smbcacls 1 Samba User Commands &doc.version; smbcacls Set or get ACLs on an NT file or directory names smbcacls //server/share /filename -D|--delete=ACL -M|--modify=ACL -a|--add=ACL -S|--set=ACLS -C|--chown=USERNAME -G|--chgrp=GROUPNAME -I|--inherit=STRING --recurse --propagate-inheritance --save=savefile --restore=restorefile --numeric --sddl --query-security-info=INT --set-security-info=INT -t|--test-args --domain-sid=SID -x|--maximum-access -?|--help --usage -d|--debuglevel=DEBUGLEVEL --debug-stdout --configfile=CONFIGFILE --option=name=value -l|--log-basename=LOGFILEBASE --leak-report --leak-report-full -R|--name-resolve=NAME-RESOLVE-ORDER -O|--socket-options=SOCKETOPTIONS -m|--max-protocol=MAXPROTOCOL -n|--netbiosname=NETBIOSNAME --netbios-scope=SCOPE -W|--workgroup=WORKGROUP --realm=REALM -U|--user=[DOMAIN/]USERNAME[%PASSWORD] -N|--no-pass --password=STRING --pw-nt-hash -A|--authentication-file=FILE -P|--machine-pass --simple-bind-dn=DN --use-kerberos=desired|required|off --use-krb5-ccache=CCACHE --use-winbind-ccache --client-protection=sign|encrypt|off -V|--version DESCRIPTION This tool is part of the samba 7 suite. The smbcacls program manipulates NT Access Control Lists (ACLs) on SMB file shares. An ACL comprises zero or more Access Control Entries (ACEs), which define access restrictions for a specific user or group. OPTIONS The following options are available to the smbcacls program. The format of ACLs is described in the section ACL FORMAT -a|--add acl Add the entries specified to the ACL. Existing access control entries are unchanged. -M|--modify acl Modify the mask value (permissions) for the ACEs specified on the command line. An error will be printed for each ACE specified that was not already present in the object's ACL. -D|--delete acl Delete any ACEs specified on the command line. An error will be printed for each ACE specified that was not already present in the object's ACL. -S|--set acl This command sets the ACL on the object with only what is specified on the command line. Any existing ACL is erased. Note that the ACL specified must contain at least a revision, type, owner and group for the call to succeed. -C|--chown name The owner of a file or directory can be changed to the name given using the -C option. The name can be a sid in the form S-1-x-y-z or a name resolved against the server specified in the first argument. This command is a shortcut for -M OWNER:name. -G|--chgrp name The group owner of a file or directory can be changed to the name given using the -G option. The name can be a sid in the form S-1-x-y-z or a name resolved against the server specified n the first argument. This command is a shortcut for -M GROUP:name. -I|--inherit allow|remove|copy Set or unset the windows "Allow inheritable permissions" check box using the -I option. To set the check box pass allow. To unset the check box pass either remove or copy. Remove will remove all inherited ACEs. Copy will copy all the inherited ACEs. --propagate-inheritance Add, modify, delete or set ACEs on an entire directory tree according to the inheritance flags. Refer to the INHERITANCE section for details. --save savefile stores the DACLs in sddl format of the specified file or folder for later use with restore. SACLS, owner or integrity labels are not stored. --restore savefile applies the stored DACLS to files in directory. --recurse indicates the operation is performed on directory and all files/directories below. (only applies to save option) --numeric This option displays all ACL information in numeric format. The default is to convert SIDs to names and ACE types and masks to a readable string format. -m|--max-protocol PROTOCOL_NAME This allows the user to select the highest SMB protocol level that smbcacls will use to connect to the server. By default this is set to NT1, which is the highest available SMB1 protocol. To connect using SMB2 or SMB3 protocol, use the strings SMB2 or SMB3 respectively. Note that to connect to a Windows 2012 server with encrypted transport selecting a max-protocol of SMB3 is required. -t|--test-args Don't actually do anything, only validate the correctness of the arguments. --query-security-info FLAGS The security-info flags for queries. --set-security-info FLAGS The security-info flags for queries. --sddl Output and input acls in sddl format. --domain-sid SID SID used for sddl processing. -x|--maximum-access When displaying an ACL additionally query the server for effective maximum permissions. Note that this is only supported with SMB protocol version 2 or higher. &popt.autohelp; &cmdline.common.samba.client; &cmdline.common.connection; &cmdline.common.credentials; ACL FORMAT The format of an ACL is one or more entries separated by either commas or newlines. An ACL entry is one of the following: REVISION:<revision number> OWNER:<sid or name> GROUP:<sid or name> ACL:<sid or name>:<type>/<flags>/<mask> Control bits related to automatic inheritance OD - "Owner Defaulted" - Indicates that the SID of the owner of the security descriptor was provided by a default mechanism. GD - "Group Defaulted" - Indicates that the SID of the security descriptor group was provided by a default mechanism. DP - "DACL Present" - Indicates a security descriptor that has a discretionary access control list (DACL). DD - "DACL Defaulted" - Indicates a security descriptor with a default DACL. SP - "SACL Present" - Indicates a security descriptor that has a system access control list (SACL). SD - "SACL Defaulted" - A default mechanism, rather than the original provider of the security descriptor, provided the SACL. DT - "DACL Trusted" SS - "Server Security" DR - "DACL Inheritance Required" - Indicates a required security descriptor in which the DACL is set up to support automatic propagation of inheritable access control entries (ACEs) to existing child objects. SR - "SACL Inheritance Required" - Indicates a required security descriptor in which the SACL is set up to support automatic propagation of inheritable ACEs to existing child objects. DI - "DACL Auto Inherited" - Indicates a security descriptor in which the DACL is set up to support automatic propagation of inheritable access control entries (ACEs) to existing child objects. SI - "SACL Auto Inherited" - Indicates a security descriptor in which the SACL is set up to support automatic propagation of inheritable ACEs to existing child objects. PD - "DACL Protected" - Prevents the DACL of the security descriptor from being modified by inheritable ACEs. PS - "SACL Protected" - Prevents the SACL of the security descriptor from being modified by inheritable ACEs. RM - "RM Control Valid" - Indicates that the resource manager control is valid. SR - "Self Relative" - Indicates a self-relative security descriptor. The revision of the ACL specifies the internal Windows NT ACL revision for the security descriptor. If not specified it defaults to 1. Using values other than 1 may cause strange behaviour. The owner and group specify the owner and group sids for the object. If a SID in the format S-1-x-y-z is specified this is used, otherwise the name specified is resolved using the server on which the file or directory resides. ACEs are specified with an "ACL:" prefix, and define permissions granted to an SID. The SID again can be specified in S-1-x-y-z format or as a name in which case it is resolved against the server on which the file or directory resides. The type, flags and mask values determine the type of access granted to the SID. The type can be either ALLOWED or DENIED to allow/deny access to the SID. The flags field defines how the ACE should be considered when performing inheritance. smbcacls uses these flags when run with --propagate-inheritance. Flags can be specified as decimal or hexadecimal values, or with the respective (XX) aliases, separated by a vertical bar "|". (OI) Object Inherit 0x1 (CI) Container Inherit 0x2 (NP) No Propagate Inherit 0x4 (IO) Inherit Only 0x8 (I) ACE was inherited 0x10 The mask is a value which expresses the access right granted to the SID. It can be given as a decimal or hexadecimal value, or by using one of the following text strings which map to the NT file permissions of the same name. R - Allow read access W - Allow write access X - Execute permission on the object D - Delete the object P - Change permissions O - Take ownership The following combined permissions can be specified: READ - Equivalent to 'RX' permissions CHANGE - Equivalent to 'RXWD' permissions FULL - Equivalent to 'RWXDPO' permissions INHERITANCE Per-ACE inheritance flags can be set in the ACE flags field. By default, inheritable ACEs e.g. those marked for object inheritance (OI) or container inheritance (CI), are not propagated to sub-files or folders. However, with the --propagate-inheritance argument specified, such ACEs are automatically propagated according to some inheritance rules. Inheritable (OI)(OI) ACE flags can only be applied to folders. Any inheritable ACEs applied to sub-files or folders are marked with the inherited (I) flag. Inheritable ACE(s) are applied to folders unless the no propagation (NP) flag is set. When an ACE with the (OI) flag alone set is propagated to a child folder the inheritance only flag (IO) is also applied. This indicates the permissions associated with the ACE don't apply to the folder itself (only to it's child files). When applying the ACE to a child file the ACE is inherited as normal. When an ace with the (CI) flag alone set is propagated to a child file there is no effect, when propagated to a child folder it is inherited as normal. When an ACE that has both (OI) & (CI) flags set the ACE is inherited as normal by both folders and files. (OI)(READ) added to parent folder +-parent/ (OI)(READ) | +-file.1 (I)(READ) | +-nested/ (OI)(IO)(I)(READ) | +-file.2 (I)(READ) (CI)(READ) added to parent folder +-parent/ (CI)(READ) | +-file.1 | +-nested/ (CI)(I)(READ) | +-file.2 (OI)(CI)(READ) added to parent folder +-parent/ (OI)(CI)(READ) | +-file.1 (I)(READ) | +-nested/ (OI)(CI)(I)(READ) | +-file.2 (I)(READ) (OI)(NP)(READ) added to parent folder +-oi_dir/ (OI)(NP)(READ) | +-file.1 (I)(READ) | +-nested/ | +-file.2 (CI)(NP)(READ) added to parent folder +-oi_dir/ (CI)(NP)(READ) | +-file.1 | +-nested/ (I)(READ) | +-file.2 (OI)(CI)(NP)(READ) added to parent folder +-parent/ (CI)(OI)(NP)(READ) | +-file.1 (I)(READ) | +-nested/ (I)(READ) | +-file.2 Files and folders with protected ACLs do not allow inheritable permissions (set with -I). Such objects will not receive ACEs flagged for inheritance with (CI) or (OI). EXIT STATUS The smbcacls program sets the exit status depending on the success or otherwise of the operations performed. The exit status may be one of the following values. If the operation succeeded, smbcacls returns and exit status of 0. If smbcacls couldn't connect to the specified server, or there was an error getting or setting the ACLs, an exit status of 1 is returned. If there was an error parsing any command line arguments, an exit status of 2 is returned. VERSION This man page is part of version &doc.version; of the Samba suite. AUTHOR The original Samba software and related utilities were created by Andrew Tridgell. Samba is now developed by the Samba Team as an Open Source project similar to the way the Linux kernel is developed. smbcacls was written by Andrew Tridgell and Tim Potter. The conversion to DocBook for Samba 2.2 was done by Gerald Carter. The conversion to DocBook XML 4.2 for Samba 3.0 was done by Alexander Bokovoy.