nfs4:mode = [ simple | special ] Controls substitution of special IDs (OWNER@ and GROUP@) on NFS4 ACLs. The use of mode simple is recommended. In this mode only non inheriting ACL entries for the file owner and group are mapped to special IDs. The following MODEs are understood by the module: simple(default) - use OWNER@ and GROUP@ special IDs for non inheriting ACEs only. special(deprecated) - use OWNER@ and GROUP@ special IDs in ACEs for all file owner and group ACEs. nfs4:acedup = [dontcare|reject|ignore|merge] This parameter configures how Samba handles duplicate ACEs encountered in NFS4 ACLs. They allow creating duplicate ACEs with different bits for same ID, which may confuse the Windows clients. Following is the behaviour of Samba for different values : dontcare - copy the ACEs as they come reject (deprecated) - stop operation and exit with error on ACL set op ignore (deprecated) - don't include the second matching ACE merge (default) - bitwise OR the 2 ace.flag fields and 2 ace.mask fields of the 2 duplicate ACEs into 1 ACE nfs4:chown = [yes|no] This parameter allows enabling or disabling the chown supported by the underlying filesystem. This parameter should be enabled with care as it might leave your system insecure. Some filesystems allow chown as a) giving b) stealing. It is the latter that is considered a risk. Following is the behaviour of Samba for different values : yes - Enable chown if as supported by the under filesystem no (default) - Disable chown