#!/usr/bin/env bash # Verify that 'ctdb getdebug' works as expected . "${TEST_SCRIPTS_DIR}/integration.bash" set -e ctdb_test_init try_command_on_node 0 "$CTDB listnodes | wc -l" num_nodes="$out" try_command_on_node -v 1 "onnode -q all $CTDB getdebug" getdebug_onnode="$out" sanity_check_output \ $num_nodes \ '^(ERROR|WARNING|NOTICE|INFO|DEBUG)$' cmd="" n=0 while [ $n -lt $num_nodes ] ; do cmd="${cmd}${cmd:+; }$CTDB getdebug -n $n" n=$(($n + 1)) done try_command_on_node -v 1 "$cmd" getdebug_n="$out" if [ "$getdebug_onnode" = "$getdebug_n" ] ; then echo "They're the same... cool!" else die "Error: they differ." fi seps="" nl=" " while read line ; do t=$(echo "$line" | sed -r -e 's@Node [[:digit:]]+ is at debug level ([[:alpha:]]+) \((-?[[:digit:]]+)\)$@\|\1\|\2|@') seps="${seps}${seps:+${nl}}|Name|Level|${nl}${t}" done <<<"$getdebug_onnode"