#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Unix SMB/CIFS implementation. # # HRESULT Error definitions # # Copyright (C) Noel Power 2014 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # import sys from gen_error_common import parseErrorDescriptions def write_license(out_file): out_file.write("/*\n") out_file.write(" * Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.\n") out_file.write(" *\n") out_file.write(" * HRESULT Error definitions\n") out_file.write(" *\n") out_file.write(" * Copyright (C) Noel Power 2014\n") out_file.write(" *\n") out_file.write(" * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n") out_file.write(" * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n") out_file.write(" * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or\n") out_file.write(" * (at your option) any later version.\n") out_file.write(" *\n") out_file.write(" * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n") out_file.write(" * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n") out_file.write(" * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n") out_file.write(" * GNU General Public License for more details.\n") out_file.write(" *\n") out_file.write(" * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n") out_file.write(" * along with this program. If not, see .\n") out_file.write(" */\n") out_file.write("\n") def generateHeaderFile(out_file, errors): write_license(out_file) out_file.write("#ifndef _HRESULT_H_\n") out_file.write("#define _HRESULT_H_\n\n") macro_magic = "#if defined(HAVE_IMMEDIATE_STRUCTURES)\n" macro_magic += "typedef struct {uint32_t h;} HRESULT;\n" macro_magic += "#define HRES_ERROR(x) ((HRESULT) { x })\n" macro_magic += "#define HRES_ERROR_V(x) ((x).h)\n" macro_magic += "#else\n" macro_magic += "typedef uint32_t HRESULT;\n" macro_magic += "#define HRES_ERROR(x) (x)\n" macro_magic += "#define HRES_ERROR_V(x) (x)\n" macro_magic += "#endif\n" macro_magic += "\n" macro_magic += "#define HRES_IS_OK(x) (HRES_ERROR_V(x) == 0)\n" macro_magic += "#define HRES_IS_EQUAL(x,y) (HRES_ERROR_V(x) == HRES_ERROR_V(y))\n" out_file.write(macro_magic) out_file.write("\n\n") out_file.write("/*\n") out_file.write(" * The following error codes are autogenerated from [MS-ERREF]\n") out_file.write(" * see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc704587.aspx\n") out_file.write(" */\n") out_file.write("\n") for err in errors: line = "#define {0:49} HRES_ERROR(0x{1:08X})\n".format(err.err_define ,err.err_code) out_file.write(line) out_file.write("\nconst char *hresult_errstr_const(HRESULT err_code);\n") out_file.write("\nconst char *hresult_errstr(HRESULT err_code);\n") out_file.write("\n#define FACILITY_WIN32 0x0007\n") out_file.write("#define WIN32_FROM_HRESULT(x) (HRES_ERROR_V(x) == 0 ? HRES_ERROR_V(x) : ~((FACILITY_WIN32 << 16) | 0x80000000) & HRES_ERROR_V(x))\n") out_file.write("#define HRESULT_IS_LIKELY_WERR(x) ((HRES_ERROR_V(x) & 0xFFFF0000) == 0x80070000)\n") out_file.write("#define HRESULT_FROM_WERROR(x) (HRES_ERROR(0x80070000 | W_ERROR_V(x)))\n") out_file.write("\n\n\n#endif /*_HRESULT_H_*/") def generateSourceFile(out_file, errors): write_license(out_file) out_file.write("#include \"includes.h\"\n") out_file.write("#include \"hresult.h\"\n") out_file.write("/*\n") out_file.write(" * The following error codes and descriptions are autogenerated from [MS-ERREF]\n") out_file.write(" * see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc704587.aspx\n") out_file.write(" */\n") out_file.write("\n") out_file.write("const char *hresult_errstr_const(HRESULT err_code)\n") out_file.write("{\n") out_file.write(" const char *result = NULL;\n") out_file.write("\n") out_file.write(" switch (HRES_ERROR_V(err_code)) {\n") for err in errors: out_file.write(f' case 0x{err.err_code:X}:\n') out_file.write(f' result = \"{err.err_define}\";\n') out_file.write(f' break;\n') out_file.write(" }\n") out_file.write("\n") out_file.write(" /* convert & check win32 error space? */\n") out_file.write(" if (result == NULL && HRESULT_IS_LIKELY_WERR(err_code)) {\n") out_file.write(" WERROR wErr = W_ERROR(WIN32_FROM_HRESULT(err_code));\n") out_file.write(" result = get_friendly_werror_msg(wErr);\n") out_file.write(" }\n") out_file.write(" return result;\n") out_file.write("}\n") out_file.write("\n") out_file.write("const char *hresult_errstr(HRESULT err_code)\n") out_file.write("{\n") out_file.write(" static char msg[22];\n") out_file.write("\n") out_file.write(" switch (HRES_ERROR_V(err_code)) {\n") for err in errors: out_file.write(f' case 0x{err.err_code:X}:\n') out_file.write(f' return \"{err.err_string}\";\n') out_file.write(f' break;\n') out_file.write(" }\n") out_file.write(" snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), \"HRES code 0x%08x\", HRES_ERROR_V(err_code));\n") out_file.write(" return msg;\n") out_file.write("}\n") def generatePythonFile(out_file, errors): out_file.write("/*\n") out_file.write(" * Errors generated from\n") out_file.write(" * [MS-ERREF] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc704587.aspx\n") out_file.write(" */\n") out_file.write("#include \"lib/replace/system/python.h\"\n") out_file.write("#include \"python/py3compat.h\"\n") out_file.write("#include \"includes.h\"\n\n") out_file.write("static struct PyModuleDef moduledef = {\n") out_file.write("\tPyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,\n") out_file.write("\t.m_name = \"hresult\",\n") out_file.write("\t.m_doc = \"HRESULT defines\",\n") out_file.write("\t.m_size = -1,\n") out_file.write("\t};\n\n") out_file.write("MODULE_INIT_FUNC(hresult)\n") out_file.write("{\n") out_file.write("\tPyObject *m = NULL;\n") out_file.write("\tPyObject *py_obj = NULL;\n") out_file.write("\tint ret;\n\n") out_file.write("\tm = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);\n") out_file.write("\tif (m == NULL) {\n") out_file.write("\t\treturn NULL;\n") out_file.write("\t}\n\n") for err in errors: out_file.write(f"\tpy_obj = PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(HRES_ERROR_V({err.err_define}));\n") out_file.write(f"\tret = PyModule_AddObject(m, \"{err.err_define}\", py_obj);\n") out_file.write("\tif (ret) {\n") out_file.write("\t\tPy_XDECREF(py_obj);\n") out_file.write("\t\tPy_DECREF(m);\n") out_file.write("\t\treturn NULL;\n") out_file.write("\t}\n") out_file.write("\n") out_file.write("\treturn m;\n") out_file.write("}\n") def transformErrorName(error_name): return "HRES_" + error_name # Very simple script to generate files hresult.c & hresult.h # This script takes four inputs: # [1]: The name of the text file which is the content of an HTML table # (such as that found at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-erref/705fb797-2175-4a90-b5a3-3918024b10b8) # copied and pasted. # [2]: The name of the output generated header file with HResult #defines # [3]: The name of the output generated source file with C arrays # [4]: The name of the output generated python file def main (): input_file1 = None if len(sys.argv) == 5: input_file1 = sys.argv[1] gen_headerfile_name = sys.argv[2] gen_sourcefile_name = sys.argv[3] gen_pythonfile_name = sys.argv[4] else: print("usage: %s winerrorfile headerfile sourcefile pythonfile"%(sys.argv[0])) sys.exit() # read in the data with open(input_file1) as file_contents: errors = parseErrorDescriptions(file_contents, False, transformErrorName) print(f"writing new header file: {gen_headerfile_name}") with open(gen_headerfile_name,"w") as out_file: generateHeaderFile(out_file, errors) print(f"writing new source file: {gen_sourcefile_name}") with open(gen_sourcefile_name,"w") as out_file: generateSourceFile(out_file, errors) print(f"writing new python file: {gen_pythonfile_name}") with open(gen_pythonfile_name,"w") as out_file: generatePythonFile(out_file, errors) if __name__ == '__main__': main()