################################################### # utility functions to support pidl # Copyright tridge@samba.org 2000 # released under the GNU GPL package Parse::Pidl::Util; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(has_property property_matches ParseExpr ParseExprExt is_constant make_str unmake_str print_uuid MyDumper genpad parse_int parse_range); use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = '0.01'; use strict; use warnings; use Parse::Pidl::Expr; use Parse::Pidl qw(error); =head1 NAME Parse::Pidl::Util - Generic utility functions for pidl =head1 SYNOPSIS use Parse::Pidl::Util; =head1 DESCRIPTION Simple module that contains a couple of trivial helper functions used throughout the various pidl modules. =head1 FUNCTIONS =over 4 =cut =item B a dumper wrapper to prevent dependence on the Data::Dumper module unless we actually need it =cut sub MyDumper($) { require Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; my $s = shift; return Data::Dumper::Dumper($s); } =item B see if a pidl property list contains a given property =cut sub has_property($$) { my($e, $p) = @_; return undef if (not defined($e->{PROPERTIES})); return $e->{PROPERTIES}->{$p}; } =item B see if a pidl property matches a value =cut sub property_matches($$$) { my($e,$p,$v) = @_; if (!defined has_property($e, $p)) { return undef; } if ($e->{PROPERTIES}->{$p} =~ /$v/) { return 1; } return undef; } =item B return 1 if the string is a C constant =cut sub is_constant($) { my $s = shift; return 1 if ($s =~ /^\d+$/); return 1 if ($s =~ /^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/); return 0; } =item B return a "" quoted string, unless already quoted =cut sub make_str($) { my $str = shift; if (substr($str, 0, 1) eq "\"") { return $str; } return "\"$str\""; } =item B unquote a "" quoted string =cut sub unmake_str($) { my $str = shift; $str =~ s/^\"(.*)\"$/$1/; return $str; } =item B Print C representation of a UUID. =cut sub print_uuid($) { my ($uuid) = @_; $uuid =~ s/"//g; my ($time_low,$time_mid,$time_hi,$clock_seq,$node) = split /-/, $uuid; return undef if not defined($node); my @clock_seq = $clock_seq =~ /(..)/g; my @node = $node =~ /(..)/g; return "{0x$time_low,0x$time_mid,0x$time_hi," . "{".join(',', map {"0x$_"} @clock_seq)."}," . "{".join(',', map {"0x$_"} @node)."}}"; } =item B Interpret an IDL expression, substituting particular variables. =cut sub ParseExpr($$$) { my($expr, $varlist, $e) = @_; my $x = new Parse::Pidl::Expr(); return $x->Run($expr, sub { my $x = shift; error($e, $x); }, # Lookup fn sub { my $x = shift; return($varlist->{$x}) if (defined($varlist->{$x})); return $x; }, undef, undef); } =item B Interpret an IDL expression, substituting particular variables. Can call callbacks when pointers are being dereferenced or variables are being used. =cut sub ParseExprExt($$$$$) { my($expr, $varlist, $e, $deref, $use) = @_; my $x = new Parse::Pidl::Expr(); return $x->Run($expr, sub { my $x = shift; error($e, $x); }, # Lookup fn sub { my $x = shift; return($varlist->{$x}) if (defined($varlist->{$x})); return $x; }, $deref, $use); } =item B return an empty string consisting of tabs and spaces suitable for proper indent of C-functions. =cut sub genpad($) { my ($s) = @_; my $nt = int((length($s)+1)/8); my $lt = ($nt*8)-1; my $ns = (length($s)-$lt); return "\t"x($nt)." "x($ns); } =item B Try to convert hex and octal strings to numbers. If a string doesn't look hexish or octish it will be left as is. If the unconverted string is actually a decimal number, Perl is likely to handle it correctly. =cut sub parse_int { my $s = shift; if ($s =~ /^0[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+$/) { return hex $s; } if ($s =~ /^0[0-7]+$/) { return oct $s; } return $s; } =item B Read a range specification that might contain hex or octal numbers, and work out what those numbers are. =cut sub parse_range { my $range = shift; my ($low, $high) = split(/,/, $range, 2); $low = parse_int($low); $high = parse_int($high); return ($low, $high); } =back =cut 1;