creds_lockout.set_password("thatsAcomplPASS1x")
+ try:
+ SamDB(url=self.host_url, credentials=creds_lockout, lp=self.lp)
+ except LdbError as e3:
+ (num, msg) = e3.args
+ self.assertEqual(num, ERR_INVALID_CREDENTIALS)
+ res = self._check_account(userdn,
+ badPwdCount=3,
+ badPasswordTime=("greater", badPasswordTime),
+ logonCount=logonCount,
+ lastLogon=lastLogon,
+ lastLogonTimestamp=lastLogonTimestamp,
+ lockoutTime=("greater", badPasswordTime),
+ userAccountControl=dsdb.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT,
+ msDSUserAccountControlComputed=dsdb.UF_LOCKOUT)
+ badPasswordTime = int(res[0]["badPasswordTime"][0])
+ lockoutTime = int(res[0]["lockoutTime"][0])
+ # The wrong password
+ creds_lockout.set_password("thatsAcomplPASS1x")
+ try:
+ SamDB(url=self.host_url, credentials=creds_lockout, lp=self.lp)
+ except LdbError as e4:
+ (num, msg) = e4.args
+ self.assertEqual(num, ERR_INVALID_CREDENTIALS)
+ res = self._check_account(userdn,
+ badPwdCount=3,
+ badPasswordTime=badPasswordTime,
+ logonCount=logonCount,
+ lastLogon=lastLogon,
+ lastLogonTimestamp=lastLogonTimestamp,
+ lockoutTime=lockoutTime,
+ userAccountControl=dsdb.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT,
+ msDSUserAccountControlComputed=dsdb.UF_LOCKOUT)
+ # The wrong password
+ creds_lockout.set_password("thatsAcomplPASS1x")
+ try:
+ SamDB(url=self.host_url, credentials=creds_lockout, lp=self.lp)
+ except LdbError as e5:
+ (num, msg) = e5.args
+ self.assertEqual(num, ERR_INVALID_CREDENTIALS)
+ res = self._check_account(userdn,
+ badPwdCount=3,
+ badPasswordTime=badPasswordTime,
+ logonCount=logonCount,
+ lastLogon=lastLogon,
+ lastLogonTimestamp=lastLogonTimestamp,
+ lockoutTime=lockoutTime,
+ userAccountControl=dsdb.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT,
+ msDSUserAccountControlComputed=dsdb.UF_LOCKOUT)
+ # The correct password, but we are locked out
+ creds_lockout.set_password(userpass)
+ try:
+ SamDB(url=self.host_url, credentials=creds_lockout, lp=self.lp)
+ except LdbError as e6:
+ (num, msg) = e6.args
+ self.assertEqual(num, ERR_INVALID_CREDENTIALS)
+ res = self._check_account(userdn,
+ badPwdCount=3,
+ badPasswordTime=badPasswordTime,
+ logonCount=logonCount,
+ lastLogon=lastLogon,
+ lastLogonTimestamp=lastLogonTimestamp,
+ lockoutTime=lockoutTime,
+ userAccountControl=dsdb.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT,
+ msDSUserAccountControlComputed=dsdb.UF_LOCKOUT)
+ # if we're just checking the user gets locked out, we can stop here
+ if not wait_lockout_duration:
+ return
+ # wait for the lockout to end
+ time.sleep(self.account_lockout_duration + 1)
+ self.debug(self.account_lockout_duration + 1)
+ res = self._check_account(userdn,
+ badPwdCount=3, effective_bad_password_count=0,
+ badPasswordTime=badPasswordTime,
+ logonCount=logonCount,
+ lockoutTime=lockoutTime,
+ lastLogon=lastLogon,
+ lastLogonTimestamp=lastLogonTimestamp,
+ userAccountControl=dsdb.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT,
+ msDSUserAccountControlComputed=0)
+ # The correct password after letting the timeout expire
+ creds_lockout.set_password(userpass)
+ creds_lockout2 = self.insta_creds(creds_lockout)
+ SamDB(url=self.host_url, credentials=creds_lockout2, lp=self.lp)
+ time.sleep(3)
+ res = self._check_account(userdn,
+ badPwdCount=0,
+ badPasswordTime=badPasswordTime,
+ logonCount=(logoncount_relation, logonCount),
+ lastLogon=(lastlogon_relation, lastLogon),
+ lastLogonTimestamp=lastLogonTimestamp,
+ lockoutTime=0,
+ userAccountControl=dsdb.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT,
+ msDSUserAccountControlComputed=0,
+ msg="lastLogon is way off")
+ logonCount = int(res[0]["logonCount"][0])
+ lastLogon = int(res[0]["lastLogon"][0])
+ # The wrong password
+ creds_lockout.set_password("thatsAcomplPASS1x")
+ try:
+ SamDB(url=self.host_url, credentials=creds_lockout, lp=self.lp)
+ except LdbError as e7:
+ (num, msg) = e7.args
+ self.assertEqual(num, ERR_INVALID_CREDENTIALS)
+ res = self._check_account(userdn,
+ badPwdCount=1,
+ badPasswordTime=("greater", badPasswordTime),
+ logonCount=logonCount,
+ lockoutTime=0,
+ lastLogon=lastLogon,
+ lastLogonTimestamp=lastLogonTimestamp,
+ userAccountControl=dsdb.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT,
+ msDSUserAccountControlComputed=0)
+ badPasswordTime = int(res[0]["badPasswordTime"][0])
+ # The wrong password
+ creds_lockout.set_password("thatsAcomplPASS1x")
+ try:
+ SamDB(url=self.host_url, credentials=creds_lockout, lp=self.lp)
+ except LdbError as e8:
+ (num, msg) = e8.args
+ self.assertEqual(num, ERR_INVALID_CREDENTIALS)
+ res = self._check_account(userdn,
+ badPwdCount=2,
+ badPasswordTime=("greater", badPasswordTime),
+ logonCount=logonCount,
+ lockoutTime=0,
+ lastLogon=lastLogon,
+ lastLogonTimestamp=lastLogonTimestamp,
+ userAccountControl=dsdb.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT,
+ msDSUserAccountControlComputed=0)
+ badPasswordTime = int(res[0]["badPasswordTime"][0])
+ time.sleep(self.lockout_observation_window + 1)
+ res = self._check_account(userdn,
+ badPwdCount=2, effective_bad_password_count=0,
+ badPasswordTime=badPasswordTime,
+ logonCount=logonCount,
+ lockoutTime=0,
+ lastLogon=lastLogon,
+ lastLogonTimestamp=lastLogonTimestamp,
+ userAccountControl=dsdb.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT,
+ msDSUserAccountControlComputed=0)
+ # The wrong password
+ creds_lockout.set_password("thatsAcomplPASS1x")
+ try:
+ SamDB(url=self.host_url, credentials=creds_lockout, lp=self.lp)
+ except LdbError as e9:
+ (num, msg) = e9.args
+ self.assertEqual(num, ERR_INVALID_CREDENTIALS)
+ res = self._check_account(userdn,
+ badPwdCount=1,
+ badPasswordTime=("greater", badPasswordTime),
+ logonCount=logonCount,
+ lockoutTime=0,
+ lastLogon=lastLogon,
+ lastLogonTimestamp=lastLogonTimestamp,
+ userAccountControl=dsdb.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT,
+ msDSUserAccountControlComputed=0)
+ badPasswordTime = int(res[0]["badPasswordTime"][0])
+ # The correct password without letting the timeout expire
+ creds_lockout.set_password(userpass)
+ SamDB(url=self.host_url, credentials=creds_lockout, lp=self.lp)
+ res = self._check_account(userdn,
+ badPwdCount=0,
+ badPasswordTime=badPasswordTime,
+ logonCount=(logoncount_relation, logonCount),
+ lockoutTime=0,
+ lastLogon=("greater", lastLogon),
+ lastLogonTimestamp=lastLogonTimestamp,
+ userAccountControl=dsdb.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT,
+ msDSUserAccountControlComputed=0)
+ def _test_multiple_logon(self, creds):
+ # Test the happy case in which a user logs on correctly, then
+ # logs on correctly again, so that the bad password and
+ # lockout times are both zero the second time. The lastlogon
+ # time should increase.
+ # Open a second LDB connection with the user credentials. Use the
+ # command line credentials for information like the domain, the realm
+ # and the workstation.
+ username = creds.get_username()
+ userdn = "cn=%s,cn=users,%s" % (username, self.base_dn)
+ use_kerberos = creds.get_kerberos_state()
+ if use_kerberos == MUST_USE_KERBEROS:
+ self.debug("Testing multiple logon with Kerberos")
+ logoncount_relation = 'greater'
+ lastlogon_relation = 'greater'
+ else:
+ self.debug("Testing multiple logon with NTLM")
+ logoncount_relation = 'equal'
+ lastlogon_relation = 'equal'
+ SamDB(url=self.host_url, credentials=self.insta_creds(creds), lp=self.lp)
+ res = self._check_account(userdn,
+ badPwdCount=0,
+ badPasswordTime=("greater", 0),
+ logonCount=(logoncount_relation, 0),
+ lastLogon=("greater", 0),
+ lastLogonTimestamp=("greater", 0),
+ userAccountControl=dsdb.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT,
+ msDSUserAccountControlComputed=0)
+ badPasswordTime = int(res[0]["badPasswordTime"][0])
+ logonCount = int(res[0]["logonCount"][0])
+ lastLogon = int(res[0]["lastLogon"][0])
+ lastLogonTimestamp = int(res[0]["lastLogonTimestamp"][0])
+ firstLogon = lastLogon
+ self.debug("last logon is %d" % lastLogon)
+ self.assertGreater(lastLogon, badPasswordTime)
+ self.assertGreaterEqual(lastLogon, lastLogonTimestamp)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ SamDB(url=self.host_url, credentials=self.insta_creds(creds), lp=self.lp)
+ res = self._check_account(userdn,
+ badPwdCount=0,
+ badPasswordTime=badPasswordTime,
+ logonCount=(logoncount_relation, logonCount),
+ lastLogon=(lastlogon_relation, lastLogon),
+ lastLogonTimestamp=lastLogonTimestamp,
+ userAccountControl=dsdb.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT,
+ msDSUserAccountControlComputed=0,
+ msg=("second logon, firstlogon was %s" %
+ firstLogon))
+ lastLogon = int(res[0]["lastLogon"][0])
+ time.sleep(1)
+ SamDB(url=self.host_url, credentials=self.insta_creds(creds), lp=self.lp)
+ res = self._check_account(userdn,
+ badPwdCount=0,
+ badPasswordTime=badPasswordTime,
+ logonCount=(logoncount_relation, logonCount),
+ lastLogon=(lastlogon_relation, lastLogon),
+ lastLogonTimestamp=lastLogonTimestamp,
+ userAccountControl=dsdb.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT,
+ msDSUserAccountControlComputed=0)