WSP properties are described in a number of sections in the MS-WSP protocol document. The document says that all properties are categorised as follows "GUID and PropId: Together, these parameters establish the unique identifier for documents. isColumn: A boolean value set to TRUE if, and only if, the property can be returned as a requested property as specified in the ProjectionColumnsOffsets argument to a RunNewQuery Generic Search Service (GSS) abstract interface call. inInvertedIndex: A boolean value set to TRUE if, and only if, the property can be an argument to CContentRestriction within the RestrictionSet argument to a RunNewQuery GSS abstract interface call. columnIndexType: This parameter defines whether sorting, grouping, and filtering are allowed for this property, as defined in the SortOrders, Groupings, and Restrictions parameters of the RunNewQuery GSS abstract interface call. The columnIndexType parameter is a string set to one of the following" additionally the property type 'VT_XXXX' and max size are known However, not all properties described match this, only properties mentioned in the "full property table" are fully described, others mentioned e.g. in "Standard" & "Open" property sections (and associated tables) have just the GUID, propid & property data type described, still other properties are only mentioned in the Example section and one needs to manually extract the info. We need the property descriptions and some scripting helps here, in this directory there is librpc/wsp/allprops-from-ms-wsp-spec.csv: a csv file made from the "full property table" exported from the html oneline version online version of MS-WSP open specification document. extra-props.csv: a csv file of the same format containing the other properties mentioned above and additionally a few more from the wireshark repo) and in directory source4/scripting/bin a simple python script to generate code from the csv files above, extra-props.csv was generated by basically grabbing the property definititions from the wireshark repo and comparing against the properties we already have The build generates code from the csv file mentioned above which is built into the NDR_WSP subsystem.