#!/usr/bin/perl -w # update a win2000 DNS server using gss-tsig # tridge@samba.org, October 2002 # jmruiz@animatika.net # updated, 2004-Enero # tridge@samba.org, September 2009 # added --verbose, --noverify, --ntype and --nameserver # See draft-ietf-dnsext-gss-tsig-02, RFC2845 and RFC2930 use strict; use lib "GSSAPI"; use Net::DNS; use GSSAPI; use Getopt::Long; my $opt_wipe = 0; my $opt_add = 0; my $opt_noverify = 0; my $opt_verbose = 0; my $opt_help = 0; my $opt_nameserver; my $opt_realm; my $opt_ntype = "A"; # main program GetOptions ( 'h|help|?' => \$opt_help, 'wipe' => \$opt_wipe, 'realm=s' => \$opt_realm, 'nameserver=s' => \$opt_nameserver, 'ntype=s' => \$opt_ntype, 'add' => \$opt_add, 'noverify' => \$opt_noverify, 'verbose' => \$opt_verbose ); ######################################### # display help text sub ShowHelp() { print " nsupdate with gssapi Copyright (C) tridge\@samba.org Usage: nsupdate-gss [options] HOST DOMAIN TARGET TTL Options: --wipe wipe all records for this name --add add to any existing records --ntype=TYPE specify name type (default A) --nameserver=server specify a specific nameserver --noverify don't verify the MIC of the reply --verbose show detailed steps "; exit(0); } if ($opt_help) { ShowHelp(); } if ($#ARGV != 3) { ShowHelp(); } my $host = $ARGV[0]; my $domain = $ARGV[1]; my $target = $ARGV[2]; my $ttl = $ARGV[3]; my $alg = "gss.microsoft.com"; ####################################################################### # signing callback function for TSIG module sub gss_sign($$) { my $key = shift; my $data = shift; my $sig; $key->get_mic(0, $data, $sig); return $sig; } ##################################################################### # write a string into a file sub FileSave($$) { my($filename) = shift; my($v) = shift; local(*FILE); open(FILE, ">$filename") || die "can't open $filename"; print FILE $v; close(FILE); } ####################################################################### # verify a TSIG signature from a DNS server reply # sub sig_verify($$) { my $context = shift; my $packet = shift; my $tsig = ($packet->additional)[0]; $opt_verbose && print "calling sig_data\n"; my $sigdata = $tsig->sig_data($packet); $opt_verbose && print "sig_data_done\n"; return $context->verify_mic($sigdata, $tsig->{"mac"}, 0); } ####################################################################### # find the nameserver for the domain # sub find_nameserver($) { my $server_name = shift; return Net::DNS::Resolver->new( nameservers => [$server_name], recurse => 0, debug => 0); } ####################################################################### # find a server name for a domain - currently uses the NS record sub find_server_name($) { my $domain = shift; my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; my $srv_query = $res->query("$domain.", "NS"); if (!defined($srv_query)) { return undef; } my $server_name; foreach my $rr (grep { $_->type eq 'NS' } $srv_query->answer) { $server_name = $rr->nsdname; } return $server_name; } ####################################################################### # # sub negotiate_tkey($$$$) { my $nameserver = shift; my $domain = shift; my $server_name = shift; my $key_name = shift; my $status; my $context = GSSAPI::Context->new; my $name = GSSAPI::Name->new; # use a principal name of dns/server@REALM $opt_verbose && print "Using principal dns/" . $server_name . "@" . uc($opt_realm) . "\n"; $status = $name->import($name, "dns/" . $server_name . "@" . uc($opt_realm)); if (! $status) { print "import name: $status\n"; return undef; } my $flags = GSS_C_REPLAY_FLAG | GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG | GSS_C_SEQUENCE_FLAG | GSS_C_CONF_FLAG | GSS_C_INTEG_FLAG; $status = GSSAPI::Cred::acquire_cred(undef, 120, undef, GSS_C_INITIATE, my $cred, my $oidset, my $time); if (! $status) { print "acquire_cred: $status\n"; return undef; } $opt_verbose && print "creds acquired\n"; # call gss_init_sec_context() $status = $context->init($cred, $name, undef, $flags, 0, undef, "", undef, my $tok, undef, undef); if (! $status) { print "init_sec_context: $status\n"; return undef; } $opt_verbose && print "init done\n"; my $gss_query = Net::DNS::Packet->new("$key_name", "TKEY", "IN"); # note that Windows2000 uses a SPNEGO wrapping on GSSAPI data sent to the nameserver. # I tested using the gen_negTokenTarg() call from Samba 3.0 and it does work, but # for this utility it is better to use plain GSSAPI/krb5 data so as to reduce the # dependence on external libraries. If we ever want to sign DNS packets using # NTLMSSP instead of krb5 then the SPNEGO wrapper could be used $opt_verbose && print "calling RR new\n"; $a = Net::DNS::RR->new( Name => "$key_name", Type => "TKEY", TTL => 0, Class => "ANY", mode => 3, algorithm => $alg, inception => time, expiration => time + 24*60*60, key => $tok, other_data => "", ); $gss_query->push("answer", $a); my $reply = $nameserver->send($gss_query); if (!defined($reply) || $reply->header->{'rcode'} ne 'NOERROR') { print "failed to send TKEY\n"; return undef; } my $key2 = ($reply->answer)[0]->{"key"}; # call gss_init_sec_context() again. Strictly speaking # we should loop until this stops returning CONTINUE # but I'm a lazy bastard $status = $context->init($cred, $name, undef, $flags, 0, undef, $key2, undef, $tok, undef, undef); if (! $status) { print "init_sec_context step 2: $status\n"; return undef; } if (!$opt_noverify) { $opt_verbose && print "verifying\n"; # check the signature on the TKEY reply my $rc = sig_verify($context, $reply); if (! $rc) { print "Failed to verify TKEY reply: $rc\n"; # return undef; } $opt_verbose && print "verifying done\n"; } return $context; } ####################################################################### # MAIN ####################################################################### if (!$opt_realm) { $opt_realm = $domain; } # find the name of the DNS server if (!$opt_nameserver) { $opt_nameserver = find_server_name($domain); if (!defined($opt_nameserver)) { print "Failed to find a DNS server name for $domain\n"; exit 1; } } $opt_verbose && print "Using DNS server name $opt_nameserver\n"; # connect to the nameserver my $nameserver = find_nameserver($opt_nameserver); if (!defined($nameserver) || $nameserver->{'errorstring'} ne 'NOERROR') { print "Failed to connect to nameserver for domain $domain\n"; exit 1; } # use a long random key name my $key_name = int(rand 10000000000000); # negotiate a TKEY key my $gss_context = negotiate_tkey($nameserver, $domain, $opt_nameserver, $key_name); if (!defined($gss_context)) { print "Failed to negotiate a TKEY\n"; exit 1; } $opt_verbose && print "Negotiated TKEY $key_name\n"; # construct a signed update my $update = Net::DNS::Update->new($domain); $update->push("pre", yxdomain("$domain")); if (!$opt_add) { $update->push("update", rr_del("$host.$domain. $opt_ntype")); } if (!$opt_wipe) { $update->push("update", rr_add("$host.$domain. $ttl $opt_ntype $target")); } my $sig = Net::DNS::RR->new( Name => $key_name, Type => "TSIG", TTL => 0, Class => "ANY", Algorithm => $alg, Time_Signed => time, Fudge => 36000, Mac_Size => 0, Mac => "", Key => $gss_context, Sign_Func => \&gss_sign, Other_Len => 0, Other_Data => "", Error => 0, mode => 3, ); $update->push("additional", $sig); # send the dynamic update my $update_reply = $nameserver->send($update); if (! defined($update_reply)) { print "No reply to dynamic update\n"; exit 1; } # make sure it worked my $result = $update_reply->header->{"rcode"}; ($opt_verbose || $result ne 'NOERROR') && print "Update gave rcode $result\n"; if ($result ne 'NOERROR') { exit 1; } exit 0;