/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. The Offline Domain Join IDL has been derived from : https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/win32/blob/docs/desktop-src/NetMgmt/odj-idl.md */ import "misc.idl", "lsa.idl", "netlogon.idl", "security.idl"; #include "idl_types.h" cpp_quote("#define OP_JP2_FLAG_PERSISTENTSITE 0x00000001") [ uuid("11111111-3333-5555-7777-99999999"), version(0.0), pointer_default(unique), helpstring("Offline Domain Join IDL"), helper("../librpc/ndr/ndr_ODJ.h") ] interface ODJ { typedef struct { uint32 cbBlob; [size_is(cbBlob),flag(LIBNDR_PRINT_ARRAY_HEX)] uint8 *pBlob; } OP_BLOB; /* Contains a serialized ODJ_WIN7_BLOB structure. */ const string ODJ_GUID_JOIN_PROVIDER = "{631c7621-5289-4321-bc9e-80f843f868c3}"; /* Contains a serialized OP_JOIN_PROV2_PART structure. */ const string ODJ_GUID_JOIN_PROVIDER2 = "{57BFC56B-52F9-480C-ADCB-91B3F8A82317}"; /* Contains a serialized OP_JOIN_PROV3_PART structure. */ const string ODJ_GUID_JOIN_PROVIDER3 = "{FC0CCF25-7FFA-474A-8611-69FFE269645F}"; /* Contains a serialized OP_CERT_PART structure. */ const string ODJ_GUID_CERT_PROVIDER = "{9c0971e9-832f-4873-8e87-ef1419d4781e}"; /* Contains a serialized OP_POLICY_PART structure. */ const string ODJ_GUID_POLICY_PROVIDER = "{68fb602a-0c09-48ce-b75f-07b7bd58f7ec}"; #if 0 typedef struct { char Value[6]; } SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY; typedef struct { char Revision; char SubAuthorityCount; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY IdentifierAuthority; [size_is(SubAuthorityCount)] uint32 SubAuthority[*]; } ODJ_SID; typedef struct { USHORT Length; USHORT MaximumLength; [size_is(MaximumLength/2), length_is(Length/2)] PWSTR Buffer; } ODJ_UNICODE_STRING; #endif #define ODJ_SID dom_sid2 #define ODJ_UNICODE_STRING lsa_StringLarge #define ODJ_DECLARE_SERIALIZED_PTR(el_name) \ typedef [public] struct { \ el_name *p; \ } el_name ##_ctr; \ \ typedef [public,gensize] struct { \ [subcontext(0xFFFFFC01)] el_name ## _ctr s; \ } el_name ## _serialized_ptr; typedef struct { ODJ_UNICODE_STRING Name; ODJ_UNICODE_STRING DnsDomainName; ODJ_UNICODE_STRING DnsForestName; GUID DomainGuid; ODJ_SID *Sid; } ODJ_POLICY_DNS_DOMAIN_INFO; typedef struct { [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *lpDomain; [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *lpMachineName; [string,charset(UTF16)] [flag(NDR_SECRET)] uint16 *lpMachinePassword; /* * Not sure whether the following 4 bytes are padding or a * pointer, at least it's value may not be 0 for Windows to accept our * generated win7blobs - gd */ #if 0 [flag(NDR_ALIGN8)] DATA_BLOB _pad; #else [value(0xffffffff)] uint32 _pad; #endif ODJ_POLICY_DNS_DOMAIN_INFO DnsDomainInfo; netr_DsRGetDCNameInfo DcInfo; DWORD Options; } ODJ_WIN7BLOB; typedef ODJ_WIN7BLOB *PODJ_WIN7BLOB; typedef struct { DWORD dwFlags; [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *lpNetbiosName; [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *lpSiteName; [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *lpPrimaryDNSDomain; DWORD dwReserved; [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *lpReserved; } OP_JOINPROV2_PART; typedef struct { DWORD Rid; [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *lpSid; } OP_JOINPROV3_PART; typedef struct { [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *pKeyPath; [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *pValueName; winreg_Type ulValueType; uint32 cbValueData; [size_is(cbValueData),flag(LIBNDR_PRINT_ARRAY_HEX)] uint8 *pValueData; } OP_POLICY_ELEMENT; typedef struct { [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *pSource; uint32 ulRootKeyId; uint32 cElements; [size_is(cElements)] OP_POLICY_ELEMENT *pElements; } OP_POLICY_ELEMENT_LIST; typedef struct { uint32 cElementLists; [size_is(cElementLists)] OP_POLICY_ELEMENT_LIST *pElementLists; OP_BLOB Extension; } OP_POLICY_PART; typedef struct { [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *pTemplateName; uint32 ulPrivateKeyExportPolicy; [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *pPolicyServerUrl; uint32 ulPolicyServerUrlFlags; [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *pPolicyServerId; uint32 cbPfx; [size_is(cbPfx)] uint8 *pPfx; } OP_CERT_PFX_STORE; typedef struct { uint32 StoreLocation; [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *pStoreName; uint32 cbSst; [size_is(cbSst)] uint8 *pSst; } OP_CERT_SST_STORE; typedef struct { uint32 cPfxStores; [size_is(cPfxStores)] OP_CERT_PFX_STORE *pPfxStores; uint32 cSstStores; [size_is(cSstStores)] OP_CERT_SST_STORE *pSstStores; OP_BLOB Extension; } OP_CERT_PART; ODJ_DECLARE_SERIALIZED_PTR(ODJ_WIN7BLOB) ODJ_DECLARE_SERIALIZED_PTR(OP_JOINPROV2_PART) ODJ_DECLARE_SERIALIZED_PTR(OP_JOINPROV3_PART) ODJ_DECLARE_SERIALIZED_PTR(OP_POLICY_PART) ODJ_DECLARE_SERIALIZED_PTR(OP_CERT_PART) typedef [public,nodiscriminant,gensize] union { [case(1)] [subcontext(0xFFFFFC01)] ODJ_WIN7BLOB win7blob; [case(2)] [subcontext(0xFFFFFC01)] OP_JOINPROV2_PART_ctr join_prov2; [case(3)] [subcontext(0xFFFFFC01)] OP_JOINPROV3_PART_ctr join_prov3; [case(4)] [subcontext(0xFFFFFC01)] OP_CERT_PART_ctr cert_part; [case(5)] [subcontext(0xFFFFFC01)] OP_POLICY_PART_ctr policy_part; [default]; } OP_PACKAGE_PART_u; typedef [public,bitmap32bit] bitmap { OPSPI_PACKAGE_PART_ESSENTIAL = 0x00000001 } ODJ_PackageFlags; typedef struct { GUID PartType; uint32 ulFlags; #if 1 [value(ndr_size_OP_PACKAGE_PART_u(Part, odj_switch_level_from_guid(&PartType), 0))] uint32 part_len; [subcontext(4),subcontext_size(part_len),switch_is(odj_switch_level_from_guid(&PartType))] OP_PACKAGE_PART_u *Part; #else OP_BLOB Part; #endif OP_BLOB Extension; } OP_PACKAGE_PART; ODJ_DECLARE_SERIALIZED_PTR(OP_PACKAGE_PART) typedef struct { uint32 cParts; [size_is(cParts)] OP_PACKAGE_PART *pParts; OP_BLOB Extension; } OP_PACKAGE_PART_COLLECTION; ODJ_DECLARE_SERIALIZED_PTR(OP_PACKAGE_PART_COLLECTION) typedef struct { [value(ndr_size_OP_PACKAGE_PART_COLLECTION_serialized_ptr(w, 0))] uint32 cbBlob; [subcontext(4), subcontext_size(cbBlob)] OP_PACKAGE_PART_COLLECTION_serialized_ptr *w; } OP_PACKAGE_PART_COLLECTION_blob; typedef struct { GUID EncryptionType; OP_BLOB EncryptionContext; #if 1 OP_PACKAGE_PART_COLLECTION_blob WrappedPartCollection; #else OP_BLOB WrappedPartCollection; #endif uint32 cbDecryptedPartCollection; OP_BLOB Extension; } OP_PACKAGE; ODJ_DECLARE_SERIALIZED_PTR(OP_PACKAGE) typedef [v1_enum,public] enum { ODJ_WIN7_FORMAT = 0x00000001, /* blob is ODJ_WIN7BLOB */ ODJ_WIN8_FORMAT = 0x00000002 /* blob is OP_PACKAGE */ } ODJFormat; typedef [public,nodiscriminant,gensize] union { [case(ODJ_WIN7_FORMAT)] [subcontext(0xFFFFFC01)] ODJ_WIN7BLOB odj_win7blob; [case(ODJ_WIN8_FORMAT)] [subcontext(0xFFFFFC01)] OP_PACKAGE_ctr op_package; [default] [subcontext(0xFFFFFC01)] [flag(LIBNDR_FLAG_REMAINING)] DATA_BLOB blob; } ODJ_BLOB_u; typedef struct { ODJFormat ulODJFormat; [value(ndr_size_ODJ_BLOB_u(pBlob, ulODJFormat, 0))] uint32 cbBlob; #if 1 [switch_is(ulODJFormat), subcontext(4), subcontext_size(cbBlob)] ODJ_BLOB_u *pBlob; #else [size_is(cbBlob),flag(LIBNDR_PRINT_ARRAY_HEX)] uint8 *pBlob; #endif } ODJ_BLOB; typedef [public] struct { [value(1)] uint32 ulVersion; uint32 ulcBlobs; [size_is(ulcBlobs)] ODJ_BLOB *pBlobs; } ODJ_PROVISION_DATA; ODJ_DECLARE_SERIALIZED_PTR(ODJ_PROVISION_DATA) }